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 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團 冬季營地 快點


 時間不多了 Come on, time to go. We haven"t got all day. 佛羅里達州

 薩拉索塔 1919 年 快讓猴子上火車 Get that monkey on the train. 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團就要啟程了 The Medici Brothers" circus is taking off! 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團 來到你身邊的小鎮啦 駿馬之星 霍爾特和安妮 亞特蘭蒂斯小姐 小凱西 壯漢榮格 世界冠軍 帕麥什 魅力四射

 神秘迷人 神奇動物 薩拉索塔 佛羅里達州 喬治亞州 莫爾特里 6 月 21 日

 6 月 22 日 河邊演出場 每天下午和晚上演出 阿♥拉♥巴馬州 韋塔姆卡

  老冰屋 6 月 28 日

 6 月 29 日 每天下午和晚上演出 密西西比州 斯塔克維爾 韋塔姆卡 斯塔克維爾 巴斯特羅普 瑟西 瑟西機場 7 月 24 日至 7 月 27 日 每天下午和晚上演出 阿肯色州 密蘇里州

 喬普林 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團來到喬普林 8 月 11 日至 8 月 24 日 每天兩場

 周六三場演出 喬普林 小 飛 象 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團 呼吸正常 Breathing normal... 心率正常 heart rate normal. 你可以參加演出 You"re cleared to perform. 米莉

 又來了一輛火車 Milly! Another train! 魔力塞爾維特羅斯 孩子們


 我們也去 Niños, wait! We are coming, too! 喬普林到了 Joplin! 密蘇里州喬普林到了 Joplin, Missouri! -親愛的

 -爸爸 - Hey, sweetheart! - Daddy! 我本想告訴你們的 I meant to tell ya. 在我給你們的信中 You know, in the letter I sent? 很抱歉我沒能陪在你們身邊 I"m so sorry that I wasn"t here. 快過來吧 Well, come here now. 還是我 Still me. 你... And you... 你和你媽媽一樣漂亮 you"re just as pretty as your momma. 我們很想你

 爸爸 We missed you, Dad. 我也想你們 I missed you, too. 伊凡和凱瑟琳

 謝謝你們照顧孩子們 Ivan and Catherine, thank you both... for looking out for them.


 這是應該的 Captain Farrier, of course. 還是叫我霍爾特就行 Oh, it"s Holt, come on now. 霍爾特就行 It"s just Holt. 別擔心 Don"t you worry. 一切都會和以前一樣 Everything"s gonna be just like it was before. -快來


 -親愛的家 - Come on! Come on! - Home sweet home. -霍爾特

 -普克 - Hey! Holt! - Hey, Puck. -托馬斯


 快來 - Hey, Thomas. - Milly, come on! 霍爾特 Hi, Holt. 亞特蘭蒂斯小姐 Hey, Miss Atlantis. 帕麥什 Pramesh! 最美好的旅程

 親愛的朋友 The very best journey, dear friend. 就是回家的路 The road that leads home. 歡迎回家 Welcome home. 別抱了 No hugs! 帕麥什

 我也想你 Pramesh, I missed you, too. 怎么回事

 營地只剩原來一半規模了 What"s going on? The camp"s half the size it used to be. 世道不景氣


 大家都是 Hard times, my friend. For everyone. 大家注意了 Attention, everybody! 為什么首要規矩要叫首要規矩呢 Why is Rule Number One called Rule Number One? 因為"籠子時刻上鎖" Because "keep the cages locked" 是最重要的規矩 is the most important rule of all!

 等我逮著那個攪我好夢四處亂竄的無賴... When I catch that fugitive scalawag who interrupted my dream... 榮格 Rongo! 榮格人呢 Where is Rongo? 誰負責管理營地 Who"s heading camp management? 我是大力士 I"m the strongman. 對

 但大家都身兼數職 Yes, but we"re all wearing multiple hats! 你負責預算

 會計和庫存 You"re in charge of budgets, and accounting, and inventory. 也就是動物們的行蹤 Which means animal whereabouts! 趕快去找那只猴子 Now, go find that monkey! 我去找找 I"ll have a look around. 好了


 繼續工作 All right, everybody. Back to work. 霍爾特 Holt! 今年冬天

 流感像颶風一樣席卷了我們 This winter, the influenza hit us like a hurricane. 駿馬之星 娜塔莉亞

 文森索 Natalya, Vincenzo... 溫德吉一家

 還有 the Vanderjees, and then... 你妻子 your wife. 可憐的安妮 Poor Annie. 她與病魔苦苦搏斗 How she fought. 她是我們中最優秀的 She was the best of us. 我知道 I know it. 所以為了她 So, uh, you know, for her, 我們共創最佳季度吧

 let"s have our best season yet! 我的馬在哪兒 Now where"s my horses? 說來話長

 有意思得很 Funny story about that. 怎么個有意思 Funny how? -他把馬都賣♥♥了

 -他把馬都賣♥♥了 - He sold them. - He sold them. 可我們的表演是演出的靈魂 But our act is the soul of this show! 一開始我們失去了你 And first, we lost you, 然后是安妮

 沒人騎馬了 and then Annie, to ride "em! 要是米莉肯學騎馬就好了 If only Milly would have learned the trade. 我不想在你的馬戲團拋頭露面 I don"t wanna be a show-off in your circus. -"拋頭露面"

