我得仔細思量 I"ve really got to use 發揮我的想象 My imagination 給自己找個借口 To think of good reasons 繼續好好活著 To keep on keepin′ on 妥善地處理 Got to make the best 這糟糕的境遇 Of a bad situation 自從那天 Ever since that day 我醒來發現 I woke up and found 你已遠走高飛 That you were gone 黑暗吞噬了我 Darkness all around me 太陽也黯淡了光芒 Blackin out the sun 老友來續 Old friends call me 我卻無話可說 But I just don"t feel like talkin to anyone 拉芙蕾絲 空虛拉扯著我 Emptiness has found me 不愿放我回去 And it just won"t let me go 茍延殘喘活著 I go right on livin" 不知有何意義 But why I just don"t know 女士們先生們 Ladies and gentlemen, 期盼已久的時刻就要到了 the moment we"ve all been waiting for, 根據真實事件改編 有請我們的女神
the one, 獨一無二的琳達·拉芙蕾絲 the only Linda Lovelace! -你叫什么
-琳達·拉芙蕾絲 - What"s your name? - Linda Lovelace. 我是說你真名叫什么 I meant what"s your real name? 這就是我的真名 That"s my real name. 在成為有史以來第一個超級艷星之前 So what did you do before 你是做哪行的 you were the first ever pornographic film superstar? 做為性革命宣傳海報的封♥面♥女♥郎♥ How does it feel to be the poster girl 性革命
指 1960 年代美國關于性解放的革命 你有何感想 for the sexual revolution? 色情作品《深喉》 The pornographic film Deep Throat 上映不久便坐上最受歡迎和 has become one of the most popular 最高票房♥的色情電影寶座 and profitable blue movies of all time. 今日曼哈頓法庭裁定本片為淫穢片 Today a Manhattan criminal court judge ruled the film obscene 并強制紐約所有電影院下檔此片 and ordered it removed from theaters in New York City. 這真是個奇怪的國度
是吧 This is kind of a strange country, isn"t it? 法官們能看深喉 Judges can see Deep Throat, 但卻聽不進那些證詞 but they can"t listen to those tapes. 深喉
一部題材新穎的電影 Deep Throat, a trendsetting film that 讓色情作品進入流行文化中 brought pornography into popular culture. 你的原名是琳達·伯爾曼 How did you become Linda Lovelace in the first place, 為什么當時要改叫琳達·拉芙蕾絲?
if you were born as Linda Boreman? 我覺得你能成為明星 I think you can be a star, 我指的不是艷星那種 and I don"t mean just an adult-movie star. 而是真正的明星 I mean a real star. 你是叫琳達·拉芙蕾絲嗎 Is your name Linda Lovelace? 開誠布公點吧 So tell me, 真正的琳達·拉芙蕾絲是什么樣的 who"s the real Linda Lovelace? 你是不是給了我暗示 Is just give me some kind of sign, girl 1970 年
佛羅里達州戴維鎮 我的寶貝 Oh my baby 讓我知道你是我的 Show me that your mine, girl 別
別這樣 No! Patsy! Come on. 神圣小姐
同學替她取的綽號♥ 別假惺惺了
神圣小姐 Jeez! Come on, Miss Holy Holy. 你想要曬出一條黑線嗎 You want to get tan lines? 到時你就會感謝我了 You"re gonna thank me later. 你真的睡了那帥哥嗎 So have you slept with that guy yet? 別瞎猜
派茜 No. Patsy, come on. 別假正經了
你都 21 歲了 Don"t be such a prude. You"re 21 years old. 假正經
我怎么假正經了 Prude? How am I a prude? 上次就被狠狠教育了 I think I"ve learned my lesson 還全都拜你所賜 that one time, thank you very much.
你可以換個體♥位♥的 There are other things that you can do. 我都對你無語了 Ugh. I don"t even know how to talk to you anymore. 那個...那個太惡心了 Seriously, that"s disgusting. 太惡心了 That"s disgusting. -琳達
-那是你媽嗎 - Linda! - Shit, is that your mom? 你不是說她在上班嗎 I thought you said she was work. -琳達
-拿著 - Linda. - Take this, please. -好的
-滅掉 - Yeah. - Put it out. 琳達
你在后院嗎 Linda, are you out back? 搞什么啊
這里是暴露狂的殖民地嗎 Honestly, what is this, a nudist colony? -看你穿成什么樣了
-媽 - What are you wearing? - Ma! 快進屋 Get in the house. 熱舞輪滑 準備好沒
大家都滑得很快 OK? "Cause everybody"s going fast. -好沒
-好了 - Ready? - Ready. -小心點啊
-我只能看到你的屁屁 - Careful. - All I can see is your butt. 媽媽呀 Oh, my God! 樂隊不錯
但少了些什么 Cool band. They"re missing something, though, -不覺得嗎
-比如什么 - don"t you think? - Like what? -熱舞♥女♥郎
-你自愿加入嗎 - Go-go dancers. - You volunteering? 來啊
美女 Come on, babe.
