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 新生 Newborn. 我睜開雙眼 I open my eyes. 融入 I melt. 永恒之光 Into the eternal night. 閃耀 A spark. 我墜落火焰中 I fall into the flame. 你帶我走出黑暗 You brought me out of the shadows. 你帶我離開地表 You lifted me from the ground. 帶我重走生命之途 Brought me back to life. 佳人何夢 What is she dreaming of? 平靜安詳 How calm she is. 深陷愛中 In love. 致遠寧靜 Forever at peace. 我們拾級而上 We climbed the steps... 通往仙境 To the wonder. 漲潮了 It"s coming in. 愛讓我們融合 Love makes us one. 合二... Two... 為一 One. 你中有我 I in you. 我中有你

 You in me. 媽媽 Momma? 你怎么不開心 Why are you unhappy? 我沒有 I"m not. 除了你

 我不會再愛 I"d never hoped to love again. 我會與你形影不離 I"ll go wherever you go. 塔狄安娜

 看她多可愛 Tatiana, look how cute she is. 你想要一個同樣可愛的妹妹嗎 You want a little sister like that? 她多大

  How old is she? 三個月 Three months. 如果我因為你不娶我而離開你 If I left you because you didn"t want to marry me, 那就代表我不愛你 it would mean I didn"t love you. 我沒有想從你那得到什么 I don"t expect anything. 不過同行一段路而已 Just to go a little of our way together. 別那么嚴肅了 Stop being so serious! 你明白嗎 You understand? 他問你愿不愿意來美國生活 He"s asking if you want to come and live in the United States. 我的摯愛 My sweet love. 直到終點 At last. 我的曙光 My hope. 愛你

 無以倫比 How I loved you.

 你來這里多久了 So how long have you been here? 幾個月了 A couple of months. 你覺得這里怎么樣 How do you like it so far? 我很喜歡 I like it. -你有孩子嗎

 -我有個女兒 - Do you have any children? - I have a daughter. 她十歲了 She"s 10. 單親媽媽一定很辛苦 I bet it"s hard being a single mom. 我女兒小一些 I know my daughter"s a little younger, 但也許她們能一起玩 but it would be fun for them to get together, maybe. 這么小的孩子搬家一定不好受 It"s kind of a hard age to move away from someplace. 這里如此安寧 A land so calm. 真誠 Honest. 豐富 Rich. 只要你將愛予我 If you love me... 別無他求 there"s nothing else I need. 你少言寡語 You spoke little. 但愛意豐盈 But you were an incredibly loving man. 好啦

 我們還要買♥♥什么 Okay, what are we missing? 這里東西太多了

 好干凈 There"s tons of stuff. It"s super clean. 真漂亮 Everything is beautiful here. 一切都好整潔啊

 Look how clean everything is. 你要娶她嗎 Are you going to marry her? 她的頭發很漂亮 She has pretty hair. 手也很漂亮 Pretty hands. 你們在一起會致富的 You guys might get rich together. 她還會調酒 She can even make drinks. 那樣就太好了

 你就可以做我繼父 It"ll be great. You"ll be my stepdad. 這是干什么呢 What"s going on here? 我們做點修復工作 We"re doing a little remedial work. 什么修復工作 Remedial work? 檢查一下這里有沒有有毒物 We"re looking to make sure there"s no toxins. 我家里有奇怪的東西 I got stuff on my house. 孩子們行為異常 Kids acting strange. 有時候我們會發現焦油狀的物體 Sometimes we see... like tar 從天井裂縫中滲出來 coming out in the cracks in the patio. 我們的鄰居把房♥子交給別人保管 The neighbors here, they had their house in escrow. 他們搬走了 They pulled out. 房♥主搬走了 The buyers pulled out. 是啊 Yeah. 太糟糕了 That"s too bad. 實驗報告上說 The reports from the lab came in.

