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 2019 助力一帶一路主題演講稿,一帶一路演講中英文雙語演講多篇

  2019 助力一帶一路主題演講稿,一帶一路演講中英文雙語演講多篇由***投稿推薦,但愿對你的學習工作能帶來參考借鑒作用。

  演講稿也叫演講詞,它是在較為隆重的儀式上和某些公眾場所發表的講話文稿。演講稿是進行演講的依據,是對演講內容和形式的規范和提示,它體現著演講的目的和手段,演講的內容和形式。下面是寫寫幫文庫我為大家收集關于一帶一路演講中英文雙語演講 2 篇,歡迎借鑒參考。


  your excellencies paroubek and kolodko,

  distinguished guests,


  ladies and gentlemen,

  in this golden autumn, it is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar here in the ancient city xi"an.let me begin by expressing sincere gratitude to our guests at the seminar and our warm welcome to friends who have traveled all the way to china.

  in the autumn of 2013, chinese president xi jinping proposed the collaborative building of the silk road economic belt and the 21st century maritime silk road when he visited central asia and southeast asia.this has been met with strong response from the international community and particularly from the countries along the belt and road.it has also triggered enthusiasm and interest among many countries to explore and participate in the initiative.in order to help people better understand the initiative and engage in the building of the belt and road, the state council information office held international seminars at the silk road economic belt in urumqi, northwest china"s xinjiang uygur autonomous

 region, in 2014, and at the 21st century maritime silk road in quanzhou, southeast china"s fujian province, in 2015.this year, we put the two topics into one seminar, hoping to provide a wider platform for exchange and discussion.here today, to my great pleasure, i have the chance to meet many old friends and also get to know many new ones.

  the theme of this seminar –shared memory, common development – embodies our efforts in treasuring historical legacy, our best wishes to the common prosperity of countries along the routes and acknowledgement of our responsibility to world peace and development.more than 300 guests from 35 countries are gathered here today.it is a great event for discussing the grand projects of the belt and road initiative.i believe, through in-depth discussion and exchange of wisdom from all participants from various fields, we shall be able to reach a broad consensus and achieve a prosperous outcome.







  2013 年的秋天,中國國家主席習近平在出訪中亞、東南亞時,分別提出共建絲綢之路經濟帶、21 世紀海上絲綢之路的重大倡議,引起國際社會和沿線國家的熱烈反響,同時也激發了各有關方面探究參與的熱情和興趣。為了讓大家更好地了解 "一帶一路"倡議,更好地投身"一帶一路"建設,2014 年、2015 年中國國務院新聞辦公室分別在新疆烏魯木齊、福建泉州舉辦了絲綢之路經濟帶國際研討會、21 世紀海上絲綢之路國際研討會。這次把兩個研討會合二為一,目的是為大家提供一個交流研討的更廣闊平臺。今天在這里,我見到了很多老朋友,又結識了很多新朋友,感到格外高興。

 此次論壇以"共同的記憶,共贏的發展"為主題,體現了我們對歷史遺產的倍加珍視,對沿線各國共同發展的美好愿景,對世界和平發展的責任擔當。來自 35個國家的 300 多名嘉賓齊聚一堂,這是共商"一帶一路"建設大計的一次盛會。我相信,通過深入研討交流和跨界別的智慧碰撞,一定能夠達成廣泛共識,取得豐碩成果。


  ladies and gentlemen,


  autumn is a season of harvest.we are happy to see that since the belt and road initiativewas proposed three years ago, the countries along the routes have carried out increasing cooperation in policy communication, facility, trade and asset connectivity and people-to-people exchanges.as a result, early harvest has been fruitful.a growing number of countries and international organizations have participated in the building of the belt and road.china has signed cooperative agreements with more than 30 countries and launched manufacturing and production capacity cooperation with more than 20 countries along the routes.the financial cooperation represented by the asian infrastructure investment bank and the silk road fund is making steady headway.a number of landmark projects are being implemented.people-to-people interactions in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, tourism and commerce are increasing.we should note that outcomes, in terms of speed and scale of the belt and road initiative, have been better than expected.now, we have a clearer vision on the prospects of this initiative and are more confident in accomplishing it.