屁♥股♥扭起來啊 Move your hips! 用心感受 Feel it! -我真想...
-再來一次 - Actually, like... - Do that again. -才不是呢
-瞧你剛那騷樣 - I know. I don"t think so. - You enjoyed it. 我得好好休息一周了 I need, like, a week off. -你倆剛扭的很棒
-謝謝 - You two move pretty good up there. - Thanks. 想不想做點職業表演 You ever think about doing that professionally? 當然...想 Yeah, right. 維加斯的舞♥女♥們一晚能賺兩三百 Yeah! Dancing girls in Vegas, they make two or 300 bucks a night. 什么
有誰會付那么多錢看我跳舞 What? Ha. Someone would pay that much to see me dance? 我就會啊 I would. 對了
我叫查克·特雷諾 I"m Chuck Traynor, by the way. -我叫派茜
-我叫琳達 - I"m Patsy. - Linda. -抽煙不
-來根吧 - You guys smoke grass? - Yeah, sure. 派茜
我到點回家了 Patsy, I have to go home now. 就抽一小口
來嘛 It"s a little bit of grass. Come on, babe. 好吧 Ok. 不用了
謝謝 I"m good. 1969 年 11 月
尼克松關于越戰著名演講《沉默的大多數》 我與你們的希望 In accordance with your hopes, 你們的關注 mindful of your concerns,
你們的祈禱一致 sustained by your prayers, -謝謝
老婆 - thank you, and good night. - Thanks, honey. 尼克松總統全國電視演講直播由... President Nixon addressing the nation live from... 爸媽
我出去了 Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. See you later. I"m going. 琳達 Linda! 你這是要去哪 Where do you think you"re going? 去海邊 The beach. 很晚了 It"s dark. 你穿的都是些什么 And what on earth do you have on? -那里有個派對
-誰舉辦的 - It"s a party. - And whose party is it? 我和派茜還有她男友雷一起去 Uh, I"m going with Patsy and her boyfriend Ray. 還有雷的一個朋友 It"s a friend of his. 這個雷是做哪行的 And what does this Ray do? 我怎么知道啊 I don"t know, Ma. 難不成我去逼他去做問卷調查 It"s not like I made him fill out a questionnaire. 好像派茜說過他是調酒師 I think Patsy said he was a bartender, all right? 我和他們說過 But I did tell them that 我 11 點要準時到家 I had to be home by 11:00 on the nose. 晚一秒鐘我都會打電♥話♥告訴你 Any later, and I"ll call you, 我發誓 swear to God. 早點回來
See you, sweetheart. 《法國販毒網》[1971 年] The French Connection. 看過嗎 You know that one? -那大帥哥演的嗎
-是的 - The one with that guy? - Exactly. 老天啊
看完后我都蒙了 My God, I was so stoned when I saw that. 完全不知道發生了什么事 I couldn"t figure out what was going on. 真希望能有字幕 I kept expecting there to be subtitles. -可惜沒字幕
-是的 - Yeah, there weren"t. - No, I know. 結果發現他們講的竟然是美語 They were speaking American. 電影都放一半了 No, but by the time I figured that out, 我才煥然大悟 it was, like, halfway through the movie. 我們去裸泳咯 Hey, guys. Let"s go skinny-dipping. 不了
我要回家了 No! I gotta go, so... -不是吧
-沒辦法啊 - What? - Yeah. 你真掃興 You"re such a drag. 那我可要去了 We"re gonna go. Whoo! 快脫
我下水了 Come on. I"m going in! 快跳下去 Jump in! -你不想下水玩玩
-是啊 - You don"t dig the ocean? - No. 不知道 I don"t know. 怎么了 What?
-有嗎 - You bit me. - I did? -有
-才沒有呢 - Yeah. - No, I didn"t. 沒關系 It"s cool. 你不會覺得我掃興吧 You don"t think I"m a drag? 一點都不覺得呢 Well, I don"t think you"re a drag at all. -真的
-當然啦 - No? - No way. 謝謝載我回來 Thanks for the ride home. 等等等等 Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Come on! 等下嘛 Come on! 上車后你就沒說過一句話了 You haven"t said a word since we got in the car. 和我說說 You can tell me. 你怎么了嘛 What is it? What"s going on? 這樣的 Ok. 我之前懷過孕 I got pregnant. 去年生了下來 And I had a baby last year, 所以我們從揚克斯搬來這里 and that"s why we moved here from Yonkers. 那你的寶寶現在在哪 Where"s this... Where"s this baby now? 我也不知道 I don"t even know. 我媽把他送人收養了 My mom put him up for adoption. 她告訴孩子的割禮協議都簽過了 She told me I was signing circumcision papers. 操
Damn. 我想見見你的父母 I"d like to meet your folks. -真的
-我覺得他們會喜歡我的 - Really? - I think they"d dig me. 不會
他們誰都不喜歡 No, they don"t dig anybody. 他們連自己都不喜歡 They don"t even dig themselves. 我和你打個賭 Listen, I"ll make you a bet. 你讓我來你家吃飯 You have me over for dinner, 等到晚上離開時 and by the end of the night, 如果他們說了 if they say, 這小伙真不錯 "What a lovely young man," -那我就贏了
-你想贏什么 - then I win. - What do you win? 你就得去我家過夜了 You spend the night at my house. 如果他們不喜歡你
我又能贏什么呢 And if they don"t, what do I win? 允許你去我家過夜 You spend the night at my house. 好的
親這 OK. Right there. 上帝
感謝您為我們提供食物 Lord, make us thankful for these 感謝您對我們的所有祝福
阿門 and all our many blessings. Amen. -阿門
-阿門 - Amen. - Amen. 查克
再次感謝你送來這么艷麗的花朵 Chuck, I"d like to thank you again for those lovely flowers. 這是我的榮幸 My pleasure. 琳達說你之前服過役 Linda tells us that you were in the service.
