收到 Picket One, copy. 是否發現人♥質♥ Do you got eyes on the hostages? 依然沒有發現 Still negative. 賭 20 塊他們不會露面 20 bucks says they don"t show. 你們兩個白♥癡♥真當要拿 You two morons really making bets 販毒集團會不會處決人♥質♥來打賭嗎 on whether a drug cartel has executed these hostages? 可不他媽是嘛 Abso-fucking-lutely. 你是在試探我們吧 I believe that was implied. Yeah. 就確認一下
我賭 20 塊 Just checking. I"m in for 20. 發現兩名人♥質♥ I got two hostages. 沒有其他人 No crosswind. 我不等了
準備射擊 I"m not waiting. 10-50, out. 藍鳧二號♥
你們在嗎 Bluebill Two, are you out there? 完畢 Over. 該死的 Goddamn it! 杜普雷
天啊 Dupree, Jesus! 海恩斯呢 Where"s Haines? 不知道
通訊斷了 Don"t know. Comm"s not fucking working. 把包給我 Give me the pack. 這是證據 It"s evidence. 沒人會相信這個的 Ain"t nobody gonna believe this one. 這他媽是什么
上尉 The fuck is that, Cap?
不是我們該知道的 It"s above our pay grade. 海恩斯
完畢 Haines! Come in. Over. 海恩斯
完畢 Haines, goddamn it, come in. Over! 長官 Sir? 這他媽是什么
上尉 The fuck is that, Cap? 這他媽是什么
上尉 The fuck is that, Cap? 通訊他媽的斷了 Comm"s not fucking working. 海恩斯 Haines? 開火 Light it up! 各位
記住 Gentlemen, remember... 它們體型很大
移♥動♥很快 they"re large, they"re fast, 手段非常殘忍♥ and fucking you up"s their idea of tourism! 行動 Go! 都聽好了 Eyes up! Come on! 乘客
都要找到 I want the passenger. I want the pod. 要是它是天外來物 If it"s not from here... -你要帶回去
-我要帶回去 - You want it. - ...I want it. 我需要幫助 I need help. 我有錢 And I have money. 好吧 All right. 我要你幫我把這個寄出去 I need you to mail this for me. 寄到這個地址 You send it to this address.
不是背包 Mail what"s in the pack, not the backpack. 快去吧 Ahora. Go! 退后 Back up! 太神奇了 It was so amazing! 是的 Yeah, it was. "戰士的家園" 萬圣節活動 10 月 30 日 歡迎各位家長和同學 羅倫斯·A·戈登中學 再見
媽媽 Bye, Mom! -快點拉
你拉 - Do it, man. - No, you do it. 好吧 Okay. 快拉 Do it. 該死的 Oh, shit. 瞧啊
瞧啊 Looky, looky, loo. EJ
你餓了嗎 Hey, EJ, you hungry? 我餓得想揍屁♥股♥蛋兒了 I"m hungry for an ass-burger. 聽起來挺不錯的 Mmm. Sounds delicious. 又大又美味的屁♥股♥蛋兒 A nice, big, juicy ass-burger. 沒錯 Oh, yeah. 你在干什么 The hell are you doing? -他沒救了
-好吧 - He"s a goner. - All right. 剛花了 1 個半小時把家里打掃好 要是你弄亂了 我就宰了你
媽媽 你好啊 Hi, there. 奎因·麥肯納住在這里嗎 Does, uh, Quinn McKenna live here? 他的郵箱付費到期了 His post office box payments are past due. 國防部寄來的 Department of Defense. 他為政♥府♥工作
是嗎 He works for the government, does he? Mos11b3vw3 Mos-1-1-b-3-v-w-3. 軍事指派 Military designation. 他殺人 He kills people... 好讓你安心當郵遞員 so you can be a mailman. 馬里蘭州
約翰·霍普金斯大學 布拉克特博士嗎 Dr. Brackett? 我了解到你很喜歡占星學 I understand you enjoy stargazing? 我的人會照顧好你的狗 My men will take care of your dog. 請跟我走一趟 Will you come with me, please? 這是什么 What am I looking at? 就是你心里想的那個
沒錯 It"s exactly what you think it is. Yeah. 它們以前就來過 They"ve been here before. 1987 年
1997 年 "87. "97. 最近它們造訪的頻率提高了 Lately, the visits are increasing in frequency. 羅利
我給你買♥♥了東西 Rory, I"m home! Hey, I got you something. 你放學后做了一本嗎 Did you do one of these after school? 全都做好了 I did all of them.
好吧 Oh. Okay. 我買♥♥了兩個你來選 Well, I got you two options. 這里有 We have... 海盜面具
還有 pirate, or... 科學怪人面具 Frankenstein. 弗蘭肯斯坦
綠色的皮膚 Frankenstein, you know, green skin? 他把一個女孩扔到水里想看她會不會浮起來 Threw a girl to see if she would float? 不知道
好吧 No. Okay. 那就選海盜面具吧
好嗎 Well, let"s go with pirate. Yeah? 太傻了 This is dumb. 他們會 The guys will... 他們還是看得到 They will still be able to see. 看得到什么 See what? 看得到是我 That it"s me. 你曾經這么說過 You were once quoted as saying, 美國退伍軍人事務處 美國田納西州
查塔努加 "我從母親的子♥宮♥里掉了下來 "I dropped from my mother"s womb... 我撞到了地板 I hit the floor... 我開始爬過敵人的領地 and I started crawling 走向我的墳墓" through hostile territory toward my grave." 說得很好 About right, yeah. -太牛了
-相當病態 - That"s badass. - It"s pretty morbid.
