驚嚇小學 -我嚇著你了
-才沒有呢 -I scared you!
-No, you didn"t. 聽著
別忘了我們的紀律 Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 不許推搡
更不允許噴火 Uh, no pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 我說到哪兒了 What did I just say? 十八
十九 Eighteen, nineteen... 我們少了一個
是哪個不見了 Okay, we"re missing one. Who are we missing? 麥克·華斯基 Oh. Mike Wazowski. 謝謝
喬 Thanks, Joe. 希望你能早點猜出來 Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle. -抱歉
-沒關系 -Sorry, Michael. I didn"t see you.
-That"s okay. 剛才在車上
我撿到一個硬幣 When I was on the bus, I found a nickel! 有個兜就好了 I wish I had pockets. 好了
自♥由♥組合找你們的旅伴吧 Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field trip buddy. 詹米
咱們倆? 沒事
無所謂 Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie. 艾麗
你找克萊爾? 有眼光
她是好人 Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? Great choice. She"s a good egg. 拉塞爾? Russell. 麥克? 華斯基? Mike? Wazowski? 搭個伴兒吧 We car-pool? -我們是表兄弟
-嘿 -We"re cousins.
-Hey! 好吧
真有品味 Okay. Good catching up. 嘿
看來又得咱倆搭檔了 Well, Michael, it looks like it"s you and me again. 快點兒
Come on, Karen. We"re falling behind. 叫我老師好嗎
Please don"t call me Karen. 我們驚嚇因為我們喜歡 大家千萬不要掉隊哦 Now, stay close together. 因為我們要進入最危險的區域啦 We"re entering a very dangerous area. 歡迎來到神秘的驚嚇工廠 Welcome to the Scare Floor. 這里就是我們采集尖叫能源 This is where we collect the Scream Energy 供應整個世界的中心 to power our whole world. 你們知道是誰去采集這些尖叫能源嗎
And can anyone tell me whose job it is to go get that scream? -驚嚇專員
-完全正確 -Scarers!
-That"s right! 你們誰能給我秀一下最恐怖的吼叫 Now, which one of you can give me the scariest roar? 我
我 Me, me, me! 我能
綠色的寶寶 Oh! Sir! Right here! Little green guy, 兩點鐘方向 two o"clock! 看我的 No, it"s like this. 看這個 Hey, guys, watch this one. 我真的很在行 Hey, I got a really good... 早啊
你們是來見學的吧? Well, hey there, kids. Are you on a tour with your school? 是的 Yes. 我們來學習尖叫能源的知識
了解如何成為驚嚇專員 We"re here to learn about Scream Energy and what it takes to be a Scarer. 是嗎
我正好就是一個驚嚇專員 Well, hey, you"re in luck, because I just happen to be a Scarer. 我會的一切都是在學校學的 I learned everything I know from my school, 著名的怪獸大學 Monsters University.
那是世界上最棒的驚嚇學校 It"s the best Scaring School there is. 別忽悠了
恐大才是最棒的 You wish! Fear Tech"s the best. 好吧
Okay. You guys watch us and tell me which school"s the best. All right? 怪獸大學 MU is. 站住別動 Oops. Stop right there. 別越過這道警戒線 Don"t cross over that safety line. 人類的孩子都有劇毒
碰著就死 Human children are extremely toxic. 你們看那邊 Look at that! 看著點
別撞著我 Whoa! Hey, guys, watch the eye! Ow! 看那個
真神奇 Look at that! It"s amazing! 勞駕
讓一讓 Excuse me. Fellas. 有點樣好不好? How about we do tallest in the back? 這個家伙太恐怖了 Look, he"s going to do a real Scare! -我也要當驚嚇專員
我也是 -Cool. I want to be a Scarer.
-Yeah. Me, too. 讓我也看看 Come on, guys. I want to see. 你算了吧
麥克 Out of the way, Wazowski. 驚嚇工廠跟你沒關系 You don"t belong on a Scare Floor. 布萊恩
別越過那條警戒線 Brian! Do not step over the line. 老師
麥克也越過警戒線了 Mrs. Graves, Michael went over the line. 麥克 Michael! 看見了嗎
我說過他沒事 See? I told you. He"s fine. 可我覺得有動靜 Well, I thought I heard something.