 -看見沒 - "Show-off"? - You see? 我想在科學領域有所成就 I wanna make scientific discoveries. 我希望人們關注我的思想 I wanna be noticed for my mind. 好吧 Okay. 那就去學透視眼

 心靈感應之類的 Then learn clairvoyance. Telepathy! Something! 我能倒立將近十秒鐘 I can do a handstand for almost ten seconds. "小孩倒立"

 不到七月我們就會破產 "Child does handstand." We"ll be broke by July. 稍等


 我怎么演出 Hang on now. Without horses, what the hell"s my act? 觀眾是沖我來的 The crowds come to see me! 麥克斯

 拜托 Max, please. 我需要工作 I need to work. 好消息 Good news. 我有個工作給你

 One job, I have. 好吧

 給我精彩絕倫的演出 Okay, then. Give me a showstopper. 你知道那個老流氓癢癢麥克菲嗎 You know that old rascal Itchy McPhee? 他終于跟那個長胡子的女人私奔了 He finally ran off with the bearded lady. 之后我一直讓馬戲團雜工當替補 I"ve been filling in with roustabouts ever since. 我需要一位高手去照顧大象 I need somebody good to tend the elephants. 不

 你不是說真的吧 No, you"re not serious. 我偶爾會認真一下 I am on occasion. 這工作很重要

 你知道的 This is a big job and you know it. -不


 -爸爸 - No, it"s a big shovel for a big pile of... - Dad. 所以你賣♥♥了我的馬

 留下了你的大象 So you sold my horses and kept your elephants. 你那些骨瘦如柴

 滿身疥癬的二流大象 Your scrawny, mangy, cut-rate elephants. 他們很重要

 尤其對這一季度來說 They"re important. Especially this season. 為什么 Why"s that? 我知道這不是我的作風 I know it goes against my nature... 但這次我做了一筆投資 but for once, I made an investment. 小美人

 她在那 Bellissima! There she is! 新來的亞洲母象 Our brand-new Asian female. 我在比洛克西跟一個叫布魯格貝克的人買♥♥的 I bought her off a Brugelbecker in Biloxi. 我跟他討價還價了一番 I had to get him way down on the price. 但我對你發誓

 霍爾特 But I swear to you, Holt, 我在她眼中看到了特別的東西 I saw something special in her eyes. 這就是你的投資


 This is your investment? An old, sick elephant. 不

 她沒病 Oh, no. She"s not sick. 她馬上就要生孩子了 Any day now... she"s having a baby. 爸爸



 我變厲害了 Dad, watch! Dad! I"m getting better! 等下

 這就是我們的帳篷嗎 Hang on now, this is our tent? 駿馬之星 非凡的夫妻騎手組合 我們的東西呢 What happened to our things? 我們之前有上等家具

 有好幾間房♥間 We had nice furniture, we had rooms. 麥克斯

 有什么是你沒賣♥♥的 Max, what didn"t you sell? 你這個混♥蛋♥ You son of a gun. 爸爸

 看 Dad, look! 玩具 Toys? 化學設備 這些不是玩具 They"re not toys. 這些是我做科學實驗用的 They"re for my science experiments. 我們是在馬戲團里


 馬戲團 Well, we"re a circus, darlin", a circus. 想生存下去

 就不要異想天開 We need to be practical if we want to survive. 你就不能學一項表演嗎 You couldn"t just take up one act? 翻筋斗或者走鋼絲 Tumblin" or tightrope? 或許我不需要整個世界的注視 Maybe I don"t need the world staring at me. 或許我只是不像你和媽媽 Maybe I"m just not you and Mom. 這個家里誰說了算 Well, who makes the rules in this family? 媽媽 Mom did.



 所以... Yeah, well, I make them now. So just, uh... 回你的房♥間去 Go to your room! 這就是我的房♥間 This is my room. 我們只有這一個房♥間 This is all our rooms. 看見沒 See this? 知道這是什么嗎 You know what this is? 這是我們家的傳承 It"s your inheritance. 爸爸 Dad! 別擔心

 他走不了的 Don"t worry, he"s not going anywhere. 他被困在這了 He"s stuck here. 和你我一樣 Like you and me. 快來

 你要錯過了 Come on, come on, you"re missing it! 看



 米莉 Look, I can do it! I"m doing it, Milly! 新的季度 A new season! 讓我進去

 你這個小毛球 Let me in, you little hairball! 誰能來幫我打開我自己的車廂 Would somebody please let me in my own train? 爸爸


 走了 Dad, wake up! Let"s go! 大象需要我們 The elephants need us! 老天啊

 兒子 Good God, son, 你要讓我懷念戰場了 you"re gonna make me miss the war. 帽子給我 Gimme that. 去吧

 帶路 Go on, lead the way.

