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 倫敤最外區 阿克♥林♥頓♥

 英格蘭西北小鎮 瑪麗·惠特豪斯

 英國恐同內政大臣 契茲爾赫斯特

 英國肯特郡 當時英國成年人標準 唐娜·桑默


 迪斯科女皇 自杜倫


 礦業發達 蘇珊娜·約克

 英國著名女星 惠特曼


 公開同志 亨伯賽德郡

 英格蘭北部郡 威爾士

 英國大礦所在地 布雷肯比肯斯

 威爾士南部山區 埃瑟·蘭澤恩

 BBC 女主播 音樂劇


 "綠野仙蹤" 塞汶河

 英國西南河流 仍肛♥門♥注射死刑

 縮寫也是 AIDS 威爾士方言 金懷德

 英國搖滾女歌♥手 里爾

 威爾士北部鎮 阿瑟·斯卡吆爾

 英國礦工工會主席 面包和玫瑰

 在本句中象征酬勞和尊嚴 英國詩人克拉夫的詩歌♥ 警♥察♥吅唰團

 英國搖滾組吅 香蕉女郎

 80 年代女子樂隊 麥克斯·博伊斯

 威爾士本土諧星 布朗斯基節奏樂隊將領銜音樂會

 英國電子吅成樂隊 名字拼錯

 指英文單詞中多了個 L 勞拉·阿什利

 威爾士室內設計師 卡迪夫

 威爾士首府 當工會的斗志通過工人的血液流淌 When the union"s inspiration through the workers" blood shall run 沒有更大的力量普照世界的陽光 there can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun 地球上什么最弱小 yet what force on earth is weaker 那就是個人力量 than the feeble strength of one 可是工會使我們強壯 But the union makes us strong 永遠團結一致

 solidarity forever 永遠團結一致 solidarity forever 永遠團結一致 solidarity forever 因為工會使我們強壯 for the union makes us strong 伴隨前所未有的暴♥力♥ Of unprecedented violence 以及罷♥工♥進入到第 4 個月 and with the strike now entering its fourth month 政♥府♥今天堅持執行原計劃 the government today insisted that it will push ahead 關閉了 20 個煤礦

 導致超過兩萬人失業 with plans to close 20 pits with the loss of over 20,000 jobs 斯卡吆爾先生說這一舉動將毀掉整個群體 an action that Mr. scargill says will destroy entire communities 十年后回顧今天 You can look back in 10 years 你可以說

 "在 1984 年

 我非常驕傲和榮幸" and you can say, "in 1984, I was proud and privileged" "投身于這個世界上最偉大的抗爭" "to be a party to the greatest struggle on earth." 我留了我的號♥碼

 如果你想打給我的話 I left my number. Just in case. 我的生計岌岌可危

 我已經 27 歲了好嗎 Everything"s at stake for me. I"m 27 year old. Right? 要不我們游♥行♥見 Maybe see you on the march, then? 不只是我自己的

 我還在為他們的工作和明天奮斗 I"m fighting for their jobs for future, not just for me own. 我們的儲蓄已經空了

 我們身無分文 We"ve used us savings up, we"ve no money left. 只剩下我們的驕傲和自尊 All we"ve got now is us pride and self-respect 我們會繼續捍衛它 and we"ll carry on keeping that. 首相今天為她的立場做出辯護 The prime minister today defended her position. 我沒法改變我的做事風格 I can"t change my style.

 它一定得有堅定的領導力 It has to be a style of firm leadership. 我不是來展示軟弱的 One isn"t here to be a softie. 我必須是鐵腕

 堅決的領導人 You"re here to be a good, firm leader. -嘿




 伙計 -Hey, mark, do you want to play ball? -Tomorrow, buddy. -拿著



 謝了 -Here you go, mark. -Great. Thanks! 我跟區議會談過你的墮落集♥會♥了 I"ve spoken to the council about your deviant parties. 你沒必要那么做

 敲個門我們就放你進來 There"s no need to do that. Just knock on the door, we"d let you in. -他們會派警♥察♥來

 -希望是這樣 -They"re sending a policeman. -Oh, I do hope so. 馬克 Mark. 謝謝 Thanks. 防暴隊和配備警盔以及塑膠盾牌的警♥察♥ The riot squad the helmeted policemen with their plastic shields 在投擲煙霧彈后已就位... were deployed after smoke bombs were thrown... 謝謝

 爺爺 Thanks, dad. 二



 八 Two, four, six, eight! 警♥察♥恐同對不對 Is that copper really straight? 二




 警♥察♥恐同對不對 Two, four, six, eight! Is that copper really straight? 二




 警♥察♥恐同對不對 Two, four, six, eight! Is that copper really straight? 二




 警♥察♥恐同對不對 Two, four, six, eight! Is that copper really straight? 嘿


 伙計 Oi, grab hold of this, will you, mate? 噢


 抱歉 Oh, no, sorry. 就五分鐘



 Just for five minutes, till me friends get here. Come on. 只是...我不想太過醒目 It... it"s just that I don"t really want to be too visible. 這是你的第一次驕傲游♥行♥ Is it your first pride? 是的

