

| 瀏覽次數:

 他們在樹林里集中火力 They"re taking fire from the woods. 他們在等坦克支援 They"re waiting for the tanks. 敵火力在我右翼 Enemy fire from our right flank,. 重復

 在我右翼 I say again, our right flank. 公主 R6 呼叫 C 組 Princess Red 6 for Culture. 堅持住



 完畢 Hold fast. This is the worst of it, boys. Over. 漢弗萊中士趕來了 Sergeant Humphrey just showed up. 右翼有消息嗎 Have you any information on the right flank? C 組

 沒有 Culture, that"s a negative. 前進 Move. A2 呼叫

 教堂里有 88 重型坦克炮 This is Able 2. The 88 is in that church. 我們經過時他們朝我們開火了 They threw one at us when we drove by. 二戰期間的美軍坦克遠比德軍坦克薄弱 美軍坦克部隊因此在對敵作戰中損失慘重 不行

 全完蛋了 Negative. It"s all over! 狂怒 收到嗎

 收到嗎 Come in, come in. 能聽見嗎

 能聽見嗎 Do you read me? Do you read me? 一九四五年四月 盟軍深入納粹德國的心臟地區

 遭遇其負隅頑抗 絕望中希♥特♥勒♥宣布發動全面戰爭

 甚至將女人和孩子也送上戰場 媽的 Son of a bitch! 你把那個混♥蛋♥解決了嗎 Did you get that fucker? 干掉了

 Knocked him off. 戈多


 讓他休息會 Gordo, stop. Leave him rest. 不 Uh-uh. 戈多

 他已經死了 Gordo, he"s dead. 他死了

 讓他體面的走吧 He"s dead! Show some respect. 讓他安息吧 Leave him alone. 都是你的錯 He"s your fault! 你♥他♥媽♥的

 有完沒完 God damn it. Ain"t you done yet? 你沒資格罵我

 別騎在我頭上作威作福 You got no right to be fucking sore with me.Quit fucking riding me. 我沒騎你

 要是我那么做了你會沒感覺 I ain"t riding you. If I was riding you, you"d know it. 哪來的回哪去 More where he came from. 去你♥媽♥的♥


 我們困在這兒都是你的錯 Hey, fuck you, Don! It"s your fucking fault we here. 你倆吵完沒

 我們趕緊離開這 Are you still talking? Let"s get out of here. 啊


 踢我&arts;干♥嘛 Aah! Fuck! What the fuck you do that for? -我這不在修嗎

 -你知道我♥干♥嘛踢你 -I"m trying to fix it! -You know why. 你♥他♥媽♥想跟我叫板嗎 You want to fucking whup me? 跟我叫板也沒用啊 It ain"t gonna fucking help anything! 呼叫 F6

 能聽到嗎 Probate, Fox 6. 我說

 你干嘛總跟我叫板 I say, why you always whupping on me? 你就是個低等動物

 像條狗 "Cause you"re an animal, a dog. 你只知道用武力 All you understand is the fist and boot.



 你別那樣說我 Don, I"m telling you right now, don"t fucking call me that. 我不是該死的低等動物

 也不是條狗 I ain"t a fucking animal. I ain"t a fucking dog. 快點

 兄弟們 你要是想說你那墨西哥鳥語 Hey, you want to talk Mexican, 就滾到墨西哥坦克去 join another tank, a Mexican tank. 我們這里是美國坦克

 說美國話 This is an American tank, we talk American. 那你呢

 老大跟個點唱機似的 Who put the fucking nickel in you, top? 你還說德國話呢 You talk Kraut! 你都說德語

 我為什么不能說西班牙語 You talk German! I can"t talk Spanish? -圣徒我們現在在哪個國家

 -德國 -Bible, what country we in? -Germany. 在德國就得說德語 Germany, they speak German. 你能跟他講一下

 德語是戰爭的工具嗎 Could you explain to him it"s a tool of war? 德語是戰爭的工具

 戈多 It"s a tool of war, Gordo. 我的家伙才是我戰爭必備工具 Here"s my tool of war. 老爹 Top. 你在打仗之前就會說德語了 You knew German before we got in this fucking war! 別以為我不知道 Don"t play stupid with me. 我希望你們都能振作起來 I expect all of you to pull your shit together. 你也別向每個人發火 I wish you"d stop ragging on everyone. 雷德又不是你殺的

 是德國人干的 You didn"t kill Red, Germans did. 確實是德國人殺的

 但是我也沒救他 That is true, but I didn"t save him, either.