怎么啦 What? 你覺得好玩是嗎
Are you okay? 你沒事兒吧 You could have gotten hurt! 這怎么解釋
怎么會出現這種情況? I don"t understand how this could happen! 剛才太危險了
我都不知道你進去了 That was real dangerous, kid. I didn"t even know you were in there. 我真沒想到你會進去 Wow. I didn"t even know you were in there. 真不賴
小家伙 Not bad, kid. 麥克
你剛才是怎么回事 Michael, what do you have to say for yourself? 怎么才能成為一個驚嚇專員 How do I become a Scarer? 怪獸大學 怪獸大學到了
有下車的沒有 Monsters University! Anybody getting off? 同學們
我也不想煽情 Well, everyone, I don"t mean to get emotional, 但是我一生都在等待這一刻 but everything in my life has led to this moment. 希望這不僅是我的 Let it not be just the beginning of my dream 也是你們夢想的開始 but the beginning of all of our dreams. 格萊迪斯
答應我 Gladys, promise me you"ll keep auditioning. 瑪麗
你的真命天子會出現的 Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere. 菲爾
記得繼續抹藥直到皮膚白白 Phil, keep using the ointment till that thing goes away. 祝大家萬事如意
非常感謝 I wish you all the best. Thank you all so much! 說得我都熱淚盈眶啦
快下車吧 I"m welling up with tears. Now, get off. 你好
請多指教 Hello. How are you doing? 用力
用力 Stroke! Stroke! 好嘞
Okay! First thing on my list, 先去教務處 get registered. 嘿
我是熱心腸 Hey there, freshman. I"m Jay the R.A., 想知道去哪報道是嗎
往前看 and I"m here to say that registration is thataway! -謝謝熱心腸
-有事就找熱心腸 -Okay, Jay.
-Have a great first day. 嘿
這是你的新生手冊 Hey, I"m Kay! Here"s your orientation packet. 謝謝你 Thanks, Kay. 你可以把包存在這兒
跟憨豆哥去照相 You can drop your bags off here and get your picture taken with Trey. -說萬歲
-萬歲 -say hooray!
-Hooray! 怪獸大學
秋季/春季學期有效 學生
麥克·華斯 主修
嚇唬 我這不是在做夢吧 I can"t believe it. 我是怪獸大學的正式學生了 I"m officially a college student! 介紹一下
我是小甜甜 Okay, everyone, I"m Fay, 在這個陽光明媚的日子
我帶你們熟悉一下校園 and I"ll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day! 這里是驚嚇學生專用實驗室 Here are the labs where students learn 專門建造設計通往人類世界的大門 to design and build the doors to the Human World. 教授們好像在實驗一扇新門 Looks like the professor is about to test a door! 怪獸大學提供一日三餐
都是自助式的 The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet, three meals a day. 走
怪獸! 擊敗
恐懼科技! 我個人認為
本校食堂擁有最棒的廚師 I personally believe we have some of the best chefs in the world. 第一學期 篝火晚會! 學校設置了多種多樣的專業 The campus offers a wide variety of majors,
戴在王冠上的明珠還是這所驚嚇學院 but the crown jewel of MU is the Scaring School. 驚嚇學院 來我們辯論隊吧
歡迎你來加入 Welcome to the Debate Team. We"re happy to have you. 我持不同意見 I disagree for the following reasons. 真正的快樂只不過是理論上的概念 True happiness is a theoretical construct... 嘿
關注一下浩瀚的宇宙吧 Hey there! Keep your eye on the sky 天文俱樂部歡迎你 at the Astronomy Club! 藝術社 嘿嘿嘿
參加極限表演團 Hey, hey, hey! Come join the Improve Club. 你是我自己從不總是 You"ll wish you were a... Never... Always... 真笨 Ah, dang it! 怪大希臘議會
舉辦一年一度的驚嚇杯大賽 MU"s Greek Council. We sponsor the annual Scare Games. 你們舉辦什么 The Scare what now? 怪大驚嚇杯大賽 The Scare Games! 超級火爆的驚嚇高手絕技 A super-intense Scaring competition! 極其瘋狂危險
什么都有可能發生 They"re crazy dangerous, so anything could happen. 去年一大票選手被送進了醫院 A bunch of guys went to the hospital last year! -你有可能會掛掉
-但是非常值得 -You could totally die.
-And it"s worth it. 你有機會證明你是怪大最棒的 You get a chance to prove that you are the best! 驚嚇杯大賽 證明你是最好 酷 Cool. 麥克
319 房♥間 Wazowski, Room 319. 你的室友也是驚嚇專業的 You know, your roommate is a Scaring major, too.
這太老套了 "Hello, I"m your roommate." Oh, that"s too bland. 不要刻意
自然就好了 Don"t force it. Just let it happen. 你這一輩子的摯友就在這扇門的后面 Your lifelong best friend is right behind this door. 嘿
我是你的室友 Hey there. I"m your roomie. 我叫藍道·保基
驚嚇專業的 Name"s Randy Boggs. Scaring major. 我叫麥克·華斯基
驚嚇專業的 Oh! Mike Wazowski, Scaring major. 我預感我們會成為死黨 I can tell we"re going to be best chums, Mike. 你先挑床鋪好了 Take whichever bed you want. 我把這個優先權給你啦 I wanted you to have first dibs. 你居然會隱形? You just disappeared. 抱歉
我就鬧笑話了 Sorry. If I do that in Scaring class, I"ll be a joke. 不
應該好好利用 No, it"s totally great. You got to use it. -真的? -把眼鏡摘了 -Really?
