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 你看著這河水 You look at that river 潺潺地流過 gently flowing by. 聽著風中 You notice the leaves 瑟瑟的落葉 rustling with the wind. 鳥兒在鳴唱 You hear the birds. 樹蛙也來湊熱鬧 You hear the tree frogs. 隱隱約約地

 還有遠處奶牛的哞聲 In the distance, you hear a cow. 撫摸著青草 You feel the grass. 河岸露出了一小塊泥土 The mud gives a little bit on the river bank. 周遭一片祥和安靜 It"s quiet. It"s peaceful. 突然之間 And all of a sudden, 你感覺身體

 好像汽車突然換了一檔 it"s a gear shift inside you. 就像深吸一口氣

 然后說 And it"s like taking a deep breath and going, "噢

 我都忘記這樣的美景了" "Oh, yeah, I forgot about this." 這是有史以來

 從外太空 This is the first picture of the Earth from space 拍攝的第一張地球照片 that any of us ever saw. 是 1968 年的圣誕夜 It was taken on Christmas Eve, 1968 阿波羅 8 號♥執行任務時拍攝的 during the Apollo 8 Mission. 我們還可以看到

 比較分明的邊界線 within relatively comfortable boundaries. 但我們正在污染這層薄薄的大氣保護罩 But we are filling up that thin shell of atmosphere with pollution. 女士們先生們


 Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Al Gore. 我是阿爾·戈爾 I am Al Gore. 我曾是"下一屆美國總統" I used to be the next president of the United States of America. 我可不覺得好笑 I don"t find that particularly funny. 很久以來我都在向人們呼吁 I"ve been trying to tell this story for a long time, 但我感覺自己沒有成功 and I feel as if I"ve failed to get the message across. 我從政多年

 對自己的成就問心無愧 I was in politics for a long time and I"m proud of my service. 開玩笑

 這簡直就是國家的災難 You gotta be kidding me. This is a national disaster. 把全國所有的灰狗長途汽車 Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country, 都搞到新奧爾良去 and get their... moving to New Orleans. 估計都嫌不夠裝 That"s them thinking small, man, 這可是筆大買♥♥賣♥♥ and this is a major, major, major deal. 我們現在到底需要什么? What do you need right now? 在兩大政黨里面 There are good people, 還是有開明人士 who are in politics in both parties 雖然現在對這個敬而遠之 who hold this at arm"s length 可一旦他們意識到這個問題 because if they acknowledge it and recognize it, 就一定會奮力改革 then the moral imperative to make big changes 良心使然 is inescapable. 除非你解決這個國家史上最大的危機 unless you fix the biggest damn crisis in the history of this country. 片名

 《難以忽視的真♥相♥》 ...尋找著陸點

 當阿波羅 8 號♥飛船駛入月球暗面時

 ...scouted out landing spots and they lost radio contact 失去了和地球的通訊 when they went around the dark side of the moon. 過了一段時間 And there was inevitably some suspense. 恢復通訊的時候 Then when they came back in radio contact, 他們抬起頭來 they looked up 拍下了一幅照片

 著名的"升起的地球" and they snapped this picture, and it became known as Earth Rise. 就是這幅照片 And that one picture exploded 激發了人類的自省 in the consciousness of humankind. 引起了戲劇性的變化 It lead to dramatic changes. 照片拍攝 18 個月后 Within 18 months of this picture, 現代環境保護運動開始了 the modern environmental movement had begun. 下一幅是阿波羅飛船

 執行最后的飛行任務時拍攝的 The next picture was taken on the last of the Apollo missions, 阿波羅 17 號♥ Apollo 17. 拍攝于 1972 年 12 月 11 日 This one was taken on December 11, 1972, 是有史以來

 被刊登最多的照片 and it is the most commonly published photograph in all of history. 也是唯一太空拍攝的地球全景 And it"s the only picture of the Earth from space that we have 當時太陽正好在飛船的后面 where the sun was directly behind the spacecraft 照亮了整個地球

 所以看不到黑影 so that the Earth is fully lit up and not partly in darkness. 下面我要展示的照片

 從未公開過 The next image I"m gonna show you has almost never been seen. 是一艘叫伽利略的飛船拍攝的 It was taken by a spacecraft called The Galileo 它的任務是探索太陽系 that went out to explore the solar system.


