謝謝你 Thank you. 我找到了一首歌♥在過去一段時間拯救了我 I found a song that saved me through a time. 你知道音樂是怎么拯救我的嗎 You know how music does that? 那段時間我正深陷于迷失和痛苦之中 I was dealing with loss, with pain, 然后我聽到了這首歌♥ and I heard this song, 它叩開了我的心靈 and it blew my soul wide open. 成為了我的圣歌♥
它拯救了我 It became my anthem. It rescued me. 后來我就一直在想
什么樣的人才能寫出來 And I just kept wondering, who could write this? 他們經歷了什么 What did they have to go through 才能將這禮物帶給我 to be able to give this gift to me? 這是希望
純潔的希望 This is hope, pure hope. 這首歌♥太棒了 It"s an amazing song. 很自然而然的發生了 Just kind of happened. 歌♥詞大概就花了十分鐘吧
我猜 Lyrics took about ten minutes, I guess. 作曲花的時間也差不多 Music took about the same. 巴特
你不是用十分鐘寫出的這首歌♥ Bart... you didn"t write this song in ten minutes. 你花了一輩子的時間 It took a lifetime. 你怎么做到的 How"d you do this? 超乎想象 德克薩斯州
1985 年 巴特
巴特 Bart? Bart?! 好吧
可憐可憐我吧 Well, mercy me, 你已經在外面待了一整天了 you been out here all day!
我做的怎么樣 How"d I do? 你做得很好
巴特 You done good, Bart. 你做的真的很好 You done real good. 我們明天再見
拜拜 I"ll see you tomorrow! Bye! 因為
你知道 "Cause, for me, you know, 沒有音樂
一切都與音樂相關 without the song... it"s... it"s all about the song. -對
你知道 - Yeah. - Doesn"t matter what band, you know. 你可能會喜歡這個樂隊 You might be interested in this band. 這是我看過最棒的音樂會之一 It was one of the greatest concerts I"ve ever seen. 它太棒了 It was amazing. 你好
親愛的 Hey, hon. 你有什么收獲 What you got there? 這是我做戰士頭盔 It"s a fighter helmet that I made 星球大戰里的 during a big battle in space. 你確實做得很用心
對吧 You sure worked hard on that, didn"t you? 是的 Yeah. -這是什么
就只是垃圾 - What"s this? - It"s just... it"s just junk. 你是個夢想家
這是好事 You"re a dreamer, Bart. That"s good. 你有沒有夢想過什么 Haven"t you ever imagined anything? 我要教你些東西
巴特 I"m gonna teach you something, Bart. 夢想不能付賬單
它沒什么好處 Dreams don"t pay the bills. Nothing good comes from it. 他所做的一切 All it does...
就是幫你逃避這一切 is keep you from all this. 逃避對現實的了解 From knowing what"s real. 你明白嗎 You understand that? -明白嗎
爸爸 - Huh?! - Yes, Daddy. 既然你說那是一塊垃圾 Well, you say that"s a piece of junk, 為什么不直接把它扔了呢 why don"t you just go throw it away? 去
他會拿走的 Go, just go. He"ll take it. 沒事的
沒事的 It"s okay, it"s okay. 別管閑事 Stay out of it! 跟你沒關系
這是我跟他之間的事 It"s none of your business! It"s between him and me. 得有人確保他以正確的方式被養大 Someone"s gotta make sure that he is raised up right! 閉上你的嘴
要不然我幫你閉上 Shut your mouth! Or I"ll shut it for you! 你還要嗎
你還要嗎 You want some more? You want some more? 給你
夠了沒有 Here, had enough yet? Had enough yet? 醒醒
噓 Hey. Bart? Shh. 沒關系的 It"s okay. -媽媽
-準備好冒險了嗎 - Mom? - Ready for an adventure? -現在嗎
就現在 - Now? - Yes, right now. 那里叫格洛麗塔營地 It"s called Camp Glorieta. 街上的教堂帶著孩子們去那里 Church down the street takes kids there. 那是一個有意思的營地 It"s a fun camp. 我打了個電♥話♥
他們說你可以去 I called, and they said you could go.
你會很開心的 Come on, you"re gonna have a great time. 你會交到一些朋友
你會留下一些回憶 You"re gonna make some friends. You"ll make some memories. 我們能就這樣嗎 Can we just do this? 哪樣 Do what? 一直開車 Just drive. 開車和聽音樂 Drive and listen. 聽這首歌♥
我和你 Listen to this music. Me and you. 就聽聽歌♥詞 Just listen to the words. 好了
就是這里了 Okay. This is it. 你從沒見過陌生人
對嗎 You ain"t never met a stranger? Hmm? -好吧
-對啊 - All right, I can do this. - Yeah. -行吧
-嘿 - Geronimo. - Hey. 你知道我愛你
對吧 You know I love you, right? 好吧 Okay. 去吧
出去吧 Go on. Get outta here. 拜拜
媽媽 Bye, Mom. 天哪
我可以的 Oh, gosh. I can do this. I can do this. 營地里不能帶隨身聽
他們會收走的 No Walkmans at camp. They"ll take it up. 你在開玩笑嗎 Are you kidding? 你好
我是巴特 Oh, um, hi. Uh, I"m... I"m Bart. 我的朋友
他們叫我巴特 My friends, like, they call me Bart. 我知道
我是香農 I know. I"m Shannon. Duh!