-Yeah, but lose the glasses. 穿幫了 They give it away. 驚嚇 好了 Okay! 整理房♥間
搞定 Unpack. Check. Hang posters. Check. 現在還需要門門得 A
以優異成績畢業 Now I just need to ace my classes, graduate with honors, 做最偉大的驚嚇專員 and become the greatest Scarer ever. 天吶
真希望我也能這么自信 Boy, I wish I had your confidence, Mike. 你一點都不緊張嗎
Aren"t you even a little nervous? 事實上
沒有 Actually, no. 我等這一天都等了一輩子了
I"ve been waiting for this my whole life. 真想馬上就開始上課 I just can"t wait to get started. 天吶
我不能第一天就遲到 Oh, man! I can"t be late on the first day! 我沒看花眼吧 You got to be kidding me. 我緊張得發抖 I"m so nervous! 鎮定
一會兒就好了 Relax. It will be fine. 早上好
同學們 Good morning, students. 我來教你們驚嚇入門 Welcome to Scaring 101. K.教授 驚嚇基礎課
101 我是奈特教授 I am Professor Knight. 我相信你們在家鄉都是最嚇人的怪獸 Now I"m sure all of you were the scariest monster in your town. 但是今非昔比
這里是我的地盤 Well, bad news, kids. You"re in my town now, 我可不容易被嚇到 and I do not scare easily. 郝刻薄院長
這可真是意外之喜 Dean Hardscrabble. This is a pleasant surprise. 她是個傳奇 She"s a legend. 她用那個尖叫搜集罐打破過所有的驚嚇記錄 She broke the all-time Scare Record with the scream in that very can! 我不想打擾各位 I don"t mean to interrupt. 只是心血來潮 I just thought I"d drop by 見識一下今年又來了哪些兇神惡煞 to see the terrifying faces joining my program. 我想同學們一定很想恭聽您的至高教誨 Well, I"m sure my students would love to hear a few words of inspiration. K.教授 驚嚇基礎課
101 至高教誨? 沒問題 Inspiration? Very well. 可怕是一個怪獸必須的條件
Scariness is the true measure of a monster. 如果你長得不嚇人 If you"re not scary 那你還算什么怪獸 what kind of a monster are you? 我的職責就是讓杰出的學生更杰出 It"s my job to make great students greater, 而不是讓平庸的學生變得更平庸 not make mediocre students less mediocre. 所以這學期期末你們要進行一個終極考試 That is why at the end of the semester there will be a final exam. 考試不及格的
就要從我的驚嚇學院開除 Fail that exam and you are out of the Scaring program. 我希望你們現在該清楚了 So, I should hope you"re all properly inspired. 肅靜
肅靜 All right. All right. 誰能告訴我有效吼叫的特性 Who can tell me the properties of an effective roar? 說吧 Yes? 特性一共有五個 There are actually five. 分別是
吼叫的共振 Those include the roar"s resonance, 吼叫的持續性
還有吼 the duration of the roar, and the... 抱歉 Whoops. Sorry. 剛才我聽到有人說吼叫
我就吼了一下 I heard someone say "roar," so I just kind of went for it. 不好意思 Oh, excuse me, sorry. 嚇到你了
各位 I didn"t mean to scare you there. Hey, how you doing? 吼叫很震撼
請問 Very impressive, Mister... 蘇利文
詹姆士·蘇利文 Sullivan. Jimmy Sullivan. 蘇利文 Sullivan. 有個比爾·蘇利文
Like Bill Sullivan, the Scarer? 認識
Yeah. He"s my dad. 他是蘇家的 He"s a Sullivan! 我早該想到的
但愿你是虎父無犬子 I should have known. I expect big things from you. 放心
我不會讓您失望的 Well, you won"t be disappointed. 不好意思
Uh... I"m sorry. Should I keep going? 不必了
百聞不如一見 No, no. Mr. Sullivan"s covered it. 請大家拿出驚嚇學教材 Everyone take out your Scaring textbooks 翻到第一章的第一頁 and open them to chapter one. 嘿
借支鉛筆 Hey, bub. Can I borrow a pencil? 我忘帶了 I forgot all my stuff. 對
舒服 Ah! All right. Yes. There we go. That will get it. 去吧
今天是兄弟會 Come on, Mike. It"s a fraternity... 和女生一起聯誼
這樣的機會很難得 and sorority party. We have to go! 可是如果期末考試掛掉就徹底完了 If we flunk that Scaring final, we are done. 我可不能冒這么大的風險 I"m not taking any chances. 別整天看書本了 You"ve got the whole semester to study, 以后可能再也沒有這樣的機會 but this might be our only chance 跟那些校花校草打交道了 to get in good with the cool kids. 我還做了一些蛋糕 That"s why I made these cupcakes. Oops. 差點鬧笑話 That could have been embarrassing. 等你成功了
好玩的事多著呢 When I"m a Scarer, life will be a nonstop party. 你可別惹事
野小子 Stay out of trouble, wild man. 野小子
Wild man. 這是 What the... 阿奇 Archie! 嘿
你 Hey! What are you... 你噓噓什么呀
你不能 Wait... You"re shushing me? Hey! Hey! You can"t... -他去哪兒了
-我要扒了他的皮 - Where did he go?