 快走 Move it! 麻溜地

 珍寶夫人 Let"s skedaddle, Mrs. Jumbo! 別逼我對你用粗 Don"t make me have to incentivize. 把她弄出去

 小子們 Get her out of there, boys. 悠著點

 魯弗斯 Easy, Rufus. 別對女士這么粗魯 That"s a lady in there. 瞧瞧

 我們的湯姆·密克斯前來英雄救美了 Well, well, our own Tom Mix ridin" in to the rescue. 美國演員

 西部電影元老級人物 不過他已經輝煌不再了 But he just ain"t on the marquee no more. 是時候看看他錯過什么了 Time to see what he"s been missing. 你有過這種感覺嗎 Do you ever get that feeling? 就好象你錯過了什么 Like there"s something you"re missing? 我很驚訝

 你居然沒有參軍 Imagine my surprise, you didn"t enlist. 心臟不好

 醫生建議我別去 Weak ticker. Doc"s advice. 爸爸

 有些不對勁 Dad? Something"s wrong. 她不想離開 She doesn"t wanna leave. 快點 Come on! 把她趕出去 Let"s get her outta there! -你在干什么

 -快點 - What are you doing? - Come on! 別碰她 Leave her alone! -請別傷害她

 -別碰她 - Stop hurting her, please! - Leave her alone! 爸爸

 你看 Dad, look. 又怎么了

 What now? 把她推走 Move her! 這里有個象寶寶 We got a baby in here. -她生了寶寶

 -寶寶 - She had a baby! - Baby! 通知報社 Notify the press! "梅第奇兄弟" "The Medici Brothers... "驕傲地呈現美國最新的珍貴驚喜" proudly present America"s newest, precious bundle of joy!" 看啊 Look at that. 沒事了 It"s okay now. 別害怕 Don"t be scared. 別害怕

 你媽媽就在外面 Don"t be scared now, your momma"s right outside. 寶寶

 有寶寶了 Baby! We got a baby! 有寶寶了 We got a baby! 這是什么 What is that? 小珍寶 Baby Jumbo. 我的畸形演出里已經有假的怪物了 I already got fake freaks in the freak show! 馬戲演出里不需要真的怪物 I don"t need a real one in the center ring! 榮格

 我們被騙了 Rongo! We"ve been swindled! 居然去買♥♥了一頭小怪物 Gone and bought yourself a baby monster. 你覺得他能聽到我說話嗎 Think he can hear me? 榮格

 給布魯格貝克發電報 Rongo! Telegram to Brugelbecker. "我們被次品騙了" "We have been bilked with damaged goods. "這是個反常的怪物"

 This is an aberration, travestation... "我要求退錢" and I demand my money back." 無論如何

 別通知報社 But whatever you do, do not call the papers. 我們不能宣傳這個寶寶 We are not advertising this baby. 別告訴我你已經通知了 Tell me you didn"t do it. 你真的通知了 You did it? 永遠不要在和我確認之前 Never do anything I tell ya 就去做我說的事 without checking with me first! 為什么是我

 為什么是我 Why me? Why me? 這張臉丑到只有媽媽會愛 A face only a mother could love. 先生 Sir? 我們很多人都覺得你很帥 Many of us find you handsome. 我說的是這頭小象 I was talking about the elephant! 看

 她要給他洗澡 Look, she"s drawing him a bath. 得請獸醫給他檢查一下

 麥克斯 Need a vet to come to look at him, Max. 不行

 不能有目擊證人 No, no witnesses! 我們會在喬普林待上兩周 We are going to be in Joplin for two weeks. 我們承諾了會有一頭可愛的象寶寶 We promised them a beautiful baby! 明晚之前把問題解決 You have until tomorrow night to fix that! -我


 你 - Me? - Yes, you! 這問題歸我管 This is my problem? 對

 你是養象人 Yes. You tend the elephants. 讓那對耳朵消失

 Make those ears disappear! 別看我 Don"t look at me. 歡迎來看我們親愛的小珍寶 看看他

 那對大耳朵讓他站不起來 Look at him, those giant ears weigh him down. 你好

 小珍寶 Hi, Baby Jumbo. 歡迎來到馬戲團 Welcome to the circus. 在這里大家都是家人

 無論身材大小 We"re all family here. No matter how small. 大象不是怕老鼠的嗎 Aren"t elephants afraid of mice? 誰說的

 所以我們才要實驗 Says who? That"s why we experiment. 媽媽不在身邊時 Someone needs to keep him company. 他需要有些陪伴 when he"s not with his momma. 看

 給他一個 Look. Give him one. 要是他能把礙事的耳朵抬起來 If he can lift his ears out of the way. 不

 你得把耳朵吹開 No. You have to blow your ears out of the way. 像這樣 Like this. 祝你好運 Good luck with that. 也許你還能教他雜耍 Maybe you can teach him to juggle, too. 小珍寶

 看著我 Baby Jumbo, look at me. 跟我學 Do what I do. 吹 Blow. 不是吹羽毛

 吹你的耳朵 No, not the feather. Your ears. Blow! 他覺得這是個游戲 He thinks it"s a game. -麥克斯


 -怎么了 - Max, come here. - What?