 就這么簡單 His number came up, that"s all. 目前為止

 我們一直都很幸運 We"ve been lucky till now. 我們很幸運嗎 We"ve been lucky? 是的

 長官 Yes, sir. 我們都還活著

 我們都在這 We"re all alive. We"re in here. 上帝的恩惠嗎 God"s grace? 炮彈要來了 Rain"s coming. 浣熊


 還要多長時間能修好 Coon-Ass, anytime, sweetheart. 現在我又成親愛的了 I"m your sweetheart, right? 好了


 發動吧 Okay. Gordo, crank her up. 點不著火

 太冷了 Choke her up. She"s cold. 火花塞凝住了 There"s condensation on the plugs. 媽的 Fuckers! 好了


 帶大家離開這兒 All right, move out. Get us out of here. 圣徒

 炮口向前 Bible, gun front. 收到 Roger. 快走

 挪開 Come on, move it! 把這些東西拿走 Get those cases out of here! 我還以為你死了 I thought you were dead. 魔鬼還顧不上我呢

 賓考斯基 Devil watches over his own. Binkowski. 很高興看見你

 Good to see you. 唐

 能活著回來真好 Don, glad you made it back. 你們的人都在嗎


 林德伯格呢 Crew still together? Nate? Lindburgh? 都好 Doing well. 那就好 Good. -抓住胳膊

 -接住了 -Grab his arm . -Here you go. 好 Okay. 輕輕放下去

 輕點 Lay him down. Lay him down. 向前走 Move. 溫柔點放下去 Set him down soft. 中士 Sergeant. 中士 Sergeant. 抬起來 Lift. 三排的其他人呢 Where"s the rest of Third Platoon? 都在這了 We"re it. 嗨

 博伊德 Hey, Boyd? 博伊德


 會嗎 Hey, Boyd, they... They gonna send him home, right? 我不知道

 格雷迪 I don"t know that, Grady. 現在大家都有點為雷德的死難過

 但是我們還有仸務 Red"s got us all a little sad right now, but we got a job to do. 格雷迪



 加水加油 Grady, restock ammo and rations. Gordo, water and gas. 博伊德


 然后盡力解決下機械故障 Boyd, get some chow and do what you can about the mechanical issues.


 你去哪兒啊 We can"t do shit about mechanical issues. Where you going? 你是科利爾軍士長嗎 First Sergeant Collier? 可能是吧

 你&arts;他♥媽♥是誰 Maybe. What the fuck are you? 我是二等兵埃里森 Private Ellison. 有人讓我向你報道

 我是你坦克的新副駕 I was told to report to you. I"m your new assistant driver. 不

 你才不是 No, you are not. -我是我真是

 -真見鬼 -Yes, yes, I am. -God damn it. 誰說讓你來找我的 Who told you this? 那邊拿著筆記板的軍士長 Master Sergeant with the clipboard. -胡扯


 他... -Bullshit! -Right there. He"s... 你叫什么 What"s your name? 諾曼 Norman. 參軍多長時間了 How long you been in the Army? 兩個月 Eight weeks. 那輛坦克就是你的家了 That"s home. 按我說的做 Do as you"re told. 別跟仸何人套近乎 Don"t get too close to anyone. 遠處山嶺上 On a hill far away 矗立著古舊十字架 Stood an old rugged cross 那是痛苦與恥辱的象征 The emblem of suffering and shame 我愛舊十字架

 I love the old cross 那是親愛的 Where the dearest... 我要一生背負這老舊十字架 I will cling to the old rugged cross 你們好

 我是諾曼 Hi. Hi. I"m Norman. 哪個

 哪個方向是前線啊 Which... Which way is the front? "哪個方向是前線" "Which way is the front?" 呃 Hmm. 到處都是前線


 我們這是在德國 All around us, kid, "cause this is Germany. 被德國佬包圍了 We"re surrounded by Krauts. 我說的沒錯吧

 格雷迪 Ain"t that right, Grady? 說的沒錯 That"s right. 能把我的書還給我嗎 Can I please have my book back? 你的煙呢 Where are the cigarettes? 我不抽煙 I don"t smoke. 你個新兵蛋子 You"re a bastard. 進過坦克學校嗎 You go to tank school? 坦克學校沒有 Tank school? No. 我連坦克里面什么樣都從來沒見過 I"ve never even seen the inside of a tank. 我是個打字員 I"m a clerk typist. 我正在去第五團團部的路上 Was heading to Fifth Corps HQ, 他們把我從卡車上拖下來 they pulled me off the truck.

 然后就把我扔這兒了 They sent me here. 他們肯定是弄錯了 It"s got to be a mistake. 錯了 Mistake? 軍隊不會有錯 Army don"t make mistakes. 這就他們的行事風格 It wouldn"t do. 你是密蘇里人嗎 You from Missouri? 不是 No. 芝加哥人嗎 Are you from Chicago? 你從阿肯色州來的嗎 You from Arkansas, ain"t you? -不



 閉嘴吧 -No, I"m from Pittsburgh... -Hey, hush up, man. 沒人關心你從哪兒來的 Nobody gives a fuck where you from. 你信教嗎 Are you a praying man? 我去教堂的 I go to church. 你是哪個教派的 Which denomination are you? 圣公會嗎 Episcopalian? 你是圣公會的


 是吧 Yeah, you are. You"re a Mainliner, ain"t you? 是的

 我是 Yeah. I am. 你得到救贖了嗎 Are you saved? 我受洗了 I"m baptised. 我問的不是這個意思 That ain"t what I asked you. 他問的不是這個意思