-He"s dead meat. -他攤上大事了
-沒錯 -That guy"s in big trouble.
-Yeah, he is. 伙計們
去那邊 Hey, guys! Over here! 恐大的白♥癡♥ Fear Tech dummies. -對不起
-這是我的房♥間 -Sorry about that, buddy.
-Why are you in my room? 你的房♥間? 這明明是 Your room? This is my... 這不是我的房♥間 This is not my room. 阿奇
小寶貝 Archie! Come here, boy. 阿奇? Archie? 阿奇是驚嚇豬
恐大的吉祥物 Archie the Scare Pig. He"s Fear Tech"s mascot. 為什么在這 Why is it here? 我偷的
要帶它去驚嚇會 I stole it. Going to take it to the RORs. 去哪 The what? 著名的驚嚇會
怪大最頂級的兄弟會 Roar Omega Roar. The top fraternity on campus. 他們只吸收精英學員 They only accept the highly elite. 好了
你抓豬 Okay, I"ll lift the bed, you grab the pig. 準備抓豬
走你 Ready? One, two, three. 不要讓他跑了
That"s it. Don"t let go. 當心一點
他是食肉動物 Careful. He"s a biter. 抓住它 I got him! 小淘氣 That was awesome! 差點忘了
我叫詹姆士·蘇利文 What am I doing? James P. Sullivan. 麥克·華斯基 Mike Wazowski. 很高興認識你和那個那個 Listen, it was quite delightful meeting you 那個什么豬 and whatever that is, 如果你不介意的話
我現在要練習技巧了 but if you don"t mind, I have to study my Scaring. 不需要什么技巧 You don"t need to study Scaring. 只要亂吼就可以了 You just do it. 是嗎
我認為練好驚嚇技巧很重要 Really? I think there"s a little more to it than that. 謝謝你來拜訪 But, hey, thanks for stopping by. 還給我 Let go of that! -我的帽子
-我的豬 -"My hat!"
-My pig! 回來 Hey! Come here! 嘿 Hey! 抓住它 Catch it! 給我回來 Come back here! 抓住它 Ride it to frat row! 嘗嘗? Cupcake? 搞定 Got it! 這是恐大的吉祥物
Fear Tech"s mascot! MU rules! 怪大
怪大 M-U! M-U! M-U! 看到我怎么抓豬了嗎
Did you see him catch that pig? 你應該加入我們健將兄弟會
先生 You are Jaws Theta Chi material, freshman. 這個
我還沒想好 Oh, thanks. I don"t know... 不不不
他是我們的新成員 No, no, no. He"s an Omega Howl guy. -滾開
我們要定了 -Back off. We saw him first.
-No way. We did! 這位兄弟歸我們了
先生們 I"ll take it from here, gentlemen. 叫我強哥好了
菁嚇兄弟會的會長 Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar. 你叫什么
大個子? What"s your name, big blue? 詹姆士·蘇利文
朋友叫我毛怪 Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley. 你是老蘇家的? 大名鼎鼎的老蘇家? This guy"s a Sullivan? Like the famous Sullivan? 真不敢相信
你是人才呀 I can"t believe it! That is crazy! -淡定
-對不起 -Chet, calm down.
-I"m sorry. 毛怪
有膽量這樣做的新生將來一定會 Sulley, any freshman with the guts to pull off a stunt like that... 成為驚嚇界的傳奇怪獸 has got "Future Scarer" written all over him. 看見我騎豬了嗎
我也挺猛的 Hey, did you see me ride the pig? That took guts. 站住
這個派對只邀請驚嚇學院的學生 Slow down, squirt. This party is for Scare students only. 抱歉
你應該跟般配的小伙伴兒一起玩 Oh, sorry, killer, but you might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed. 比如像那幾個 Uh... They look fun! 小朋友
快加入 OK 會吧 Oh, hey there. Want to join Oozma Kappa? 我們有蛋糕 We have cake. 去玩兒吧
Go crazy. 你看不起我? Is that a joke? 毛怪
勸勸你的朋友 Sulley, talk to your friend. 我跟他算不上是朋友 Oh, he"s not really my friend, but sure. 你聽到了? 這派對只邀請驚嚇生 You heard him. This is a party for Scare students. 我就是驚嚇生啊 I am a Scare student. 我是說那種真的 I mean for Scare students who actually, 真的能嚇人的 you know, have a chance. 精辟 Aw, snap! 我嚇起人來絕對不會比你差 My chances are just as good as yours. 可你和我根本就不是一個級別的 You"re not even in the same league with me. 不信走著瞧 Just wait, hotshot. 今年我要讓你知道我的厲害 I"m going to scare circles around you this year. 好啊
我拭目以待 Oh, okay. I"d like to see that. 狂妄自大
等著瞧 Oh, don"t worry. You will. 站成兩排 Ready position. 基本蹲姿 Common crouch. 亮出你們的亂發和發黃的牙齒
基本吼叫 I want to see matted fur and yellow teeth. Basic snarl. 流出你的口水 Show me some slobber. 口水也是武器
要利用 Drool is a tool, kids. Use it. 這位還有點兒驚嚇專員的樣子 Now here is a monster who looks like a Scarer. 如果你們要通過考試
就要沒白天沒黑夜的進行練習 You want a hope of passing this class, you better eat, breathe, and sleep Scaring. 9 月
好棒 Yeah! 再搞一個 Give me another one. -怕蜘蛛的人
-蜘蛛恐懼癥 -Fear of spiders.