準備好營地生活了嗎 Ready for camp? 這很安全的 It"s totally safe! 看見了嗎
很安全 See? Safe. 好吧
除了對那個孩子來說 Well, except for that one kid. 你要來嗎 You coming? 抱歉
抱歉 Sorry, sorry. Squeeze in here. Sorry. 不好意思 Oh, sorry "bout that! 嘿
這是肯特 Hey, Bart, this is Kent. 見到你很高興 巴特 Nice to meet you, Bart. 你好
這是杯子游戲 Hey, bro. This is the cup game. 我玩的不怎么好 I"m not very good at it. 營地成員們
這里 Campers. Campers, up here! 所以對那些不認識我的人 So I"m Rusty. 我是魯斯提 For those of you who don"t know me, 我是格林威爾巴布提斯的青年牧師 I"m the Youth Pastor at Greenville Baptist. 所以如果你沒帶日記本
到這里來 So if you didn"t bring your journals, come up here. 我們為你準備了 We got one for you. 在今晚的會議中你會需要一本的 You"re gonna need it for your session tonight. 讓我們共度美好的一周 Let"s have a great week. 兄弟
我幫你拿 Bro, sit down. I got you. 所以那是本日記
還是 So is that like a diary, or? 差不多
但不僅僅是日記 Kinda, but there"s more to it.
它幫我理清思路 Helps get my thoughts ordered. 祈禱
夢想 Prayers, problems, dreams, 我腦海里的東西 stuff I imagine sometimes. 我能看看嗎 can I see? 對不起
我不知道 I"m sorry, I... I didn"t know. B-9
我們走 B-9, you"re with me for kitchen duty, let"s do it. 好吧
好嗎 Well, that"s me. See you later, okay? 嘿
我給你拿本子了 Hey, Bart, I got your journal. Kent Ooh! Kent! 給你
我很抱歉 Here you go. I"m sorry. 那太完美了
我不知道你會畫畫 That"s mint. I didn"t know you could draw. 你為什么穿成那樣 Why"re you dressed like that? 要是你想活下去就跟我來 Come with me if you want to live! 我們溜出去 We"re sneaking out. 所以你長大后想做什么
藝術家嗎 So what do you wanna be when you grow up, an artist? 或者足球運動員
我爸爸曾經就是 or a football player. That"s what my dad was. 事實上
他原來很厲害 He was really good, actually. 在大學里有點出名 Kind of famous in college. 我們會為此惹上很多麻煩的 We"re gonna get in so much trouble for this. 我知道
有一些很棒的東西 I know, right? Got some great stuff. 就像工業級
今天一下午就都搞定了 Like industrial grade. Set it all up this afternoon. 所以你們要去那邊 So you guys are gonna go over there
明白了嗎 and face in the north direction, got it? 還有
你知道巴克會畫畫嗎 And also, did you know Bart can draw? 所以你會畫畫嗎 So you can draw? 可能吧
會一點點 I guess so, a little bit. 巴特
我很害怕你看到我日記里寫的東西 Bart, I"m terrified you saw what was written in my journal. 你害怕嗎
不 Did you? No. -你
-你在說謊 - Wh-what"re you talking about? - You"re lying. 你全都看見了
不是嗎 You saw every word, didn"t you? 可能吧 Maybe. 好吧
你知道我在想什么嗎 Well, then here goes. You know what I think? 我覺得我們有一天會相愛 I think that someday we"re gonna fall in love, 結婚
那就是我們的命運 get married, and that"s our destiny. 現在我覺得羞愧了 And now I"m mortified. 我要下坡去幫肯特了 I"m gonna walk down this hill and help Kent. 等等等等
留下吧 Wa-wa-wa-wait wait. Shannon, please stay. 為什么
怕有怪獸嗎 Why? Afraid of the dark? Afraid of monsters? 我只是不喜歡一個人 I just don"t like being alone. 好了
孩子 All right, come on, kids. 巴特
巴特 Bart, Bart! -給你
-真貼心 - Here. It"s my favorite. - Sweet. 我想有一天成為像她一樣的歌♥手 And I wanna be a singer just like her someday. 非常感謝你 Thank you so much.