很黑暗 It"s pretty dark. 測謊儀是拿來做什么的 What"s with the polygraph? 我以為這是心理評估 I thought this was a psych eval. 我們必須知道你是否構成威脅 We need to know if you pose a threat. 我是狙擊手 Oh, I"m a sniper. 我的目標可不就是制♥造♥威脅嗎 Isn"t posing a threat kind of the fucking point? 你大多數時間都在全國各地執行任務 You spend most of your time now in-country... 遠離你的妻子和兒子嗎 estranged from your wife and son? 聽著
我明白 Look, I get it. 有東西掉到了墨西哥
不希望有任何目擊者 Something went down in Mexico and nobody wants any witnesses. 你說什么 Excuse me? 你不是來檢查我瘋沒瘋的 You"re not here to find out if I"m crazy. 你是想讓我閉緊嘴巴 You wanna make sure the label sticks. 那么你是覺得你是被迫的[鐵路]嗎 So, you feel you"re being railroaded? 這也太明顯了[看到地上的鐵軌] I can see the tracks on the floor! 我聲明我沒瘋
地上沒鐵軌 I don"t see tracks on the floor, for the record. 你覺得你是自己星球上的 You feel like you"re a stranger 一個陌生人
上尉 on your own planet, don"t you, Captain? 你是說就像外星人嗎 Like an alien, you mean? 你想要的不就是這個嗎 That"s what you wanted. 我能來塊餅干嗎 Do I get a cookie now? 他看到了 He saw something.
-嗯 - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. 你再推我一下
我就打斷你的脖子 You shove me again, I"m gonna break your neck. 我不小心說出口了嗎 Did I say that out loud? 麥肯納 McKenna. 最后一個 Last one. 謝謝你的好意
謝謝 Thanks for your kindness. Thank you. 你沒事吧 You all right over there? 沒事
他得了穢語抽動癥 No, don"t worry about him. He"s just got Tourettes. -他控制不住
柯伊爾 - He can"t control it. - Fuck you, Coyle. 你得習慣
兄弟 You get used to it, bro. 歡迎加入第二團 Welcome to Group Two. 這是什么意思 Oh, yeah? What"s that? 像一個小隊 Like a unit? 不是
第二團 No, group. Group Two. 團體治療
第二診室 Group therapy, room two. -麥肯納
-內布拉斯加·威廉姆斯 - McKenna. - Nebraska Williams. 這是你的真名嗎 That"s your real name? 蓋洛德 Gaylord. -這名字不錯
-我也覺得 - That"s a good call, then. - Yeah, I thought so. 你在哪兒服役的 Where did you serve? 2003 年
阿富汗"持久自♥由♥行動" Operation Enduring Freedom, "03. 為塔♥利♥班♥而去
為鴉♥片♥留下了 Went for the Taliban, stayed for the opium.
誤傷友軍 That"s Coyle. Friendly fire incident. 一回頭打中了自家軍隊的車 Got turned around, fired at one of his own vehicles. 他現在負責講笑話 Now, he tells jokes. 他叫林奇 That"s Lynch. 因在摩蘇爾炸毀半座山被表彰 Got a medal for blowing up half a mountain in Mosul. 熵 Entropy. 那是我的拿手好戲 That"s my game. 都快失敗了 Things like to fall apart 而我
扭轉了戰局 and I... make it happen. 就像這樣 Just... Just like that. 別 Don"t. 別這樣 Don"t. 他叫奈特爾斯 That"s Nettles. 好吧
我叫奈特爾斯 Okay, I"m Nettles. 作為直升機飛行員出征三次 Did three tours flying Hueys. 他可熱愛圣經了
奈迪 He loves his Bible. Hey, Netty? 到造物的終結時刻了嗎 Is it end times yet? 你們就笑吧 Yeah, laugh all you want. 但造物主都看著你們呢 But when you"re standing at attention before your Maker... 我造她之前也看著她呢 I always stand at attention before I make her. 上帝造爛人 God makes shitty people. 真的 Yeah.