 That ain"t what he asked you. -戈多告訴他我問的啥


 你得認真聽 -Gordo, what"d I ask him? -See, you got to listen. -再說一遍

 -你得到救贖了嗎 -Say it again. -Are you saved? 等你看見了就會知道了 Wait until you see it. 看見什么 See what? 一個人可以有多殘忍♥ What a man can do to another man. 追尋耶穌這事兒先放放 Before you find Jesus, 過來看看你的座位 why don"t you come take a look at your seat? 你就坐那兒了 That"s where you"re gonna be. 去廚房♥打桶熱水

 把那些東西擦干凈 Get a bucket of hot water from the kitchen. Get that shit clean. 噢

 我的天 Oh, fuck. 真惡心 Fuck. 按理說不該再有虎式坦克了吧

 唐 Weren"t supposed to be no more Tigers, Don. 你去跟我犧牲的三排兄弟說去 Tell my platoon that. 你們派了五輛謝爾曼出去 You send five tanks out. 最后只回來一輛 One comes back. 很難相信我們正在贏得這場戰爭 It"s hard to believe we"re winning the war. 別老想打過的仗了 Stop talking about yesterday"s fight. 我們還有仗要打 Think about today"s. 直著走 Straighten out! 這個納粹黨衛軍在這兒干嘛 Hey! What"s an SS doing here?


 你為什么帶著他從這兒過 Hey, why are you bringing him through here? 怎么還沒斃了他 Why isn"t he sleeping? 總部要找個犯人來審問 G2 wants a prisoner to question. 噢

 我來審問他 Oh, I"ll question him. 你最喜歡什么顏色 What"s your favourite colour? 你跳舞怎么樣 Are you a good dancer? 你喜歡胖姑娘嗎 Do you like fat girls? -退后

 -揍死他 -Get back! -Beat his ass! 別打了

 別打了 Stop! Stop it! -混♥蛋♥

 -唐干♥死♥他 -Fucker! -Fuck him up, Don! 混&arts;蛋♥ Motherfucker! 別打了

 回來 Get the fuck... Get back! 滾

 該死的坦克兵 Go! Fucking tankers. 是我

 是我 It"s me, it"s me. 四周都是憲兵

 你別亂來 You got MPs everywhere. You got to stop now. -別打了

 -咖啡都灑了 -Just stop. -I spilled my fucking coffee. 混♥蛋♥玩意


 格雷迪 Cocksuckers. Come on, Grady. 該死的納粹 Fucking SS. 老爹

 你還好吧 You good, top? 竟敢帶著個黨衛軍從我們營地經過 Bring him through this camp... 你看見沒

 You see that? 那是個黨衛軍 He"s an SS. 這種貨色你見一個殺一個

 他們真的是人♥渣♥ You kill every last one you can. They"re real assholes. 見一個殺一個

 戰爭就是他們挑起的 Fuck every last one. They started it. -就由我們來結束好了

 -就這么定了 -We finishing it. -That"s it. 你殺過很多人嗎 Done much killing? 沒有 No. 馬上就能殺人了 You will. -兄弟們


 -收到 -Boys, take him through that gun. -Roger. 我


  Wh-What do I do with this?




 閉嘴吧 "Wh-What..." Shut up. 看看這槍 Take a look at it. -看見那個蓋兒沒

 -嗯 -See that cover? -Yeah. 打開 Open it. 這樣就能殺人了 And now you killing. 再合上 Close it up. 就殺不了了 Now you ain"t. 主力正向東行進 Main unit"s punching east. 我們往北行進

 擔仸側翼掩護仸務 We are going north on a flank guard mission. 接下來跟 41 區過來的 B 連匯合 We"ll tie up with Baker Company from the 41st. 科利爾中士現在編入我們排了 Sergeant Collier"s with us now.

 擔仸副排長 He"ll be acting platoon sergeant. 沒問題 Fine by me. 唐

 很高興和你一起 Good to have you, Don. 我們在這兒跟 B 連會合 We"re meeting Baker Company here. 然后一起拿下這個鎮子 Then, together we"ll take this town. 之后

 我們就聽瓦格納上尉指揮了 After that, we"re working for Captain Waggoner. 有什么問題嗎 Any questions? 我有個問題 I got one question. 彼得森

 什么問題 Peterson? 我是賓考斯基

 長官 I"m Binkowski, sir. 呃 Uh... 你毛長齊了嗎 You start shaving your face? 一排

 集♥合♥ First Platoon, mount up! 出發 Move out! 仗是打不完的

 長官 War"s not going anywhere, sir. 大家都聽到了

 集♥合♥ You heard him. Mount up! 嘿 Hey! 該死的混♥蛋♥

 戰爭老爹 Go fuck yourself, Wardaddy! 咖啡太燙了 Coffee"s too hot. 你還欠我 40 塊錢呢 Still owe me 40 bucks! 說什么

 What"d he say? 集♥合♥


 先生們 Mount up! Let"s go, gents. 前進 Move front! 傻蛋 Motherfucker. 你已進入敵國


 第二裝甲師友情提醒 好的

 槍炮裝填完畢 Okay, guns ready. 好運

 先生們 Good luck, gentlemen! 全體都聽好了

 現在危機四伏 All right, there might be a wolf hiding in the sheep. 伙計們


 盯死他們 Kid, you"re up. Cast an eyeball on them. 看到仸何動靜就開火

 別給他們機會 Anything that makes a move, you cut them right in half. 別管路上的平民 People are in the way, that"s their problem. 做好你該干的就行