 校園的土壤和塵土中 It showed the presence of lead and cadmium 發現有鉛和鎘 in the surface soil and in the dust in the schoolyards... 愛我之愛為何愛 What is this love that loves us? 它來自虛無 That comes from nowhere. 從四面八方涌來 From all around. 如天空 The sky. 如你

 如云 You, cloud. 你也愛我 You love me, too. 我染過金色



 紅色 I"ve had it blonde and brown and pink and red. 未經過我媽媽允許

 我是不能染頭發的 Me, I could never dye my hair unless my mom says I can. 我媽不管我 My mom doesn"t care. 她很前衛 My mom"s pretty cool. 放學后

 你帶她去游泳 After school you took her to swim. 告訴她野花的名字 Taught her the names of the wildflowers. 你說她是你的女兒 You called her your daughter. 我在寫感想 I"m writing my thoughts. 你愛我嗎 You love me? 當然 Of course. 我沒有朋友 I don"t have any friends. 在巴黎我有很多朋友 In Paris I had lots. 我們得離開這里

 We need to leave. 我們倆都得離開 Both of us. 我覺得缺了什么 There"s something missing. 有一種愛 There is a love... 如同缺少雨水滋潤的 that is like a stream that goes dry 干涸溪水 when rain no longer feeds it. 但是還有一種愛 But there is a love... 如同大地深處涌出的泉水 that is like a spring coming up from the earth. 第一種是世俗之愛

 第二種是神圣之愛 The first is human love, the second is divine love 源自蒼穹 and has its source above. 丈夫應該愛妻子 The husband is to love his wife 就像基♥督♥恩澤教堂 as Christ loved the church, 為她奉獻生命 and give his life for her. 他不是發現她的美麗之處 He does not find her lovely-- 而是讓她因愛而美 he makes her lovely. 這樣的結合有另一番優雅 But there is a grace that comes in such a marriage. 我 17 歲結婚 I got married when I was 17. 有了一個孩子 And I had a child. 但我的丈夫 But my husband... 開始追求別的女人 started running after other women. 他離開我們 And he left us...

 去了加納利群島 and went to Canary Islands. 其他牧師告訴我 And other priests have told me that... 在教會看來

 我還是他的妻子 in the eyes of the church I"m still married to that man. 他們說我不能參加圣禮 They said I couldn"t have the sacraments. 我很想做一個妻子 I want to be a wife. 我甚至不知道我為何一開始會和他在一起 I don"t even know why I was with him in the first place. 之后新生命降臨了 Then it sunk in. 我其實不想告訴我爸爸 I didn"t really want to tell my dad, 因為我知道他會火冒三丈 because I knew he would start yelling. 我永遠不會放棄她 I"d never give her up. 永遠 Ever. 你無處不在 Everywhere you"re present. 但我依然看不見你 And still I can"t see you. 你與我融為一體 You"re within me. 包圍著我 Around me. 但我感覺不到你 And I have no experience of you. 今非昔比 Not as I once did. 為何我不懂堅持 Why don"t I hold on to what I"ve found? 心已冷卻 My heart is cold. 堅硬 Hard. 我在水面書寫

 I write on water... 不敢訴說的一言一語 What I dare not say. 我試著環抱你 I try to cradle you. 讓你包容自己 To make you contain yourself. 溫柔的崩塌 An avalanche of tenderness. 世界漸遠 The world so far away. 幽靈 A ghost. 灰燼 Ashes. 看見那邊的紅色了嗎 You see that red band in the sky right there? 看見它下面的藍色嗎 And you see that blue down below it? 那是地球映在大氣中的影子 That"s the earth"s shadow on the atmosphere. 你知道我在討論什么嗎 Look. You see what I"m talking about? 停一下 Stop for a second. 你看見了嗎 You see? 看著我 Look at me. 我沒在看你 I"m not looking at you. 我不想去看你 I don"t want to look at you. 你不是我爸爸 You"re not my father. 你覺得你是我爸爸

 可你不是 You think you"re my father. You"re not. 你打擾到我了 You"re annoying me. 爸爸

 我會給你祈禱的 Father, I"m going to pray for you.