  first, we see a broadened consensus on thebelt and road initiative.there is always a process for one to understand a new concept.with thebelt and road initiative, china hopes to share development opportunities with countries along the routes and support the common prosperity of these

 countries.currently, thebelt and road has mostly completed the planning stage and is taking steps of concrete implementation and sustainable development.there is a wider consensus of the international community that the initiative answers the call of our times for peace and development and conforms to the aspiration of relevant countries to speed up development.it will help advance economic growth along the routes and boost global economic prosperity, helping to maintain regional stability and world peace.this has become the impetus for all parties to join in.

  second, we have become more appreciative of the silk road spirit.the ancient silk road covered thousands of miles and existed for centuries, leaving behind vivid memories of how people along the routes stood together through thick and thin.these memories symbolize the silk road spirit of peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusivity, mutual learning and mutual benefits.in the past three years, enlightened by this spirit, people have joined hands, given expression to their creativeness and enthusiasm, promoted connectivity and reciprocal collaboration.the silk roadspirit has helped guide the building of the belt and roadand encouraged cohesion among all parties involved.to further push the belt and roadproject forward, we need to stick to and carry on the silk roadlegacy.

  third, it is increasingly visible that the belt and road initiativeserves the interests of all parties.as the proposer and promoter of the initiative, china insists on a more balanced approach to upholding principles and pursuing interests and calls for a cooperative principle of equality and mutual benefit.through joint efforts, the project is well on its way to making remarkable achievements and delivering tangible benefits to the people along the routes.facts show that the belt and road initiative is open, pragmatic and mutually beneficial.it helps find common interest between china and countries

 along the routes, while addressing their specific needs.it bears the common aspirations of people in the region to live prosperously and combines the chinese dream with the dreams of those along the routes.all relevant countries need to continue their collaboration of development strategies, seek the common denominator in cooperation and find the point of convergence for all parties.we should make the cake of common interests bigger and bring well-being to all along the belt and road.

  fourth, we see greater prospects for win-win cooperation.building the belt and roadbrings all the countries involved into one big family with shared interests and a shared future.the initiative"s positive effects are becoming clearer and the benefits of collaboration along the routes more evident, presenting a picture of heartening prosperity based on joint efforts and shared interests.experience says that although the countries along the routes have different national situations and development stages, and thus are faced with different challenges, they have a common aspiration for economic growth, a common interest in coping with risks and challenges and the same vision for common development.if we stick to mutual benefit and cooperation, expand scope, raise the levels of cooperation and seize the opportunities presented, we can realize the goal of benefiting all parties concerned.



  秋天是收獲的季節。我們高興地看到,"一帶一路"倡議提出 3 年來,沿線各國聚焦政策溝通、設施聯通、貿易暢通、資金融通、民心相通,不斷深化合作,已經取得了可喜的早期收獲。越來越多的國家和國際組織參與"一帶一路"建設,中國同 30 多個沿線國家簽署了共建"一帶一路"合作協議、同 20 多個國家開展國際產能合作,以亞投行、絲路基金為代表的金融合作不斷深入,一批有影響的標志性項目逐步落地,文化、教育、科技、旅游、商務等民間往來日益密切。可以說,"一帶一路"建設從無到有、由點及面,進度和成果超出預期。現在,我們對"一



  第二,我們越來越體會到絲路精神的彌足珍貴。古老的絲綢之路綿延萬里、延續千年,鐫刻著沿線各國人民風雨同舟、守望相助、休戚與共的不朽記憶,凝聚形成了"和平合作、開放包容、互學互鑒、互利共贏"的絲路精神。3 年來,我們秉持絲路精神,使沿線各國人民心手相連,推進互聯互通、促進互惠互利,激發出同心干、一起建的積極性主動性創造性。實踐使我們深刻認識到,絲路精神已經成為沿線各國共同建設"一帶一路"的鮮明指引,成為凝心聚力、攜手合作的定海神針。繼續推進"一帶一路"建設,仍然需要堅持和大力弘揚絲路精神。




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推薦訪問: 演講 助力 雙語