 聽見嗎 You do what you got to do, copy? -收到

 -你呢 -Copy. -You copy? 收到 I copy. 戈多

 再教教他怎么用機♥槍♥ Gordo, talk him through that gun again. 明白 Roger. 機♥槍♥已經上膛

 你扣扳機就行 Hey, gun"s ready. Just pull the trigger. 每五發子彈都有一發曳光彈 Every five rounds is a tracer 這樣你能看見你要往哪打 so you can see what you"re hitting. 記住

 短點射 And remember, short bursts. 這樣每發子彈才能擊中更多敵人 That way you harvest more meat per bullet. 我們的人在那邊

 The Americans are over there. 繼續往前走 Keep moving. 舉起手來 Keep your hands up. 給她一塊巧克力棒

 她就會跟你睡 She"ll let you fuck her for a chocolate bar. 不可能 That"s not true. 不可能嗎 It"s not true? 不可能 No. 好吧

 那就不可能吧 Okay. It"s not true. 這他媽的就是事實 It"s completely fucking true. 給她煙他就會讓你上 Or just give her some smokes. 給她煙他也會讓你上

 都不用給她整包的 You ain"t got to fuck around and give her a whole pack, neither. 諾曼


 4 根就能搞定 Norman, ignore him. Fucking four will do it. 現在你要相信主 Don"t disappoint Christ, now. 別讓這幫子人帶壞了 Don"t let them lead you astray. 聽著


 但是不可以上她們 You see, we can kill them, but we can"t fuck them, 因為圣經里這么說的 "cause it says so in the Bible. 別說了

 好嗎 Stop, all right? 我放棄感化你們這群野蠻人了 I"m done trying to convert you heathens. 你介意我繼續入侵德國嗎 You mind if I continue invading Germany? 博伊德

 你覺得上帝愛希♥特♥勒♥嗎 Boyd, do you think Jesus loves Hitler? 我認為上帝愛不愛希♥特♥勒♥ Do I think Jesus loves Hitler?

 我覺得他愛 I"d assume so. 如果希♥特♥勒♥內心接受耶穌 If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart 受洗

 他會得到救贖的 and got baptised, he"d be saved. 但是他難逃人類正義的審判 It ain"t gonna save him from man"s justice. 那一般的黨衛軍士兵呢 What about your regular-issue Nazi line trooper? -我不想和你說這些了

 -他們死后也會上天堂嗎 -No, I"m not gonna do this with you. -Is he going to Heaven? 過去三年里

 我們聊這些玩意聊得夠多了 We"ve been talking about the same dumb shit for three years. 你知道我的立場

 你想激怒我 You know how I stand on it. You trying to rile me up now. 嘿


 你覺得你能救贖我嗎 Hey, what about me, huh? You think you could save me? 給我唱首圣歌♥吧 Sing me a hymn? -好啊

 -唱古舊十字架就行 -Yeah, sure. -Sing Old Rugged Cross. 我喜歡你唱歌♥時候嘴動的樣子 I like the way your mouth moves when you sing. -別鬧

 -我喜歡 -Don"t. -I like it. 你不碰我

 我就唱 I"ll sing it if you don"t do that. 讓我摸摸你的小胡子 Let me just touch your moustache. -該死的別碰我

 -就想摸摸你的小胡子 -Don"t touch me. Stop! -I just wanna touch your moustache. 我就摸摸你胡子有什么了 Why does that bother you so much when I touch your moustache? -我發誓我會崩了你


 別鬧了 -I"ll shoot you, I swear! -All right, knock it off. 別搞了 Knock off the horseplay. 博伊德

 你覺得希♥特♥勒♥會為了一塊巧克力棒 Boyd, do you think Hitler"d fuck one of us 跟我們其中一個睡覺嗎

 for a chocolate bar? 估計會吧 I hope so. 有埋伏

 右側 Ambush! Right! 右側有埋伏 Right side, ambush! 見鬼

 格雷迪 Fuck! Grady! 你盯緊樹叢

 我們很容易中埋伏 You watch that tree line! We"re ripe for an ambush! 格雷迪

 掩護右翼 Grady, cover right! 上帝啊 Father! 看見什么了嗎

 博伊德 What"d you see, Boyd? 出去干掉這些德國崽子 Just go out and blast them little fuckers! 看見什么了 What"d you see? 什么也沒看見 I didn"t see nothing. 諾曼 Norman! 你個混♥蛋♥

 你干嘛不開槍 You cocksucker. Why didn"t you take the shot? -他只是個孩子

 -對不起 -He was just a kid. -I"m sorry. 真的很抱歉

 中士 I"m really sorry, Sergeant. 那你就看看一個孩子干了些啥 You see what a kid can do? 睜大你的狗眼 Look! 都是你干的好事 That"s your fault. 都是你的錯 That"s your fucking fault. 下次再看見拿著武器的德國人 Next German you see with a weapon,

 就把他打成篩子 you rake the dog shit out of him. 我才不管他是個一手拿著餐刀 I don"t care if it"s a baby with a butter knife in one hand 還趴在媽媽身上吃奶的嬰兒 and mama"s titty in the other. -你給我往死里打