在海軍陸戰隊 Yes, ma"am, Marine Corps. 我老公伯爾曼也參加過二戰 Mr. Boreman was in World War II. 是嗎
你也在陸戰隊嗎 Oh, yeah? You in the Corps? 不
多數時間待在意大利 No, Army. Italy, mostly. 我那時駐扎在韓國 I was stationed in Korea. 我贏過兩次射擊比賽冠軍 I won a couple of marksmanship competitions, 但這也只是我所經歷過的槍林彈雨了 but that"s about all the action I ever saw. 我賭你若上戰場一定很英勇 I bet you would have been brave, though. 和你♥爸♥爸一起服役的那些兄弟 The guys that served with your father, 他們是我見過的最勇敢的人了 they"re some of the bravest men that I ever met. 那你現在做什么呢 So, what do you do now? -我經營一家酒吧和餐館
-不錯 - I own a bar and restaurant. - That"s interesting. 是哪種類型的酒吧餐館呢 What kind of bar and restaurant? 就有些美食和美女 Just good food and pretty waitresses. 伯爾曼先生
您在哪高就呢 What do you do for work, Mr. Boreman? 搬來佛羅里達州之前
我是名警♥察♥ I was a cop in New York before we moved to Florida. 現在在機場做保安 Now I do security at the airport. 伯爾曼的事跡多得很呢
查克 Mr. Boreman has a million stories, Chuck. 是嗎 Is that right? 約翰尼
快去廚房♥熱熱牛奶 Johnny, you better go in the kitchen and warm his milk. 熱牛奶
Milk. OK. 琳達
馬克杯放到水槽上面 Mugs are above the sink, Linda. -天哪
-別管他們 - Jesus. - Forget about them. -好吧
-來吧 - Yeah, right. - Yeah. 你在哪呢
寶貝 Where are you? Where are you right now? 我和你在一起呢 I"m with you. 這才是我的寶貝 Yeah, that"s my girl. 你是我的寶貝
是嗎 You"re my girl, hmm? Right? 他們不會自己吃
你個笨蛋 They don"t eat with their hands, you dope. -說
-我...我是 - Say it. - I... I"m... 我是你的寶貝 I"m your girl. 還沒弄好嗎
琳達 How"s it coming out there, Linda? 快了
媽 Uh, almost there, Ma! 電影幾點結束 What time"s the movie get out? 不是說過了嗎
10 點半 I told you, 10:30. 11 點前到家 Be home at 11:00. 知道了 I know. 看起來是個不錯的小伙 Seems like a nice young man. 真正點啊 Oh, right. Um... 蓋著嘛 Just cut it out. 緊張什么哦 What are you so uptight about?
很惡心 My scar. It"s gross. 來吧
像你這樣狐媚的女孩 Come on. Foxy girl like you 該都挺喜歡炫耀自己的身體 should love to show off her body. 來嘛
給我看看 Come on. Come on. Let me see. 來嘛
我看看它 Come on. Let me see it. -很惡心
-看看嘛 - It"s gross. - Please? 這個嗎
這個小傷嗎 This is it? This little thing? 丑死了
我很討厭它 It"s ugly. I hate it. 怎么
不完美嗎 Why? "Cause it"s different? "Cause it"s not perfect? 那些待在郊區整天怨天尤人的白♥癡♥ All those uptight idiots in the suburbs, 那些和你媽媽去教堂的一丘之貉 All those cookie-cutter robots that your mama goes to church with. 全都去死吧 Screw "em. 去你♥媽♥的♥ Screw "em. 因為現在和你 "Cause this and you. 干這事才是要緊事 Mmm, are beautiful. 我喜歡你臉上的雀斑 Hey. I love your freckles. 你回來晚了 You"re late. 走吧
寶貝 Come on, baby. 繼續
停 To... Keep going. Keep going. Boom. 再來一點 And here we go. 你混了好多瑪格麗塔
You put a lot of margarita mix in there. 來杯瑪格麗塔吧 Margarita? 謝了 Thanks. -你喜歡看色情片嗎
-還行 - You like porno? - I like some. 我看得出你很喜歡 You like "em. -才不呢
-我看得出 - No. - I can tell. -你非常喜歡
-不喜歡 - Yeah, you do. - I don"t. -絕對喜歡
-真的不喜歡 - Yeah. - I don"t actually. 相信我 Trust me. -我喜歡你的
-你干嘛啊 - I love your... - What are you doing? 琳達不會介意的
放心吧 But Linda won"t mind. She"s cool. 我是你就絕對不過去 I wouldn"t go in there if I were you. -天啊
-自♥拍♥影片 - Oh, my God. - Home movie. 我爸媽帶著我看過一次 My parents took one of me once, 不過和這一點都不像 but it didn"t look like this. 我知道 I bet. 我之前從未看過色情片 I"ve never seen a porno before. 讓你興奮了嗎 Is it turning you on? 乖女孩才不會看呢 Good girls don"t do that stuff. 你什么時候成了乖女孩了 Oh, "cause you"re a good girl? 我能看出來你是個乖女孩 I can tell you"re such a good girl.