拜拜 My parents are here pick me up. Bye! 最后一站了
該下車了 Last stop. This is you. 見到你很高興
巴特 It was good to meet you, Bart. 我們星期天會見面嗎 Am I gonna see you on Sunday? 會
會 Yeah. Yeah. 嘿 Hey. 媽媽
媽媽 Momma? Momma... 媽媽呢 Where"s Momma? 她走了 She"s gone. 去哪了 Gone where? 她走了
而且不會再回來了 She ran off. She ain"t coming back. 現在只有我們兩個人了 Just you and me now. 她什么時候會回來 When will she be back? 我告訴你了
她逃跑了 I told you, she run off. 她不要我了
也不要你了 She don"t want me no more, and she don"t want you neither. 你做了什么 What did you do? 你在逼問我嘛
孩子 Are you bowing up on me, boy? 你傷害了她
對么 You hurt her, didn"t you?! 你像傷害我一樣傷害了她 Hey! You hurt her like you hurt me! 什么都沒有沒有
我什么也沒做 Nothing! That"s what I did! 什么也沒有 Nothing! 她不是因為我才離開的 She didn"t leave "cause of me.
媽媽 I"m sorry, Mom! 我做錯什么了么 What did I do?! 帶上我吧
求你了 Take me, Mom, please! 別走 Stop! 所以你再沒有見過她么 So did you ever see her again? 她偶爾會跟我打電♥話♥ Uh, she"d call now and then. 我在初中的一個暑假試著跟她一起生活過 I tried to live with her once, one summer in junior high, 但是她已經陷入另一段糟糕的感情 but she was in another bad relationship. 事實上
是更糟 Worse, actually. 我爸爸開車趕到 Um, my dad drove up 把那個家伙從樓梯扔到了他的車頂上 and threw the guy off a staircase onto the hood of his car 并且威脅他說如果他再傷害我媽媽 and threatened to kill him 就殺了他 if he ever hurt her again 然后攥住了我的手
把我帶回了家 and then grabbed me and took me home. 聽起來有點兒諷刺 It"s kind of ironic. 但是就是那樣 Um, that was about it. 所以你做了什么 So what did you do? 我努力去做好我爸唯一真正關心的事 I tried to get good at the only thing my dad really cared about. -你好
親愛的 - Hey, there.
- Hey there, darlin". 土味情話 That"s so corny. 你讓球場里的每個人都感到很別扭 You"re making everyone in the stadium feel real uncomfortable. 兄弟
你的胡子讓你看起來有 35 歲 Dude, seriously, that beard makes you look 35.
-閉嘴 - Kent, shut up. - Shut up! 我喜歡它 I like it. 米蘭達
過來 Millard! Get over here, now. 我愛你 I love you. 我也是 I know. 天吶
戀愛的酸臭味 It"s sour. Jeez. 必勝
必勝 Break! Break! 再給我幾秒鐘 Hey. Just give me a second. 天吶
它已經變質了 It"s sour. Jeez. 已經過期一個月了 It"s a month past its date. 我之后會做點夾心餅的 I"ll make Pop-Tarts, then. 最近我就讓你做了這么點事情
巴特 Just a few things I ask you to do around here, Bart, 就這么點事情 a few things. 我今天訓練時在下場前拿到了球
爸爸 I caught before I ran, Dad, at practice today. 馬上就要得分了 Almost scored. -那發生了多少次
-什么 - How many of them did it take? -
What? 讓你上場
讓你上了幾次場 To get you down on the ground. How many"d it take? -一次
-一次 - Just one. It"s just practice. - One? 沒人能讓我下場 Nobody could never bring me down. 帶領整個橄欖球隊
是我存在的方式 Took the whole football team. It"s the way I live my life. 生活打擊了我
我就更狠地反擊 Life hits me, I hit back harder. 我不下場
從來都不 I don"t go down. Not then, not now, not never.
你明白么 You understand? 得分 Break! 我從不下場 I don"t go down. 你很容易就下場了
那是你的問題 You go down too easy. That"s your problem. 醫生說什么了 What"d they say? 醫生說你不能再打橄欖球了 They said you can"t play. 多長時間 For how long? 永遠 Ever. 好令人失望 Well, that"s disappointing. 是啊
令我失望 Yeah. Yeah, it is. 借過 Whoa! Hey. Sorry. 為什么是你推我
我自己能推 Where are you driving? I should"ve drove. 這好愚蠢 This is stupid. 從高中畢業可不愚蠢 Graduating high school is not stupid. 你必須重新選一個選修來代替橄欖球 You just have to pick a new elective to replace football. -知道了
-好 - Yeah. -
Okay. 兄弟
有志向成為一名女裁縫么 Oh, man, ever have aspirations of being a seamstress? 那個滿員了
它們好像都滿員了 Well, that"s full, so. They"re, like, all full. 是啊
除了 這個 Yeah. Except this one. -什么
-合唱團 - What?
- Glee Club. 唱得真不錯 That"s really good. 親愛的
我想你走錯教室了 Honey, I think you"ve got the wrong room.
我無意冒犯您 I wish. No offense. 不接受
你會唱歌♥嗎 None taken. You sing? 不會 No. -表演
-更別說了 - Act?