不然人類為什么會制♥造♥戰爭 I mean, why do you think people make war? 為什么
為什么我們要制♥造♥戰爭 Why, Baxley? Why do we make war? -你說
-因為操雞雞 - Come on, Baxley! - Because fuck-cock-cock! -因為我們操雞雞
我們操雞雞 - Because we fuck cock-cock? - Yes, we fuck cocks. 沒錯
因為我們操雞雞 That"s it, because we fuck cocks, 就是因為這個
所以我們不開心了 that"s why. We get upset. 你是怎么進來這個爛地方的 How"d you snag a ticket on this shitmobile? 給一個指揮官來了一槍 Put a bullet in a CO. 有特定的原因嗎 Any particular reason? 他是個混♥蛋♥ He was an asshole. 占星師計劃 頭低下 Keep your head down. 戴上這個 Here, throw this on. 這是你的幻覺嗎 Is it just your imagination? 還是這個鬼地方真的在移♥動♥ Or is this haunted room actually stretching? 每次都要他媽說一遍嗎 Every fucking time? 請注意 Your attention, please. GRC 會議已移至第 3 區 A 室 The GRC meeting has been moved to section 3, room A. 你來了 Aha! There you are! 歡迎
我是肖恩·坎耶 Welcome. I"m Sean Keyes. 我聽說你寫了一本 Wow. I heard you basically wrote the book 進化生物學的書 on evolutionary biology. 抱歉
Um, I"m sorry, can I just... 那是... Is that...? 天哪 Oh, my God! 該死的 Holy shit. 這是外星科技 That"s alien technology. 你帶我來是想讓我看這個 This is what you brought me here to see? 是的 Well, yeah. 我能
能接觸嗎 Can I... Can I see this? Can I get into this? 博士 Doc. 走吧 Let"s go. -一切都好吧
長官 - Everything good? - Yes, sir. 怎么了 What is it? 布拉克特博士 Dr. Brackett. 想來見一見掠奪者嗎 Would you like to meet a Predator? 來吧 Come on. 請執行 Please observe 凈化操作 decontamination protocol. 他們是怎么說服你前來幫忙的 So, how"d they rope you into this? 我 6 歲時給總統寫了一封信 I wrote a letter to the president when I was six. 告訴他我有多喜歡動物 Told him how much I loved animals, 要是航♥空♥航♥天♥局發現了外星動物 and that if NASA ever found a space animal, 希望他們能給我打電♥話♥ they should call me. 幾年前我因為一篇雜交菌株的論文
Couple years ago, I was put on a short list 上了候選人名單 for a paper I wrote on hybrid strains. 電腦對照參照了那封信
我就來這兒了 Computer cross-referenced the letter, and... here I am. 布拉克特博士 Dr. Brackett. 多謝前來 Thanks for coming. 相信你心里一定充滿了疑問 I"m sure you have questions. -其實只有兩個問題
-好吧 - Oh. Just two, actually. - Okay. 為什么你叫它"掠奪者" Why do you call it "The Predator"? 是一個昵稱 It"s a nickname. 數據顯示它會追捕獵物 You know, the data suggests that it tracks its prey. 利用獵物的弱點 Exploits weakness. 它看起來 Seems to... 樂在其中 well, enjoy it. 就像是在玩游戲 Like a game. 這不是掠奪者
而是娛樂獵人 That"s not a predator, that"s a sports hunter. 什么 Sorry? 掠奪者捕獵只是為了生存 A predator kills its prey to survive. 你形容的就像是捕鱸魚的漁夫 I mean, what you"re describing is more like a bass fisherman. 我們投票表決了
對吧 Well, we took a vote. Predator"s cooler, right? -對極了
-對極了 - Fuck yeah. - Fuck yeah. 在墨西哥發現了它的逃生艙 Found his escape pod in Mexico. 我們還在找它開來的飛船 Still looking for the ship he came in. 它已經深度麻醉了
He"s heavily sedated. 你這個美麗的混♥蛋♥ You are one beautiful motherfucker. 我猜你的第二個問題是為什么找你 I"m gonna guess your second question is, why are you here? 我們的檢測結果有一些...奇怪 Our test results yielded something a little... odd. 這是個玩笑嗎 Is this a joke? 我們做了十次基因組序列 We ran the genome sequence ten times. 這個外星人有 This specimen has... -人類的基因
-沒錯 - Human DNA? - Yeah. 是的 Yeah. 我們知道物種會自發形成 Look, we know about spontaneous speciation. 大多數植物和昆蟲都是這樣
但是... Mostly plants and insects, but... 但是一些哺乳動物
山羊 But some mammals, sheep, goats, uh... 對 Yeah. 紅狼是眾所周知的混血動物 The red wolf is known to be a hybrid 是由土狼和灰狼 between the coyote and the grey wolf... 或者可能是某種形式的重組技術 Or possibly some form of recombinant technology... 各位
我明白了 Guys, guys, guys. I get it, I get it. 你們想知道是不是有人操了外星人 You wanna know if someone fucked an alien? 對 Yeah. 它戴了大氣面罩 Okay, it"s got some kind of atmospheric mask, 生物氣密罩