 長官 -You chop him up! -Yes, Sergeant! -圣徒

 -嗯 -Bible? -Yeah? 全體都聽好了

 我是戰爭老爹 All tanks, Wardaddy. 現在我管事兒了 Looks like I"m it. 我帶頭車

 全隊跟我向目標前進 I"ll lead the column. Let"s get us where we"re going. 我們得建立防線

 援軍在路上 We have this thing setup and on the way. 我派了一隊人來過來接應 I sent over a couple men to keep contact, 上頭剛通報過 and the officers have been briefed. 戈多

 在這兒停下 Stop right here, Gordo. -是 B 連嗎

 -是的長官 -Baker Company? -Yes, sir! 我不是長官 I"m not a sir. 我也不是 Me, neither. -你們的長官呢

 -死了 -Where"s your boss? -Dead. 那現在誰管事 Who"s in charge of this column? 我 I am. 好

 那我就找你了 Good. I"m talking to the right man. 坦克停那邊

 頭兒等你們呢 Park it over there. Old Man"s waiting. 好的


 Yes, thank you, sir, 不要告訴我說傷亡還能持續 Don"t tell me how long my casualties can last. 除非你想自己去那兒 Unless you want to come down here, 站在齊膝的內臟堆里發號♥施令 stand knee-deep in their guts and form an opinion. B6

 撤了 Baker 6 out. 操蛋的文官

 你還好嗎 Pencil-pushing motherfucker. How you doing? 把我的傷亡士兵裝到卡車上 Load the casualties into a truck. 我們自己把他們送回基地去 We"re gonna drive them back to base ourselves. 好好照料我們自己人

 你跟我過來 Take care of our own. Come with me. 你

 別睡了 Hey, wake up! 好

 我們現在有多少輛坦克 All right, how many tanks we got? 4 輛 Four. 4 輛

 你開什么玩笑 Four? You"re shitting me. 我要了 10 輛 I asked for 10. 邁爾斯

 邁爾斯中士 Miles! Sergeant Miles! 是


 什么事 Yes, sir? 讓一排準備好 Get First Platoon ready. 你編入他們排 You"re working for him now. 只要是能站起來的都得上 If they can stand, they"re in play. 是 Roger. 看

 是這樣 All right, here"s the deal.

 我的一個排被機♥槍♥ I got a platoon trapped in this beet field 困在這個甜菜地里 by machine guns. 我讓我的人去救 I sent my tracks in. 德國人把他們干掉了 Jerry took them out. 反坦克炮在這里



 我也不知道 So, anti-tank guns there, there, possibly there, I don"t know. 我需要你們把他們救出來 I need you to rescue my guys. 把機♥槍♥端掉 Take the guns out. 沒問題 I can do that. 那樣


 你們繼續推進到鎮上 All right, that clears this road into town, you push forward. 我會在那里和你們匯合

 我們一起清理 I"ll join you there. We"ll clear it up. 他們可能會投降


 誰知道呢 Maybe they"ll surrender. Or maybe they"ll fight. 這片高地

 你有沒有哧兵 This high ground, you got any eyes on it? 我在這邊的哧兵



 也沒了 I had eyes there, gone. There, gone. 瞎打吧

 就剩你我了 We"re flying blind. It"s you and me. 德軍在這條路上肯定有警戒哧 Krauts got sights on this road. 我不想露出側翼 I don"t want to show my flank. 從這個方向走可以嗎 Any objection if I come in here? 你就是坐飛毯去我都不管你 You can arrive on a fucking magic carpet, for all I care. 我了解你

 我知道你清楚自己在干什么 I know who you are. I know you know what you"re doing. 幫我把他們干的稀里嘩啦就行了 You just paste them hard for me. 他們今天在那里殺了我們一些好兄弟

 They murdered some good boys out there today. 他們為啥不干脆投降呢 Why don"t they just quit? 換你

 你會嗎 Would you? 一個排的人被機♥槍♥困在這個菜地 We got a platoon pinned down in this field by MGs. 德國佬的反坦克炮火力能覆蓋這個地方 Krauts got anti-tank covering the field. 我們一旦穿過籬笆 And once we cross this hedgerow, 就到了他們的射程之內

 他們也能看見我們 we will be in range and in their line of sight, 所以都要保持警惕 so be alert. 有仸何動靜都射擊 Hit anything that fucking moves. 好

 除非他們先開炮 Yeah, unless they pound us first. 如果他們先開炮

 那正好暴露了他們 If they do, we"ll know exactly where they are. 我們一起把伙計們救出來

 把機♥槍♥端掉 Let"s get these boys out of there and smash those guns. 然后我們就能占領小鎮


 明白了嗎 Then we"ll capture the town, stop for the night. Clear? 我們干嘛要救這群小仔子

 干嘛不直接開到柏林去 Why are we rescuing kittens instead of just driving down into Berlin? -你怎么這么混♥蛋♥

 -說的好 -Why are you such an asshole? -That"s a great question. 開進順序




 殺人工廠 March order. Fury, Old Phyllis, Lucy Sue, Murder Inc. 出發吧 Let"s go. 好了

 兄弟們 All right, fuck sticks. 出發

 編隊 Mount up! By squad! 好了

 趕緊上車 All right, mount up! 全體都聽好了

 通訊檢查 All tanks, comm check.