 非常感謝 Thank you very much. 那樣你也會收獲快樂的的贈與 So you will receive the gift of joy. 我 Me? 因為你不開心 Because you"re so unhappy. 因為你不經常出門 "Cause you don"t come out too much. 你總是感到孤獨嗎 Do you get lonely all the time, 或者說大多數時候都這樣感覺嗎 or most of the time 當周圍沒人的時候 when ain"t nobody around? 那么你覺得呢 So what you got to say about it? 你應該更振作一點 You gotta have a little more excitement. 就像我們在一起的時候一樣 Just like when me and you are around, 周圍沒有別人 and there ain"t nobody around. 只是說一聲

 嘿 Just, "Hey!" 這樣就振作了


 我就這樣做的 The power hits you, brother. It always hits me. 你可以說“來吧力量”

 然后它就來了 You can just say, "Hey, power," And it hits me. 沒等你明白怎么回事 Hits me before I can get it out. 看

 魔鬼不知道我在說什么 See, the devil don"t know what I"m saying. 你我也不知道 And you won"t know and I won"t know. 我能感覺到光的溫暖

 老兄 I can feel the warmth of the light, brother. 那是靈魂之光 That"s spiritual. 比自然光給人感覺更加強烈

 I"m feeling more than just natural light. 感受靈魂之光 Feeling the spiritual light, see? 我幾乎可以觸摸到那束光 I can almost touch that light, 穿破蒼穹 coming right from the sky. 教區擴展了不少 The parish has grown a lot. 我們需要更多空間 And we really need more room 用于社區聚會 For the community to get together. 我們演出戲劇

 準備菜肴 We have plays, we have dinners, 召開派對 We have parties. 教區中心有我們的基♥督♥教協會 We have C.C.D. In the parish hall. 我們舉辦婚禮

 置備酒席 We have weddings, we have parties. 你要自我隱藏多久 How long will you hide yourself? 如果我知道它在這里... If I would have known it was there... 讓我靠近你 Let me come to you. 脫下偽裝 Let me not pretend. 還其原貌 Everything that"s happening... 佯裝身外之情 Pretend to feelings I don"t have. 人類在與神靈對峙 Man is in revolt against God. 先知何西阿 The Prophet Hosea saw 從他破碎的婚姻中 in the breakdown of his marriage 看到了他的子民不忠的靈魂 the spiritual infidelity of his people.

 從破碎的婚姻中 In that broken marriage, 我們可以宏觀這個世界 we see the pattern of our world. 我們希望受到法律的庇護 We wish to live inside the safety of the laws. 我們懼怕選擇 We fear to choose. 耶穌 Jesus... 堅持其選擇 insists on choice. 他極力譴責之事 The one thing he condemns utterly 即為逃避選擇 is avoiding the choice. 選擇即負責 To choose is to commit yourself, 負責即冒險 and to commit yourself is to run the risk-- 冒失敗的風險 Is to run the risk of failure, 觸罪的風險

 背叛的風險 the risk of sin, the risk of betrayal. 然而這些都不在耶穌的話下 But Jesus can deal with all of those. 他給予眾生寬容悲憫 Forgiveness he never denies us. 有罪之人 得以懺悔 The man who makes a mistake can repent. 猶豫之人 But the man who hesitates, 碌碌無為 who does nothing, 將其天賦 who buries his talent, 葬于土地 in the earth. 耶穌對其也愛莫能助 With him, he can do nothing. 我的簽證到期了

 My visa has expired. 我們該面對現實了 We need to face the facts. 如果你讓我留下 If you"d asked me to stay, 我就不離開 I would have. 你覺得永恒就在我們的掌心 You thought we had forever. 時光不過一場虛無 That time didn"t exist. 住在這里的人非常快樂 These guys live around here, I mean, 直到有些人的到來打破了平靜 They"re perfectly happy until somebody comes around 問他們問題

 人人都緊張兮兮 asking questions, and it makes everybody nervous... 這難道不是我們的財產嗎 Ain"t this is our property? 我們難道不能自♥由♥支配嗎 Can"t we do what we want to do with it? 我讓我丈夫帶我們離開這里 I tell my husband to get us out of here, 但我們又能去哪呢 but where we gonna go? 他們有律師做后臺

 還都是些大律師 They got all these lawyers, these big time lawyers, 我們卻單槍匹馬 And we can"t get no help. 連狗都開始表現得奇怪起來 Even the dog is acting funny. 我們在這里住了很久了 We"ve been on this house for a long time. 你搬去農場住了嗎 You"re out at the ranch up there? 住了些日子了 I"ve been there for some time. 你告訴我關于她的故事 You told me about her. 我無法逃避 I have to look at.