- Not at all. -你跳舞么
我得坐輪椅 - Do you dance? -
Ma"am, I"m in a wheelchair. 拜托了
直接把我踢出這個課堂得了 Please, just kick me out of this class. 我從不拒絕任何人
你叫什么名字 I don"t turn anyone away. Sugar, what is your name? Bart Millard Uh, Bart Millard. -巴特·米蘭達
-是的 - "Bart Millard." -
Yeah. 你就是我們新的助理音響師 Our new assistant technical director. 好的 All right! 我根本不知道那是什么 I don"t know what that is. 終于有件我會做的了 Now this I can do. 祝賀你
巴特 Hey, congrats, Bart. -什么
米蘭達 - What?
- Way to go, Millard. 干得漂亮
你聽說了沒 Nice job, Bart. You haven"t heard yet? 我必須得說
我有點兒嫉妒了 I gotta say, I"m a little jealous. 你在
你在說什么 What"re you t... what"re you talking about? -祝賀你
好吧 - Congratulations!
- No, no, no, no. Okay. 音樂劇的演員表:男主角:巴特·米蘭達 激動么 How excited are you? 費徹爾女士 Miss Fincher! 不是吧
Unh-unh. No. What"re you trying to do to me? 我做不了這個
我根本沒試過 I can"t do this. I didn"t even try out. 你可以
而且你馬上就要做了 You can. And you will. 而且這沒得商量了 And there"ll be no further discussion about it. 不不
我是米蘭達家的 No, no, no, no, no. Look, I"m a Millard. 你可能不知道
米蘭達家是打橄欖球的 Okay, you don"t understand. Millards play football. -米蘭達家不唱歌♥
巴特 - Millards do not sing. -
You have a gift, Bart. 而且在我的課堂里
你被要求發揮它 And in my class, you will be required to use it. 或者掛科
那是你的抉擇了 Or fail. It"s your choice. 看
我甚至不能走 Look, my leg is still in a cast. I can"t even walk. 離演出還有兩個月 There"s two months until the production. 你有很長時間去療養
請停止找借口 You have plenty of time to heal. Please stop making excuses. 我不會那么唱歌♥
百老匯那一套 Okay, I don"t sing like that. That Broadway stuff. 我會教你的 I"ll teach you. 聽我說
我很喜歡你 Look, Miss Fincher, I like you, okay? 你看起來是個好人 You seem like a real good person. 我尊敬你
但是這絕不可能 I respect you, but there is no way, ever, 根本不可能
你不可能讓我上臺的 at all, ever that you are gonna get me on that stage. 天吶
這不可能是他的真實嗓音 Mercy me, that can"t be his real voice. 確實是他的聲音
媽媽 Yeah, it is, Mama. 打死我都不信 Well, punch a monkey"s uncle. 先生
這是醫院的規定 Sir, you need to understand. It"s hospital policy. 你不能把我留在這
Well, you can"t keep me here. I"m free to go. 不
你沒有 No, you"re not. 我們發現你的血常規有些問題 We saw something in your blood work 我們有點擔心
所以給你做了幾項檢查 that concerned us, so we ran a few tests. 我想跟你討論一下結果 And I"d like to discuss the results with you. 你有我的電♥話♥
你可以給我打電♥話♥ You got my number. You can call me. 我們現在就需要談一下 We need to have this conversation now. 好吧 Okay. 我為什么昏倒了 Why did I black out? 因為嚴重的低血糖 Because of extremely low blood sugar. 所以你想說什么
我有糖尿病 So you"re saying, what? I"m diabetic? 不是 No. 在你的磁共振成像中
我們發現了問題 On your MRI, we discovered a mass. 我們認為那是腫瘤 We believe it"s cancer. 不不不
我不可能 No. No. No, I don"t... 我們想再做幾項檢查 We"d like to run a few more tests 再為你制定最合適的治療方案 and then decide on the best treatment options for you. 我不需要
不需要你的治療 I don"t... I don"t need your treatment. 我要回家了 I"m gonna go home. 米蘭達先生 如果你拒絕了治療 Mr. Millard, if you refuse treatment, 那將大大減少你治愈的機會 it could drastically reduce your chances. 爸爸
怎么樣了 Dad. What happened? 我挺好的
Oh, I"m fine. I"m just fine. 好吧
我載你回家 Okay, well, let me drive you home. 我自己能開車 I-I can make it myself. 米蘭達先生
你還好么 Mr. Millard, are you okay? 我是香農
巴特的女朋友 I"m Shannon, Bart"s girlfriend? 你好
香農 Oh, hello, Shannon. 巴特怎么把你這么好看的姑娘哄到手的 How"d Bart wind up with someone as pretty as you? 過獎了 Thank you. 我沒事
我會沒事的 I"m fine. I"m gonna be all right. 醫生有說是什么病嗎 But did they say what"s wrong? 一點小意外 Uh, I just had a little incident. 低血糖導致的 I had low blood sugar. 吃晚餐的時候
突然暈倒了 I was over at the diner, and... and I fell down. 話說我在一個演出海報上 And actually, I was looking at your name 看到你的名字了 on an advertisement for a play. 想著你不會去的 Didn"t think you"d wanna come. 你見過他唱歌♥嗎