我的乖女孩 That"s what I love about you. You"re such a good girl. 來嘛 Come on. 我不喜歡 I don"t want to. 不喜歡是因為你口♥活♥技術不好 You know, maybe that"s "cause you"re not any good at it. -來吧
-騙人 - Come on. You"re gonna love it. - Really? 我難道會喜歡把自己憋死嗎 I"m gonna like it? Choking myself? 我教你
還記得我怎么教你戒煙的嗎 I could teach you. Remember how I got you to quit smoking? 是啊
你要催眠我嗎 Yeah. You gonna hypnotize me? 都是一樣的身心控制技術 It"s the same mind-body control technique. 要來嗎 Yeah? 我不看 Out of sight. Ah! 你的思想已經給我控制了 Hey, your mind has control. 來
來吧 Come on. A little more. There you go. 含進去
就這樣 Take it in. That"s right. 別忘了呼吸
來 Don"t forget to breathe. Come here. 別忘了呼吸 Don"t forget to breathe, OK? 你學會了
繼續吧 You got it. OK? Go. 恭喜你
查克·特雷諾夫人 Congratulations, Mrs. Chuck Traynor. 我還從未和已婚男人做過呢 I"ve never done it with a married man before. -我也沒和已婚女人做過
-好樣的 - Me neither. - Good. 六個月后
-是我 - Hello. - Hi. It"s me. 你在哪
你知不知道我有多擔心 Where are you? I"ve been really worried about you. 帶上點錢
來接我 Get some money, and come get me. -我給拘留了
-別搞笑了 - I"m in jail. - Very funny. 可以走了
女士 Here you go, ma"am. 發生什么事了
查克 What happened, Chuck? 我怎么說的 What did I say? 但這次不一樣 But this is different. 你說永遠不要過問你的工作 You said never ask about your work. 我就這么說的 That"s right. 有些女孩在那接了客 Some girls were turning tricks out back. 你是說她們在賣♥♥淫嗎 What do you mean by... Prostitution? 是的
我那是間情♥色♥吧 Yeah. Linda, it"s a titty bar. 你以為她們靠什么生存
最低工資嗎 What do you think these girls live off? Minimum wage? 等等
警♥察♥會來審問我嗎 Wait. The cops gonna come ask me questions? 不會
不會 No. No, no, no, no, no, no, baby. 妻子是不能指證丈夫的 Wives can"t testify against husbands. 我需要的只是錢 Hey. Look, all I need is money. 付了你的保釋金后
我只有 30 多了 Look, after paying your bail, I have, um, $32, $33. 琳達
我說的不是這個錢 Linda, real money. 我說的是給稅務局和邁阿密警♥察♥的錢
It"s the IRS and the Miami PD, 都在不斷的增加 and it"s all just that shakedown. -你有足夠的錢嗎
-是我們 - Do you have enough? - "We." 寶貝
我們有足夠的錢嗎 Baby, do we have enough, right? 沒有
我們沒有 No, we don"t. -暫時沒有
-那我們要怎么辦 - Not yet. - So, what are we gonna do? B&A 電影工作室 瑪麗有一只毛如白雪的小羊仔 Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, 不管瑪麗走到哪 and everywhere that Mary went 小羊仔就跟到哪 the lamb was sure to go. 怎么樣 Yeah, right? 不錯不錯 That... That was great. -我說過了吧
-確實說過 - Did I tell you, or what, right? - You did. You told us. 寶貝
街角那有間店 Sweetheart, there"s a little diner on the corner. 不如你下去幫我們買♥♥四杯咖啡吧 Why don"t you run down, grab us four coffees, regular? -好的
-沒問題吧 - OK. - All right? -在街角嗎
-是的 - On the corner? - Yeah. -謝謝
-演的很棒 - Thanks a lot, darling. - Beautiful work. 老天啊
剛那是什么 Jesus fucking Christ, Chuck. What the fuck was that? 她知道試鏡的是什么角色嗎 Does she even know what she was auditioning for? 我知道
她還是新手 I know. I know. She"s new at this professionally. 我可以給你們瞧瞧她厲害的地方
I could show you this thing. 查克
超級可愛 Well, Chuck, she"s really cute. She"s adorable. 破爛娃娃
美國著名童書人物 她就像性感般的破爛娃娃 She"s like a sexy Raggedy Ann or something. 可愛的雀斑 Cute freckles. 她滿臉雀斑
真... Really dug her freckles. It was very... 但在這行
我不知道 But, you know, for this industry, I don"t... I don"t know. 你不知道什么
杰瑞 You don"t know what, Jerry? 直接說吧 Go ahead. Be honest. 重點是
我們拍的是幻想系列片 No, look, the point is, we traffic in fantasy here. 她很純真 Yeah, she"s very real, 就像鄰家女孩一樣純真 the kind of girl you sit next to her in class. 在街上遇到她