 那些溪流與江河 Some of these creeks and rivers-- 那個你在醫院遇到的女人 The woman you met at the hospital. 你找過我姐姐是吧 You talk to my sister, right? 青梅竹馬

 兩小無猜 Someone you"d known in your youth. 我現在要去... I"m going over to the... 普拉列高禾草原 The tall grass prairie now. 大牧場申請了破產保護 The ranch is going into receivership. 它要破產了 It"s going bankrupt. 不

 他說他不想在上學的時候 要孩子 No, he claimed he didn"t want to have kids while he was in school. 她一直沒變 She hadn"t changed. 沉重的學生貸款和賭債負擔 So many student loans, gambling debts 還有即將瓦解的牧場 and this ranch that"s falling apart. 我遇到你的正是時候 I caught you on the right day then. 真好 Kind. 我有過一個孩子 I had a child... 一個女孩 a little girl. 她去世了 She died. 我的父親 My father... 讓我閱讀羅馬書 he said to read romans. 《圣經·新約》中的一卷 萬事都互相效力

 叫愛神的人得益處 "All things work together for good."

 他對此堅信不疑 He believed that. 你愿意和我一起祈禱嗎 Will you pray with me? 我不信宗教 I had no faith. 你知道的 You knew. 你害怕嗎 Were you afraid? 我媽媽說我不切實際 My mother says I"m chasing moonbeams. 她有那么說過 Is that what she said? 我告訴她 I told her I"d rather 我寧愿不切實際 Have a moonbeam than 也不愿意重復過去的傷痛 The life I had before. 你想要這樣的生活嗎 Do you want this? 你知道你想要什么嗎 Do you know what you want? 我再也承受不了 I can"t afford... 愛錯的沉重代價 to make mistakes with men anymore. 你希望你常來 I want you to come more often. 可以嗎 Can you? 我一直在等你 I"ve been waiting for you. 那種感覺很瘋狂 I felt wild. 我不知道

 你笑什么 I don"t know. What are you laughing at? 你 You. -笑我


 - Me? - You make me laugh. 你讓我感到快樂 You make me happy. 讓我情不自禁 You took me. 不 No. 姑娘啊 Girl. 小姑娘 Little girl. 真傻 Fool. 這就是我 Here I am. 是的 Yes. 我感覺被抽空了 I feel stripped bare. 不知道該往哪走 I don"t know where I"m going. 我回到住處

 幾近崩潰 I return to my apartment and collapse. 我無法再忍&earts;受這里了 I can"t take it here anymore. 巴黎死氣沉沉 Paris is dreadful. 我看不到塔蒂安娜了 I don"t see Tatiana. 她離開了我 She"s gone... 去和她爸爸一起生活 To live with her father. 我找不到工作 I can"t find a job. 我想回美國 I want to come back to the states. 我曾經遇到一個人 I met someone who told me 他承諾會娶我

 讓我拿到綠卡 He"d marry me so I could get a green card.

 告訴她 Tell her. 我相信你 I trust you. 我想和你結婚 I want to be your wife. 我愛你 I love you. 漸行漸遠 Walk away. 我曾以為我了解你 I thought I knew you. 現在你已不是從前 Now I don"t think you ever were. 我們的過去一片蒼白 What we had was nothing. 你讓它失去了意義 You made it into nothing. 快樂如此 Pleasure. 情欲如此 Lust. 女士請站這邊 Ma"am, if you"ll come over here. 先生請站這邊 Sir, if you"ll be on this side, please. 你們準備好戒指了嗎 You all have rings for each other? 愛你


 珍惜你 "To love, honor and cherish you." 忠貞不渝 "Be faithful only to you." 地老天荒 "As long as we both shall live." 在座各位敬請見證