 登車完畢 1-4"s up. L13 收到 Love 1-3 copies. -好了


 -大家都坐穩了 -That"s right, man. -Need you to hold tight! 全體都有

 我是戰爭老爹 All tanks, Wardaddy. 到達開闊地帶后

 在我后面成縱隊 When we hit open ground, line up on me. 保持距離

 別扎堆 Keep your spacing, don"t bunch up. 看我信♥號♥♥

 我們把他們揉成面團 On my signal, we"ll drop the doughs 端掉機♥槍♥ and roll up that 75. 明白了嗎 Everyone copy? L15


 沒問題 Love 1-5 copies. Wilco. -L12 收到


 收到 -Copy. -Love 1-3 copies. 戈多

 停下 Gordo, halt. 全體都有

 在這停下 All tanks hall. All tanks halt. 讓兄弟們下車 All right, let"s get the boys off. 讓他們都下去

 給我留一個人 Get them off. Give me last man. -快點女士們


 -開艙門 -All right, ladies, you heard the man. -Button up. 全體下車 Everybody off! 快下車 Move out! Move! Everybody off! 關艙門 Close your hatch. 全體都有



 右打死 All tanks, move out. Hard right. Hard right. -前進



 -Move them out. -Hard right. Hard right. 跟著狂怒號♥ Fury"s going. Let"s go. 前進



 快 Move, move, move, move, move. 前進

 右一點 Let"s move now. A hard stick right. 大家穩住


 穩住 Everybody hold yourself. Jiggs, hold on. 保持隊列

 保持隊列 Form in. Form in. 跟上狂怒號♥ Catch up with the Fury. 右轉 Stick right. 跟上 Now, catch up. 跟著我的隊形


 跟上隊形 On my line, guys, on my line. 加油


 加進來 More gas. More gas. Mix it up. -低姿前進

 -保持隊形 -Keep them low! -Hold your line. 我們有點偏了 We"re already drifting. 賓考斯基

 警惕右邊高地 Binkowski, keep an eyeball on that high ground. Right. L15


 沒問題 Love 1-5 copies. Wilco. 注意那邊的樹叢 Watch that tree line right there. 減速

 減速 Hold that, hold that. 繼續前進

 跟緊 Ride on, ride on. Hold tight. 我們要把這里炸翻天 We"re gonna bust through this shit. 好了

 走吧 All right, here we go, men. 左轉


 怎么回事 Left stick, left stick. What the fuck?



 沒事吧 It looks perfect, Tim. Good? 繼續前進

 繼續前進 Straight on, straight on. 地上都是兵

 地上都是兵 Doughs on the ground, doughs on the ground. 小心警惕 Keep an eye out. 前進


 那邊 Straight, straight. Over here! 戈多



 減速 Gordo, slow, slow, slow. 地上有人 We got bodies. 轉向我的左側

 注意地下 Stick left of me. Eyes on the floor. 快起來 Get up. 過來

 過來 Fall in! Fall in! 向前進 Straighten it out. 該死的

 注意距離 Watch your fucking spacing. 你現在得左轉 You gotta left stick now. 減速 All right, let"s hold up. 如果我說后退


 后退 If I say hold back, hold back. Hold back. 左轉



 過來 Left stick. Left stick. What the fuck? Come on! 右側沒人了 Company, clear on the right. 來



 安全了 Let"s go, let"s go, let"s go! Clear it up and book it. 稍微快一點 Speed up just a little bit. L13


 右轉 Love 1-3, right stick! Right stick! 你掩護地面部隊

 You got troops on the ground. 媽的



 該死 Fuck, right stick! Right stick, God damn it! 你腦子里有屎嗎 Get your head out of your ass! 他們根本就沒注意 They weren"t fucking paying attention. 提高警惕

 繼續前進 Get in tight. Go! 趴下


 趴下 Down! Stay down! Down! 那該死的什么玩意

 哇哦 What the fuck is that? Whoa! 圣徒

 打掉那挺機♥槍♥ Bible, hit that machine gun. 炮塔左轉

 距離 800 Traverse left, 800! 穩住 Steady! -裝填完畢

 -開炮 -On. -Fire! 發射 On the way! 干得漂亮


 打 Good! Hit them! Hit them! 看前面

 看觀測鏡 Look forward! Look at your periscope! -圣徒


 -看觀測鏡 -Bible, traverse back. -On. Periscope! -裝填完畢

 -開炮 -Clear! -Fire! 發射 On the way! ?;?/p>

 目標已摧毀 Cease fire. Target destroyed,. 收到


 沒問題 Roger, Ester, Wilco. 開炮 Fire! 見鬼



 左轉 Fuck! Anti-tank! H.E.! Traverse left.