就會不由自主想入非非 You see her out on the street, you want to ball her. 但你有見過這樣的女孩拍這種片嗎 But, you know, you"ve seen the girls that come in and do this now. 像這種女孩都該去做醫生什么的 I mean, they"ve all been to the surgeon. 你也不能用點燃的煙頭燙她們 I mean, you can"t light your cigarette around "em. 你會害怕她們的奶♥子♥ You"re afraid their tits are gonna go up 直直地聳立著 like the Hindenburg or something. 琳達的奶♥子♥很挺 Linda has tits. 是的
而且還超挺呢 She does. Nice ones, too. 但這不是重點 Not the point. 今時不同往日
It"s not like the old days, 以前架設一部攝影機 you know, where you just point a camera 找兩人滾床單可以稱為藝術 at two people screwing, and you call it art. 現在觀眾很難伺候了 I mean, the audiences expect a lot more. 她是很漂亮
但我們需要更風♥騷♥的 She"s beautiful, but, you know, more pizzazz. -是的
-打斷下 - We need more pizzazz. - No offense. 我來解釋解釋杰瑞說的意思吧 I"m gonna show you what Jerry"s talking about. -我...-尼克
進來一下 - No, I... - Nicky, come here for a sec. 我想給你看看我們自♥拍♥的影片 I want to show you this... I want to show you this movie we made. 看
這種才是標準 Now, this is the prototype, right? 色鬼都喜歡巨胸金發女郎 People want blonde hair, huge tits, 還要有手感好的翹臀 and a nice, beautiful round ass. 我們的挑選標準可是很嚴苛的 It"s the harsh reality of our chosen profession. 你極具潛力啊
尼克 Dynamite work, Nicky. 謝謝你
布奇 Thanks, Butch. 我放給你們看 I"m gonna show you this. 查克
我們是用 35 毫米膠片拍攝的 Chuck, we are making a movie here on 35 millimeter. 杰瑞甚至都寫好劇本了 Jerry even wrote a script. -共 42 頁紙
42 頁紙啊 - Forty-two pages. - You hear that? Forty-two fucking pages. 這部戲是要放到電影院上映的 This thing is gonna be in theaters, 這才是人們想看到的 and, look, people want what they want.
那女孩 Chuck, your girl, 小巧可愛
但沒翹臀啊 she"s cute, she"s skinny. She"s got no hips. 她來主演就像拍攝一部沒有打斗的戰爭片 It"s like making a war movie without the fighting. 奶♥子♥和翹臀才是戰斗的精華 Tits and ass, that"s the action. 查克
但她不行 Chuck, I don"t want to bum you out. Can she type? 要不我幫她找份坐辦公室的工作吧 Maybe I could find some work for her in the office. 看
快看 Look at this! Look at the... 我懶得看
聽我說 I don"t care about this. Listen to me. 她沒有我剛說的那些
查克 I know she doesn"t have it. Chuck. -快看啊
-剛也看過她的試鏡了 - Look at that! - We just saw what she could do. -她那能叫表演嗎
-快看她做了什么 - She acted? Couldn"t act. - Look what she can do. -看啊
-布奇 - Look! See? - Whoa, Butchie. 布奇...你...剛有看到嗎 But... Are you... Did you see this? 看
看到沒 Look at this. Look at this. Are you seeing this? 我的姑奶奶啊 Holy shit. 等下
這是真的嗎 Wait. Is that real? 她真的能含下去嗎 Is she actually doing that? 當然 Yeah, right. 不可思議啊 Ho ho! Oh, my God! 再大點的棒棒也沒問題嗎 Yeah, can she do that with a big cock? -別見怪
- No offense. - She can do that with anything. 這題材夠超前
看到沒 Ah, that"s far out. That is... You see that? 這才是藝術
是藝術啊 That is art, baby. That"s art. -有人想來根嗎
-杰瑞呢 - Anybody want a hit? - Jerry? -啥事
-今天烈日當照 - Yeah? - Not a cloud in the sky. 還要這些燈光干屁啊 What"s with all the fucking lights? 打陰影的
陰影 Shadows, Butchie, shadows. 你這些陰影花了我好幾百大洋 Your shadows are costing me hundreds of dollars. 要關燈嗎
想讓拍的像灘狗屎嗎 You want to turn the lights off? You want it to look like shit? 我沒關系啊
我全關了 No problem. I"ll turn "em all off. 該死的藝術家 Fucking artist, huh? -嘴真臭
-拍電影有不要燈光的嗎 - Bad toupee. - Wants to make a movie without lights. 你干化妝這行多久了 How long have you been a makeup person? 我不是專業的 Oh, I"m not a professional. 至少在化妝這行不是 I mean, not in makeup, anyway. 當你像我一樣在這行干這么久 You know, when you get to be my age in this business, 你也會學會很多的 it helps to have as many skills as you can. 我什么都不會 I don"t have any skills. 這可和我聽說的不一樣 That"s not what I heard. 在這呢
我們的巨星 There she is. Here"s our star, huh? 我告訴過你的
鄰家女孩 What"d I tell you? The girl next door.