因為我完全沒有概念 Did he ever sing for you? "Cause I-I had no idea. 我完全無法想象 I had no idea at all. 他唱的很好
真的很好 He was good. He was real good. 對不起
我應該邀請你 I"m sorry, Dad. I should"ve invited you. 不用
這個我們稍后再說 Oh, don"t... we"ll talk about it later, son. 我開車送你回去吧 Just let me drive you home. 不用了
Oh, no. 陪你女朋友吧 You take care of your pretty girl there. 你要去哪兒 Where"re you going? 去劇組
為這破事我都快遲到了 Going to the cast party. I"m not missing it for this. 打擾一下
他得了什么病 Excuse me. I"m sorry. What"s wrong with him? 你是家屬嗎 Are you family? 不是 No. 那你得問他自己 Well, you need to ask him. 謝謝了 Thank you. 今天起的挺早 You"re up early. 給兒子你做了早點 Made my son breakfast. 穿這么整齊
是要去參加葬禮嗎 What"s with the getup? Going to a funeral? 不是
去教堂 No. Just going to church, Dad. 教堂 Church. 坐下來吃點 Sit down and eat. 來
要涼了 C"mon, sit down and eat. Getting cold. 看到這個了嗎
你看 Hey"d you see this? Did you see that? 你瞧瞧
頭版頭條 Look at that. Front page. 你活像個匹諾曹牛仔 You look like a Pinocchio cowboy. 太滑稽了 It"s a good joke. 你覺得我就是個笑話
對嗎 So that"s what I am to you, a joke? 我可沒說 I didn"t say that. 你自己說的
You just said it. 不要和我吵架 Don"t put words in my mouth. 我就是想唱歌♥
有那么好笑嗎 What if I wanna sing? Why"s that so funny? 也許那是我的強項呢 I mean, maybe I"m good at it. 牧師讓我今早去唱歌♥ The pastor of the church asked me to sing this morning. 這意味著什么 It"s gotta mean something. 他讓你唱歌♥廣播嗎 He ask you to sing for a living? 這是我要說的 That"s what I"m saying. 你要找到你真正擅長的東西 You"re gonna need to find something you"re good at 你可以憑之生活 that you can actually earn a living at 因為將來的有一天你得依靠你自己 "cause you"re gonna have to support yourself on these days. 你又怎么知道了 How do you even know? 你從來沒聽過我唱歌♥ You"ve never even heard me sing. 那又不是我的錯 Well, that"s not my fault. 我聽到你的都是鬼哭狼嚎 All I hear out of you is whining and moaning. 我今早在教堂唱歌♥ Okay. I"m singing this morning at church. 10 點鐘
調幅 1080 波段 10:00 on radio AM 1080. 你來聽一下吧 Why don"t you come watch me sing? 我不會去的 No, I can"t do that. 為什么不去 Why not? 那里里不適合我 No. I just don"t belong there. 為什么 Why? 我就是不想去
I just don"t. I don"t! 不適合我 Don"t belong there. 那好 Okay. 我兒子巴特 My boy Bart"s, oh, 讓我失望透頂 he"s nothin" but a big disappointment. 我就不該生他
沒他還過得更好 I wish he"d never been born. Everything"d been just fine. 一切都是因為巴特 All my problems are because of Bart. 嘿
你繼續胡扯 Hey, hey, you put words in my mouth. 我就揍你 I"m gonna put a fist in your face. 我可不小了 Yeah, I"m a little big for that, Dad. 你覺得你長大了 You think? 你以為還是小時候嗎 I think those days are over. 你真想試試 Is that what you think? 來
來嘛 Yeah! I do, yeah! 你說話放尊重點 Listen, you have to talk to me with respect. 是我給你吃給你喝 I"m the one that puts the food on the table. 是我在養家糊口
是我沒有離開 I earn the living around here, and I"m the one who stayed. 我在這可沒看到你媽 I don"t see your Momma anywhere. 爸
沒人怪媽媽離開 Yeah, well, nobody blames her for leaving, Dad! 要是我
我也會離開你 I would"ve left, too! 不說了
吃飯 Just shut up. Just shut up and eat. -我不餓
-把飯吃掉 - I"m not hungry. - Eat your food. 我沒有胃口
I"m not hungry! 很好 All right, then. 你還真打
別過來 You kidding me?! Stay away from me! 我認真的
你碰我試試 I"m serious! Don"t touch me! 我受夠你了
你這個瘋子離我遠點 I"m done with you! You"re crazy! Get away from me! 巴特
你的頭怎么了 Bart, what happened to your head? 都流血了 It"s bleeding. 沒
沒事兒 Oh, it"s nothing, it"s fine. 你還好嗎 Are you okay? -你確定
-我沒事 - Are you sure? - I"m fine 希望大家能為我的 I"m wondering if you guys could all 一個朋友祈禱 maybe pray for a friend of mine? 關于他的生活他一直在撒謊 This friend I think is lying to me about their life. 我不知道該怎么做
因為我想要幫忙 I don"t know what to do because I wanna help, 但是他們卻把我拒之門外