還有 biohelmet, and... 這些是什么
護腕嗎 What are these? Like, some kind of wrist gauntlets? 是的
Exactly. 那頭盔和還有一只護腕呢 So, where"s the helmet and the other gauntlet? 相信我們
已經到處都找過了 We"ve looked, believe me. 這是誰 Who is this? 他是一個接觸掠奪者的人 He made first contact with the Predator. 好
我要找他談談 Great. I"d like to talk to him. 他正在接受評估
所以... Well, he"s being evaluated, so... 好吧 Okay. 在你們給他做腦葉切斷術之前 Well, before you lobotomize him, 我想問他幾個問題 I"d like to ask him a few questions. 收到重新規劃路線指令 We have a request to reroute. 收到
目的地是哪里 Read you five-by-five. Destination? 斯塔克韋瑟大壩
立即前往 Starkweather Dam. Proceed at once. 到時會有軍隊人員接應
完畢 You"ll be met by military personnel. Over. 巴克斯利 Hey, Baxley! 有個問題問你 Question for ya. 又來了 All right, here we go. 你要怎么樣才能給一個流浪漢割包皮 How do you circumcise a homeless man? 又來了 Here it comes. 踢你♥媽♥的♥下巴 Kick your mom in the chin. 操♥你♥媽♥
操♥你♥媽♥ Fuck your mother... Fuck your mother... -都他媽給我閉嘴
-好吧 - Shut the fuck up! - All right. 你♥他♥媽♥給我閉嘴
You shut the fuck up. 好了
玩笑開過頭了 Hold on, hold on, hold on. Y"all going too fucking much. 我只想知道這個混♥蛋♥是誰 I just wanna know who this motherfucker is. 你是為什么進來的 Why are you here? 別這樣
這里一車都是瘋子 Come on, man, this is the loony bus. -瞧瞧這個混♥蛋♥
-都是瘋子 - Look at this motherfucker. - Loonies! 都是瘋子 Loonies, yeah. 我跟外星人打了一架 I had a run-in with a space alien. 見鬼了 Oh, shit! -不
-他贏了 - No, let him... - Okay, that guy wins. 我聽到過的最棒的故事 That"s the best story I"ve ever heard. 太經典了 Classic story... 贏家已經誕生 That"s the winner right there. Fuckin" hell. 你們能不能他媽的閉嘴 Would you shut the fuck up? 他們想要掩蓋這件事 They want to put a lid on it, 所以我到了這兒 so here I am. 困在第二團里 Stuck in Group Two. 第二團的后來人
更蠢 The sequel to Group One, only stupider. 給他遞根雪茄吧 Give this man a fuckin" cigar. 他媽的閉嘴 Shut the fuck up. "你們能不能他媽的閉嘴" "Would you shut the fuck up?" 陰謀論 It"s a conspiracy. 有外星人對吧
The goddamn space aliens, huh? 你在下面干什么
羅利 What are you doing down there, Rory? 玩...玩游戲 Uh, just... just playing games. 晚飯要涼了 Well, dinner"s getting cold. 少校 Major? 有奇怪的不明飛行物
長官 Weird-ass bogey, sir. 上一秒還在雷達上
下一秒就不見了 One second it"s on the grid, the next it"s ghosting. 該死的 Damn it. 需要空中支援 We need something in the air. 給我連北美太空防御司令部 Get me NORAD. 我感覺研究里漏掉了什么東西 I feel like I"m missing something in the research. 我有什么沒看到的 There"s something I"m just not seeing. 聽著
我認為... Look, if this is the blood, okay, I think-- 你能告訴我那是什么嗎 can you just tell me what that is? 因為之前 Because I was trying 我想接觸一下
可有人不讓我碰 to get into this earlier, but somebody stopped me. 他對我翻了個白眼 He gave me the hairy eyeball. -就是那個人
-先等一下 - That guy actually. - Hold that thought. 長官
北美太空防御司令部報告異常不明飛行物 Sir, NORAD"s reporting a 202 anomaly 可能正朝我們飛來 possibly heading our direction. 沖這里來的嗎 Is it coming here? 老天
希望不是這樣 God, I hope not. 該死的
Holy shit! 現在距離多遠 How far away are we talking about? 未知
但是肯定是朝你們去了 Unknown. But it"s definitely heading your way. 二級警報 Level two alert. -二級警報
-該死的 - Level two alert. - Shit! 出什么事了 Hey, what"s happening? 接近警報
距離 200 英里 Proximity alert. Bogey"s inbound. Range 200 miles. 鎖定位置 Lock it down. 它醒了
它醒了 He"s awake! He"s awake! He"s awake! 按住它
按住它 Hey, hold him down! Keep him down! 按住它 Hold him down! 該死的 Oh, shit! 博士
快跟我走 Doc, on me, now! 快
快走 Move! Move! CTJ Church, Thomas, J. 快跑 Move! 請執行 Please observe 凈化操作 decontamination protocol. 門已關閉
請脫掉外衣 Chamber secure. Remove outer garments. CTJ Church, Thomas, J. CTJ Church, Thomas, J. 請執行凈化操作 Please observe decontamination protocol. 所有人員注意