安東尼·羅馬諾 Linda, this is our financier, Anthony Romano. 很高興見到你 It"s very nice to meet you. 甜心
聽我說 Sweetheart, let me tell you something. 如果這些家伙說的是真的 If what these guys are saying is true, 這將是我這輩子最成功的投資 this is gonna be the best investment of my life. 我等不及看你的作品了 I can"t wait to see your work. 這位是多莉 Yeah. Oh, and this is Dolly. -她是琳達的女配兼化妝師
-很榮幸 - This is Linda"s costar and makeup artist. - A pleasure. -我可不止會化妝
-是嗎 - I have many skills. - Yeah? Do you? 讓我們的巨星繼續工作吧 Let"s let the stars get back to work, huh? 好的
待會見 All right. We"ll see you later. 輕點
別遮住她的雀斑 Easy there, sister. Don"t cover her freckles. 好的 Ok. 你在干什么 Hey. What are you doing? 她的雀斑是她的特色 Her freckles are her thing. -好嗎
-好的 - All right? - OK. 冷靜點 Be cool. 你看起來真美 You look good. 裝別化太濃
行嗎 All right. Just not too much, OK? -聽到了嗎
-知道了 - You hear me? - Yeah, I hear you. 他真是太緊張了
Wow, he"s pretty intense. 我以前的那個男人也是這樣 I used to have an old man like that once. 我覺得應該 You know, I should probably 把這淤青處理一下 do something about those. 迪米亞諾先生看到了會發脾氣的 Mr. Damiano will be really pissed if I just leave "em like that. -我真是笨手笨腳的
-我明白 - I"m so clumsy. - I know, sweetie. 我們都是的 We all are. 生活中一定有比濫交更有意義的事 There"s just got to be more to life than screwing around. 比濫交更有意義 Than screwing around. 性
非我所愛 Sex, I don"t enjoy it. 性
非我所愛啊 Sex, I don"t enjoy it. 是琳達嗎
我叫哈利 Linda? Harry. 我們下場有對手戲 We"re getting it on in the next scene. 很高興見到你 Oh, hey. It"s nice to meet you. 我記得你叫老二的 I thought your name was Dick. 我以前的藝名叫"大老二" My stage name used to be Dick Long, 有點太過暴露了
所以你懂的 but it sounded kind of obvious, so you know... 是的
沒錯 Yeah. I agree. 這個行業不錯吧 This is a great business, isn"t it? 開拍前我覺得 Anyway, I just thought I"d come by 該過來自我介紹一下 and introduce myself before we started going at it.
你還好吧 You OK? 有點緊張 I"m a little nervous. 我以前沒演過有臺詞的角色 I"ve never had lines to talk before. 這是世界上最棒的活 We got the best job in the world. 我們無視他人
享受當下 We just tune everybody out, live in the moment, 好似這世上只剩我們二人 like we"re the only two people on the planet. 無視他人 Tune everybody out. -享受當下
-沒錯 - Live in the moment. - Exactly. 你一定會很棒的 You"re gonna do great. 我非常期待和你的對手戲 And I cannot wait to get it on. 開拍 Action! -你沒事吧
-沒事 - Whoa. Whoa. You all right? - Yeah. 你沒事吧
怎么樣 You OK? Yeah? 像平常那樣開車就行了 You"re just gonna drive normally. 你知道該干什么吧 You know what we"re doing, right? -知道
-好的 - Mm-hmm. Right. - OK. 我都不記得平常怎么開車了 It"s just I don"t know how I normally drive. -這個
-平常都沒想過 - You... - I just drive, you know. 沒錯
直接開就好了 Yeah, that"s exactly right. Just drive, 當我們不存在
做些你平常做的事 and pretend we"re not here, OK? Whatever you"d normally do. 好了
All right, we rolling? Let"s roll. 做得很好
非常好 Doing beautiful, baby, beautiful! 錄音準備
調整快門速度 All right, sound, speed. 開拍 And action. 我并不是性冷淡 It"s not that I"m turned off to sex. 我很享受性♥愛♥ I enjoy it. In fact, 說實話
我愿意做♥愛♥做一輩子 I could spend the rest of my life getting laid. 那你還有什么問題呢 Then what seems to be the problem? 我也不清楚
就是不太對 Well, I don"t know. Something"s different. 性♥愛♥不應該僅僅只是 I mean, there"s just got to be more to it -那些微弱的快♥感♥
-微弱的快♥感♥ - than just a lot of little tingles. - Little tingles? -我想聽搖鈴響起
-搖鈴 - I want to hear bells ringing. - Bells? -水泵迸發
-水泵迸發 - Dams bursting! - Dams bursting? -炸♥彈♥爆♥炸♥
-炸♥彈♥爆♥炸♥ - Bombs going off! - Bombs going off! 還有其他的 Something. 護士
拉芙蕾絲夫人不需要泡泡了 Nurse, Mrs. Lovelace is done with her bubbles. -謝謝
-張嘴 - Thank you, Dr. Young. - Open your mouth for me. 張大些 Wider. Ah. 就在那 Well, there it is! 看
就是那個小家伙 There it is, you little bugger! -什么
-你的陰蒂 - What? - Your clitoris.