我一直覺得 and they just won"t let me, and I just feel like 我越努力
情況卻越糟糕 the more I try, it just kind of gets worse and worse. 而現在我看向他們
我只能看到虛偽 And so now when I look at them, all I see is a mask. 為他們祈禱 Pray for them. 沒有人能一輩子活在謊言中 No one can live a lie forever, okay? 謝謝 Okay, thanks. 大家都知道你說的是我 Course they know you"re talking about me. 我要尷尬死了 Do you know how embarrassing that is? 我只是想讓你聽我說
I was just trying to get you to listen! 你到底是怎么了 What is going on with you?! -我很好
-才不是 - I"m fine. - You"re not fine! 是因為你父親嗎
讓我來幫你 Is it your dad? I could help. -那就讓我過去
-我不想你來我家 - Just let me come over. - I don"t want you at my house. -為什么
-就是別來 - Why? - "Cause I just don"t. 這是哪一出 Where is this coming from? 你說呢
也許這就是我虛偽之下的本質 I don"t know, maybe from deep inside my mask. -不是這樣的
-就是這樣 - That"s not funny. - It"s kinda funny. -不要這樣
-你把我看透了 - Please, don"t do this. - You got me all figured out. 你疏遠誰都可以
但你不能這樣對我 You push everyone away! Don"t add me to that list. 我愛你
我一直愛你 I love you. I"ve always loved you! 那好
我不曾愛過你 Yeah, well, I"ve never really loved you. 我是說我們馬上就要畢業了 I mean, we"re... we"re graduating soon. 你要離開去上大學了
我要追逐愚蠢的夢想 You"re going off to college. I"m chasing some stupid dream. -對吧
-我從來沒說過你有愚蠢的夢想 - Right? - I never said your dream was stupid. 好聚好散
對我而言沒有遺憾 I mean, this has been fun. No regrets for me, all right? 人會變的
你懂嗎 But people change, you know what I mean? 明顯我們不能再在一起了 We obviously can"t get along anymore. 香農
我決定畢業后就離開 I"m leaving, Shannon. After graduation I"m... I"m gone. 新篇章
新旅程 不要這樣
好嗎 Please don"t. 怎樣 What?
不要離開 Go. 香農
我在這兒呆不下去 I can"t stay here, Shannon. 麥克
人們沒錢賺 You know, Mike, it"s amazing how 的時候辭職的速度讓我驚訝 people quit when they don"t get paid. 我也該向錢看齊 I should try that sometime. 別忘了我們要為青年論♥壇♥ All right, look, we are opening 開幕式演出開場 for the opening act at a youth conference. 簡直天方夜譚
這么多問題 It"s impossible, that"s the whole problem. 孔子說
行與不行 "Whether you think you can or you think you can"t, 其實是福特汽車創始人亨利·福特說的 都在一念之間 you"re right"... that"s Confucius. 我根本不知道你在說什么 I don"t even know what that means. 你在為難我這樣的藝術家 And it"s offensive to me as an artist. 什么藝術家
九十塊錢一場的藝術家 An artist? We"re making 90 bucks! -好吧
-我們三個 - Right. - Between the three of us. 我們沒有主唱了
還怎么演 We have no vocals. We got no show. 不可能演了 It"s impossible. 真正的不可能是 Yeah, well, the only impossible things 不可能本身 are the things that we call impossible. 誰說的
亞里士多德嗎 What is that? Aristotle? 不是
這句是簽餅上說的[一種有紙條的餅] No, that one"s a fortune cookie. 內森
你說這些有什么用 Nathan, nobody understands you, man! 伙計們
Hey, guys. 從啥時候開始
只會夸夸其談 You"re always so cranky, man. -從得梅因開始
得梅因 - Yeah, since Des Moines. - Oh, Des Moines. 突然又提得梅因干什么 Why bring up Des Moines again? 哥們
我可以唱 Hey, guys, if you guys need a singer, I"ll sing. 我還能接線 I"m, uh... I also patch cables, 布置場地 and, you know, I can run the board, 調燈光
我還自己寫歌♥ and turn the lights on, and I write songs, too. 時不時的 Kind of. Sometimes. 你叫什么 Who are you? 我加入了樂隊 I joined up with the band. 身無分文 All we had was the clothes on our backs. 但拼盡全力 Took every gig we could, 不放過每個演出機會 anywhere they"d let us play. 我們都無路可退 We were all technically homeless, I guess. 為麥克的吉他振臂歡呼吧 Give it up for Mike on the guitar! 真棒 Yeah! 貝斯手內森先生
為內森鼓掌 Mr. Nathan on the bass! Give it up for Nathan! 鍵盤手吉姆 Jim on the keys! -真棒
我是巴特 - Yeah! - Yeah, and I"m Bart. 我們是靈敏 And we are Mercy... 還有鼓手羅比 And Robbie on the drums! 他是新來的
He"s new. 謝謝你們今晚來觀看演出 Thank you all for being here tonight. 你們看得開心嗎 Y"all have a good time? -開心
-好了 - Yeah!