 左轉向 Let"s go. Traverse left. 炮塔左轉 Traverse left! 跳彈

 我們沒事 Just a ricochet. We"re okay. 放屁


 我能聽到飛嘯聲 Bullshit! That"s a Kraut high-velocity gun. I can hear it whistling. 反坦克炮


 左前方 Anti-tank! Left front, left front! 看到了

 下降 15 度 Got it! Down 15. 裝填完畢

 準備好了 Clear! Ready! -開炮

 -發射 -Fire! -On the way! 距離 600 碼 600. 開炮 Fire! -裝填完畢

 -發射 -Clear! -On the way! 好


 目標被摧毀 Okay, cease fire, cease fire. Target destroyed. 開炮 Fire! 還有一架機♥槍♥

 誰看見在哪兒了 There"s another gun! Who"s got eyes on it? 有誰看見了嗎 Does anyone see it? 都把眼睛睜大點兒

 開炮 Eyes up, everybody. Fire! 我啥也沒看見 I don"t see shit. 該死的你在哪 Where the fuck are you at? 反坦克炮

 高爆彈 Anti-tank, H.E. 收到



 炮塔右轉 Got it! Anti-tank, H.E. Traverse right! 反坦克炮



 600 碼

 Anti-tank. Left front, left front. 600. 右轉

 右轉 Right stick, right stick. 瞄準

 開炮 On! Fire! 發射 On the way! 轟掉他們


 打 Hit "em, hit "em, hit "em. 開炮 Fire! 全體都有

 對準那排樹轟 All tanks, start squirting that tree line. 轟碎這群混♥蛋♥黨衛軍 Let"s light them up. Let"s go. 一起轟那邊的樹叢

 把它們清干凈 Everybody squirt the fucking tree line. Let"s clean it up. 嘿


 開始射擊 Hey! Hey! Start shooting! 那個

 我打哪兒啊 Well, what do I shoot at? 打納粹啊

 你個傻冒 The Nazis, dumb fuck! 就這么打

 讓他們抬不起頭來 That"s it. Keep their fucking heads down. 你要重新裝彈啊 You got to reload! 鐵拳


 干掉他 Panzerfaust! Hey! Get him! -我在裝彈


 -打他 -I"m loading the gun. I"m loading the gun. -Hit him! 打中了 Got him. 好好干♥你♥的活

 做好你該做的事 Do your job! Do what you"re here for! 我在裝彈呢 I was loading the gun! 機♥槍♥



 碾死這群雜碎 Machine gun, twelve o"clock! Gordo, run those bastards over! 全體都有

 停 All tanks, hold here, hold here.

 讓兄弟們下去戰斗 Get your boys in the fight! 下車

 攻擊前進 Fall out! Marching fire! 快點 Come on! 嘿

 看見左邊那堆黨衛軍沒 Hey, squirt those Krauts on the left. 你看見沒有 Do you see them? 情況很危險


 火力太猛 Will Actual, come in. This is Vicious. 德國佬都躲在樹林里

 在你... Krauts in the woods to your... 只有一堆尸體 All I see are dead bodies. 你怎么知道他們死了你是醫生嗎 How do you know they"re dead? Are you a doctor? -射死他們

 -可他們已經死了 -Hit them! -But they"re dead! 我為什么要射死人 Why would I shoot them if they"re already dead? 要確保他們不會站起來

 從后面干掉我們 So they don"t stand up and shoot us in the ass! 該死

 拿下他們 Fuck! Get them! 該死 Fuck! 我他媽再也呆不下去了 I can"t fucking be here any-fucking-more! 再這樣大吼大叫

 先把你那該死的無線電關了 Turn your goddamn intercom off if you"re gonna bawl like that. 遵命

 老爹 I got it, top. 我他媽的不干了

 我他媽的放棄了 I fucking give up. I fucking give up. 在這兒一分鐘也呆不下去了 I can"t be here any more. 這本來就不是什么美差 This ain"t pretty, you know. 可我們就是干這個的

 This is what we do. 兄弟們

 步行戰斗 Boys, fight on foot. 好的 You take it. 我沒事 I"m okay. 你會沒事的 You"re all right. 合上眼吧


 閉上你的眼 Close your eyes, son. Close your eyes, son. 信上帝嗎 Do you believe in Jesus? 你會沒事的

 一切都會好的 You"re all right, then. You"re all right, then. 我會和你一起祈禱 I"m gonna pray with you now. 我們的天父


 愿人都尊你的名為圣 Our father, Lord in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. 愿你的王國降臨

 愿你的旨意如同在天上一般 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. 賜予我們日常的飲食 Give us this day our daily bread 寬恕我們的罪過 and forgive us our trespasses 如同我們寬恕冒犯我們的人 as we forgive those who trespass against us. 不叫我們遇見誘惑

 救我們遠離惡魔 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 為了國度



  For the kingdom, the power and the glory,


 我的天父 forever and ever, dear Lord. 阿門 Amen. 第九軍團最好的前炮射手曾坐在那個位子 I had the best bow gunner in the entire Ninth Army in that seat. 現在那兒坐的是你 And now I got you. 很久以前我曾許諾我的兄弟們

 讓他們活著回家 I promised my crew a long time ago I"d keep them alive.

