The meeting process:
主持人(許智欽)中文發言,主持會議流程 Host (chih-chin hsu) Chinese speaking, chaired the meeting process 中華人民共和國副主席王岐山(夏雷)中文讀稿發言 Wang qishan, vice President of the People"s Republic of China (Xia Lei) read draft to speak in Chinese 哥斯達黎加前總統勞拉·米蘭達(子涵)英文讀稿發言 Costa rica, a former President of Laura Miranda (a culvert) read draft to speak English 阿富汗前總統哈米德·卡爾扎伊(曉婷)中文半即興發言 Former Afghan President hamid karzai (XiaoTing) Chinese half an impromptu speech 中國發改委發言人袁達(鈞竣)英文即興發言 China"s National Development and Reform Commission spokesman da yuan (jun "junjun) English speak off the cuff
“復關”“入世” "Rejoin the gatt" and "wto" 安理會常任理事國 Permanent members of the security council “天下為公” "The world" “和而不同” "Harmony without uniformity"
UN"s 2030 Agenda UN"s 2030 Agenda
Caribbean countries Caribbean countries
Paris agreement Paris agreement
The guests:
現任中華人民共和國副主席,中國紅十字會名譽會長 Wang qishan, incumbent vice President of the People"s Republic of China, honorary President of the Red Cross Society of China 勞拉·米蘭達 哥斯達黎加前總統 Laura costa rica, a former President of Miranda 哈米德·卡爾扎伊 阿富汗前總統 The former President hamid karzai, Afghanistan 袁達 中國發改委發言人 Yuan, a spokesman for China"s National Development and Reform Commission
Plexus international BBS:
“從都國際論壇”是由中國人民對外友好協會、澳大利亞中國友好交流協會共同主辦的國際性會議,是中國境內重要的民間外交及國際交流平臺,源于2011 年 8 月的“從都國際峰會”,2015 年經中國政府批準正式創立。
"From all international BBS" is by the Chinese People"s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Australia hosted an international conference of Chinese friendly exchanges association, is the important folk diplomacy and international communication platform in China, from August 2011 "from all international summit", approved by the Chinese government officially founded in 2015. “從都國際論壇”地點設于中國廣州從化從都國際會議中心,論壇旨在通過探討政治、經濟和文化等領域的熱點話題,增進各方的了解和共識,從而推
"From all international BBS" site based in China guangzhou conghua from international conference center, BBS aims to discuss hot topics in the field of politics, economy and culture, and promote the understanding and consensus of the parties, so as to promote regional and global cooperation.
The Imperial Springs International Forum was founded in 2014 by the Australia China Friendship and Exchange Association (ACFEA) together with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). Its aim is to promote mutual understanding, consensus, and regional and global cooperation, through the discussion of the important topics of world peace, economic development and cultural exchanges. Since its establishment, the Imperial Springs International Forum has become a high-level platform for in-depth conversations between China and the rest of the world. 從都國際論壇由澳中友好交流協會(ACFEA)與中國人民對外友好協會(CPAFFC)于 2014 年共同創辦。其目的是通過討論世界和平、經濟發展和文化交流等重要議題,促進相互了解、共識以及區域和全球合作。從都 國際論壇自成立以來,已成為中國與世界深入對話的高層次平臺。
The theme of the 2019 Imperial Springs International Forum was “Multilateralism and Sustainable Development”. The Forum invited 70 influential guests from all over the world, including 30 former heads of state and government as well as leaders of international organizations, together with 40 foreign friends, experts, scholars and business elites. The 2019 Imperial Springs International Forum was to be hold on December 1 and December 2.
2019 從都國際論壇的主題是“多邊主義與可持續發展”。論壇邀請了來自世界各地的 70 位有影響力的嘉賓,包括 30 位前國家元首、政府首腦和國際組織領導人,以及 40 位外國友人、專家學者和商界精英。2019 帝國泉國際論壇將于 12 月 1 日和 12 月 2 日舉行。.