 它將鏡頭轉過來 And as it was leaving Earth"s gravity, it turned its cameras around 拍攝了地球自轉一天的動態延時影像 and took a time lapse picture of one day"s won"th of rotation, 這里合成到 24 秒 here compressed into 24 seconds. 太美了

 對不對? Isn"t that beautiful? 真是一幅神奇的畫面 This image is a magical image in a way. 這是我一個朋友

 湯姆·梵·桑特制♥作♥的 It was made by a friend of mine, Tom Van Sant. 他找來 3000 幅獨♥立♥的衛星照片 He took 3,000 separate satellite pictures 花了 3 年時間

 用數字技術拼接而成 taken over a three-year period, digitally stitched together. 他選擇沒有云層干擾的畫面 And he chose images that would give a cloud-free view 以便不遺漏地球上每一寸土地 of every square inch of the Earth"s surface. 所有的陸地都是精確繪制的 All of the land masses accurately portrayed. 把它展開來

 就是這幅標志性圖像 When that"s all spread out, it becomes an iconic image. 給諸位看這個

 是想談談我的兩位老師 I show this because I wanna tell you a story about two teachers I had. 一個我不是很喜歡

 而另一個則是我的偶像 One that I didn"t like that much, the other who is a real hero to me. 我有個中學老師

 教地理的 I had a grade school teacher who taught geography 在黑板前掛了一幅地圖 by pulling a map of the world down in front of the blackboard. 我讀六年級的同學舉手提問 I had a classmate in the sixth grade who raised his hand 然后指了指南美洲的東海岸線 and he pointed to the outline of the east coast of South America 又指了指非洲的西海岸線 and he pointed to the west coast of Africa 問道"這兩個能拚到一起么?" and he asked, "Did they ever fit together?" 老師回答

 And the teacher said, "當然不行

 這是我聽過最荒謬的問題" "Of course not. That"s the most ridiculous thing I"ve ever heard." 結果這個學生后來吸毒

 一事無成 That student went on to become a drug addict and a never-do-well. 老師呢

 則成了現任政♥府♥的科學顧問 The teacher went on to become science advisor in the current administration. 不過那個老師代表了 But, you know, the teacher was actually reflecting 當時對于這個問題的科學定義 the conclusion of the scientific establishment of that time. "陸地太龐大

 很顯然不會動" Continents are so big, obviously they don"t move. 事實上


 它們的確移♥動♥過 But, actually, as we now know, they did move. 它們彼此分離開來 They moved apart from one another. 不過曾有一段時間

 卻真的拼在一起 But at one time they did, in fact, fit together. 這個假說反映了一個問題 But that assumption was a problem. 引出了一個著名的真理 It reflected the well-known wisdom "讓我們陷入困境的不是無知 that what gets us into trouble is not what we don"t know, 而是看似正確的謬誤論斷"(馬克·吐溫) it"s what we know for sure that just ain"t so. 這一真理有很重要的意義 This is actually an important point, believe it or not, 因為在現今的大眾中 because there is another such assumption 就充斥著關于 that a lot of people have in their minds right now 全球變暖的謬論 about global warming that just ain"t so. 比如

 地球太大了 The assumption is something like this. The Earth is so big 我們不會對地球的環境 we can"t possibly have any lasting harmful impact 造成不可彌補的破壞 on the Earth"s environment.



 現在則是大錯特錯 And maybe that was true at one time, but it"s not anymore. 說它錯了

 是因為 And one of the reasons it"s not true anymore 地球生態圈最脆弱的部分 is that the most vulnerable part of the Earth"s ecological system 就是大氣層 is the atmosphere. 因為它太薄了 Vulnerable because it"s so thin. 我的朋友

 過世的卡爾·薩根曾經說 My friend, the late Carl Sagan, used to say, 拿一個大號♥的

 表面涂了油漆的地球儀 "If you had a big globe with a coat of varnish on it, 那層油漆和地球儀的比例 "the thickness of that varnish relative to that globe 就是大氣層 "is pretty much the same as the thickness of the Earth"s atmosphere 和地球的比例 compared to the Earth itself." 它是如此的薄 And it"s thin enough 以至于我們能改變其組成成分 that we are capable of changing its composition. 這就是全球變暖的基本科學依據 That brings up the basic science of global warming. 這個我無需贅言