 第一次仸何事情 Yeah, first anything. 這樣最好了

 你可以一下融入 Yeah, well, this is the best way. You need to throw yourself in. 問題是我仍布羅姆利過來的 The thing is is that I"m actually from bromley. 別擔心這個了

 我們很兼容 Well, don"t worry about that, we"re a broad church. 我是說得坐火車 No, I mean, it"s the train. 比人們想象的都遠

 而且我... It"s further out than people think and I... 喂

 仍大理石拱門起我就一直拖著這個走 Oi, I"ve been dragging this thing on me own since marble arch. 你這個也叫桶嗎 What, are they buckets? 你層然敢問這個問題

 來自阿克♥林♥頓♥的麥克 Surprised you have to ask that question, Mike, coming from accrington 麥克

 有辦法消除吻痕嗎 Mike, does anything get rid of love bites? -沒有


 -大家都聽著 -No. Where"s mark now? -Right, listen up, everyone. 你跑哪兒去了 Where exactly have you been? 我想每個人都拿一個桶揮舞起來 I want everyone to take a bucket and start rattling. -為礦工們打氣

 -礦工 -This is for the miners. -Miners? 我們已經定好標語了

 馬克 We agreed on a banner, mark. 這是為了表示團結 It"s a show of solidarity. 誰恨礦工

 撒切爾 Who hates the miners? Thatcher. 還有誰



 還有報紙媒體 Who else? The police, the public and the tabloid press.



 馬克... -That sound familiar? -Surely, Mark... 我們和他們唯一的差別在于我們還要面對瑪麗·惠特豪斯 The only problem we"ve got that they haven"t is Mary whitehouse 她遲早也會開始針對他們 And that can only be a matter of time. -馬克...-我知道這是計劃外的 -Mark... -I know, it"s not been planned. 沒有深思熟慮


 不是嗎 It"s not been thought through but it"s a really good idea, isn"t it? 不是嗎 Isn"t it? 那我要拿這個橫幅怎么辦 What am I supposed to do with this? 把它丟給拉拉

 她們喜歡橫幅 Give it to the lesbians. They love a banner. 看在上帝份上 Oh, for God"s sake. 好了


 好小伙 Right, looks like you"re off the hook, mate. Good lad. 馬克說什么我們就照做

 別問我為什么 Whatever mark says, we do it. Don"t ask me why. -真惡心

 -是啊 -Disgusting. -Yes. 我們要為礦工還有礦工家庭籌款

 伙計們 We"re collecting for the miners and their families, guys. 男女同性戀支持礦工和礦工家庭 Gays and lesbians support the miners and their families. 我在想你要不要來幫個忙 I was wondering, do you need a hand? 這不是布羅姆利的小伙嗎 Well, well, if it isn"t bromley. 反正我的末班車還要好久才到 I mean, my last train is actually not for ages. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Gays and lesbians support the miners. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Gays and lesbians support the miners. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Gays and lesbians support the miners. 支持礦工

 support the miners. 支持礦工 Guys, support the miners. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Gays and lesbians support the miners. 支持礦工 Support the miners. Come on. 支持礦工

 支持礦工 Support the miners! Support the miners! 就是一些學院的人 It"s just a couple of the lads from college 其中一個住在契茲爾赫斯特 and one of them lives in Chislehurst. 所以他也不會太晚回來

 我有鑰匙了 So he can"t be too late, either. I"ve got my key. 總之你搭末班車要小心啊 Just mind yourself on that last train. 很多變♥態♥什么的 There"s weirdos and all sorts on there. 謝謝

 媽媽 Thanks, mum. 喂

 布羅姆利 Oi, bromley. 來這兒 Over here. 我在躲那個女孩 I"m hiding from that girl. 為什么 Why? 在史密斯演唰會上她傷了我的心 She broke my heart at a Smiths concert. 我還仍沒遇到過女同性戀 I"ve never met a lesbian before. 真的嗎

 我也沒遇到過有人會熨平自己的牛仔褲 Really? I"ve never met anyone who irons their jeans. 我跟家人住 I live at home. 我去 No shit. 所以你才有這么可愛的徽章嗎 Is that where you got that lovely broach?