 看好了 Watch this. 我騎馬出場


 然后突然間 I ride out, I do some jumps, then all of a sudden... 蜂擁而至 stampede! 放它們出來 Send "em! 讓開

 麥克斯 Get out of the way, Max! 我還在練習掌握時機 I"m, uh, still working out the timing. 輪到我了 Let me have a turn. 為了讓你和大象一起登場 Meanwhile, for when you lead out the elephants, 我讓服裝組給你做了個東西 I had the costume departments make you up a little something. 好的 Okay. 這是什么 What in gosh... 還真是下了血本啊

 麥克斯 You really broke the bank with this, Max. 會有很多孩子來看演出 A lot of kids come to the show. 你不希望我嚇著別人

 我理解 You don"t want me to scare anyone, I get it. 爸爸

 爸爸 Dad, Dad! 是小珍寶

 快來看 It"s Baby Jumbo. Come see. 他用耳朵跳了起來 He jumped in the air. With his ears. 孩子們

 我說了別管他 Guys, I said leave him be. 但他跳了這么高 But he was this far off the ground! 是啊

 我猜也是 Yeah, I bet he was. 耳朵那么長

 當然會被絆倒 He"ll be tripping all over with ears like that. 爸爸


 我們做了個實驗 Dad, really. We tried an experiment.

 別管那頭可憐的小象了 Just leave the poor guy alone. 科學的第一準則

 你必須要有興趣 First rule of science, you have to have interest. 否則

 你不配知道真♥相♥ Otherwise, you don"t deserve to know. 這一年對他們來說很不好過 It"s been a rough year for both of them. 安妮就會知道怎么和他們聊 Annie knew how to talk to "em. 女士們先生們 Ladies and gentlemen, 男孩們女孩們

 請到這來 boys and girls, step right up. 快

 快 Hurry, hurry. 來看今天的馬戲 Come see the circus today. 親眼見證人體奇觀 生存還是死亡 "To be or not to be... 這是一個問題 that is the question." 是默然忍♥受 "Whether "tis nobler in the mind 命運暴虐的毒箭 "to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous..." 親眼見證 這蛇是假的 That ain"t no snake. 靠

 這我也行 Heck, I could do it. 你行你上 As you wish. 快跑啊 Get out of here! 榮格

 走了 Rongo, let"s go! 親眼見證大力士 小珍寶 離象寶寶遠點 Hey, get away from the baby elephant! 入口 梅第奇兄弟


 歡迎你們 Welcome, Joplin, Missouri! 女士們先生們 Ladies and gentlemen... 我是你們的主持人 I am your Master of Ceremonies, 麥克斯米安·梅第奇 Maximilian Medici. 現在

 我向你們呈現 And now, I give to you... 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團 the Medici Brothers" circus. 好了 Okay. 好了


 沒人會傷害他的 Okay, okay, no one"s gonna hurt him. 好了


 去演出吧 Okay, little guy, let"s put on a show. 親愛的小珍寶 親愛的小珍寶 那不是駿馬之星霍爾特·法里爾嗎 Ain"t that Holt Farrier, the Stallion Star? 你不是霍爾特·法里爾嗎 Ain"t you Holt Farrier? 不


 太難過了 Nah, he died in the war. So sad. 他要干什么 What"s he doing? 他要拿羽毛 He"s reaching for the feathers. 我的外套

 我的外套 Coat, coat, coat, coat! 親愛的小珍寶 大耳呆寶 你們對它做了什么

 這不是真的大象 What"d you do to that thing? That ain"t a real elephant. 那對耳朵是假的 Those ears are fake! 看那個標志 Look! Look at the sign! "呆寶" "Dumbo!" 大耳呆寶 放松點

 Calm down, now. 他是冒牌貨 He"s a fake! 沒錯

 他是冒牌貨 Yeah, he"s a fake! 閉嘴 Shut up! 你們嚇著大象了 You"re scaring the elephants! 放松點

 冷靜下來 Take it easy now. Calm down. 呆寶



 冒牌貨 Dumbo, Dumbo, fake, fake, fake! 好了

 坐下 All right, sit down. 呆寶



 冒牌貨 Dumbo, Dumbo, fake, fake, fake! 我說了坐下 I said sit down! 沒事的

 小家伙 It"s okay, little fella. 冒牌貨 Fake! 榮格

 音樂 Rongo! Music! 歡樂

 喜悅 Happiness, joy! 聽到他們嘲笑你的丑寶寶了嗎 Hear "em making fun of your ugly baby? 現在誰能幫他 Who"s gonna help him now? 霍爾特

 把大耳朵帶下臺 Holt, get those ears off the stage! 好了

 好了 Okay, all right. 好了

 沒人會傷害你的寶寶 Okay, nobody"s gonna hurt your baby. 冷靜下來 Just calm down. 好了

 乖女孩 Okay. Attagirl. 我們是來保護他的

 和你一樣 We"re here to protect him. Same as you. 乖女孩

 Attagirl. 慢慢來 Nice and easy. 好了

 沒人會傷害你的寶寶 Okay, nobody"s gonna hurt your baby. 魯弗斯

 不 Rufus, no! -魯弗斯


 -這頭瘋象 - Rufus, stop! - Mad elephant! 退后 Get back! 麥克斯

 帶孩子離開這里 Max, get the kids out of here! 大家都出去

 快逃出去 Everybody, out! Get to safety. 小心

 小心 Careful, careful. 孩子們 Kids? 快


 快 Go, go, go! 快跑



 快 Quick, quick, quick. Go, go, go. 快點


 快 Come on. This way, come on. 你現在還喜歡你的工作嗎

 牛仔 How do you like your job now, cowboy? 米莉


 快走 Milly, Joe! Come on! 我們走

 快跑 Let"s go! Come on! Let"s go! 喬普林警局 我只想強調 And I wanna just emphasize, 我們一切操作正確 we did everything right. 情況是