Press releases a:
12 月 1 日,由澳中友好交流協會、中國人民對外友好協會、廣東省人民政府和世界領袖聯盟聯合主辦的“2019 從都國際論壇”在廣州從都國際會議中心開幕。本次論壇以“多邊主義與可持續發展”為主題,260 余位外國前政要、國際組織前負責人以及友好人士親屬、中外企業家、專家學者暢敘對“新中國外交 70 年”“處于十字路口的多邊主義”“2030 可持續發展議程”“全球治理:新理念、新舉措”等熱點話題的觀點和主張。
On December 1, the australia-china friendship exchange association, the Chinese People"s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and hosted by the leader of the people"s government of guangdong province and the world alliance "2019 from all international BBS" from all international conference center opened in guangzhou.This BBS "multilateralism and the sustainable development" as the theme, before more than 260 foreign dignitaries, friendly people, the former head of the international organizations and family members, the Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, experts and scholars to renew the "China 70" "at a crossroads multilateralism" "2030 agenda of sustainable development" and "global governance:New ideas, new measures "and other hot topics in the views and opinions.
“多邊主義和經濟全球化將繼續成為世界發展的主流” "Multilateralism and the economic globalization will continue to become the mainstream of the development of the world"
The world is facing from the big change in one hundred.Economic globalization in twists and turns, unilateralism, protectionism, populist countercurrent, concept of multilateralism and order impact.
Fusion or separated, cooperation or conflict?The world needs a rational voice.
Climate change, cyber space management, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases... Guests in a statement lists the common challenges faced by all countries.
"Multilateralism means that different countries should work together to solve
conflicts, so as to realize a more tolerant and open society.It requires that we will be more different values into the platform."Australia"s veterans charity chairman Peter said.
Although multilateralism a setback, the direction of the future is still clear."We are in the globalization of the world, can"t change trend of multilateralism, back to the state of unilateralism."New south wales, Australia Chinese envoy He Le said.
阿富汗前總統哈米德·卡爾扎伊說:“今天的多邊合作成果,都是先輩們通過努力換來的。我們也要構建合作平臺,攜手應對挑戰。” Former Afghan President hamid karzai said."Today"s multilateral cooperation achievements, are they toiled through effort.We also want to build a cooperation platform, work together to meet the challenge.”
長長的餐桌一字排開,近 40 名外賓分坐餐桌兩側,深入交談,眾人沉浸在溫暖熱烈的氛圍中——這是今年論壇專門設置的午餐會現場。
Open on a long table, nearly 40 foreign guests sit on either side of the table, deep in conversation, people immersed in a warm atmosphere of warm - this is BBS specially set lunch spot this year.
Latvia, a former President, world leader alliance President vaira vike-freiberga, wikipedia "- latvian President said at a luncheon, emphasis on" country first "" winner-take-all" and multilateralism, the long run will inevitably lead to loss and crisis.No matter for personal or national, the pursuit of win-win cooperation is due.
斯洛文尼亞前總統、世界領袖聯盟候任主席達尼洛·圖爾克說:“單邊主義和其他一些反全球化思潮的興起為我們敲響了警鐘,但我們有信心,多邊主義和經濟全球化將繼續成為世界發展的主流。” Slovenia"s former President, the world leader of alliance incoming chairman, danilo, said:"The rise of unilateralism and other anti-globalization trend is a wake-up call for us, but we are confident that multilateralism and will continue to become the mainstream of world development of economic globalization.”
“中國為落實聯合國千年發展目標發揮重大作用” "China for the implementation of the United Nations development goals play a major role in one thousand"
A number of guests attending the meeting stressed that to maintain the UN as the core of the international system.Of bosnia and herzegovina, a former prime minister, ratko lagumdzija said, the United Nations is by far the most effective based on the consensus of the international organization, the world order and benefit from the United Nations global governance, "we need to further strengthen the status of the United Nations and other international organizations, in order to solve the sustainable development in the process of facing the common challenges".
Vaira vike-freiberga is the sixth time in from all international BBS."The Chinese government for the implementation of the United Nations in one thousand made fruitful efforts in the development goals, has played an important role."She said the international community to actively promote multilateralism, and take effective measures to strengthen the global partnership.
消除貧困是聯合國 2030 可持續發展議程的重要目標。日本前首相鳩山由紀夫表示,中國舉全國之力消除絕對貧困,令人贊嘆。
Poverty is an important goal of the United Nations 2030 sustainable development agenda.Former Japanese prime minister yukio hatoyama said the lift force of the eliminating absolute poverty, amazing.