 我承諾... "And I do promise before these witnesses..." 在座各位敬請見證

 我承諾... "And I do promise before these witnesses..." 愛你


 珍惜你 "To love, honor and cherish you..." 愛你



 "To love, honor and cherish you..." 忠貞不渝 "To be faithful only to you..." 忠貞不渝 "To be faithful only to you..." 地老天荒 "As long as we both shall live." 地老天荒 "As long as we both shall live." 我感覺如此接近你 I feel so close to you... 幾乎可以觸碰到你 That I could almost touch you. 總有這般無形的存在 There is always this invisible something... 讓我強烈地感知 That I feel so strongly... 將我們緊緊相系 Which ties us so tightly together. 我愛這種感覺 I love this feeling... 盡管時而因其淚流 Even if it makes me cry sometimes. 我如此確信 It is so strong, this conviction... 我屬于你 That I belong to you. 也許你希望我不要再對你你說我愛你 Maybe you"d like me to stop telling you I love you. 我知道這種強烈的感覺讓你不安 I know that strong feelings make you uneasy. 如果真是如此

 請告訴我 Tell me if that"s so. 看我的手鏈 See my bracelet. 很漂亮

 哪來的 It"s pretty. Where"s it from? 你過得怎么樣 How"s everything there? 你想念這里了嗎 You miss being here?

 我這里很好 It"s great here. 說真的

 和爸爸住在一起開心 Honestly, at dad"s it"s so much fun. 牙仙把它偷走了嗎 Did the tooth fairy steal it? 如果晚上將新拔下的牙齒放在枕頭下面


 而放下一個錢幣 不

 是我拔的 No, I"m the one who took it out. 不疼嗎 It didn"t hurt? 你真好看 You"re so pretty. 神明 The divine presence... 沉睡于每個人的心底 which sleeps in each man, each woman. 你說 You say... 神說這個 "Christ said this." 神說那個 "Christ said that." 你自己說了什么呢 What do you say? 你的話語 And what you say, 是否來自內心的神明呢 does it come from god within? 答案是 Answer that... 在每個人心底的神明看來 which is of God, in every woman, every man. 愛之所惜 Know each other in that love, 永不改變 that never changes. 你可以看看顯示屏 I"d like to show you here on the monitor. 這是你的子♥宮♥ This is the area of your uterus,

 這是節育環 and the I.U.D. 你長的東西在這里 That you have in place there. 我們認為

 風險最小的辦法之一 We feel like one of the less risky procedures 就是取掉節育環 that we can do is to remove this device. 如果癥狀還不消除 And we see if those symptoms don"t resolve. 我想 I think something that 你和你丈夫應該考慮 you and your husband need to consider 在沒有節育環的狀態下 is with the absence of the I.U.D. 是不是可以要個孩子 Is this a time that you may want to think about children? 或是可不可以采取其他節育措施 Or is there another means for contraception? 所以我不用切除子♥宮♥了 So I don"t need to have a hysterectomy? 真是個好消息 That"s the good news. 謝謝 Thank you. 你想要孩子嗎 Would you like to have children? 以后再說吧 Someday. 神賜予我們婚姻

 這是一個神圣的奇跡 "God gave us marriage as a holy mystery..." 男人與女人結合 "In which a man and woman are joined together..." 成為一體 "And become one." 帶著愛意和柔情 "And with affection and tenderness..." 彼此托付 "Freely give themselves to each other." 我給你戴上的戒指

 "This ring I give you..." 是我們堅定信仰 "Is a sign of our constant faith..." 是我們堅定信仰 "Is a sign of our constant faith..." 和永恒愛情的見證 "And abiding love." 和永恒愛情的見證 "And abiding love." 走吧 Go. 我們身處何方 Where are we... 我們何時于此 When we"re there? 為何終將消亡 Why not always? 何為真♥相♥ Which is the truth? 我們當時作何理解 What we know up there? 現在又若何 Or down here? 我們為上帝的祝福而祈禱 We pray thy blessings upon them 為供養我們的食物而祈禱 and upon this food which we are about to eat. 想來一個嗎 Would you like one? 孤單 Alone. 他就那樣離去 He just goes off like that. 不知去往何處 I don"t know where he goes. 遠走高飛

 趁年華正當 Leave while you can. 你依然有青春

 有美貌 Now that you"re young. Beautiful. 你前方的生命充滿希望 Your whole life in front of you.