 各位已經很清楚了 And I"m not gonna spend a lot of time on this because you know it well. 太陽射線以光的形式照向地球 The suns radiation comes in in the form of light waves 使之升溫 and that heats up the Earth. 一部分被地球吸收用于升溫 And then some of the radiation that is absorbed and warms the Earth 然后以紅外線的方式 is reradiated back into space 反過來向宇宙輻射 in the form of infrared radiation. 有的紅外線遭到大氣層阻擋 And some of the outgoing infrared radiation is trapped 得以保留下來

 by this layer of atmosphere and held inside the atmosphere. 這很有用 And that"s a good thing 使地球得以保持一定溫度 because it keeps the temperature of the Earth within certain boundaries, 以適宜生命居住 keeps it relatively constant and livable. 問題是各種各樣的污染物 But the problem is this thin layer of atmosphere is being thickened 增加了這層大氣的厚度 by all of the global warming pollution that"s being put up there. 大氣厚度增加 And what that does is it thickens this layer of atmosphere, 于是更多的射線受到阻擋 more of the outgoing infrared is trapped. 引起世界各地溫度升高

 這就是全球變暖 And so the atmosphere heats up worldwide. That"s global warming. 這是傳統的說法 Now, that"s the traditional explanation. 我這里有更生動的解釋 Here"s what I think is a better explanation. 你可能奇怪

 為什么冰淇凌沒了 You"re probably wondering why your ice cream went away. 小蘇茜

 我們的敵人不是外國侵略者 Well, Susie, the culprit isn"t foreigners. 而是全球變暖 It"s global warming. -全球...

 -對 -Global... -Yeah. 給你介紹"陽光先生" Meet Mr. Sunbeam. 他從太陽大老遠來到地球 He comes all the way from the sun to visit Earth. 地球你好啊


 照亮你的一天 Hello, Earth. Just popping in to brighten your day. 現在我該回去了 And now I"ll be on my way. 慢著

 陽光 Not so fast, Sunbeam. 我們是溫室氣體

 你哪也別想去 We"re greenouse gases. You ain"t going nowhere.



  Oh, God, it hurts. 很快

 地球外就圍滿了陽光先生 Pretty soon, Earth is chock-full of Sunbeams. 他們腐爛的尸體加熱了我們的大氣 Their rotting corpses heating our atmosphere. 我們怎么才能去掉溫室氣體呢? How do we get rid of the greenouse grasses? 很幸運地

 我們偉大的政♥治♥家們 Fortunately, our handsomest politicians 想到了一條便捷的應急措施

 來對抗全球變暖 came up with a cheap, last-minute way to combat global warming. 從 2063 年起 Ever since 2063, 我們不停地向大洋丟進一個巨型冰塊 we simply drop a giant ice cube into the ocean every now and then. 就像老爸每天早上往酒里加冰塊 Just like Daddy puts in his drink every morning. 然后開始發酒瘋 And then he gets mad. 當然了

 溫室氣體還在不斷增多 Of course, since the greenouse gases are still building up, 就需要越來越多的冰塊 it takes more and more ice each time. 這樣就一勞永逸地解決了這個問題 Thus, solving the problem once and for all. -可是...


  -But... -Once and for all! 我是從這幅圖開始 This is the image that started me 關注這個問題 in my interest in this issue. 那時我還在讀大學 And I saw it when I was a college student 我有一個教授叫羅格·雷維爾 because I had a professor named Roger Revelle 他是第一個 who was the first person 提出測量大氣二氧化碳含量的人 to propose measuring carbon dioxide in the Earth"s atmosphere. 他在剛剛發現一些端倪的時候

 He saw where the story was going 就弄清楚了來龍去脈 after the first few chapters. 經過開始幾年的數據統計 After the first few years of data, 他的直覺就告訴他會得到什么結果 he intuited what it meant for what was yet to come. 他們 1957 年設計了實驗 They designed the experiment in 1957. 他雇了查爾斯·大衛·基林 He hired Charles David Keeling 此人工作可靠精確 who was very faithful and precise 為測量工作投入了 10 多年的時間 in making these measurements for decades. 他們每天都放出氣象氣球 They started sending these weather balloons up every day 地點選在太平洋中部 and they chose the middle of the Pacific 因為這里最遠離人煙 because it was the area that was most remote. 他是個一絲不茍的科學家 And he was a very hard-nosed scientist. 十分看重精確的數據 He really emphasized the hard data. 對我來說是

 那是一段珍貴的時期 It was a wonderful time for me 因為同大多年輕人一樣 because, like a lot of young people, 剛接觸到"知識革新" I came into contact with intellectual ferment, 我產生出過去做夢都沒想到的 ideas that I"d never considered 無數新想法 in my wildest dreams before. 當他在課堂上 And he showed our class 向我們展示頭幾年的統計結果 the results of his measurements after only a few years. 我震驚了 It was startling to me.