-Arachnophobia. -怕閃電的? -閃電恐懼癥 -Fear of thunder.
-Keraunophobia. -怕筷子的? -筷子恐懼癥 -Fear of chopsticks!
-Consecotaleophobia. 都是小屁孩兒啊
來個高端的 What is this, kindergarten? Give me a hard one. 怪獸怪獸
全力得勝 Go Monsters U! You know what to do! 答案是 C
尖牙 The answer is C, fangs. 正確
華斯基先生 Well done, Mr. Wazowski. -一碗大蜘蛛
-正確 -A bowl of spiders!
-Correct! -一個夜班的小丑
-又答對了 -A clown running in the dark!
-Right again. 痦子
以此為穴 Warts, boils, and moles, in that order. 太出色了 Outstanding! 半工半讀 食人魔吼 Ogre slump. 僵尸怪叫 Zombie snarl. 銀背大猩猩哀嚎 Dominant silverback gorilla. 你的進步令人印象深刻
麥克 That is some remarkable improvement, Michael. 合格的驚嚇專員不能只有一張面孔
蘇先生 One frightening face does not a Scarer make, Mr. Sullivan. 12 月 流著口水的猙獰血獸 A Tauntaun Grimace with Extra Slobber. -完全正確
-小菜一碟 -You got it!
-That"s what I"m saying. 我真想把那個萬事聰踩在腳下擦地呀 I am going to wipe the floor with that little know-it-all.
大個子 Yes, you are, big blue. 為...為什么? Hey, wait. What are you guys... 我們只是以防萬一 It"s just a precaution. 驚嚇會員都是學院的精英 RORs are the best Scarers on campus, Sullivan. 怎么能接受小豆兒的手下敗將 Can"t have a member getting shown up by a beach ball. 我感覺棒極啦 Whoo-hoo! I am on a roll. 我能打敗那小子 I"m going to destroy that guy. 那我再把會服還給你 Well, then you"ll get this back right away. 拿出行動來
證明無愧于你的家族 It"s time to start delivering on that Sullivan name. 今天的期末考試要評估兒童的恐懼度 Today"s final will judge your ability to assess a child"s fear 并且對兒童做出適度的驚嚇
地點在模擬艙 and perform the appropriate Scare in the Scare Simulator. 模擬艙的敏感參數將從尿床 The Child Sensitivity Level will be raised 逐漸提升到深度睡眠級 from Bed-wetter to Heavy Sleeper, 把看家本事都拿出來 so give it everything you"ve got. 郝刻薄院長將蒞臨現場見證 Dean Hardscrabble is with us this morning 誰能留在學院繼續學習 to see who will be moving on in the Scaring program 誰卷鋪蓋卷走人 and who will not. 考試正式開始 Let"s get started. 我是一個害怕蜘蛛和圣誕老人的 5 歲小女孩兒 I am a five-year-old girl afraid of spiders and Santa Claus. 你打算怎么驚嚇我 Which Scare do you use? 我要偷偷摸摸爬進去? That"s a Seasonal Creep and Crawl. 開始示范 Demonstrate.
成績會貼在我辦公室門外 Results will be posted outside my office. Next. 要專注 FOCUS. 噼啪作響和"嗖"
對啦 Johnson, Crackle and Howl. Yes! 嘿
Hey. Do you mind? 真的看不見 Don"t mind at all. 算了
我們換個位子吧 Come on, Mike. Let"s just move. 別來惹我 Stay out of my way. 我不像你
我可是費盡千辛萬苦才考進來的 Unlike you, I had to work hard to get into the Scare program. 那是因為你沒有那個本事 That"s because you don"t belong here. 你真的很遜 That"s what I thought. 我真的很抱歉 I"m so sorry. 這是個意外 it was an accident. 你說意外? What? This? 這是我輝煌驚嚇事業的見證品嗎
My one souvenir from a lifetime of Scaring? 意外防不勝防
Accidents happen, don"t they? 好在老天保佑大家毫發無損 The important thing is no one got hurt. 院長
您真是太大氣了 You"re taking this remarkably well. 好了
我們還是繼續考試吧 Now, let"s continue the exams. 麥克·華斯基先生 Mr. Wazowski, 我是堪薩斯農場害怕閃電的 5 歲小女孩兒 I"m a five-year-old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning. 你打算怎么嚇唬我 Which Scare do you use? 我是不是該進 Shouldn"t I go up on the...