 隨你所愿 Live and do what you like. 生命不過黃粱美夢一場 Life"s a dream. 夢中之過

 醒來即逝 In a dream you can"t make mistakes. 在夢里

 你可以 In a dream you can be... 成為你想成為的人 Whatever you want. 變成你想變成的樣子 Anything. 離開這里吧 Leave this place. 這里熙熙攘攘 It"s cramped. 平凡渺小 Small. 一無所有 There"s nothing here. 你看他們的面孔 Look at their faces. 虛偽 False. 寫滿了虛偽 All false. 你有夢想 You"re a little dreamer. 需要飛翔 You need to fly. 擺脫禁錮 You should be free. 聆聽心聲 Listen to your heart. 心死了嗎 Dead? 我的包 No, my bag! 你瘋了 You"re crazy! 我們一會來拿

 We"ll get it later. 等回來的時候 When we come back. 它藏好了 It"s hidden. 丟掉身外之物 You don"t need anything. 才能獲得自♥由♥ You"re free. 那我們就是吉普賽人了 We"re gypsies. 你和我一樣 You"re like me. 吉普賽人 A gypsy. 我來試試 I"m my own experiment. 來抓我啊 Come get me. 我在這兒呢 I"m here. 人都哪去了 Where are the people? 他們都死了


 什么都沒有 They"re all dead. Nobody"s here. Nothing. 我想要有人給我個驚喜 I want somebody to surprise me. 你都哪去了 Where are you people? 你看什么呢 What are you looking at? 你是不是覺得我是個魔鬼 You think I"m a monster? 邪惡的魔鬼 An evil monster? 是個吸血鬼

 巫師 A vampire? A witch? 我想掙脫枷鎖 I want to break these chains... 獲得自♥由♥ Be free.

 打開我的心扉 Open me. 走進我的靈魂 Enter me. 告訴我如何愛你 Show me how to love you. 我們為什么要回來 Why do we come back down? 事情更糟了 Things have gotten worse. 我不知道發生了什么

 我喝醉了 I don"t know what happened. I was drunk. 如果我犯下罪行 If I had done this, 我不是說我犯了

 我只是說如果 I"m not saying I did, I might"ve, I could"ve. 那么我想要求你的寬恕

 天父 I"m asking for forgiveness, father. 我無法控制自己 I can"t help myself. 如果你想讓我跪下

 我會跪下 If you need me to kneel down, I"ll kneel down. 我不過想要自♥由♥ I want to be free. 陽光刺痛了我的雙眼 That sun is just right in my eyes. 我會斗爭

 我會的 I can fight, I will fight. 用我的雙拳與雙腳 I can fight with my feet and hands. 他們自認為懂得人生

 其實不然 They think they"re really about something, but they ain"t. 你要翻開圣經向我布道了嗎 You gonna open that bible and preach to me now? 我急切地找尋你的蹤跡 Intensely I seek you. 我的靈魂因你而枯竭 My soul thirsts for you. 因你而凋謝 Exhausted. 你會像那條干涸的溪流一樣嗎

 Will you be like a stream that dries up? 小情夫

 你在哪呢 Loverboy! Where are you? 愛不單單是一種感覺 Love is not only a feeling. 愛是一種責任

 應該承擔 Love is a duty. You shall love. 愛是一種指令 Love is a command. 你說

 我不能控制我的感情 And you say, "I can"t command my emotions. 它們飄忽不定

 如同浮云 "They come and go like clouds." 對于這一點

 基♥督♥說 To that, Christ says, 你應去愛 "You shall love... 無論愿意與否 whether you like it or not." 你恐懼愛之消亡 You fear your love has died." 也許它只是等待涅槃 "It perhaps is waiting to be transformed 浴火重生 into something higher." 我們爭吵 We fight. 沒有理由的爭吵 Without knowing why. 弱者永遠不會親手摧毀 Weak people never bring anything to an end themselves. 他們會等待他人插刀 They wait for others to do it. 為何因愛生恨 How had hate come to take the place of love? 為何我溫柔的心漸漸堅若磐石 My tender heart grown hard? 你想娶我為妻嗎 Do you want me as a wife? 做你的愛人 A lover?