 他自己也很震驚 Now he was startled 同時清楚地向學生們 and made it clear to our class 闡述了這一發現的重大意義 what he felt the significance of it was. 那時我像海綿一樣

 吸收著這些新鮮觀點 And I just soaked it up like a sponge. 他將人類文明的種種變化 He drew the connections between the larger changes in our civilization 與這個大氣成分的觀測圖 and this pattern that was now visible 結合起來 in the atmosphere of the entire planet. 他又指出如果放任下去 And then he projected into the future where this was headed 曲線在未來會怎樣發展 unless we made some adjustments. 一切都清清楚楚 And it was just as clear as day. 到第一個七年

 八年或九年以后 After the first seven, eight, nine years, 你可以看到曲線在上升 you could see the pattern that was developing. 我問了一個問題 But I asked a question. 為什么每年都會上下起伏呢? Why is it that it goes up and down once each year? 他解釋道

 如果你觀察地球的陸地分布 And he explained that if you look at the land mass of the Earth, 會發現南半球只有很少一部分 very little of it is south of the equator. 而大部分陸地都集中在北半球 The vast majority of it is north of the equator, 大部分植被也集中在北半球 and most of the vegetation is north of the equator. 所以當北半球斜向太陽 And so, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, 也就是我們的春季和夏季 as it is in our spring and summer, 樹木發芽長葉


 the leaves come out and they breathe in carbon dioxide, 大氣中二氧化碳含量降低 and the amount in the atmosphere goes down. 而當北半球遠離太陽時 But when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, 也就是我們的秋季和冬季 as it is in our fall and winter, 葉子落下

 釋放出二氧化碳 the leaves fall and exhale carbon dioxide, 大氣中二氧化碳含量又上升了 and the amount in the atmosphere goes back up again. 所以看上去就像整個地球 And so, it"s as if the entire Earth 每年呼吸一次 once each year breathes in and out. 我們從 1958 年開始測量二氧化碳含量 So we started measuring carbon dioxide in 1958. 可以看到 And you can see 到了 60 年代中期

 當他展示這幅圖片的時候 that by the middle "60s, when he showed my class this image, 曲線已經開始往上走 it was already clear that it was going up. 我出于對恩師的敬重

 一直跟蹤他的實驗 I respected him and learned from him so much, I followed this. 當我 70 年代進入國會的時候 And when I went to the Congress in the middle 1970s, 我參與組織了首次全球變暖的聽證會 I helped to organize the first hearings on global warming 邀請我的教授

 作為第一輪的證人 and asked my professor to come and be the leadoff witness. 我以為能產生很大影響 And I thought that would have such a big impact, 好早日著手解決這一危機

 可惜沒能如愿 we"d be on the way to solving this problem, but it didn"t work that way. 但我堅持舉辦聽證會

 1984 年我進入參議院 But I kept having hearings. And in 1984 I went to the Senate 在這一問題上投入了大量精力 and really dug deeply into this issue 舉辦了科學研討會以及相關討論 with science roundtables and the like.

 關于這個我曾寫過一本書 I wrote a book about it, 然后于 1988 年參加總統競選 ran for President in 1988, 部分原因也是為了引起公眾

 在這個問題上的重視 partly to try to gain some visibility for that issue. 1992 年進入白宮

 我們通過了一項二氧化碳排放稅 And in 1992 went to the White House. We passed a version of a carbon tax 以及其他一些措施來控制危機 and some other measures to try to address this. 1997 參加京都議定書的談判 Went to Kyoto in 1997 to help get a treaty 不過引起了激烈的爭論

 至少在美國是這樣 that"s so controversial, in the US at least. 2000 年 In 2000, 我的競爭對手開始管制二氧化碳 my opponent pledged to regulate CO2 and then 可惜沒有堅持下去 That was not a pledge that was kept. 不過重點在于 But the point of this is 整體上可以看出 all this time you can see 這么多年來 what I have seen all these years. 曲線都在無情地爬升 It just keeps going up. It is relentless. 而現實世界中我們也能找到印證 And now we"re beginning to see the impact in the real world. 這是 30 多年前的乞力馬扎羅山 This is Mount Kilimanjaro more than 30 years ago 這是近照 and more recently. 我的朋友剛從乞力馬扎羅山回來 And a friend of mine just came back from Kilimanjaro 帶來一張幾個月前拍攝的圖片 with a picture he took a couple of months ago. 我的另一個研究冰川的朋友朗尼·湯普森 Another friend, Lonnie Thompson, studies glaciers. 這是朗尼和這個"巨大冰川"的最后一角