你怎么做 Which Scare do you use? 在黑暗中靠近
然后發出噼啪的聲音 That is a Shadow Approach with a Crackle Holler. 開始示范 Demonstrate. -停
-可是我還沒 -Stop. Thank you.
-But I didn"t get to... 這就夠了 I"ve seen enough. 我是一個 7 歲的男孩 I"m a seven-year-old boy... 我還沒說完呢 I wasn"t finished. 我嚇唬人不需要聽那些廢話 I don"t need to know any of that stuff to scare. 那些廢話會讓你了解 That "stuff" would"ve informed you 這個特殊的孩子最怕的是蛇 that this particular child is afraid of snakes. 所以吼叫不能令他尖叫
只能讓他大哭 So a roar wouldn"t make him scream, it would make him cry, 引來他的父母
曝光我們的世界 alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, 毀掉我們的生活 destroying life as we know it, 我們一定要避免 and of course we can"t have that. 所以我不贊成你留在驚嚇學院學習了
再見 So I"m afraid I cannot recommend that you continue in the Scaring program. Good day. 喂
什么? 我爸是蘇利文 Wait, what? But I"m a Sullivan. 是嗎
那我相信你的父親一定非常非常失望 Well then, I"m sure your family will be very disappointed. 而你
我認為你缺少的是無法彌補的天賦 And, Mr. Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught. 你一點兒也不嚇人 You"re not scary. 所以你也不能留在我的驚嚇學院了 You will not be continuing in the Scaring program. 求你了
會讓您驚喜的 Please. Let me try the simulator. I"ll surprise you. 讓我驚喜? 我對此深表懷疑 Surprise me? I doubt that very much.
開學了 Welcome back. 希望大家度過了一個愉快的假期 I hope everyone had a pleasant break. 有人說設計采集罐是個極無聊的工作 Some say that a career as a scream-can designer is boring, 沒有挑戰性
是浪費怪獸潛能的職業 unchallenging, a waste of a monster"s potential. 大家把課本翻到第三章 Open your textbooks to chapter three. 從今天起我們學習設計尖叫采集罐的歷史 We will now plunge into the rich history of scream-can design. 驚嚇大賽 證明你是最棒的 別擋著我 Out of my way! 讓一讓
抱歉 Coming through! Oh, sorry. Ha-ha! 歡迎參加由我們主持的驚嚇杯開幕式 Welcome to this year"s Greek Scare Games kickoff. 驚嚇杯 The Scare Games! -耶
悠著點兒 -Yeah!
-Okay, relax. 我們有請特殊的嘉賓
這個賽事的創始人 We have a special guest, the founder of the games, 院長郝刻薄女士 Dean Hardscrabble. 各位好 Good afternoon. 學生時代我發起了這個賽事 As a student, I created these games 宗旨是友好竟技 as a friendly competition, 但是要有精神準備 but be prepared. 要想贏得獎杯 To take home the trophy, 你們必須是這個大學中最嚇人的怪獸 you must be the most fearsome monsters on campus. 我祝愿最好的怪獸贏得冠軍 So good luck, and may the best monsters win. 好了各位同學 All right, everybody.
我們馬上有請 We"re closing down sign-ups, so we"ll see you all... 等等 Wait! 我也要報名 I"m signing up! 什么? What? 你必須加入社團才能報名 Uh... You have to be in a fraternity to compete. 沒問題
我加入了奪冠的熱門社團 Behold the next winning fraternity of the Scare Games, 下面有請我的隊友們
OK 兄弟會的成員們 the brothers, my brothers, of Oozma Kappa! 嗨 Hi. 華斯基先生
你在干什么 Mr. Wazowski, what are you doing? 剛才你說勝者是全校最恐怖的怪獸 You just said the winners are the most fearsome monsters on campus. 那如果我贏了
就意味著你們把最優秀的驚嚇專員開除了 If I win, it means you kicked out the best Scarer in the whole school. 你不可能贏 That won"t happen. 敢不敢跟我打個賭 How about a little wager? 如果是我贏了
你就讓我回驚嚇學院 If I win, you let me back in the Scaring program. 那又能證明什么? And what would that prove? 證明你沒眼光 That you were wrong. 那好哇 Very well. 如果你贏了
我讓你們整個社團 If you win, I will let your entire team 全都進入我的驚嚇學院 into the Scare program. 但是如果你輸了 But if you lose, 你就乖乖地離開怪獸大學 you will leave Monsters University. 成交 Deal.
現在你只要找到足夠的成員就行了 Now all you need to do is find enough members to compete. 六個就行
對不對 We need six guys, right? 抱歉
老弟 Sorry, Chief. 我們數身體不數人頭
他只能算一個 We count bodies, not heads. That dude counts as one. 你們誰愿意加入我們
Anybody else want to join our team? Anyone at all? 勞駕
抱歉 Excuse me. Sorry. I"m late. -我可以
-藍道 -Can I squeeze by you?