- Yeah 我希望你們能盡興 I sure hope so 因為我們已經唱完了所有的歌♥ "cause that"s all the songs we got. 再唱一首 Encore! 這樣吧 You know what? 結束前我給你們講個故事吧 Let me tell you a story before we go. 那個
因為我 Um... "cause when I was, uh... 大約十或十一歲時
生活很艱難 ten, 11 years old, life was tough. 實際上
是非常艱難 I mean, it... it was really tough, actually. 我需要某種慰藉
我記得 I needed something, and I remember, I"ve... 我那時一直喜歡音樂 I"ve always loved music, you know? 我發現有些音樂
我就是 And I found some songs that I just... 老天
你們明白嗎 man, I... I held onto, you know what I mean? 就像暴風雨中的錨
他們幫我渡過難關 Like an anchor in a storm. And they got me through. 他們告訴我
天父 And they told me about a Father in heaven that... 需要我 that wanted me. 天父對我的摯愛 You know, a Father that loves me so much 甚至犧牲了自己 that He died for me. 天父永遠不會拋棄我 A Father that would never leave me. 我反復地聽這些歌♥
And I listened to these songs over and over 一遍又一遍
他們給了我希望 and over and over again and... and they gave me hope. 因為我需要 "Cause I needed it. 也許今晚
你們也需要 And maybe tonight, so do you. 跟我一起唱 Sing this with me. 《Oh Lord You"re Beautiful 》詞曲作者
Keith Green ? 上帝啊
您如此美麗 ? ? Oh Lord, You"re beautiful ? ? 您的容顏是我全部所見 ? ? Your face is all I see ? ? 沐浴在您仁愛的目光中 ? ? For when your eyes are on this child ? ? 您的恩典包圍著我 ? ? Your grace abounds to me ? ? 上帝啊
請點燃那把火 ? ? Oh Lord, please light the fire ? ? 照亮世界
一片清明 ? ? That once burned bright and clean ? ? 將最初的敬畏的微光 ? ? Replace the lamp of my first love ? ? 燃成我心中熊熊烈火? ? That burns with holy fear ? ? 上帝啊
您如此美麗 ? ? Oh Lord, You"re beautiful ? ? 我的眼里只有您 ? ? Your face is all I see ? ? 沐浴在您仁愛的目光中 ? ? For when Your eyes are on this child ? ? 您的恩典包圍著我 ? ? Your grace abounds to me ? 感謝你們能來
巴特 Thanks for coming, guys. Appreciate it. Hey, Bart. -你去哪里
-我得去見一個人 - Hey, where you headed, man? - Someone I gotta see, man. -誰
-斯科特·布里科 - Who? - Scott Brickell. 他是腎上腺素之聲樂隊和其他一些樂隊的經紀人 He manages Audio Adrenaline and a bunch of others.