 Here"s Lonnie with a last sliver of one of the once mighty glaciers. 10 年內


 將不會再有冰雪 Within the decade there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro. 這是冰河國家公園 This is happening in Glacier National Park. 我曾于 1998 年同女兒登上山頂 I climbed to the top of this in 1998 with one of my daughters. 15 年內

 這里的冰川將成為歷史 Within 15 years, this will be the park formerly known as Glacier. 這是哥倫比亞冰川逐年的變化 Here is what"s been happening year by year to the Columbia Glacier. 每一年它都在縮小 It just retreats every single year. 真是可惜

 這些冰川都如此美麗 And it"s a shame "cause these glaciers are so beautiful. 而那些前去觀賞的人們 But those who go up to see them, 現在只會看到這樣的場面

 日復一日 here"s what they"re seeing every day, now. 尼泊爾 AX010 冰川 喜馬拉雅山脈

 就面對著嚴峻的問題 In the Himalayas there"s a particular problem 因為占世界 40%的人口 because 40% of all the people in the world 依靠河流和泉水提供飲用水 get their drinking water from rivers and spring systems 而它們一半以上都是

 冰川融化而來 that are fed more than half by the melt water coming off the glaciers. 接下來的半個世紀里

 這 40%的人口 And within this next half century those 40% of the people on Earth 將面對嚴重的水源匱乏 are gonna face a very serious shortage 原因就是冰川減少 because of this melting. 在意大利

 阿爾卑斯山脈 Italy, the Italian Alps. 這是今日的景象 Same sight today. 瑞士 Tshierva 冰川 一張瑞士過去的明信片 An old postcard from Switzerland.

 瑞士 Rhone 冰川 整個阿爾卑斯山脈

 都是一樣的景象 Throughout the Alps, we"re seeing the same story. 南美也是一樣的場景 It"s also true in South America. 這是 15 年前的秘魯 This is Peru 15 years ago. 這是今日的模樣 And the same glacier today. 20 年前的阿根廷

 和今日的景象 This is Argentina 20 years ago. Same glacier today. 75 年前


 巴塔哥尼亞高原 Seventy-five years ago in Patagonia on the tip of South America. 曾經一望無際的冰雪

 如今蕩然無存 This vast expanse of ice is now gone. 種種的現象

 包含了一個重要的信息 There"s a message in this. 這是全球性的 It is worldwide. 是冰川在向我們傾訴 And the ice has stories to tell us. 我的朋友朗尼·湯普森用空心鉆研究冰層 My friend, Lonnie Thompson, digs core drills in the ice. 他們往下鉆 They dig down 然后將鉆頭采到的冰芯 and they bring the core drills back up 拿去研究 and they look at the ice and they study it. 積雪會封存一些

 包含當時大氣成分的氣泡 When the snow falls, it traps little bubbles of atmosphere 他們能測量出 and they can go in and measure 那年大氣的二氧化碳含量 how much CO2 was in the atmosphere the year that that snow fell. 有趣的是 What"s even more interesting, I think, is 通過測量氧的各個同位素 they can measure the different isotopes of oxygen 建立一個精確的溫度參照 and figure out a very precise thermometer

 可以測得當氣泡被積雪封存時的 and tell you what the temperature was 當年的大氣溫度 the year that that bubble was trapped in the snow as it fell. 我在南極見過這種冰芯 When I was in Antarctica, I saw cores like this. 一個家伙看著它

 說 And a guy looked at it. He said, "這一年美國國會通過了《空氣潔凈法》" "Right here is where the US Congress passed the Clean Air Act." 我都不敢相信 And I couldn"t believe it. 不過就算用肉眼也能辨別出 But you can see the difference with the naked eye. 法令通過幾年后 Just a couple of years after that law was passed, 對應的冰芯有明顯的界限 it"s very clearly distinguishable. 他們可以倒著按年份數過去 They can count back year by year 就像看林人數樹木的年輪一樣 the same way a forester reads tree rings. 年復一年的冰凍和消融 And you can see each annual layer from the melting and re-freezing, 使他們可以倒推到 1000 年以前 so they can go back in a lot of these mountain glaciers 1,000 years. 他們建立了一個溫度表 And they constructed a thermometer of the temperature. 藍色代表低溫