 現在你來礙事兒了 You"re getting in the way of that. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 好吧

 我只是訓練過在一分鐘里打 60 個詞的打字員 Okay, I am trained to type 60 words a minute. 從沒有跟機♥槍♥和尸體打過交道 I am not trained to machine-gun dead bodies. 我在盡我最大努力 I am trying my very best. 你從哪里搞到這件美軍大衣的

 哪兒來的 Where"d you get that U.S. Army coat? Where"d you get it? Huh? 你殺了誰

 小子 Who"d you kill, boy? 你從那里得到的它

 小子 Where did you get that coat, boy? 原諒我

 請讓我走吧 Forgive me. Let me go, please. 你殺了誰

 你做了什么 Who did you kill? What"d you do? 不要開槍 Don"t shoot! 讓我走吧

 請讓我走吧 Let me go, please, let me go. -你殺了誰


 -中士 -Who"d you kill, boy? -Sergeant! 兄弟們

 都退后 Back it up, boys! 等等 Hold on. Hold on! 都退后 Back it up, boys. 諾曼 Norman! 過去 Get out here! 諾曼

 過來 Norman, come here. 你給我過來

 小子 Come on, son. 啊哈

 Huh? 我聽不見你說什么

 等等 I can"t hear you. Wait. 中士

 叫你們的人退后 Sergeant. Call your dogs off. 我還有家室 I have a family. 這是我的妻子兒女 This is my wife, my children. 閉嘴 Shut your mouth. 跪下 Kneel. 除非你能殺納粹

 否則你毫無價值 You are no goddamn good to me unless you can kill Krauts. 給他背上來一槍 Put a big fat hole in his back. 朝著他該死的背上

 給他來一槍 Put a big fat hole in his fucking back. 不 No. 為什么不 Why the hell not? 這樣不對 It"s not right. "不對" "Not right"? 我們到這里

 不是來分辨是非的 We"re not here for right and wrong. 我們是來殺他們的 We"re here to kill them. 你為什么來這里 Why are you here? 你來這是要殺了他 You"re here to kill him. 你知道他為什么在這么 You know why he"s here? 他是來殺你的 He"s here to kill you. 他來這是為了殺你

 諾曼 He"s here to kill you, Norman.

 他來是為了用子彈打穿你的喉嚨 He"s here to rip your throat out with a bullet. 下地獄去吧 Go to hell. 我在教你做事兒 I"m trying to teach you something. 你是想害死我嗎 You here to get me killed? -不是

 -你想害死我嗎 -No. -You gonna get me killed? 不 No. 那你就開槍 I need you to perform. 趕緊扣扳機

 趕緊完事 Just get it over with. Just get it over with. -我不能這不做


 你可以的 -I can"t do it. -Yes, you can. 我知道你可以 I know you can. 要么他殺了你

 要么你殺了他 He kills you, or you kill him. 就這么簡單 Simple math. 你還是他

 自己選 You or him. Pick. -殺了我算了

 -過來 -Just kill me. -Come here. 殺了我

 殺了我吧 Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Please! 我下不了手 I can"t do it! 該死的停下 Fucking stop! 求求你別這樣 Please stop. 哦



 這簡單得很 Oh, no, no. This is the easy part. 你要干嘛 What the hell? -沒關系


 -All right. -Fuck. 求你不要逼我這樣做 Please don"t make me do this. 不要逼我這么做 Don"t make me do this. 沒事的 It"s all right. 一

 二 One, two... 開槍吧



 諾曼 Do it, Norman. Do it, Norman. 快開槍

 諾曼 Do it, Norman. 做好你的事 Do your job. 沃德爾

 你在哪 Waddell, where you at? -沃德爾

 -動起來 -Waddell! -Move it! 動起來 Move it! 來吧

 諾曼 Come on, Norman. 我們走 Let"s go. 這難道就可以把我鍛煉成男人嗎 Is this supposed to make a man out of me? 這難道就可以把我鍛煉成男人嗎 Is this supposed to make a man out of me? 我的良心是 "Cause my conscience is... -坐下

 -是清白的 -Sit down. -It"s clean. 我的良心是清白的 My conscience is clean. 我要保持這樣 I"m keeping it that way. 看那兒

 熱咖啡 Look right here. Hot coffee. 諾曼 Norman?


 但他靠得住 Don might be crazier than a shithouse rat, but he"s solid. 我們從北非戰役就在一起了 We"ve been together since before Africa. 除了他

 我不想跟仸何人一起戰斗 I won"t fight with anybody else. 我也是 Me, neither. 沒有仸何小隊向我們一樣團結

 諾曼 There ain"t no crew stayed together like we have, Norman. 都是因為他 That"s "cause of him. 第一次

 我們在北非中彈 First time we got shot at, down in North Africa, 唐嚇得拉了一褲子 Don, he done shit his drawers full. 把整個坦克弄得臭氣熏天 He stunk the tank up real loud. 真的 It"s true. 我們 15 分鐘后出發 We move out in 15. 諾曼 Norman. 我今天都沒見你吃什么東西 I haven"t seen you eat anything all day. 最好去找點吃的 Make sure you get something to eat. 你最好吃點東西 You best go eat something. 還要確保他看見你吃東西 Make sure he sees it, too. 就這樣


 繼續猛揍他們 There you go, boys. Keep ...

推薦訪問: 狂怒 劇本 中英文對照