 帳篷就那么倒了 What it is, the tent just absolutely fell down. 就那么塌了 It just collapsed. 我們無法預料會發生這種事 And we had no way of knowing what was gonna happen. 嘉士伯公♥司♥ 驗尸官

 瘋象 ? 我的寶貝

 不要哭 ? ? Baby mine, don"t you cry ? ? 我的寶貝

 擦干淚 ? ? Baby mine, dry your eyes ? ? 依偎在我懷里 ? ? Rest your head close to my heart ? ? 永不分離

 我的寶貝 ? ? Never to part, baby of mine ? ? 小家伙

 你玩耍時 ? ? Little one, when you play ? 瘋象 ? 別在意他們說什么 ? ? Don"t you mind what they say ? ? 讓你的眼睛綻放光彩 ? ? Let your eyes sparkle and shine ? ? 永不流淚

 我的寶貝 ? ? Never a tear, baby of mine ? 布魯格貝克

 我有個團員死了 Brugelbecker, I have a man dead, 你明白嗎 do you understand? 從五大湖區到墨西哥灣 This is what they"re reading 人人都在讀這則新聞 from the Great Lakes to the Gulf! 殺人兇獸發狂橫沖直撞 你有道德責任 You have a moral responsibility 把你的殺人♥大♥象買♥♥回去 to buy your killer elephant back. 象寶寶呢 What about the baby? 至少他讓觀眾笑了 Well, at least he got a few laughs. 我會讓他加入小丑演出 I"ll put him in the clown act, 看能不能挽回損失 see if I can salvage something. 我出半價把她買♥♥回來 I"ll buy her back half price. 你要全價買♥♥回去 You will buy her back full price. 四分之一

 Quarter price. 那就半價了 Half price it is! 上去 Up! 怎么回事

 他們要帶她去哪兒 What"s happening? Where are they taking her? 帶她離開

 回你們的帳篷去 Away. Back to your tent now. 但她是他媽媽 But she"s his mom! 爸爸


 阻止他們 Dad, please. Stop them. 拜托 Please! 做點什么 Do something. 媽媽就會做些什么 Mom would have done something. 媽媽不在這里 Momma"s not here. 好了



 來 Okay, little fella. Okay. Come on. 我懂

 真的 I know, I do. 美麗的生物

 我們會照顧好你的兒子 Beautiful creature, we"ll take care of your son. 親愛的

 很晚了 Darlin", it"s late. 快去睡吧 Go on now. 我懂

 我也睡不著 I know. I can"t sleep, either. 我媽媽告訴過我 My momma told me 人生會有像被鎖在門里的時候 there"d be times when my life seemed locked behind a door. 所以她給了我這把鑰匙 So, she gave me this key, 這是她媽媽給她的 that her momma gave her. 她說當我有那種感覺時 And said whenever I have that feeling, 就想象那扇門

 imagine that door... 然后轉動鑰匙 and just turn the key. 所以我不斷努力 So, I keep trying. 你不該一個人在這里 Not supposed to be in here alone. 我不是

 你也來了 I"m not. You"re here. 那是什么 What"s that? 我只是想著它可能餓了 I just thought he might be hungry. 它很傷心 He"s sad. 傷心時吃不下東西 You don"t eat when you"re sad. 美人魚就能吃 The mermaid does. 吃吧 Come on. 吃一個吧

 呆寶 Have one, Dumbo. 現在要叫他呆寶了嗎 We"re calling him Dumbo now? 如果我們叫他小珍寶 If we call him Jumbo Junior... 可能會讓他想媽媽 it might make him miss his mom. 給你

 呆寶 Here you go... Dumbo. 吃吧

 然后再扇扇你的耳朵 Come on, and flap those ears again. 證明那不是我們的幻想 To show us we didn"t imagine it. 你媽媽無意傷害任何人 Your momma, she didn"t mean to hurt anyone. 她只是在保護你 She was just protecting you. 而且我們覺得你的耳朵特別棒 And we think your ears are great. 或許他想獨自待著

 像爸爸那樣 Maybe he wants to be alone. Like Dad. 沒人想獨自待著

 Nobody wants to be alone. 好吧 Well... 如果你改變主意就吃吧 if you change your mind... 晚安

 呆寶 Night-night, Dumbo. 不是花生讓它飛起來的 It"s not the peanuts that made him do it. 是羽毛 It"s the feathers! 呆寶 Dumbo! 呆寶

 你一定要在演出中這樣飛 Dumbo, you gotta do this in the show. 什么意思 What do you mean? 如果馬戲團能賣♥♥更多票 "Cause if the circus sells more tickets 梅第奇能賺更多錢 and Medici makes more money... 那我們就能讓他用錢 then we can get him to use some 把珍寶夫人買♥♥回來 to buy Mrs. Jumbo back. 沒錯 Yeah! 我們可以把她帶回來


 你可以 We can get her back, Dumbo. You can. 只需讓他們看到你的能力 Just show them all what you can do. 快走