-Randy! 藍道
快加入我們隊吧 Randy, thank goodness. I need you on my team. 抱歉
我已經有隊啦 Oh. Sorry. I"m already on a team. 藍道 Boggs. 我好不容易混成了精英 I"m finally in With the COOL kids, Mike. 你可不要毀了我的機會 Don"t blow this for me. 露一手 Do the thing. 噢
他哪兒去啦 Oh! Where did he go? 拜托來一個 Please, anybody. 我只需要一個怪獸
一個就夠了 I need one more monster. Just one more! 抱歉
看來希望不大 Yeah, sorry. Doesn"t look good. 你的團隊沒有資格 We have to move on. Your team doesn"t qualify. 不
我們有資格 Yes, it does! 明星出場總得耍耍大牌 The star player has just arrived. 不要
誰來都行 No way! Someone else! Please! Anyone else. 報名要截止啦
他到底算不算數? We"re shutting down sign-ups, okay? Is he on your team or not?
快開始吧 Come on! Let"s go! 好吧
就算他一個 Fine! Yes, he"s on my team. 祝賀你 Good luck. 那么好了
有什么計劃 All right, Wazowski, what"s the plan? 這就是我們的會所嗎
This is a fraternity house? 嘿
同志們到家啦 Hey there, teammateys! Come on aboard! 作為 OK 兄弟會的主席 As the president of Oozma Kappa, 我榮幸地歡迎你們來到新家 it is my honor to welcome you to your new home. 我們管這兒叫派對中心 We call this room "Party Central." 其實我們一次都沒在這里派對過 Technically, we haven"t actually had a party here yet. 但是要想辦
隨時都可以 But when we do, we"ll be ready! 熱巧克力火車進站啦 The hot cocoa train is coming through! Whoa! 下一站是你 Next stop... You! 我呢
是打算這么開始的 I would like to start us off first by... 難道你們都是驚嚇學院的 So, you guys are Scaring majors? 曾經是
不過誰都沒撐太久 We were! None of us lasted very long. 我估計是我們入不了郝刻薄的法眼 I guess we just weren"t what old Hardscrabble was looking for. 叫我老唐好了
熟男學生 Don Carlton, mature student. 在紡織廠干了 30 年 Thirty years in the textile industry 莫名其妙地就被公♥司♥裁員了 and then old dandy Don got downsized. 我一想
要么破罐破摔 Figured I could throw myself a pity party, 要么就回學校學個電腦神馬的 or go back to school and learn the computers.
我是尖銳的銳 Hello. I"m Terry with a 我是瑞雪的瑞
我是舞蹈專業的 And I"m Terri with an "I"! I"m a dance major! 嘿嘿
可我不是 And I"m not. 五
八 Five, six, seven, eight! 七
你怎么不動 Seven, eight, turn! And... Why didn"t you turn? 因為我們沒說做這個動作 Because we never agreed to do this! -你說這很酷的
-鬼才說過這話 -You said this was going to be cool!
-No one said this was gonna be cool. -真讓我難堪
-你才知道啊? -Now I"m embarrassed.
-Now you"re embarrassed? 你別當著外人這樣 Yes, because it"s in front of people! 你早就該醒醒了 You should wake up embarrassed. 嘿嘿嘿 Hey, hey, hey! 我是阿拱
新時代哲學專業的 I"m Art! New Age philosophy major. 你活我也活
你笑我也笑 Excited to live with you and laugh with you, 你哭我也哭 and cry with you. 愿意一起寫歡樂日記嗎
Thought you might like to keep a dream journal. 該輪到我了 Guess that leaves me. 我叫史卡特·史乖寶 My name"s Scott Squibbles. 他們都叫我史乖寶 My friends call me Squishy. 我既沒專業
所以 I"m undeclared, unattached, 除了這兒
沒有哪個社團歡迎我 and unwelcome pretty much everywhere but here. 那既然都介紹完了
我認為 Now that we"ve all been introduced, as captain of our team... 這么說你們這里沒有一個是能夠嚇人的 So, basically, you guys have no Scaring experience?
可是現在有你了 Not a lot! But now we"ve got you! 你是我見過的最嚇人的怪獸了 You"re about the scariest fella I"ve ever seen. 就是身上的配色有點簡 Even with them pink polka dots. 噢
謝謝 Aw, thanks. 事實上
我才是你們的主心骨 Actually, I think I bring the whole package. 你的手比我的臉還大 Your hands are as big as my face! 他就像長了毛的大山 He"s like a mountain with fur! 得了
哥從來沒練過 Oh, come on. I don"t even work out. 對
可我想練得太變♥態♥ Yeah, me neither. I don"t want to get too big. 我們以為夢想破滅了
可麥克說如果贏了 We thought our dreams were over, but Mike said if we win, 他們就讓我們重新回去 they"re letting us in the Scaring program. 我們就能當驚嚇專員了 We"re going to be real Scarers! -這是最好的
-絕對沒錯 -The best!
