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 秘書 在我姐姐婚禮當天

 我出院了 I got out of the institution on the day of my sister"s wedding. 我已經開始習慣這個地方了 I had started to get used to the place. 八點吃早飯

 兩點上課 Breakfast at 8:00, classes at 2:00, 四點接受治療

 十點睡覺 therapy at 4:00 and asleep by 10:00. 你可以隨時給我打電♥話♥

 李 You can call me any time, Lee. 我會盡力幫助你的 I will always try to be of help to you. 在精神病院里

 生活很簡單 Inside, life was simple. 謝謝你

 托登醫生 Thank you, Dr. Twardon. 因此我舍不得走 For that reason, I was reluctant to go. 一路順風 Bon voyage. 你好

 皮特 Hi, Peter. 皮特

 你肯定都快忘記這人了吧 Peter, yeah, who you almost successfully forgot. -不



 快過來 - No, I did not. - Come on, everybody! 回到家開心嗎 Are you happy to be home? 我的意思是

 你在家開心嗎 I mean, you happy to be home? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我理解你的意思 I know what you mean. 下面這首是獻給情侶們的一點小心意 Here"s a little something for the lovebirds. 天吶 Oh boy! 你可真漂亮 You look so beautiful.


 爸爸 Thanks, dad. 我以為你已經戒酒了 I thought you stopped. 你知道我們有多想你嗎

 寶貝 Do you know how much we missed you, pumpkin? 我也很想你們 Well, I missed you, too. 我跟你說 You know what? 我覺得不太舒服 I don"t feel too good. 過去坐一會 Let"s go sit down. 歡迎回家 碘酒 -再見

 -再見 - Bye! - Goodbye! -玩得開心


 保重 - Have fun! - Goodbye! Take care! 你在說什么 What are you talking about? 你把我當成小孩子 You want to treat me like I"m a child. 對我說話就像對孩子說話一樣 You want to talk to me like a child. -你以為我是個小孩子嗎

 -你... - Huh? You think I"m a child? - You... 你認為我不知道自己在做什么嗎 You think I don"t know what I"m doing? 你的表現就像個孩子 You act like a child! 是啊 Yeah, right. 你不像個男人

 你被炒了 You don"t act like a man. You"ve been fired! 我很高興自己被炒了 Well, I"m glad I"m fired! 我很高興自己被炒了

  I"m glad I"m fired! 天吶


 Boy, I hated that job! 你討厭那份工作不關我事

 你喝醉了 I don"t care that you hated it! You"re drunk! 我沒醉 I"m not drunk! 你為什么...你為什么... Why do you... Why do you... 我沒醉 I"m not drunk! -為什么你老是這么說

 -少羅嗦 - Why do you always say that? - Get off my back! 走著瞧

 走著瞧 Watch this. You watch this.

 克萊爾蒙特 社區大學 手指回歸本位鍵時 Avoid the temptation of placing your fingers 不要想去用眼睛看 on the home keys by sight. 敲擊鍵盤

 這樣你的手指也會隨之彈起 Strike each key so that your fingers bounce with each stroke. 不要不動腦子地敲擊鍵盤 Do not strike without thinking. 不要試圖偷瞟你打出來的稿紙 Do not even attempt to steal a glance at your paper. "我種的花已經救不活了 "My flowers had just about given up in despair, 除了幾盆從花店買♥♥來的盆栽植物 so with the exception of a few potted plants from the florist, 多年來

 這是我們第一個無花的春天" we"re flowerless for the first spring in years." 時間到 And time! 我真為你驕傲

 親愛的 I"m so proud of you, honey. 像這樣走出家門接觸世界 Getting out in the world like this. 在我發生意外的時候 When my accident happened, 我們都在廚房♥里

 我背對著她 we were in the kitchen and my back was to her.


 我爸爸正要出門 Upstairs, my dad was just leaving for work 去哈維斯百貨公♥司♥上班 at Havis department store. 因為我媽媽轉過身去 Because there was a limited amount of time 背對我的時間很短... that my mom"s back was turned... -李


 割得太深了 - Lee! - I slipped and cut too deep. 我不知道自己怎么會判斷失誤的 I"m not sure how I could have misjudged. 我從七年級起就一直這么做 I"ve been doing it since seventh grade. 只是為了以防萬一 Just a precaution. 招聘 "成為一個領導者" "Be a leader." 成為一個領導者 我以前從未工作過 I have never had a job before, 但我向您保證 but I can assure you that 能獲得這次面試機會我很興奮 I am very excited about this opportunity. 謝謝 Thank you. 我還沒有獲得過推薦信 Well, I don"t have any references yet. 但我認為市稅務局 But I think that the Municipal Tax Office 會是開始我職業生涯的 would be a wonderful place 絕佳地點 to begin my career. "秘書" "Secretary." 律師事務所招聘秘書 E·愛德華·格雷律師 招聘秘書


 我... Hello. I... 等等

 我... Wait! I... 有人嗎 Hello? 有人嗎 Hello? 在這里 In here. 你好 Hi. 你好 Hi. 你是律師嗎 Are you the lawyer? 是的 Yes. -抱歉


 -不 - I"m sorry. I"ll just come back later. - No. 不用

 但說無妨 No, stay. 門口寫了"招聘秘書" It said "secretary." 是的 That"s right. 你懷孕了嗎 Are you pregnant? 沒有 No. 你有生孩子的打算嗎 Do you plan on getting pregnant? 不 No. -你住的是公♥寓♥嗎