 我們必須告訴爸爸 Come on. We gotta tell Dad. 不

 他只會告訴我們不要異想天開 No. He"ll just tell us to be practical. 這周的演出都取消了

 對嗎 Shows got canceled for a week, right? 我們可以調查

 研究并實驗 We can research and study and test. 你是奇跡小象

 呆寶 You"re a miracle elephant, Dumbo. 我們會帶你媽媽回家的 And we"re gonna bring your momma home. 著火了

 Fire! 太低級了 So low. 有生以來最低級 An all-time low. 是誰說不想被認出來的 Who said he didn"t want to be recognized? 好了


 這一刻到了 Okay, Big D, this is it. 和排練時一樣 Just like in rehearsal. 除了有燈光


 火和觀眾 Except for lights, music, fire and crowds. -你能行的


 呆寶 - You can do it. - Come on, Dumbo. 你能行的

 呆寶 You can do it, Dumbo! 也讓他們見識一下 Show "em all like you showed us! -來



 加油 - Come! Come! Come! - Attaboy, come on. 繼續走

 加油 Keep comin". Come on. 繼續走


 加油 Go on now, Dumbo! Come on. 觀眾喜歡

 觀眾喜歡 They love it! They love it! 好了

 呆寶 All right, Dumbo. 去把火滅了 You put out the fire. 它不會飛的

 它害怕了 He won"t fly. He"s scared. 我知道

 它現在升得太高了 I know. Now, he"s up too high. 滅火

 呆寶 Go on, Dumbo! 好樣的 Attaboy. 太棒了

 首要規矩 Yeah! Rule Number One. "結尾總是要大場面" "Always have a big finish!" 好了



 Okay, guys. Bring him down. 太棒了 Yeah! 危險 燃氣 霍爾特 Holt! -看



 什么 - Look, Max! - What? What? -他被困在上面了

 -把火熄了 - He"s trapped up there. - Put the fire out! 呆寶

 飛起來 Dumbo! Fly! 沒有羽毛它不會飛的 He won"t fly without a feather! 把火熄了 Put the fire out! 快熄滅 Put it out! -喬

 -別去 - Joe! - Stop! 霍爾特

 她不是說不想演出嗎 Holt, I thought she didn"t want to be in an act. 米莉 Milly! 給你

 呆寶 Here, Dumbo! 來吧 Come on. 讓他們看看 Show "em. 加油

 呆寶 Come on, Dumbo. 飛啊

 呆寶 Fly, Dumbo. 飛起來 Fly! 太棒了 Yeah! 你早知道他能飛嗎 You knew he could do this? 你應該多跟孩子交流 You should talk to your kids more. 神奇小象一飛成名

 奇跡猛犸震驚世界 我們的記者證實

 "呆寶的傳聞是真的" 蘇富比 Sotheby... 取消我和總統的晚餐 cancel my dinner with the President. 我們要去找一頭小象 We"ve got business with an elephant. 售罄 朋友們 Friends, 下一場有票的演出在阿肯色州 the next available shows are in Arkansas! 快樂的小丑 Happy clowns! -壯漢榮格

 -老板 - Rongo the Strong! - Boss. 你好

 喬 Hello, Jo! 梅第奇兄弟馬戲團 The Medici Brothers" circus. 充滿真愛和奧秘的地方 Where true love and mystery abound! 與神奇的小飛象呆寶合影留念 我的明星在哪呢 Now where"s my star? 呆寶 Dumbo! 洗得滿意嗎 How"s your bath? 水太熱嗎

 太冷嗎 Too warm? Too cold? 姑娘們

 確保他的皺褶不會起皺 Ladies, make sure his wrinkles don"t get wrinkles. 在我的國家

 傳說告訴我們 In our country, legend tells us 神會化身為動物 the gods can take animal forms. 開香檳慶賀呆寶 Champagne for Dumbo! 酒不準靠近寶寶 No booze near the baby! 抱歉

 呆寶 Sorry, Dumbo.

 不是你媽媽 It"s not your momma. 把呆寶帶進去 Take Dumbo back inside. 女士們先生們

 請讓路 Ladies and gentlemen, please make way 歡迎魔法皇帝 for the emperor of enchantment. 織夢大♥師♥ For the architect of dreams. 科尼島的哥倫布 For the Columbus of Coney Island. V·A·范德爾先生 Mr. V.A. Vandevere! 還有與他同行的

 他的閃耀明星 And traveling with him, his bright shining star. 柯萊特·馬尚特

 天空女王 Colette Marchant, the Queen of the Heavens! 馬尚特小姐

 馬尚特小姐 Miss Marchant! Miss Marchant! 梅第奇先生 Signore Medici! 他知道我是誰 He knows who I am. 我們正好經過密蘇里州 We were just passing through Missouri... 聽說了你這里的小演出 and we heard you were putting on a little show. 范德爾先生

 這是我的榮幸 Mr. Vandevere. It"s an honor. 不


 這是我的榮幸 No, sir. The honor is mine. 我也想請你們喝杯酒 I would like to offer you a drink. 但我這里的波本威士忌 But I"m all out of bourbon. 干邑和蘇格蘭威士忌都喝光了 And cognac and scotch. 現在不行 Not now! 你書桌里是只猴子嗎 Is that a monkey in your desk? 只是用來應急的 Just for emergencies.