All personnel, Code Orange. 橙色警報 Code Orange. 這不是演習 This is not a drill. 先停一下
里面發生了事故 Sit tight. There"s been a breach. 知道要多久嗎 Do you have an estimate? 現在還不行 Not right now. 我來火力掩護 I"ll give you cover fire. 干倒它 Get him out! 來了
正前方 Movement, twelve o"clock! 別讓它跑了 Don"t let him get away. 我的外星動物別想跑 Not my space animal. 什么鬼 What the fuck? 外星人 Alien. 你說的外星人 Your green boy? 沒錯 Yep. 該死的外星人 Goddamn space aliens. 什么
什么 What? What? 你♥他♥媽♥沒看到嗎 Did you not just fucking see that, man? 我瘋了嗎 Am I going fucking mad? 閉嘴 Shut up. -冷靜
-我沒看到 - Take it easy, man. - I didn"t fucking see it. 奈特爾斯
安靜 Nettles, be quiet. 它在哪里
Where the fuck is it? I wanna see it. 就是那東西殺了我的人 That"s the thing that killed my men. 它們天性如此 Yeah, they"ll do that. 我們得下車
我們得跑 We gotta get off this thing. We gotta move. 兄弟
這是輛車 Brother, it"s a bus. 車能跑 It moves. 巴克斯利 Hey, Baxley! 要是你♥媽♥的♥陰♥道♥是個電子游戲 If your mom"s vagina were a video game, 那分級肯定是人人能玩 it"d be rated "E" for "Everyone." 別吵了 Knock it off. 五個黑人♥大♥漢 What"s the difference between 和笑話的區別是什么 five big black guys and a joke? 巴克斯利的媽媽開不起玩笑 Baxley"s mom can"t take a joke. 你說什么
混♥蛋♥ What, motherfucker! 來啊
賤♥人♥ Come on, bitch! 所有人
趴在地上 Everyone, on the floor, face down! 趴在地上
快 Face down! Now! Come on! 鑰匙 Keys! 槍 Gun! 奈特爾斯
停下 Hey! Nettles! Nettles! Wait, hey! Hey! 你已經打倒他了
兄弟 You got him, all right? You got him, brother. 內布拉斯加
介意繞個道嗎 Hey, Nebraska, you mind, uh, making a detour? 怎么
What, for your green boy? 我是個狙擊手
只要靠近點就行 I"m a sniper, just get me close, baby. -你想殺了它
-那是當然 - You wanna kill him? - Oh, yeah! 你怎么不早說 Why didn"t you just say so, man? 你要殺外星人 You"re gonna kill a fucking alien? 坐穩了 Hey. Hold on. 操 Fuck! 這他媽是什么 Yo, what the fuck is that? 慢點
慢點 Easy, easy. Hey! Hey! 找掩護 Take cover! 躲到車后面 Behind the fucking bus! 你在上面干什么
我接著你 What are you doing up there? Come on. Come on, I got you. -我接著你
-好 - Yep. I got you, lady. - Okay. 走吧
快點 Let"s go! Hey. Come on, come on. 該死的 Goddamn it. -抱歉
-快走 - Sorry. - Move! 該死的 Damn. 去直升機那里 Get to the choppers! 占星師
發現目標女性 Stargazer, I got eyes on the woman. 請求指令 Instructions? 消滅目標 Eliminate her. 尋回所有違♥禁♥品♥ Retrieve any contraband. 收到
Roger that, Stargazer. 對
妹子 That"s it, that"s it, girl. 內布拉斯加 Hey, Nebraska! 給我吧 Got it. 你們后面沒事吧 Everything okay back there? 你們這些混♥蛋♥ You fucking guys. 我們藏在這里 We found the one place to hide out 不會被人當做瘋子 where we don"t look crazy. 我已經很久沒握過槍了 It"s been a long time since I had a gun in my hand. 什么感覺 What"s it feel like? 槍的感覺 Like a gun. 你覺得她跟他們在一起安全嗎 Hey, you think she"s safe in there with them? 那妹子嗎 The girl? 他們是士兵 They"re soldiers, man. 睡女人嗎
兄弟 Sleeping ladies? Nah, bro. 坐吧 Sit down. 給 Here. 這是終結時刻了吧 It"s the end of times, huh? 終結時刻最糟糕的一點是 Worst thing about the end times... 永遠沒有終結 they never fucking are. 那 So, um... 他活下來了嗎 did he live? 你說什么
Say again? 那個指揮官
你射的那個混♥蛋♥活下來了嗎 The CO? The asshole you shot, did he live? 是的
他活下來了 Yeah. He did. 那他現在在哪里 Yeah, and where is he at now? 你在騙我 You"re shitting me. 我沒打中他 I missed. 你為什么要這么做 Why did you do that? -沒打中嗎
對自己開槍 - Miss? - No, shoot yourself. 醫生問了我同樣的問題 Doctors asked me the same thing. 我帶著頭上的子彈自己走到了醫院 Walked to the hospital with a bullet in my skull. 真是好時光 Good times. 我該擔心嗎 Should I be worried? 也許吧 Probably. -來了
-你明白嗎 - There we go. - Did you get that? -放得離她手太近了
-對對對 - That"s too close to her hand. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. 她會撒到床上的 But then she"s gonna drop that there. 各位 Guys! 你們在干什么