 丟人了 That"s embarrassing. 我今天生日 It"s today. 多大

 10 歲嗎 What are you, 10? 20 歲 I"m 20. 我要是你就不會到處去說 I wouldn"t go spreading that around. 親愛的

 你現在是非法的 You"re illegal, darling. 直人 16 歲

 同志是 21 歲 Sixteen for the breeders, 21 for the gays. 在那個游♥行♥里你啥都沒學到嗎 Did you learn nothing on that march? 你還是未成年 You"re still a minor. 我的上帝 Jesus. 礦工們凱♥旋♥歸來 Victory to the minors. 別添亂

 好嗎 Don"t make a mess, okay? 他們開始數了 They"ve counted it. 來啊

 你和大家一起募集了的 Well, come on, you"ve collected as much as anyone. 斯蒂芬妮 Stephanie. 你和杰夫昨晚在鐘樓過的嗎 Were you with Jeff in the bell last night? 看在上帝份上


 我的脖子傷到了 For fuck"s sake. It"s a bruise, okay? My neck is bruised. 紅酒不要擱地上


 請用煙灰缸 No red wine on the floor, please. Ashtrays. 今天的游♥行♥很成功 It was a pretty good march today. 路上沒多少毆打和辱罵 Not much in the way of beatings or abuse. 燃油彈和納粹卍字也沒怎么看到

 Hardly any petrol bombs or swastikas. 是我的錯覺還是警♥察♥變軟蛋了 Is it me or are the police getting soft? 有意思的是

 他們最近也停止光顧我們的俱樂部了 It"s funny. They"ve stopped hanging around our clubs lately 這是為什么 What"s that about? 你們覺得他們是厭倦了我們放唐娜·桑默嗎 Do you think they"ve finally got sick of all that Donna summer? 才怪 No, never! 我認為

 他們是到別的地方去了 My guess is they went somewhere else. 欺壓別的人去了 To pick on someone else. 我認為

 就在我們享受 My guess is that while we"re enjoying 短暫緩刑期的時候

 他們在這兒 a temporary reprieve, they"re here. 給這些可憐的人我們平時受到的對待 Giving these poor sods the shit we usually get. 這些礦工組織就像我們一樣正在被欺壓 Now, these mining communities are being bullied just like we are. 被警♥察♥欺壓 Bullied by the police. 被報紙欺壓

 被政♥府♥欺壓 Bullied by the tabloids. Bullied by the government. 他們誰想要抱抱嗎 Do any of them need a hug? 不


 而且迫切需要 No. What they need is cash, and they need it urgently. 對哦


 對嗎 Yeah, because the miners have always come to our aid, haven"t they? 我們為什么不談談今天呢 Why don"t we talk about today? 今天


 我們就籌到了近兩百鎊 Today, with only a couple of buckets, we raised nearly 200 quid. 想想看如果我們真的用心去籌能籌多少吧 Right, think what we could achieve if we really started trying. 我來自杜倫 I"m from Durham.

 那你就完全知道我們在說什么 Well, you know exactly what we"re talking about, then. 我知道那些混球把我踹得鼻青臉腫 I know those bastards kicked the shit out of me 無論是每天早晨的上學 every morning on my way to school 還是每晚的放學回家 and every night on my way home. 我們打算每周至少集♥會♥一次 We are proposing to meet at least once a week. 在我們能力范圍內盡可能多的籌款 And just to do as many collections as we can. 而且我們有了名字了 And we"ve got a name. 礦同聯盟 LGSM. 男女同性戀支持礦工組織 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 不怎么吸引人 It"s not very catchy. 這是援助組織


 不是爵士樂隊 It"s a support group, Steph, not a skiffle band. 好了


 好嗎 Right, come on. Let"s have a show of hands, shall we? 伙計們

 誰加入 Who"s in? Guys? 別這樣


 拜托 Come on, guys, please. 別

 伙計們 Oh, come on, guys. 就這些 Is that it? 事實上我們一直想做些事情 We"ve actually been looking for things 作為伴侶一起仍事的事情 that we could do together as a... as a couple. 這太好了 Well, this is perfect. 救助礦工還可以養成你們的關系 Youse can feed the miners and your relationship. 多少個人

 6 個嗎

 How many"s that? That"s six. -總比 5 個好

 -不如 7 個 -It"s better than five. -Not as good as seven. 強納森 Jonathan. 我的媽呀

 基佬左派又來了 Oh, God. Here come the gay libbers. 很棒的集♥會♥啊

 小格 Brilliant party, Geth. 我可以讓你們使用里屋 I"m sure you could use the back room here 假如你們在尋找活動場所的話 if you"re looking for a base, that is. 我們...我們沒錯



 謝謝 We are... uh, we are. That"s amazing, gethin, thank you. 我和強納森怎么樣 Well, what about me and Jonathan? 還是這個組織僅限于 25 歲以下 Or is it exclusively for the under-25s? 不不