美國 90 年代最成功的福音搖滾樂隊之一 好
Yeah, well, why was he here? 因為過去的兩年我每周給他寫一封信 "Cause I wrote him a letter every week for the past two years. -我得走了
-那個 - Gotta go. - Uh... -布里科先生
-叫我布里克就好 - Mr. Brickell! - It"s just Brickell. 好
行 Uh, yeah, uh-huh, okay. 我不知道你會來
謝謝 Um, I didn"t know you were coming. Thank you. 對
圣誕快樂 Yeah, well, I did. Merry Christmas. 我們基本上只開
大型演唱會 Uh, you know, we mostly just play, uh, big shows, 但有時我們也會回到 you know, but sometimes we like to get back to, 這樣的小場館進行表演 you know, smaller venues like this one. -好
-我叫巴特 - Yeah, look, Barth, uh... - Uh, it"s Bart. 對不起
你們樂隊叫什么來著 Sorry. And what"s the name of your band again? 叫憐憫我
因為當我告訴我奶奶 It"s Mercy Me, you know, "cause when I told my memaw 我們想組建一支樂隊時
她說 that we were starting a band, she was, like, 找份正經工作吧" "Mercy me, get a real job." 然后我說"奶奶" And I was, like, "Aw, Memaw!" 然后那幫家伙問"她真的這樣說嗎" And then the guys were like, "Did she really say that?" 我說
我們樂隊要叫靈敏" I was, like, "Yeah, we have to name the band Mercy..." 所以我們的樂隊就叫這個名字了 So that"s what we called it. 孩子
你說了 Son, the sheer volume of words 這么一大堆話
讓人聽著都累 that comes outta your mouth is... exhausting. 我認為
你們還沒準備好 You"re not ready. That"s what I think. 你有天賦
You got talent. You got potential. 你歌♥唱得不錯 You can sing, 但我認為你沒找到屬于你的歌♥ but I don"t think you"ve found your song, 找到你的靈魂
你明白我的意思嗎 Found your soul, you know what I"m saying? 你唱得最后一首歌♥
很特別 Look, that last thing you did, that was... that was special. 下場演出
你整場演出都應該唱那樣的歌♥ Next gig, you should do that the whole time, the entire show. 看看那樣多么適合你 See how that works for you. 但那不是我們常唱的那類歌♥ That"s not the kind of music that we sing, though. 相信我
你們不知道 Trust me, son, you have no idea 自己唱的是哪類歌♥ what kind of music you sing. 我們自己寫歌♥
我們不翻唱別人的歌♥ We write our own music. We don"t just do covers. 那么
寫一些像那樣的歌♥ Well, then write something like that, -然后再給我打電♥話♥
等等 - and then give me a call. - No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. 你得和我們一起 You gotta go with us. 我們在得克薩斯州還有兩場演出 We got two more shows in Texas. 我們的巴士上還有好多位置
好嗎 We got plenty of room on the bus, all right? 你不能改變了我們整個表演風格 You know, you can"t just change up our whole act 然后再拋棄我們
對吧 and then abandon us, right? 我知道
你不是那樣的人 You don"t seem like that kind of person, I can tell. 我乘坐經濟艙的飛機
還坐在中間位置 I flew coach in a middle seat 租了一輛小得我甚至都坐不進去的車 to rent a car that I can"t even fit in 開了三小時才到這么個偏僻地方 to drive three hours to the middle of nowhere 來讓你告訴我
to have you tell me you want me to travel on that... 和你們一起 with you? 對 Yeah. 真有趣 That"s funny. 我得換份工作 I need to get another job. 是誰 Hello? 喂
是香農·斯特里特嗎 Yes, is this Shannon Street? 是
你是誰 Yes. Who is this? 女士
我們需要和你談談 Uh, it"s the police, ma"am. Uh, we need to speak with you. 出于你的安全考慮
你能下樓來嗎 Can you come downstairs? It"s for your own safety. 搞定那個姑娘
加油 Get the girl, Bart! Woo-woo! -香農
-巴特 - Shannon! - Bart! 好久不見
你看起來挺好的 Hey. Long time no see. You look great. 大半夜的
你來這里干嘛 It"s midnight, Bart. What are you doing here? 我們剛在這里演出 We just played a gig here. 我不清楚你是不是已經知道了
但我們 I don"t know if you know this yet, but we... 實際上我們現在出了一張 CD we actually have a CD now 上面有我們的一些歌♥ with actual songs on it. 那種真的 CD
這是給你的 Like a real CD. Here, that"s for you. 我們還有三場演出 We have three more shows. 你愿意和我們一起嗎 What if you came with us? 我們可以去旅行
我們可以去找肯特 We could go on the road, we could grab Kent. 出發去旅行
Hit the road. It"d be like before. -三劍客
-我要睡了 - Three Musketeers. - I"m going to bed. 拜托
來冒險吧 Aw, come on, Shannon. Go on an adventure! 會很好玩的 It"ll be fun! 冒險 Adventure? -你說真的
-對 - Really? - Yeah. 你在想什么
像這樣到這里來 What"re you thinking, coming here like this? 我不知道
我沒想太多 I don"t know. I didn"t really think about it. 我只是覺得這會很好玩 I just thought it"d be fun, you know? -就是個想法
就這原因 - Just an idea. - That"s it? Only reason? 對 Yep. 我再也不想和你一起去冒險了 I don"t want to go on any more adventures with you. 我想讓你知道 You know, I want you to know 我一直在為你祈禱 that I pray for you all the time. 真的
我真的一直在為你祈禱 I do. I really do. 我希望你找到 And I hope that you find 你一直在找的東西
無論那是什么 whatever it is that you"re looking for out there. 謝謝你送我的 CD Thank you for the CD. 福瑞斯特·噶木普在那里呆了一陣子 Forrest Gump"s taking his time back there. 她不來和我們一起 She will not be joining us. 真令人吃驚 Shocker. 她不是很聰明嗎 Well, ain"t she the smart one? 這很好
It"s good. Nathan, it"s real good. 我們去做吧
我們要讓他大吃一驚 Let"s do it. Let"s blow him away. 《Beautiful》憐憫我樂隊 ? 站在世界之巔我要唱歌♥ ? ? From the top of the world I will sing ? ? 榮耀之王帶給我歡樂 ? ? Of the j...
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