 范德爾先生 Look, Mr. Vandevere... 我可能應該告訴你 I probably should tell you... 這頭小象不賣♥♥ the elephant is not for sale. 呆寶只會為梅第奇馬戲團而飛 Dumbo will only fly for the Medici circus. 前提是他貨真價實 That"s assuming he is real. 親眼看看吧 See for yourself. 恕我直言

 我可不會陪你們一整天 And all due respect, I don"t got all day. -很高興見到你...

 -不好意思 - Pleasure to meet you... - Excuse me. 你好啊 Hello there. 你是說你們這個生物 So this, uh, creature of yours... 能夠飛翔 is supposed to fly? 這是商業機密 Trade secrets. 麥克斯

 你不介意的話我想問問 Max, if you don"t mind my asking... 你在哪兒找到這頭動物的 where did you come upon the animal? 他來自遙遠的東方 He hails from the far east. 有多遙遠 How far? 非常遙遠 Far. 在我眼里他沒什么"魔力" He doesn"t look like "magic" to me. 光看外表能看出什么呢

 對吧 Well, what the heck can you tell by appearances, right? 而你訓練大象飛翔

 是嗎 And you train flying elephants, too? 是的

 只是業余愛好而已 Yeah, it"s a little hobby on the side. 教會呆寶的是這兩個孩子 It"s the kids taught Dumbo.

 是他們 Yes. 真的嗎 Yeah? 你們到底是怎么做到的 And how on earth did you do that? 用科學的方法 With the scientific method. 一張照片

 只能拍一張照片 One picture, one picture! 麥克斯 Max. 你擁有人生中非常難得的東西 You possess something that"s very rare in life. 但不幸的是 And the tragedy of it is, 你根本不自知 is you don"t even know that you have it. 你知道自己擁有什么嗎

 麥克斯 Do you know what it is that you have, Max? 不知道 No. 你擁有奧秘 It"s mystique. 麥克斯

 我知道你是什么人 Max, I know your type. 江湖術士


 投機分子 Charlatan, con man, opportunist... 紐約在那邊

 如果你分不清方向的話 New York is that way, in case you need directions. 而且我知道要有深切的渴望 And I know it comes from a deep desire 才能建立起一些真實可靠的東西 to build something authentic and true. 我知道你的套路 I know your game. 這不是套路 It"s not a game. 有些人躲避規則 Some men cheat the rules, 有些人則改變規則 others change them. 在你袖子里 It"s up your sleeve.

 在你口袋里 It"s in your pocket. 娛樂行業的秘訣在于 The secret to show business 總在帽子里放只兔子 is always keep a rabbit in your hat. 或者在書桌里放只猴子也行 Or a monkey in your desk, I guess. 公♥司♥股份 Ownership shares? 范德爾企業股份及十萬美元 麥克斯

 看看你周圍 Max, look around you. 你的整個生活方式正在逐漸消亡 Your entire way of life is dying. 娛樂業的未來在于 The future of the entertainment business 吸引觀眾來找你 is to bring the audience to you. 我已經建好了目的地 And I"ve built that destination. 而我需要的是 What I"m lacking... 一個親信 is a protégé. 我知道梅第奇兄弟是假的 I know there"s no Medici Brothers. 你可能一直想要一個兄弟 You probably always wanted one. 你想讓我做合伙人 You"re offering me a partnership? 是的 Yes. 還要給你一個家 And a home. 為你和你的整個馬戲團提供一個家 For you and the entire troupe. 一個家

 我們所有人的家 A home? For all of us? 是的

 加入我吧 Yes. Join me. 加入我和我的大家庭 Join me and my family. 我會帶我們所有人邁向未來

 Let me take us all into the future. 我會帶我們所有人去 Let me take us all... 夢幻世界 to Dreamland! 夢幻世界 登月火箭 真希望媽媽能看到這個 I wish Momma could"ve seen this. 不知怎的

 我覺得她知道我們在這里 Well, somehow, I think she knows we"re here. 你還真施展了魔法

 麥克斯 Way to work your magic, Max. 小飛象呆寶 我們聽到了

 呆寶 We hear you, Dumbo! 你為什么不讓他看外面 Why won"t you let him see outside? 記住

 小姑娘 Remember, young lady... 這是奧秘 mystique. 這才是我加入馬戲團的原因 Now this is why I joined the circus. 科學奇觀 爸爸

 科學奇觀 Dad. Wonders of Science! 好了

 親愛的 All right, sugar plum. 別忘了

 我們是來這里工作的 Remember, we got a job to do here. 我女兒總幻想自己能成為下一位居里夫人 My daughter, she fancies herself the next Marie Curie. 不要讓任何人告訴你不能做的事 Don"t ever let anybody tell you what you can"t do. 打住

 我可沒說她成不了居里夫人 Hang on, I wasn"t saying she can"t. 我們在這里到底是做什么的

 親愛的 What is it exactly that we do here, ma chérie? 我們讓不可能變成可能 We make the impossible possible. 圓形大劇場 那就是你們演出的地方 And that"s where you"ll perform.