 紅色是高溫 The blue is cold and the red is warm. 我拿出這幅圖有幾個原因 Now, I show this for a couple of reasons. 第一

 那些所謂的"懷疑論者"會說 Number one, the so-called skeptics will sometimes say, "噢

 這不過是循環現象" "Oh, this whole thing, this is a cyclical phenomenon. "中世紀還不是有比較溫暖的時期" "There was a medieval warming period, after all." 沒錯

 這不就有一個 Well, yeah, there was. There it is, right there. 這還有兩個

 There are two others. 可是同現在的情況相比 But compared to what"s going on now, 完全就是微不足道 there"s just no comparison. 現在回頭看 1000 年來的溫度變化 So if you look at 1,000 years" won"th of temperature 與 1000 年來二氧化碳的變化聯♥系♥起來 and compare it to 1,000 years of CO2, 你可以看到兩者十分吻合 you can see how closely they fit together. 1000 年來冰川中二氧化碳的含量 Now, 1,000 years of CO2 in the mountain glaciers, 這是一點 that"s one thing. 在南極洲


 可以回溯到 65 萬年以前 But in Antarctica, they can go back 650,000 years. 順便提一句

 這是第一次 This incidentally is the first time 向少數科學家以外的公眾

 展示這幅圖片 anybody outside of a small group of scientists has seen this image. 這是現代 This is the present day era, 這是冰河時代 and that"s the last ice age. 然后曲線上升

 我們現在是在 65 萬年的歷史中 Then it goes up. We"re going back in time now 650,000 years. 這是兩個冰河時代間的溫暖時期 That"s the period of warming between the last two ice ages. 這是第二

 第三個冰河時代 That"s the second and third ice age back. 四


 六 Fourth, fifth, sixth 第七次冰河時代 and seventh ice age back. 很重要的一點是 Now, an important point. 在整個 65 萬年中 In all of this time, 650,000 years, 二氧化碳的含量 the CO2 level has never gone above

 從沒有超過 300 300 parts per million. 我說過

 他們還測量了溫度 Now, as I said, they can also measure temperature. 這是地球上溫度的變化 Here"s what the temperature has been on our Earth. 現在你可能會產生這樣的想法... Now, one thing that kind of jumps out at you is... 這樣說

 我那位 6 年級的同學 Well, let me put it this way. If my classmate from the sixth grade 談論非洲和南美洲那位

 要是今天也來了 that talked about Africa and South America were here, 他會問"它們能拼到一起么?" he would say, "Did they ever fit together?" "我聽過最荒謬的問題" "Most ridiculous thing I"ve ever heard." 不過它們的確吻合 But they did, of course. 而之間的聯♥系♥十分復雜 And the relationship is actually very complicated. 不過有一個聯♥系♥ But there is one relationship that is far more powerful 遠強過其余的 than all the others and it is this. 二氧化碳越多

 氣溫就越高 When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer 因為它會將更多

 來自太陽的熱量困在地表 because it traps more heat from the sun inside. 一部分美國城市

 包括那些現代化大城市 In the parts of the United States that contain the modern cities 克利夫蘭



 這些北部城市 of Cleveland, Detroit, New York, in the northern tier, 這里展示了好天氣 this is the difference between a nice day 和地面♥積♥雪 1 英里深的日子 and having a mile of ice over your head. 將這一點牢記在心里 Keep that in mind when you look at this fact. 二氧化碳含量 Carbon dioxide, 從未超過 300

 having never gone above 300 parts per million, 這里是現在的二氧化碳含量 here is where CO2 is now. 遠超過我們所能統計到的歷史水平 Way above where it"s ever been as far back as this record will measure. 如果你允許的話

 我還想強調一下這點 Now, if you"ll bear with me, I wanna really emphasize this point. 這里的工作人員 The crew here 教會我使用這臺裝置 has tried to teach me how to use this contraption here. 我只要小心地... So, if I don"t kill myself, I"II... 已經到了這里 It"s already right here. 看看這已經把自然的起伏拋得老遠 Look how far above the natural cycle this is, 這的確是不爭的事實 and we"ve done that. 不過各位請注意

 在未來 50 年 But, ladies and gentlemen, in the next 50 years, 真的

 50 年以內 really, in less than 50 years, 曲線還會繼續爬升 it"s gonna continue to go up. 在座的小孩們

 等你們到我這年紀 When some of these children who are here are my age, 這將是不到 50 年后的景象 here is what it"s going to be in less than 50 years. 已經超出圖表的范圍了 You"ve heard of off the charts. 50 年內

 就會到這里 Within less than 50 years, it"ll be here. 這里沒有刻意設計任何一個數據 There"s not a single fact or date or number 所有的結果都毫無爭議 that"s been used to make this up that"s in any controversy. 等那些"懷疑論者"看到這里

 恐怕會說 The so-called skeptics look at this and they say, "這又如何?看起來不錯嘛" "So? That seems perfectly okay."