達尼洛·圖爾克說:“中國在應對 2008 年國際金融危機時扮演了至關重要的角色,有效遏制了這場全球危機蔓延,使其沒有演變為更糟的經濟大蕭條,中國為落實聯合國千年發展目標發揮重大作用。” Danilo, figure, said."The Chinese when dealing with the international financial crisis of 2008 has played a vital role, effectively curb the spread of the global crisis, make its have been worse for the great depression, China for the implementation of the United Nations development goals play a major role in one thousand.”
來自聯合國教科文組織的代表安德烈·切韋寥夫更關注中國在世界文化和自然遺產保護方面付出的努力。“中國重視發展多元文化,構建可持續發展的城市,有力促進了聯合國 2030 可持續發展議程的實現。”他舉例說,深圳曾獲“世界最環保城市”殊榮,揚州被冠以“美食之城”的稱號,南京則有“文學之都”的美譽,“保護歷史遺跡,進行文化傳承,就可以為不同文明之間的對話作出新貢獻。”
Representatives from the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization Andre cut wei ratio is more focused on China in the world cultural and natural heritage protection efforts."China attaches great importance to the development of diversified culture, build the sustainable development of city, strongly promote the United Nations 2030 the implementation of the sustainable development agenda."For example, he said, shenzhen was awarded" the greenest cities in the world "award, yangzhou has been dubbed the" food city ", nanjing has enjoyed a good reputation of "literature", "protection of historical sites, cultural inheritance, it can be a new contribution for the dialogue between different civilizations.”
“一帶一路倡議豐富了國際合作理念和多邊 主義內涵” All the initiative "area rich international cooperation concept and connotation of multilateralism"
At present, profound changes, the world political and economic pattern of multiple interests, ideological diversity, the international community to keep up with the trend of The Times, improve global governance calls for strong.
Jenny shipley, former prime minister of New Zealand advice in more dimensions to promote cooperation between international organizations, "in the future, let every man can enjoy in the whole world"s well-being". “沒有一雙鞋適合所有人的腳。世界銀行、國際貨幣基金組織、新開發銀行等國際機構應為處于不同發展階段的國家量身定制發展的支持方案。”牙買加前總理布魯斯·戈爾丁對本報記者說。
"There is no a pair of shoes for everyone in the foot.The world bank, the international monetary fund, a new development bank and other international institutions should be at a different stage of development countries in the development of customized support scheme."Jamaica"s former prime minister, Bruce golding said to our reporter.
China put forward "area" initiative, construct the new international relations, to create human destiny community, contributing to international management system reform and the construction of the Chinese wisdom, Chinese power.
與會嘉賓一致認為,“‘一帶一路’倡議豐富了國際合作理念和多邊主義內涵,推動了全球治理變革,其秉持的共商、共建、共享原則有助于建立更具代表性、包容性、開放性和公正性的全球治理體系。” "all the way around the guests agree that "" initiative to enrich the concept and connotation of multilateralism and international cooperation to promote the change of global governance, the principles of discuss, the principle of sharing building and help to establish a more representative, inclusive, open and fair system of global governance.”
Hereby ratko lagumdzija said, and "One Belt And One Road" brought tangible benefits to citizens of countries along the, "I"ve never seen such profound effects other initiatives or projects".
Yukio hatoyama said in an interview with reporters, "One Belt And One Road" initiative is not seeking hegemony, but in order to promote China and the countries along the win-win cooperation, "I think Japan should also play a role, actively participate in all the way to build "area".
, danilo, argues that in the process of co-construction and "area", China to provide financing support for many developing countries, this support no strings attached, help to promote world prosperity and stability.
"We need more high quality of the regional and international multilateral institutions, so as to realize multi-level cooperation, let more countries and regions to participate in the development of multilateralism."Former Belgian prime minister yves Wright said, some international organizations, regional organizations decision-making mechanism also wants to reform, make its efficiency is improved.
"African countries to appreciate China"s efforts to promote multilateralism."Former President of Tanzania Benjamin mkapa advice, relevant international organizations should be more consideration to the demands of African countries, help to achieve faster growth.
推薦訪問: 對照 雙語 外交上一篇:黨建工作匯報材料
《習近平談治國理政》第四卷《共建網上美好精神家園》一文中指出:網絡玩命是新形勢下社會文明的重要內容,是建設網絡強國的重要領域。截至2021年12月,我國網民規模達10 32億,較2020年12月增長4