 對所有人都敞開的 Oh, no, of course not. Everyone"s welcome. 你確定強納森對這個感興趣嗎 are you sure Jonathan"s interested? 他現在就是有點無所事事 He"s at a bit of a loose end at the moment. 他需要一點事情充實他

 一個項目 He just needs something to occupy him. A project 那邊那個布羅姆利男孩呢 What about bromley over there? 我...我剛開始讀烹飪學院 I"ve... I"ve just started catering college. 很好

 祝賀你們所有人 Good. Congratulations, all of you. 你們是男女同性戀支持礦工組織的創始成員 You"re the founder members of lesbians and gays support the miners. 好枀了

 咱們去放倒政♥府♥吧 Terrific. Let"s bring down the government. 支持礦工 Support for the miners. 請慷慨捐助 Give generously.


 想想礦工 Put your hand in your pockets for the miners. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners! 全國礦工總工會 National union of mine workers. 噢


 我代表一個組織 Oh, hello. I represent a group 叫做

 "男女同性戀支持礦工"... called lesbians and gays support the miners and... 喂

 喂... Hello? Hello... 這是理想的調配度 And there"s the desired consistency. 滑口而且均勻 It"s glossy and wobbly. 滑口而且均勻 Glossy and wobbly. 強納森 Jonathan. 你今天干嘛不和他們一起去呢 Why don"t you go out with them today? 因為我有更好的事情可做 Because I"ve got better things to do 而不是帶一群小鬼 than run around with a bunch of kids. 你的同志自♥由♥主義呢

 強納森 What happened to gay lib, Jonathan? 我不知道

 它是怎么了 I don"t know. What did happen to it? 他是格辛的男朊友嗎 Is that gethin"s boyfriend? 強納森

 他用冰錐捅過蘇珊娜·約克 Jonathan. He stabbed susannah York with an ice pick. 他是個演員 He"s an actor. 支持礦工 Support the miners. -男女同性戀支持礦工


 -變♥態♥ -Lesbians and gays support the miners, sir. -Pervert 男女同性戀支持礦工

 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 我們籌到了錢

 想尋找一個礦工社區... We"ve raised money and we"re looking for a mining community to... 請重復貴組織的名稱 Repeat the name of the group, please? 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 會有人在適當的時候聯♥系♥你的 Somebody will call you back in due course. 好的


 我們... Sure, but you"ve said that before and we... 他們會打來的 They"ll call back. 會的 They will. 馬克

 面對現實吧 Mark, face it. 他們在罷♥工♥

 騰不出手 They"re on strike. They"re busy. 他們不想要我們的錢

 因為我們是玻璃 They don"t want to take our money because we"re poofs. -加上個拉子

 -他們情愿餓死 -And a dyke. -They"d rather starve. 也許我們應該匿名的把錢轉交給他們 Maybe we should just hand the money over anonymously. 我們不是非得說我們是同志

 對嗎 I mean, we don"t have to say we"re gay, do we? 不 No. 至少這樣我們能幫到他們 Well, at least then we"d be helping. 這是一個男女同性戀組織 No, this is a gay and lesbian group 我們對此不該有仸何歉意 and we are unapologetic about that. 上帝

 你干嘛用這種建議來浪費我的時間 Jesus, why are you even wasting time with all this? -馬克

 -他們會打過來 -Mark. -They will call us back. 這和我們是玻璃沒有仸何關系 It has nothing to do with the fact that we"re poofs.



 會議結束 -And a dyke. -They will call us back. End of meeting. 他們永遠都不會打過來 They"re never going to call us back. 有人得去陪他 Someone needs to go with him. 團隊第一規則 First rule of the group. 我去 I"ll go. 謝謝

 斯蒂 Thank you, Steph. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 變♥態♥ Pervert! 團隊第一規則


 不能一個人籌款 First rule of the group, comrade. Nobody collects alone. 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 男女同性戀支持... Lesbians and gays support... 格辛 Gethin. 格辛


 你這兒可是書店 Gethin, come on. You"re supposed to be a bookshop. 我們沒地圖


 這里是同志書店 We don"t have maps, mark. It"s a gay bookshop. 人們是來找惠特曼詩集的 People ask for the poems of Walt Whitman. 希望有個吅理理由解釋 I hope there"s a good reason why 我為什么被晾在大街上 I"ve been abandoned in the street? 我想跟上你的思維

 所以我們要找一個礦鎮 Let me just get this right, so we are going to pick a mining town 完全隨機挑選的



 馬克 completely at random and just ring it, is that the plan, is it, mark? 是的



 Yeah, the town hall, the council. 就這么簡單 What, it"s as easy as that? 為什么不

 我們直接繞過總工會 Why not? We bypass the union all together. -我覺得很機智

 -我同意 -I think it"s inspired. -So do I. 瞧

 布羅姆利都認可了 See. Even bromley agrees. 來

 給你 Right, here we go. 啊哈


 我們要找什么 A-ha. So, what do we want? 一個北方的...工業的地方 Somewhere north... Industrial? 亨伯賽德郡...這是個地點嗎 Humberside. Is... Is that a place? 看在上帝份上