 這... Well, 我再重申一遍

 在溫度曲線上 again, if on the temperature side, 要是這么多代表 1 英里深的積雪 if this much on the cold side is a mile of ice over our heads, 上升到那么高

 會是怎樣的景象? what would that much on the warm side be? 所以說這不是一個政♥治♥問題 Ultimately this is really not a political issue 而是道德問題 so much as a moral issue. 要是你我聽之任之 If we allow that to happen, 就是極端不道德的行為 it is deeply unethical. 對我們的民♥主♥


 我深信不疑 I had such faith in our democratic system,our self-government. 我曾堅信 I actually thought and believed 這些事實會激起巨大的變化 that the story would be compelling enough to cause a real sea change 從國會對這一現象的反應 in the way the Congress reacted to that issue. 我以為大眾也會感到震驚 I thought they would be startled, too. 可惜沒有 And they werert. 種種努力 The struggles, 還有毫無勝利可言的勝利 the victories that aren"t really victories, 毫無勝利可言的勝利 the defeats that aren"t really defeats. 他們有意強調 They can serve to magnify the significance 微不足道的一點成就 of some trivial step forward, 夸大一些嚴重退步的重要性 exaggerate the seeming importance of some massive setback. 1989 年 4 月 3 日

 April 3, 1989. 運動場外的車禍

 議員戈爾 6 歲之子生命垂危 兒子掙脫我的手 My son pulled loose from my hand 在街上與好友追逐玩耍 and chased his friend across the street. 急癥室 那年他 6 歲 He was six years old. 要靠機器來維持呼吸 The machine was breathing for him. 生命危在旦夕 We were possibly going to lose him. 最后他終于能自己呼吸 He finally took a breath. 我們在醫院呆了 1 個月 We stayed in the hospital for a month. 感覺就像 It was almost as if 看著日歷

 然后長吁一口氣 you could look at that calendar and just go... 所有的一切都煙消云散 And everything just flew off. 變得毫無意義 Seemed trivial, insignificant. 他那么的勇敢 He was so brave. He was such... 是個勇敢的小家伙 He was such a brave guy. 這件事顛覆了我的世界 It just turned my whole world upside down 將所有的一切拋于腦后 and then shook it until everything fell out. 我重新認識了生命的意義

 一切也都隨之改變 My way of being in the world, it just changed everything for me. 我到底怎么度過自己的一生? How should I spend my time on this Earth? 我一頭扎進去 I really dug in, 試圖更深入地了解這一切 trying to learn about it much more deeply.

 我去過南極洲 I went to Antarctica. 到達過南極


 亞馬遜雨林 Went to the South Pole, the North Pole, the Amazon. 到各地向科學家請教 Went to places where scientists could help me understand 那些過去我沒有深究的問題 parts of the issue that I didn"t really understand in depth. 險些失去生命中最重要的人 The possibility of losing what was most precious to me. 讓我擁有了一種能力 I gained an ability 過去沒有的能力 that maybe I didn"t have before. 我感受到 But when I felt it, 發現我們真的可能失去它們 I felt that we could really lose it, 那些現在習以為常的東西 that what we take for granted 我們的后代甚至沒有機會看到 might not be here for our children. 這些是內戰以來 These are actual measurements of atmospheric temperatures 記錄的大氣溫度 since our Civil War. 單獨看一年的數據

 感覺是在下降 In any given year, it might look like it"s going down, 但總的趨勢十分明顯 but the overall trend is extremely clear. 到了近幾年 And in recent years, 曲線不斷攀升 it"s uninterrupted and it is intensifying. 回顧氣溫記錄里 In fact, if you look at the 10 hottest years 最熱的 10 年 ever measured in this atmospheric record, 全部集中在過去的 14 年里 they"ve all occurred in the last 14 years. 其中之最就是 2005 年