在你的喉嚨深處 It"s down in the bottom of your throat. 好了好了
拉芙蕾絲夫人 Oh now, now, Mrs. Lovelace. 不哭不哭
聽著 There, there. Listen. It"s better to have a clitoris 陰蒂長在喉嚨深處 deep down in the bottom of your throat 總比哪兒都沒長強吧 than to have no clitoris at all. 你說得倒輕巧 That"s easy for you to say. 難道你的蛋蛋長在耳朵里嗎 Suppose your balls were in your ears. 那我就能聽到自己高♥潮♥啦 Well, then, I could hear myself coming. 停 And cut! 很好
演得非常好 That was great. That was great! -那段真棒
-好了 - That was fantastic, really. We good? - Yeah. 伙計們都辛苦了
總結一下 Great work, everybody. That"s a wrap. 拍了兩天
干得好 Two days down. Five to go. Nice work. 看到了嗎 You see? 看到了嗎
那樣會壞事的 You see that? That"s gonna be a problem. -我需要你幫個忙
-什么忙 - I need you to do me a favor, Chuck. - What"s that? 我要你明天去趟邁阿密取點膠卷回來 I need you to go to Miami, pick up some film tomorrow. 明天
為什么要明天去 Tomorrow? Tomorrow? Why? -你問為什么
-是啊 - Why? - Yeah. 因為這里的膠卷店都關門了 Because the stores are all closed, 明天如果沒有膠卷就拍不下去了
and if we run out of film tomorrow, we"re screwed. 可明天是琳達的大日子
她需要我 But tomorrow"s Linda"s big day. She needs me. -派其他人去吧
-好吧 - Send somebody else. - OK. 那我讓琳達去拿膠卷 How about I send Linda for the film, 你明天去給哈利口♥交♥怎么樣 and you can spend tomorrow with Harry"s cock down your throat? 沒有我的女人你拍不了電影的 You got no movie without my girl, right? -你知道的吧
-是啊 - You know that, right, Butchie? - Yeah. 反正沒有膠卷電影也拍不成 And we ain"t got no movie without no film neither. 好吧 Yeah. 好了
就位 All right, this is it, everybody. Here we go. Places! 攝像機準備
開拍 Camera! And action! 你來試試我的 You can try it on me. 你會喜歡上的 You"ll like it. 好吧
反正我也不吃虧 Well, what do I have to lose? 不錯啊
我們能拿下奧斯卡 Not bad. We"re all gonna win Oscars. 停停停
哈利 Cut. Cut. Cut. Whoa! Harry? 這是怎么回事 What"s the matter? 怎么回事
你怎么了 What"s happening? What"d you... -我
-他射了 - I don"t... I"m... I... - He came. 是的
Yeah. - He what? He came? 給我滾出去 You came? Get outta here.