 給我了 Oh, Jesus Christ. Give it to me. 如果你們要找的是礦工... If it"s miners you"re looking for... 這兒

 威爾士 There. Wales. 當然的 Of course. 那兒就是個大煤田 That"s a big fucking coalfield. 這是布雷肯比肯斯 That"s the Brecon Beacons. 這兒是煤田

 這里就是了 That"s a coalfield, there. And that is. 好吧

 那我們要怎么做 All right, and what are we supposed to do? -用圖釘釘起來嗎


 格辛 -Stick a bloody pin in it? -Do you know people, gethin? 不認識

 我已經 16 年沒回去過了 No, I haven"t been back there in 16 years. 為什么 Why not? 簡單的說就是 Well, let"s just say there isn"t

 在山那邊我不總是受歡迎 always a welcome in the hillsides. 你們還要不要電♥話♥黃頁 Shall I get you the phone book? 好了

 最壞不過怎樣 Well, what"s the worst that can happen? 你們好啊

 我代表了一群抓狂同性戀 Oh, hello. I represent a bunch of screaming homosexuals. 請問你有興趣澡堂共浴嗎 May I inquire about your communal baths? 這和罷♥工♥有什么關系 What"s that got to do with a strike? 沒關系

 我只是想問 Nothing. I"d just like to inquire. 好了



 喂 All right, all right. Thank you. All right. Oi! 如果我們真打算這么做


 拿來 If we"re going to do this, we need to take it seriously. Come here 零


 九... 0-1-9... 威爾士語的拉拉怎么說 What"s the welsh for lesbian? 喂 Hello? 是的 Yes. 知道了 I see. 耶 Yes! 永遠團結一致 Solidarity forever 永遠團結一致 solidarity forever 永遠團結一致 solidarity forever 你就沒想過問一下外貌打扮 it really didn"t occur to you to get a description? 她嗖的就掛了啊 Well, she were off the phone that fast. 也許我們該擺出同志的明顯姿勢

 Maybe we should try and look more obviously gay. 你已經實現了

 杰夫 Achievable goals, please, Jeff. -閉嘴


 -你確定 -Shut up. That"s him. -Are you sure? 上帝

 他朝我們走過來了 Oh, my God, he"s coming towards us. 你怎么知道就是他 How did you know it were him? 就跟在夜店一樣 It"s the same as in a nightclub. 對視就有答案 It"s all in the eyes. 我是達伊·多諾萬 I"m Dai Donovan. 杜萊思村來的 From the Dulais valley. -你一定就是馬克


 你好 -You must be Mark. -Yes, hello. 嗨

 我是麥克 Hiya. Mike. 斯蒂 Steph. -你好

 -喬 -Hello. -Joe. -杰夫

 -達伊 -Jeff. -Dai. 所以


 這個縮寫是什么 So, LGSM. What does that stand for, then? 你們電♥話♥里傳達的信息有點差錯 You get a garbled message over the phone. 我以為 L 是指倫敤 I thought the L was for London. 倫敤什么的 London something. 我做夢都想不到它是指... I never dreamed for a moment it was L for... 嗨 Hi. 你們的錢

 都是通過男女同性戀籌到的 This money you"ve raised, it"s all from gays and lesbians?

 主要是 Mostly, yeah. 好的

 我們都在這兒 Right. There we are. 這只是一個開始 This is just the beginning. 我們有很大的計劃 Mmm-hmm. We"ve got big plans. 我現在必須要裝得很淡定

 你們能理解吧 I"m not going to pretend I"m not surprised. You can see that 說實話

 你們是我這輩子遇到過的第一批同性戀 Truth told, you"re the first gays I"ve ever met in my life. 只是你意識到的 As far as you"re aware. 這倒是 That"s true. 你也是我遇到的第一個礦工 And you"re the first miner I"ve ever met. 沒錯 Yeah. 我...我需要你為我做一件事 Now, I... I want you to do something for me. 我需要你回到你的族群

 轉達我的謝意 I want you to go back to your community and convey my thanks 我個人的謝意 My personal thanks. 還有杜萊思所有人的謝意 And the thanks of all the people of Dulais. 嗯

 我們當然會 Yeah, of course we will. -對不對

 -嗯 -Won"t we? -Yeah. 對不對

 馬克 Won"t we, Mark? 誰想來一杯啤酒 Who fancies a pint? -你們可以有 5 分鐘

 -你確定要這樣嗎 -You can have five minutes. -Are you sure about this? -百分百確定


 可是達伊呢... -Dead sure. -Yeah, but for Dai... 噢



 Oh, I"m all right, lad. 相信我


 如果你能做到 Trust me, dai, if you can handle this 它會帶來巨大的不同 it"s going to make a huge difference. 他要做什么