 And the hottest of all was 2005. 熱浪的威力大家已經領教過了 We have already seen some of the heat waves 這些科學家常放在嘴邊的說法 that are similar to what scientists are saying 會越來越頻繁地在現實中的出現 are gonna be a lot more common. 幾年前歐洲的熱浪 Couple of years ago in Europe they had that massive heat wave 2003 年歐洲熱浪死亡人數 奪走了 35000 人的生命 that killed 35,000 people. 印度那邊沒有得到多少關注 India didn"t get as much attention, 但是那一年印度氣溫高達 122 度 but the same year the temperature there went to 122 degrees Fahreneit. 去年美國西部的夏天 This past summer in the American West, 很多城市都創下氣溫歷史新高 there were a lot of cities that broke all-time records for high temperatures 甚至連續數日氣溫高達 100 度 and number of consecutive days with a 100-degree temperature or more. 西部有 200 個城鎮創下氣溫新高 Two hundred cities and towns in the west set all-time records. 而東部同樣如此 And in the east there were a lot of cities that did the same thing. 這里面也包括新奧爾良 Including, incidentally, New Orleans. 氣溫升高已經是全球性的 So the temperature increases are taking place all over the world, 也包括海洋 including in the oceans. 這是正常的海洋溫度變化 This is the natural range of variability for temperature in the oceans. 人們看了會說"這很正常嘛" You know, people say, "Oh, it"s just natural. "有起有落

 不用擔心" "It goes up and down, so don"t worry about it." 這是人們預測

 過去 60 年里的變化 This is the range that would be expected over the last 60 years, 不過研究全球變暖的科學家

 but the scientists who specialize in global warming have computer models 早就通過電腦建模的方式

 預言了曲線的上升 that long ago predicted this range of temperature increase. 我現在要向各位展示 Now I"m gonna show you, recently released, 最新的海洋溫度統計結果 the actual ocean temperatures. 海洋升溫

 勢必造成更強的風暴 And, of course, when the oceans get warmer, that causes stronger storms. 過去幾年里 We have seen in the last couple of years 我們見識過許多颶風 a lot of big hurricanes. 颶風"珍妮"


 "伊萬" Hurricane Jeanne and Frances and Ivan were among them. 那一年除了一系列的颶風 And the same year that we had that string of big hurricanes, 美國的龍♥卷♥風♥也創下紀錄 we also set an all-time record for tornadoes in the United States. 我們的媒體沒有關注日本 Japan again didn"t get as much attention in our news media, 他們的臺風記錄同樣是歷年之最 but they set an all-time record for typhoons. 以前的記錄是 7 個 Previous record was seven. 這里是 2004 年的 10 個臺風 Here are all 10 of the ones they had in 2004. 我們應該重寫教科書 The science textbooks have had to be rewritten 他們說在南大西洋 because they say that it"s impossible 不可能出現颶風 to have a hurricane in the South Atlantic. 第一個颶風就在同一年襲擊了巴西 But the same year the first one ever hit Brazil. 2005 年的夏天也同樣驚人 Summer of 2005 has been one for the books. 首先是"艾米莉"席卷尤卡坦半島 The first one was Emily that socked into Yucatan. 然后是"丹尼斯"造成大面♥積♥破壞 Then Hurricane Dennis came along and it did a lot of damage,

 石油工業也受到影響 including to the oil industry. 世上最大的油井

 在"丹尼斯"過后的景象 This is the largest oil platform in the world after Dennis went through. 這個油井被吹到了橋上 This one was driven into the bridge at Mobile. 然后是"卡特里娜" And then, of course, came Katrina. 值得注意的是


 它只是一級風暴 It"s won"th remembering that when it hit Florida, it was a Category One. 卻造成大量人身傷亡 But it killed a lot of people 和財產損失 and caused billions of dollars" worth of damage. 然后呢? And then what happened? 在襲擊奧爾良前 Before it hit New Orleans, 它經過了高溫的洋面 it went over warmer waters. 水溫升高 As the water temperature increases, 風力也不斷增強 the wind velocity increases 濕度隨之增大 and the moisture content increases. 各位可以看到"卡特里娜"

 從佛羅里達出發 And you"ll see Hurricane Katrina form over Florida. 在高溫洋面形成漩渦 And then as it comes into the gulf over that warm water, 不斷地吸收能量

 變得越來越強 it picks up that energy and gets stronger and stronger and stronger. 看看那個風眼 Look at that hurricane"s eye. 隨之而來的后果是極其...

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