什么鬼 What the hell are you doing? What is all that shit? 我們想讓她感覺自在點 We"re trying to make her feel comfortable. 快走開 Come on. 她快醒了
醒來會看到 She"s gonna wake up and see 一群混♥蛋♥圍在身邊
快走 a bunch of motherfuckers. Come on. 你在干什么
What are you doin"? 奈特爾斯
奈特爾斯 Nettles! Nettles! 快走 Move! 快點 Move! 快走開 Get out of there! 早上好
陽光寶貝 Morning, sunshine. 我真的希望不要有人再這么叫我了 I really wish people would stop calling me that. 冷靜 Chill, hey! 我就說她會拿槍
10 塊錢 I told you she"d grab it. Ten bucks! 都交出來 Pay up! Whoo! 見鬼了 Fuck it, fuck it. -我的手♥機♥呢
-你用不上的 - Where"s my phone? - You"re not gonna need that. 這可不好 Oh, that"s not cool. 沒事的 It"s okay. 我說了沒事的 I said it"s okay. 把槍給我 Give me the gun. -把槍給我
不要 - Give me the gun. - No. No. 她扣動了... Oh, she pulled... 該死的
我就說她會扣動扳機 Oh! Shit, I told you she"d pull the trigger! 我該跟你們打賭的 I should have bet you that time! 我喜歡她
我喜歡她 I like her. I like her. 我該跟你們打賭的 I should have bet you that time! -我喜歡她
- I like her. - I like her. 我喜歡她
我很喜歡她 I like her. I like her a lot. 給我
笨蛋 Give me that, ding-dong. 干得漂亮
妹子 Oh, shit! Attagirl. 什么
他們讓你研究什么 What? You"re a scientist, huh? What they got you working on? 你在外面活不過一天 You"re not gonna last a day out there! 怎么
你覺得自己很特別 What, you think you"re special? 剛才在大壩里
他們差點就把你打得腦袋開花 Back at the dam, they were gonna put a bullet in your head. 他們那時要射殺她 They were gonna shoot her? 對 Yes. 我很抱歉 Oh, I"m sorry. 讓開
回見 Get out of the way. See you around. 吃你個逼 Eat your pussy. 慢著
什么 Wait, what? 你好嗎 How you doing? 不
你剛剛說"吃你個逼" No, you just said, "Eat your pussy." -你好嗎
你叫我吃你個逼 - How you doing? - No, you said, "Eat my pussy." 這人什么毛病 What the fuck is wrong with him? -我是說你很固執
-他說你很固執 - I said you"re pushy. - He said you"re pushy. 不
你說吃你個逼 No, you said, "Eat your pussy." 不
你很固執" No. I said, "Sheesh! You"re pushy!" 不
你說吃你個逼 No, you said, "Eat my pussy." 不
No, that"s what he said, I heard it. -他說你很固執
-什么鬼 - He said... pushy. - What the fuck? 當然這也很無禮 Which is also fucking rude. 他不是在特指你的逼 He doesn"t mean your pussy in particular. 你們瘋了對吧 You"re insane, right? -你們是不是瘋了
-也許吧 - Are you fucking insane? - Probably. 那要怎么樣呢 Well, what"s it gonna be? -他瘋了
巴克斯利 - He"s fucking crazy. - Fuck you, Baxley. 我感覺還好 I feel fine. 他們要射殺我 They were gonna shoot me? 為什么 Why? 也許是因為這個 Uh, maybe "cause of this? 那我加入 Well, I guess I"m in. 離我遠點 Stay the fuck away from me. 這他媽是什么 What the fuck is this? 這是什么 What is this? -那是什么
-獨角獸 - What is that? Like a unicorn? - A unicorn. -獨角獸
-獨角獸 - It"s a unicorn. - A unicorn. 我做了個獨角獸 I made a unicorn... 抱歉
做太爛了 I"m sorry, it"s a piece of shit. 那么
我跟你們在一起有什么好處 So, what"s the upside to me staying here with you guys? 也許能夠活下去 Uh, maybe staying alive? 我們是士兵
We are soldiers. 我們是好人 We"re the good guys, okay? 這可不一定 Well, that"s debatable. 我讀了你的檔案
在墨西哥被害的人 I read your file. The guys in Mexico it killed? 是你的手下 They yours? 他們會需要一個替罪羊 They"re gonna need a patsy for that. 看來就是我了 You"re looking at him. 我猜到了 Yeah, I figured. 患有創傷后應激障礙的前任狙擊手
完美 Ex-sniper with PTSD? That"s actually kind of perfect. 不如你來說說 How about you telling us 你在秘密基地里做什么 what you were doing in a secret base. 周圍都是一群訓練有素的雇傭兵 Surrounded by trained soldiers. Mercs. 我是生物學家
當... I"m a biologist, and they have me on call in case there"s... 有外星接觸時 contact. 我怎么跟你們說的 What did I tell you? 終結時刻
世界要終結了 End days. End days. 奈特爾斯
要是你再扯圣經的鬼話 Nettles, if you don"t stop with this Bible shit, 我就把你燒死 I"m gonna set you on fire. 各位