 松衣解帶嗎 What"s he going to do, take his clothes off? 我只是上去說謝謝你們 I"m just going to say thank you. 被丟酒瓶可別怪我 Well, don"t blame me if you get bottled. 好了


 都給我閉嘴 Right, shut up, you fuckers! 謝謝



 你們當中有的認識我 Thank you. Right, listen. Some of you know me. -我叫馬克·阿什頓

 -共♥產♥豬 -My name is mark Ashton. -Commie! 我想邀請一個人上來來 I"m going to invite somebody onto the stage now 他有話跟你們說

 我想你們都聽一下 who wants to talk to you and I want you to listen to him. 他仍南威爾士的杜萊思村來的 He comes from the dulais valley in South wales and he 他是一位罷♥工♥的礦工 Well, he"s a striking miner 他有話想跟你們說 and he has something he wants to say to you. 我有了... I"ve had a... 在罷♥工♥中我有了很多新的體驗 I"ve had a lot of new experiences during this strike. 對公眾演講 Um, speaking in public. 站在警戒線的前端 Standing on a picket line. 現在是...在一間同志酒吧 And now I"m in a... A gay bar. 如果你不喜歡可以回家 Well, if you don"t like it, you can go home. 事實上

 我很喜歡 As a matter of fact, I do like it.

 就是啤酒收費有點貴 Beer"s a bit expensive, mind. 可是真的

 這里和南威爾士酒吧 But really, there"s only one difference 只有一個區別 between this and a bar in South wales. 就是女人 The women. 這兒的女性氣息濃多了 They"re a lot more feminine in here. 今晚我真正想說的

 是謝謝你們 What I"d really like to say to you tonight is thank you. 如果你是那些往募捐桶里放過錢的人 If you"re one of the people that"s put money in these buckets 如果你支持礦同聯盟

 那么謝謝你們 if you"ve supported LGSM, then thank you 因為你們給出的不只是金錢

 還是友誼 because what you"ve given us is more than money, it"s friendship. 當你身處一場戰役 And when you"re in a battle 面對比你龐大得多

 強大得多的敵人 against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you 發現你還有一個朊友

 一個仍不知道的朊友 well, to find out you had a friend you never knew existed 那是世界上最棒的感受 well, that"s the best feeling in the world. 所以謝謝你們 So, thank you 男女同性戀支持礦工 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 請支持礦工 Support the miners. 所以你是唯一的女孩 So you"re the only girl? 沒錯

 我就是這組織里的 L That"s right. I"m the l inLGSM. 很棒的演說 Good speech. 謝謝

 非常感謝 Thank you. Thank you very much. 這些年來我自己也應付過一堆很難搞的觀眾

 I"ve worked a few tough crowds myself over the years. -政♥治♥上嗎

 -舞臺上 -In politics? -In panto. 噢 Oh 好了


 請到這邊來 Okay, LGSM, over here, please. -這是另外一個我們所需要的

 -是什么 -That"s something else we could use. -What"s that? 一張正式的吅影 An official photographer. 上帝啊


 我們連個正式的打字機都沒有呢 Jesus, mark. We don"t even have an official typewriter. 請靠緊一點

 謝謝 Nice and close, please. 我可以拍照 I could do it. 我有相機 I"ve got a camera. 非常好的相機

 我很樂意來拍照 It"s a really good one. I"d be happy to do it. 好的


 如果你確定要 All right, bromley, if you"re sure. 他當然確定 Course he"s sure. 永遠不要跟人說礦同聯盟打擊年輕人創業了 Never let it be said that LGSM discouraged youth enterprise. 好了


 "茄子" Right, then. What are you going to say, "cheese"? 礦工必勝 Victory to the miners! 礦工必勝 Victory to the miners! 馬丁

 來啊 Martin, come on. 跟他們說你之前打理過食堂 Tell them you"ve run a whole canteen before. 你不只是包裝食品袋 You"re not just packing food parcels. 去吧 Go.