 圓形大劇場 The Colosseum! 呆寶要待在后面的訓練帳篷里 Dumbo will stay in the training tent behind. 呆寶 Dumbo! 我們為什不不跟他一起走 Why aren"t we going with him? 因為那才是你們的新家 Because that is your new home. 瞧瞧這里 Look at this place! 有藏書室 A library... "孩子要牽引它們" "And the children shall lead them." 出自《以賽亞書》第十一章第六節 非常感謝你給我們這個機會

 范德爾先生 We"re grateful for the opportunity, Mr. Vandevere. 你的家人就是我的家人 Your family"s mine. 我去打聽了你的故事

 法里爾先生 You know, I"ve been brushing up on your story, Mr. Farrier. 肯塔基州頂尖的馬術演員 Kentucky"s top trick rider. 你完全可以重拾輝煌 Well, there"s no reason you can"t be again... 不過在這里

 你將成為法里爾上尉 only here, you"d be Captain Farrier... 戰斗英雄 war hero. 霍爾特·法里爾上尉 夢幻世界 獨臂奇人 One-armed wonder. 國寶人物 National treasure. 我還是會騎馬的 Well, I still can ride. 我知道你會 I know you can. 而且我也會讓你騎馬 And you"re going to. 只要你讓那頭小象

 Right after you get that little elephant 飛起來就行 off the ground for me. 你是說只要他演出成功 You mean once his act"s working? 你就能回到馬鞍上 You"re back in the saddle. 我們還在為你們馬戲團的團員 We"re still working on the schedule 安排演出時間 for the rest of your troupe... 但是周五那天 but on Friday... 我們的小飛象將首次公演 we premiere our little Dumbo. 我都起雞皮疙瘩了 I get goose bumps. 你看著我♥干♥什么 Why are you looking at me? 因為唯一比會飛的象更精彩的 Well, because the only thing more amazing than a flying elephant... 就是騎象的女神 is the goddess who can fly it. 你瘋了嗎 Have you lost your mind? 別忘了我們的出身

 親愛的 Let"s not forget from whence we came, darling. 那我們就周五飛 So, we fly Friday! 呆寶從沒載人飛過 Dumbo"s never flown with anyone. 所以很顯然 That"s why it"s become abundantly clear 我們需要你 why we need you. 呆寶 Dumbo! 小飛象呆寶 伙計


 你還好嗎 Hey, buddy. We missed you. You all right? 這里由法里爾上尉負責 Captain Farrier is in charge. 只有經過他的允許才能看這頭動物 No one sees the animal without his approval.

 霍爾特 Holt. 叫我霍爾特就行 Just call me Holt. 我以為你當過兵 I thought you were a military man. 你的靴子挺漂亮


 鯊魚皮嗎 Nice boots you bagged there. What are they, shark skin? 不是 No. 你最好別讓你的小象朋友 So you better keep your elephant friend 惹我生氣 on my good side. 你好

 呆寶 Hiya, Dumbo. 呆寶

 別鬧好嗎 Dumbo, you mind? 把手臂還給我好嗎 Can I get my arm? 這就是我將托付生命的雙手嗎 And these are the hands I"ll be putting my life in? 歡迎 Welcome. 聲明一下

 這不是我的主意 For the record, this was not my idea. 呆寶一直都單獨飛翔 Dumbo works alone. 我也是 So do I. 你們好


 喬 Bonjour, Milly, Joe... 還有你 And you... 真可愛 Charming. 好吧

 可能你沒化妝 Well, maybe he doesn"t recognize you 他就不認識你了 without your makeup. 我要教你怎么飛嗎 So I gotta teach you to fly? 我知道怎么飛

 從小就知道 I know how to fly, ever since I was a child.


 不是嗎 They taught Dumbo to fly, no? 所以我并不需要你的專業意見 So I don"t need your expertise. 好吧 All right. 不過跟你說一聲

 我去過法國 Well, just so you know, I"ve been to France. 雖然那段經歷并不愉快 It wasn"t a good experience. 把你的秘訣告訴我 Show me your secret! 你的小象到底是怎么飛起來的 How on earth does your elephant fly? 首先

 他需要一根羽毛 Well, first, he needs a feather. 沒有羽毛他就不會飛 He won"t fly without a feather. 那好

 沒有羽毛我也不會飛 Well then, neither will I. 去吧

 呆寶 Go on, Dumbo. 去吧 Go on. 慢點


 安全第一 Slow down, princess. Safety first. 伙計們

 拉保護網 Guys, nets. 快點

 快 Come on, hurry. 好了


 很好 All right, guys, good. 看到了嗎

 呆寶 See, Dumbo? 我會飛 I fly! 看你能不能抓住我 See if you can catch me! 給你

 呆寶 Here, Dumbo! 這下有得可練了 We got some work to do. 范德爾企業 朋友們同事們

 Friends and colleagues... 讓我們向新任執行副總裁 let"s give a warm Dreamland welcome 致以來自夢幻世界熱烈的歡迎 to our new executive vice president... 歡迎麥克斯·梅第奇先生 Mr. Max Medici. 他的任何需要

 事無巨細 Anything he needs, anything at all... 你們要像平時一樣竭力滿足他 make it happen as you always do. 麥克斯米安·梅第奇 這位是弗娜小姐 This is Miss Verna. 她負責你的日程安排 She will handle your schedule, 通信往來以及所有的來電 correspondence, and all your calls. 當需要你出席會議的時候 When you"re needed in meetings, 她會通...

推薦訪問: 劇本 中英文對照 完整