-You betcha! 沒錯 Yeah! Right. 這就是你們期待已久的 And here"s what you"ve been waiting for, fellas. 屬于你們自己的 OK 會宿舍 Your very own Oozma Kappa bedroom. 噢
Oh... Great! We"re sharing this room? 這個你們自己看著辦吧 We"ll let you guys get settled. 還需要什么就響亮的吼上一聲 Anything you need, you just give a big holler-oonie! -好的
-你耍我 -Okay, thanks, buddy.
-Are you kidding me? 他們不需要多棒
我會罩住這個團隊的 Look, they don"t need to be good. I"m going to carry the whole team. 是嗎
那誰來撐你呢 Really? And who"s going to carry you?
如果你想制♥造♥那個罐子 Hey, if you want to go back to can design, 你就從那兒出去 you know where the door is. 真棒 Great. 老唐? Guys? 家里有人嗎
anybody home? 哈嘍 Hello? 那個誰? Fellas? 你愿意發誓將靈魂奉獻給 OK 兄弟會嗎
Do you pledge your souls to the Oozma Kappa brotherhood? 你們能發誓保守這里的一切秘密嗎
Do you swear to keep secret...all that you learn here? 不論那個秘密多嚇人? No matter how horrifying? 嘿 Hey! 你愿對著神圣的章程宣誓嗎
Will you take the sacred oath of the... -什么情況
-史乖寶 -For crying out loud.
-Sweetie! 在地下室的時候要開燈 Turn the lights on while you"re down here! 不要把眼睛搞近視了 You"re going to ruin your eyes! 媽媽
我們在舉♥行♥入會儀式呢 Mom! We"re doing an initiation! 噢
你們繼續吧 Oh, scary. Well, carry on. 就當我不在這兒好了 Just pretend I"m not here. 這是我媽媽的房♥子 This is my mom"s house. 你能發誓永遠守護你的兄弟嗎
Do you promise to look out for your brothers... 無論面對何種險境 ...no matter what the peril? 你能發誓保衛 OK 會嗎
無論是否危在旦夕? Will you defend Oozma Kappa no matter how dangerous?
無論是否生命攸關? No matter how insurmountable the odds may be? 無論遇到大魔鬼還是小魔鬼 From evils both great and small? 遭遇無休止的痛苦
和 In the face of unending pain and... 噢
你們入會了 Oh, forget it! You"re in. 二位
我們知道自己不是任何社團的第一人選 Look, we know we"re no one"s first choice for a fraternity, 所以我們非常感激你們的加入 so it means a lot to have you here with us. 我都等不及要跟你們一起嚇人了
兄弟們 Can"t wait to start Scaring with you, brothers. -我們慶祝一下吧
-耶 -Time for a celebration!
-Yeah! 轉起靠墊兒
先生們 Grab the couch cushions, gentlemen, 我們要建造一個堡壘 because we"re building a fort! 媽媽
Mom, can we stay up late tonight? 我知道你是公主
我只是小馬夫 Mmm, I know you"re a princess and I"m just a stable boy. -媽
-你的爪子在我床上 -Mom! What are you doing?
-Your grubby paw was in my bed! 你在舔我的無名指? Were you kissing my hand? 才怪
你掉毛怎么不早說? No. And what about you with all your shedding? -我不掉毛
-I don"t shed.
-Really. -讓一下
-我找一下書本就好 -Excuse me.
-I just want to get my stuff. -你可以
拿東西 -Would you just...
-Oh, hey. Come on! 如果我的屁♥股♥ ...let me get my stuff! 這是你們的初夜 First morning in the house. 我要放在相冊里 That"s going in the album! -伙計們
-信? -Guys! We got a letter!
-A letter?
真是難得一見 We never get mail. -抱歉
-快給我看看 -Oh! Sorry. It"s stuck.
-Would you... Give me that! 我的觸手
吸得牢牢的 Tentacles. They"re sticky. 這是驚嚇杯的第一場比賽 It"s the first event of the Scare Games. 嚇人現場在兒童房♥間 "A child"s room is where you scare, 但是要避免接觸潛在的毒性 "but avoid the toxicity lurking there." 搞什么? 這是要去哪里比賽啊 Wait a minute. Where do they want us to meet? 在怪大所有的下水道中
這里是我最喜歡的地方 Of all the sewers on campus, this one has always been my favorite. 阿拱
你以前來過? Art, you"ve been here before? 我可不像你們
各個都是宅男 I have a life outside of the house, you know. 歡迎經歷你們最大的噩夢 Welcome to your worst nightmare, 驚嚇杯大賽 the Scare Games! 驚嚇杯大賽
驚嚇杯大賽 Scare Games! Scare Games! 我喜歡 Yes! Yes, I love it! 我愛死這種能量了 I love this energy! 好了
好了伙計們 Okay. Okay, everybody. 讓我們聽聽今年各支參賽隊伍 Let"s hear it for the frats and sororities 能得多少分貝 competing in this year"s games... 健將兄弟隊 Jaw...
推薦訪問: 怪獸 劇本 中英文對照下一篇:觀后感400字
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