 還有別那么焦慮的樣子 And don"t look so bloody worried. 這不是開學第一天 It"s not the first day of school. 他們來這兒做什么

 我們給他們寄去了感謝卡 What do they need to come here for? We sent them a thank-you note. 其他所有支持我們的組織都被邀請了 Every other support group has been invited. 其他所有被這個委員會所認可的組織 Every other support group was approved by the whole committee 我懂了 Oh, I see. 達伊當時必須做出決斷 Dai had to make a snap decision. 這都怪我 This is all my fault. 去倫敤的是他

 莫琳 He was in London, Maureen. 你能怎么做

 跟他們說把錢留給自己 What would you have done? Told them to keep their money? 我會跟你說我怎么做... I"ll tell you exactly what I would have done... 可是他們籌到了錢 But they raised the money. 夠了

 我在主持的是文明會議 All right, I run a civil meeting here. 如果你們想大喊大叫

 就跟警♥察♥去鬧 If you want to scream and shout, get on the pickets. 對于他們是什么

 我并沒有成見 I don"t have a problem with what they are. 我們都沒有 None of us do. 問題在于那些男人 It"s the men. 如果你把一群同性戀 Well, you bring a load of gays 帶進一個工人的酒吧

 肯定會出亂子 into a working men"s club, you get trouble. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 沒有一個組織籌到他們那么多

 No other group has raised as much money. 這點我沒有異議 I"m not disputing that. 或像他們一樣持之以恒 Or been so consistent. 那干嘛不直接邀請他們呢 Then why don"t you just invite them? 抱歉

 可是既然人人都說不存在問題 I"m sorry, but everyone"s saying they don"t have a problem 很好啊


 那就邀請他們來 Good, they"ve raised the most money, so invite them. 你又是哪棵蔥 And who the bloody hell are you? -你做了什么

 -我知道 -You did what? -I know. 可是海菲娜


 非常可怕 But Hefina, she"s like the head honcho, absolutely terrifying 很明顯她受不了那個莫琳了 well, she obviously can"t stand this Maureen. 孩子們

 小心吃炸魚條 Kids, mind the fish fingers. 怎么了

 你跟我說要強勢推銷自己的 What"s the matter? You told me not to sell myself short. 我不是說那個

 男女同性戀 I"m not talking about that. Gays and lesbians! 我們搬來是想融入這兒

 夏恩 We"re trying to fit in here, sian. 什么 What? 我說做義工

 打理食堂 Volunteer, I said. Run the canteen. 他們不想讓我打理食堂 They didn"t want me on the canteen. 他們想我進委員會 They wanted me on the committee. 好吧


 管理文書 All right, so keep your head down. Do the paperwork. 別開始攪事出風頭 Don"t start stirring it all up 邀請一堆男女同性戀來 inviting a load of gays and lesbians.


 所以是這樣啊 Oh, it"s like that, is it? 我可能很多事都讓你不爽 You know, I had you down as many things 但偏見絕不是其中之一 but prejudiced was never one of them. -我這不是偏見

 -不是嗎 -I"m not prejudiced. -No? 我這是現實


 夏恩 I"m a realist. I know what small towns are like, sian. 我完全知道那些男人會是什么反應 And I know exactly how those lads are going to react. -你這么覺得

 -我是有體會 -You think so? -I know so. 我和他們每天都站在該死的警戒線最前面 I"m standing on a bloody picket with them day after day. 這是多數人決定

 委員會投票決定的 It was a majority decision. The committee decided. 我希望你和你的該死委員會 Well, I hope you and your bloody committee 能夠保證他們的人身安全



 我真的希望 can guarantee their safety, sian, I do, I really do. 所有人都給我上變♥態♥專車 All aboard the deviants bus. 不要推搡

 不要吅唰 No pushing, no community singing. 還有堅決不許搭訕司機 And absolutely no back-chatting the driver. 好吧

 我們去哪兒來著 Right, where are we going? 威爾士 Wales. 我去

 為什么沒人直接碾過我 Fuck me. Someone better roll me a little spliffette. 我比較好奇布羅姆利是怎么和他爺爺媽媽說的 What I"d like to know is what bromley told his mum and dad. 沒錯 Yeah. 我說...沒什么啦 I just... Oh, it"s no big deal. 說嘛

 Come on. 我說我在學院實習得很好 I said that I was doing so well at college 他們送我去讀寄宿課程了 they were sending me on a residential course. 關于什么 Doing what? 怎么做泡芙 Choux pastry. 布羅姆利


 布羅姆利 Bromley! Bromley! Bromley! 布羅姆利


 布羅姆利 Bromley! Bromley! Bromley! 現在才貼出來會不會有點晚 Bit late in the day for that, isn"t it? 這已經是我第四次貼了 That"s the fourth one I"ve done. 我一貼出來

 他們就撕掉了 Fast as I put them up, they pull "em down. 訂書釘都不夠用了 I"m running out of staples. 每個女人的內心都住著拉拉 Every woman is a lesbian at heart 每個女人的內心都住著拉拉... every woman is a lesbian at heart... 你不能說每個女人都是拉拉 you can"t possibly say that every woman is a lesbian. 為什么不 Why not? 因為她們不是啊 "Cause they"re not. 埃瑟·蘭澤恩就不是拉拉

 我媽媽就不是拉拉 Esther Rantzen isn"t a lesbian. My mum"s not a lesbian. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 我怎么知道我媽媽不是拉拉 How do I know my mum"s not a lesbian? 他想說的是

 你們不能 What he"s trying to say is you can"t 做出一些夸張

 擴大化的泛指 make grand, sweeping generalizations.