要是我們想活下去 Guys, if we wanna keep breathing, 就得找到它 we need to find this thing. 曝光它 Expose it. 它叫掠奪者 It"s called the Predator. 它狩獵人類當做娛樂
It hunts people for sport. 嚴格來說
而是像... Technically, that"s not a predator. That"s like... 謝謝 Thank you. -獵人
-我說的就是這個 - It"s a hunter. - I said the same thing. 像冒險家
或者說漁夫 A sportsman, or a hunter, or a fisherman. 看看你 Well, look at you... 它逃跑的時候我在場
它在找什么東西 I was there when it escaped. It"s looking for something. 器械
武器 Equipment. Weapons. 我拿了它的裝備 I took its gear. 什么 What? 你從它身上拿了東西 You took something from the thing? -什么
-那樣我就有證據在手了 - What? - So, I"d have evidence. 我想我知道它要去哪里了 I think I know where it"s going. 什么 What? 親愛的
你回來了 Oh, hi, honey, you"re home. -我來找一個包裹
-包裹 - I"m looking for a package. - A package? 羅利 Rory! 這里不是你的家了 Hey! This is not your house anymore! 羅利 Rory! 伙計
你在哪里 Hey, buddy. Where are ya? 他不在 He"s not here. 他不在是什么意思 What do you mean, he"s not here? 該死的
Oh, shit! 什么
我們買♥♥了電子游戲 What? So we ordered some video games. 不不不 No! No! No! 我寄到郵箱的目的 The whole fucking reason I sent it to a P.O. Box, 就是為了讓你們遠離危險 was so I didn"t put you in danger. 該死的
我們必須找到他 Goddamn it, we need to find him. 等等
你嚇到我了 Wait, Quinn, you"re scaring me now. 我還特地說過 I specifically said 不能玩第一人稱視角射擊游戲
不能玩戰爭游戲 no first-person shooter. No combat games. 你難道就沒想過他玩這種游戲 Did you ever think that maybe he plays them 是為了和他爸爸多一點聯♥系♥嗎 to connect with his father? 天啊
我們又開始了 Oh, my God. We"re doing this again. 你能不能不要再說我... Hey! Can you stop taking all my... 我家里的這些人是誰 Who are these people in my house? 艾米麗
這是艾米麗 Emily, loonies. Loonies, Emily. 晚上好 Good evening. 畫上的筆觸 Uh, the brushstrokes on this 非常充滿活力
很棒的作品 are really dynamic. It"s a wonderful piece. 好了
你得把畫放下 Okay, you need to put that down. 她的右手在干什么 What exactly is she doing with her right hand? 他們是我的小隊里的
都是士兵 They"re my unit. They"re soldiers. 海軍陸戰隊
這是他的"小隊" Marines. There"s his unit. 你好
Hi. You seem like a really nice... 不
別 Oh, no, don"t touch me. No. 慢著
你的小隊 Hang on. Back up. Your unit? 海因斯和杜普雷怎么了 What happened to Haines and Dupree? 他們死了 They"re dead. 殺了他們的那個東西正在找羅利 And the thing that killed them is out there looking for Rory. 你在說什么 What are you talking about? 外面有個東西 There"s something out there. 它把我的朋友們撕碎了
它是什么 It tore my friends apart. What is it? 是一個生物
不是人 Like, it"s a creature. Seriously, it"s not a person. 就像圣經里的 Like from the Bible. -天啟
-圣經里的 - Revelations. - From the Bible? 這是我聽過最荒謬的事了 That"s the most ridiculous thing I"ve ever heard. 是外星人 It"s a space alien. 你知道烏比·戈德堡[美國黑人女演員]嗎 Know who Whoopi Goldberg is? 就像是外星人版的烏比·戈德堡 It"s like an alien Whoopi Goldberg. 該死的 Oh, shit! 該死的 Shit. 要地毯式搜索 I want a grid search. 分成三個隊 Three teams. -不
我要跟你一起去 - No. - No, no, I"m coming with you. 不
不可以 No, nix that. 有問題嗎
Is there a problem? 問題在于
我們就像是活靶子 Thing is, we"re kind of moving targets. 對
我們是逃犯 Yeah, in case you haven"t noticed, we"re fugitives. 對
再說我們要去哪里弄藥和別的東西 Yeah. Plus, like where are we gonna get our meds and stuff? 我明白了
留在這兒看電視吧 I get it. Fine, stay here and watch TV. 知道嗎
或是引來條子 You know what? If you try to split? Or draw the Feds? 或者你們的混♥蛋♥行為 Or if you jeopardize my son 危害到了我的兒子 by your half-assed yardbird bullshit... 我會回來
很樂意地 I will come back here, and I will happily 把你們一個個都宰了 kill every single fucking one of you. 走吧