你第一次嗎 What is this, your junior prom? 我明白
我... I know. I didn"t... I just wasn"t... -給我三分鐘
我還能來一次 - Just give me three minutes. I can go again. -抱歉
-沒有 - I"m really sorry. Did I do something wrong? - No. 不了
謝謝 No, thanks. 喂
這可是真絲的 Hey! Hey, this is silk! -要牡蠣嗎
-謝謝 - Oyster? - Thank you. -謝謝
-你還好吧 - Thanks. - How you doing? 服務員
我們等會談 Hey, oyster man! Yeah, come here. We gotta talk later. 要牡蠣嗎
先生 Oyster, sir? 這可是邁阿密最好的牡蠣
坐過來 Best oysters in Miami. Come here, baby. 牡蠣可是天然春♥藥♥
親愛的 You know, these are natural aphrodisiacs, honey. -是嗎
能讓你欲♥火♥焚身 - Yeah? - Yeah, they make you horny. 我一向欲♥火♥焚身的 I"m always horny. 嫁給我得了 Marry me. 沒姑娘陪伴嗎
我可以幫你 No girl for you? I can fix that. -不
-琳達 - No, thanks, Charlie. - Hey, Linda. 來坐到羅馬諾先生的腿上玩吧 Why don"t you come sit on Mr. Romano"s lap? 我這聊得正開心呢
查克 I"m having an interesting conversation, Chuck. 你怎么不坐上去玩呢 Why don"t you sit on his lap? 好了
All right, come on. Party"s moving up to my room. 你們去不去 Where you going? 上樓到我房♥間來 Up to my room. Come on. 反正也得上樓 We"re going upstairs anyway. 安靜一點 Hey, quiet. 別吵
都別吵 Quiet. Quiet. 我的天
難以置信 Oh, my God, that... that"s unbelievable. -隔壁是誰
-琳達和查克 - Who"s in the next room? - That"s Linda and Chuck. 她該去參加性♥愛♥奧♥運♥會 Girl should be in the fucking Olympics. 我有點緊張 I"m a little nervous. 試著把我當成空氣 Let"s try this. Forget I"m even here. 想象這些儀器都不存在 Forget about all this stuff. 做你自己 Just be yourself. 我覺得
拍個電影海報而已 OK, um, I don"t think for the movie poster, 不需要這么直接 we can be so anatomical. 我只是不想讓別人失望 Just don"t want to disappoint anybody... I guess. 給我講講你演的那個角色 Tell me about the role you"re playing. 一個女孩
她的陰蒂... A girl whose clit... -其實我都知道
-好吧 - I know all that. - OK. 講講你這次演戲的感受 Um, tell me about the person you"re playing. 最初 Well, at first,
我像未開♥苞♥的花朵一樣 I"m closed up like a flower... -然后呢
-有點害羞 - Mm-hmm. Yeah? - ...bud. 然后 And, um... 慢慢的 And then, gradually, 我的花瓣開始綻放 the petals start to... to open, 接著 and... and then... 我終于認清了自己 I finally learn about myself, 也就漸漸學著 and I learn how to... -去享受性♥愛♥
-真美麗 - to enjoy sex. - Beautiful. 我覺得無比自♥由♥ Then I feel free. 別擔心
這不過是寶麗來相片而已 Don"t worry. They"re just Polaroid shots. 寶麗來
著名的即時成像相機品牌 我知道
只是 Oh, I know. It"s not that. It"s just... 你把我照得好漂亮 You made me beautiful. 喝吧喝吧喝吧
你怎么了 All right, all right, all right. Hey, what"s the matter? 她會成為一個巨星的 Your girl is gonna be a star. 那不錯
不過拉芙蕾絲算哪門子的名字 Yeah, great, but who the hell"s Lovelace? 這個名字很棒
這你得承認 It"s a dynamite name. You got to admit that. 那我呢
我和琳達是個組合啊 What about my name? Linda and I are a team. 特雷諾這個名字不好嗎 What"s wrong with Traynor? 不啊
查克·特雷諾 Nothing. Chuck Traynor.
這個名字很棒 Good name for a producer. 我現在也是制片人了嗎
真有意思 So I"m a producer now? That"s funny. 我以為我只是個制片助理呢 I thought I was a production assistant. 像琳達這樣的女孩 A girl like Linda, 她的名字會出現在聚光燈下 you want to see her name in lights. 琳達·拉芙蕾絲 Like "Linda Lovelace." 這還會登在廣♥告♥牌上對吧 That"s gotta go up on a billboard, right? 妙曼的蕾絲
拉芙蕾絲 "Lovely lace, Lovelace." 你會賺超多錢的 You"re gonna be filthy rich. 那可沒我的份
你倒是能賺不少 Me? No. You"re gonna make a fortune. 查理
作為投資方 Come on, Charlie. You don"t think 你多少也能拿些錢的 the investors deserve to make a little bit of money? 我不是這個意思 That"s not what I"m saying. 還有
我不叫查理 And, you know, my name isn"t Charlie. -查克
-這才對 - Chuck. - You got it. 你的女人會成為一屆巨星 Your girl"s gonna be a star. 伙計
最重要的是你可是擁有底板的 That"s the value, man, and you, you own the product. 最棒的限制級電影 還有雜♥志♥周邊 《深喉》 -兩張成人票
-6 美元 - Two consenting adults. - $6.00. 來看這部電影的都是男人嗎 Is it all guys in there?
關你屁事 What do you care? 給我支香煙
親愛的 Will you pass me a cigarette, hon? 你舔的時候介意我抽煙嗎 Do you mind if I smoke while you eat? 你們聽說過戈爾茨坦嗎 Hey, did you hear about Goldstein? 他在雜♥志♥上給我們登了全真尺寸的陽♥具♥尺 His magazine gave us 100 percent on the peter meter. 說明這部電影可是大熱啊 Looks like we got a full-blown big-titted hit! 什么是陽♥具♥尺 What"s the peter meter? 他們有提到電影的拍攝過程嗎 Did they say anything about how the film was shot? 無所謂的
電影賣♥♥座就行了 Who gives a fuck, Jerry? A hit"s a ...
推薦訪問: 蕾絲 劇本 中英文對照上一篇:優秀法官事跡材料
《習近平談治國理政》第四卷《共建網上美好精神家園》一文中指出:網絡玩命是新形勢下社會文明的重要內容,是建設網絡強國的重要領域。截至2021年12月,我國網民規模達10 32億,較2020年12月增長4