 伴侶 Companion? 他要殺了我 He"s killing me! 對不起 I"m sorry. 你希望我死是嗎

 好 You want me to die? Here! 你怎么不一塊 Why don"t you have them? 我很害怕 I"m frightened. 你為何不正視現實 Why do you turn your back? 我見一切

 皆為殘垣 All I see is destruction. 頹敗 Failure. 天父

 請賜予我祝福 Give me your blessing, father. 我傷害了別人 I"ve hurt people. 我知道我是什么樣的人 I know what I am. 上帝啊 My god... 這是一場多么殘酷的戰爭 what a cruel war. 我的心中住著兩個女人 I find two women inside me. 一個 One... 充滿愛意 full of love for you. 另一個 The other... 讓我墜落沉迷 pulls me down towards the earth. 我以為你走了 I thought you went away. 原諒我

 Forgive me. 求求你 Please. 在最開始的六個月里

 不要結識新的人 Don"t take up with anybody during the first six months. 也不要避免與人交談 Don"t stop talking to people. 這是我的病人最愛犯的錯誤 That"s the first mistake that I see people make in my practice. 塞翁失馬 Sometimes you eat the bear, 焉知非福 and sometimes the bear eats you. 不必顧影自憐 You can"t feel sorry for yourself. 治療一啟動 Once we get her served... 就開始執行 that"ll start the process. 因為你們沒有孩子 Because there"s no children involved, 如果你們愿意

 治療會很快 this could be a fairly rapid process, if that"s what you want. 不要失去希望 And I don"t want you to lose hope... 這樣很難 It"s very hard to be there. 付出的愛越少

 余下的心越強大 The one who loves less, the one who"s stronger. 你必須與自己斗爭 You have to struggle with yourself. 孤身一人地 You have to struggle with your own... 斗爭 strength. 為什么 Why? 我又一次 I saw you. 看見你 Again.


 我很快就會離開 They are sending me away. I won"t be here for long. 他們要送我去西堪薩斯 They are sending me to Western Kansas. 西堪薩斯

 去那干什么 Western Kansas? What are you gonna do in Western Kansas? 這里的很多人 A lot of people around here 都不舍得你 is going to be missing you. 巴♥特♥爾♥斯維爾需要你這樣的人 We need people like you here in Bartlesville. 我去布講福音 To preach the gospel. 這就是我們修建教堂的原因 That"s why we have churches. 你指引我走向何方 Where are you leading me? 告訴我們去哪里找尋你 Teach us where to seek you. 我感覺到劇烈的灼燒 I feel a lot of burning, you know... 時而祈禱

 但無回音 I pray but sometimes I don"t hear him. 我想他聽不到我的祈禱 I don"t think he hears me. 主啊

 請與我同在 Christ, be with me. 引領我 Christ before me. 護佑我 Christ behind me. 凈化我 Christ in me. 支撐我 Christ beneath me. 俯視我 Christ above me. 在我左右 Christ on my right. 無處不在

 Christ on my left. 與心共生 Christ in the heart. 枯萎 Thirsting. 我們即將枯萎 We thirst. 請用您的精神與生命滋潤我們的靈魂 Flood our souls with your spirit and life... 我們的生命 So completely... 不過是你生命的延續 That our lives may only be a reflection of yours. 您的靈光普照著我們 Shine through us. 指引我們的方向 Show us how to seek you. 予吾生命

 唯以逢君 We were made to see you. 銘君貴名

 勿忘于心 I want to keep your name. 您用愛澆灌我們 Love that loves us... 謝謝您 Thank you.

推薦訪問: 仙境 通往 劇本