我們走 Come on, brothers. Let"s go. 真的嗎 Seriously? 這不是我們的戰斗 It"s not our fight. 你丈夫是我認為的那個人嗎 Is your husband the man I think he is? 你說什么 Excuse me? 請說說你丈夫是什么樣的人 Tell me about your husband, please? 他是安全反狙擊手 He"s a security counter-sniper. 陸軍游騎兵 Army Rangers. 他在五大洲 He supervised 協助指導了 23 次近距離精確交戰 23 close precision engagements across five continents 有 13 次擊殺記錄 and he has 13 confirmed kills. 他是武裝部隊中僅有的同時獲得過 And he is one of only 14 captains in the armed forces, 杰出服務獎章和銀星獎章的
to ever receive a Distinguished Service Medal 14 名上尉之一 and the Silver Star. 他也許是個差勁的丈夫 So, he might be a lousy husband, 但他是個好士兵 but he is a good soldier. 聽起來他一個人能搞定 Well, sounds like he can probably take care of himself. -沒錯
-天啊 - Yeah. - Jesus Christ. 我猜到了 That"s what I thought. 一群慫貨 Fucking pussies. 你要去哪里
奈特爾斯 Where you going, Nettles? 我不喜歡你的演說
沒激勵到我 I didn"t like your speech. It didn"t really inspire me. 但是
他叫我慫貨 But... he called me a pussy 沒人可以叫我慫貨
所以... and nobody calls me a pussy, so... -滾吧
-好吧 - Fuck off, pussy. - Okay... 走吧
我們去找點樂子 Come on, Bax, let"s go. Let"s get some. 在這些陸軍混♥蛋♥搞砸了一切之前 Before these army fuckers screw up the whole thing. 快
走啊 Come on, what are you doing? Let"s move. 你也是
幸運符 You too, lucky charms. 柯伊爾
你個蠢貨 Coyle, you wanker. 有機會我想 I"d like to watch TV -和你一起看電視
-行了 - with you sometime. - Okay. 我喜歡你演說 I liked your speech. 我喜歡你家沙發 I liked the couch. 什么回事
Whoa, what"s happening? What? 我們要去找我兒子
要干這個 Well, we"re finding my son, that"s what. 好了
等事情結束后... All right, when all this is over... 用非洲食蟻獸正面上我 Fuck me in the face with an aardvark. 我只是想出名 I just want to be famous. 表面上看 Ostensibly, 如果阿甘讀了盒子側面上的字 if Forrest Gump just read the side of the box, 他肯定就能懂上面寫的什么 it would tell him exactly what he would get. "表面上看"這個詞不是這么用的 You"re using "Ostensibly" incorrectly. 這是給我的嗎 Is this for me? 這簡直和小丑車大相庭徑 This is like the reverse of a clown car. 好了
內布拉斯加 All right, Nebraska, 我們去找點車
別搞太炫酷 let"s find some wheels, nothing flashy. 收到 Copy. 好了
找到我的兒子 All right. Find my son. 凱西
你跟我來 Casey, you"re with me. 我們走 Let"s go. 屁♥股♥蛋兒 Hey, ass-burger. 你要打扮成誰呢 What are you supposed to be? 別來煩我 Leave me alone. 不然呢
你就要洗五百次手嗎 Or what? You"ll wash our hands five hundred times? 不給糖就搗蛋 Trick or treat? 怎么了
What"s the matter, dude? 讓你搗蛋
小混♥蛋♥ Here"s a treat, you little shit. 我發現一名少年 I got a male juvenile. 十到十二歲 10 to 12 years old. 胳膊上戴著那裝備 Metal cast on his arm. 麥肯納
你聽到了嗎 Yo, McKenna, do you hear that? 從我車前跑過 Ran right in front of my car. 往東走到伍德拉夫路上了 Moving east on Woodruff. 重復
往東走到伍德拉夫路上了 Repeat, moving east on Woodruff. 內布拉斯加
你搞到車了嗎 Nebraska, you got wheels? 我搞到車了
很炫酷的車 Yeah, I got wheels. Something flashy. 聽著
那孩子受驚逃跑了 Listen, the kid"s spooked, he"s rabbiting. 他往那邊走了
附近有沒有他熟悉的地方 Where"s he headed? Where"s some place he knows? 他在那里 There he is. 爸爸 Dad! 你好嗎
伙計 How you doing, buddy, huh? 我很好 I"m good. 上
上 Move! Move! 博士
照顧好我的孩子 Hey, Doc, come get my kid. 我們走
我們走 Let"s go! Let"s go! Let"s go! Come on! 該死 Oh, shit! 麥肯納 McKenna! 快躲
Take cover! Take cover! 威廉姆斯
離開那里 Williams! Get the fuck out of there! 你在干什么
離開那里 What are you doing? Get out of there! 該死 Oh, shit! 好吧 Oh. Okay. 博士
那些可怕的東西是什么 Doc, the dreads. What"s that all about? 我不知道
可能是某種感應接收器 I don"t know. Maybe, like, sensor receptors. 就像觸須一樣 Kind of like cat whiskers. 搞什么...我在取樣本呢 Whoa! What the-- I"m getting a sample. 這是一只外星狗 It"s a fucking space dog. 你沒事吧 You okay? Huh? 怎么
推薦訪問: 劇本 戰士 中英文對照下一篇:個人自查自糾整改報告例文
《習近平談治國理政》第四卷《共建網上美好精神家園》一文中指出:網絡玩命是新形勢下社會文明的重要內容,是建設網絡強國的重要領域。截至2021年12月,我國網民規模達10 32億,較2020年12月增長4