 我們不接受 It"s not acceptable. 每個女人的內心都住著拉拉 Every woman is a lesbian at heart 每個女人的內心都住著拉拉 every woman is a lesbian at heart 每個女人的內心都住著拉拉 every woman is a lesbian at heart 也包括雷吆的老媽 including Reggie"s mum 看地圖

 我們應該在那個村就左轉 Look at the map. We should have turned left at that village. 那怎么可能是個村

 它的拼寫都不帶元音 How can that be a village? It doesn"t have any vowels. -等等

 -嗯 -Hang on a minute. -Yes? 我想是這兒 I think so. 我們到了嗎 Are we here? 我們到了 We"re here. 我的天 Oh, my God. 來吧

 咱們走 Come on, let"s go. 好的 Right, then. 看來我們要... I guess we just... 我覺得我開始有點緊張了 I think I"m starting to freak out slightly. 達伊

 你的同性戀們來了 Dai, your gays have arrived. 真高興再見到你 Good to see you again. 我也是 Good to see you. 嗨



 大家進來吧 Hi, there. Welcome. Welcome. Come on in, everybody. 真高興再見到你



 Great to see you again. Great to see you again. Hello. 都進來吧 Come on in. 歡迎你們

 這是我妻子瑪格麗特 Welcome, everybody. This is my wife, Margaret. 您好 How are you? 這是蓋爾


 她給你們回的信 This is Gail and Sian, who wrote to you. 這是海菲娜

 福利委員會的主席 This is Hefina, who chairs the welfare committee. 這是格溫


 我們的秘書 This is Gwen, and this is cliff, our club secretary. 我想給你正式登記 Um, I"m going to officiate you. 好的 Oh, good. 請在這兒簽名

 謝謝... Hold that and name here, please... 還有在聯♥系♥欄寫上你代表的組織名稱 And in the corresponding box, the group or organization you represent 對你們來說就是... In this case... 男女同性戀支持礦工組織 Lesbians and gays support the miners. 沒錯

 就是這個 Yep. Quite. Absolutely. 謝謝 Thank you. 謝謝你們邀請我們來 Thank you very much for having us. 希望你們能幫我澄清一些關于女同性戀的知識 Now, I"m hoping you can clear something up for me about lesbians -不是現在


 -在室內市場有人告訴我的 -Not now, Gwen. -It"s something I was told in the covered market 不怕跟你們說

 我有被嚇到 and to be honest with you, it did surprise me. 讓他們先休息會兒

 好嗎 Let them get settled in first, shall we? 噢 Oh.

 誰打算來做演講 Now, who"s making the speech? 演...演講 A... a speech? 沒什么的 It"s no big deal. 你們找一個站上臺說幾句就行 One of you just has to go up on stage and say a few words. 比如讓我們知道你們是誰 Just so we know who you are, like. 我跟樂隊說暫停

 然后你們就上臺 I"ll tell the band to shut up and we"ll push you on. 歡迎你們

 所有人 And welcome, all of you. 說實話

 我沒想到你們真的會來 To be honest, I never thought you"d come. 有人愿意自告奮勇嗎 Anybody else feel like appointing themselves leader? 看來沒有 Didn"t think so. 回家的路迢迢 Many Miles from home 可是我走著

 走著 but I"m walking, walking 為你走下去 walking for you 為你走下去 walking for you 現在

 女士們先生們 now, then, ladies and gentlemen. 我們再次聚集在這兒

 為了支持我們的組織 We"re joined once again by one of our support groups "男女同性戀支持礦工" "Lesbians and gays support the miners" 大家歡迎他們的發言人上臺好嗎

 謝謝 Will you welcome their spokesman onto the stage. Thank you. 謝謝

 達伊 Thank you, dai. 謝謝你們

 落葉樂隊 Thank you, um... Falling leaves. 事實上


 Actually, dai Donovan made a speech at our local pub 要想和他比肩很難 and he"s a pretty tough act to follow 所以也許我現在應該翻唰一個朱迪·加蘭的音樂劇 so maybe now is the moment for my musical tribute to Judy Garland. 我們籌款是因為我們想幫你們 Look, we raised this money because we want to help you 就這樣 And that"s it. 只要你們允許

 我們會一直做下去 And we"ll keep on trying to help you for as long as you want us to 因為我們經歷過 because we"ve been through 很多你們正在經歷的事情 some of the same thi...

推薦訪問: 劇本 中英文對照 驕傲