 -我住在大房♥子里 - Are you living in an apartment? - A house. -獨居嗎

 -還有我的父母 - Alone? - With my parents. 兄弟姐妹呢 Siblings? 我姐姐會和她丈夫一起

 Well, my sister is going to live in the backyard 住在后院泳池旁的屋子里 with her husband in the pool house. 你結婚了嗎 Are you married? 沒有 No. 你得過獎嗎 Have you ever won an award? 得過 Yes. 什么方面的獎 What did you win the award in? 打字 Typing. 這是你的成績單嗎 Are those your scores? 是的 Yes. 李 霍洛韋 Lee Holloway. 能幫我泡杯加糖咖啡嗎 Could you get me a cup of coffee with sugar? 你真的想當一名秘書嗎

 李 Do you really want to be a secretary, Lee? 是的 Yes, I do. 你比我之前面試過的人表現要好 You scored higher than anyone I"ve ever interviewed. 對這份工作而言你的資歷太高了 You"re really over-qualified for the job. 你會無聊死的

  You"d be bored to death. 我就想要一份無聊的工作 I want to be bored. 我有兼♥職♥的律師助手 I have a part-time paralegal. 我所需要的只是一名 All I need is a typist 能準時上班接電♥話♥的打字員 who can get to work on time and answer the phone.

 我能勝任 I can do that. 我們這只用打字機

 不用電腦 We only use typewriters here, not computers. 沒關系 That"s fine. 這是份非常枯燥的工作 It"s very dull work. 我喜歡枯燥的工作 I like dull work. 我心里藏著什么事 There"s something about you. 你... You"re... 你把自己包得很緊 You"re closed up tight. 就像一堵密不透風的墻 Like a wall. 我知道 I know. 你放松過嗎 Do you ever loosen up? 我不知道 I don"t know. 我不在 I"m not here. 咖啡里少放點糖 Less sugar in the coffee. 怎么樣 How"d it go? 我被錄用了 I got it. 招聘秘書 我知道你行的 I knew you could do it! 請勿打擾

 ——李 您好 Hello. 您好 Hello. 這里是 E·愛德華·格雷先生的辦公室

 You have reached the office of Mr. E. Edward Grey. 請留下您的信息和來電時間 Please leave your message and the time you called, 還有您的電♥話♥號♥碼 along with your phone number 以及方便聯絡您的時間 and the best time to reach you, 我們會盡快回電 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 我們 We. 秘書 Secretary. 把這封信打出來 Type up this letter 然后寄四份復印件給奧馬利和巴雷特 and send four copies to O"Malley and Barrett. 這就去辦

 先生 Right away, sir. 不錯

 不錯 That"s good. That"s good. 你就是新來的秘書 So, you"re the new secretary. 是的 Yeah. 請問 Excuse me. 律師助理具體是做什么的 What exactly is a paralegal? 回見 See you. 好了 Okay. 上挑一點

 清♥純♥的大眼 Up at the sides. Wide-eyed. 我給你帶了這些 I brought you these. 甜甜圈 我好像不小心把費爾德曼案的記錄扔了 I think I accidentally threw out my notes on the Feldman case. 或許你能...

 Maybe you could... 在垃圾箱里找一下嗎 Go through the garbage? 是的


 謝謝你 Yes, Lee. Thank you. 你怎么在這 Why are you here? 我在等你下班

 親愛的 I"m just waiting for you, honey. 可我還要五個多小時才下班呢 But I"m here for five more hours. 我知道 I know. 打擾一下

 先生 Excuse me, sir. 不用了

 我找到另一份了 It"s okay. I found another set. 再加點糖 This needs more sugar. -糖

 -這些復印六份 - Sugar? - And six copies of these. 換一下那個捕鼠器里的餌

 李 Freshen up that trap, Lee. 再放一個 And put out one more. 老鼠還喜歡跑到椅子后面去

 李 Mice like to go behind the chairs, too, Lee. 那里不好夠 Just because it"s hard to reach 不代表老鼠不會去 does not mean that we don"t take care of every possibility. 來

 給我 Here. Give me that. 謝謝 Thank you. E·愛德華·格雷辦公室

 有什么事嗎 E. Edward Grey"s office. May I help you? 我們對 AT&T 的服務很滿意

 謝謝 We"re very happy with AT&T. Thanks, though. 他在嗎 Is he in?

 稍等一下 Could you just wait one moment? 你說的對

 這很劃算 You"re right. That is a very good offer. 我要回去了 I"m going back now. 請稍等一下好嗎 Could you just wait one minute, please? 是的

 我理解 Yes, I do understand that. 唯唯諾諾 Submissive. 你說什么 Excuse me? 愛德華 Edward! 聽著

 我不清楚我們每月打到查塔努加市的 Listen, I have no idea if we make over $40 worth 長途電♥話♥費是否超過了 40 塊 of long distance calls to Chattanooga each month. 告訴他特瑞薩·奧康納找他 Tell him it"s Tricia O"Connor. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey? 你在嗎 Hello? 格雷先生 Mr. Grey? 霍洛韋女士 Ms. Holloway. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey? 就說我不在 I"m not here. 好的 Okay. 很抱歉他不在 I"m afraid he"s gone. 真的嗎 Is that right? E·愛德華·格雷辦公室

 E. Edward Grey"s office. 是你嗎


 是我 Is that you, honey? It"s me. 爸爸 Daddy? 能聽到你聲音真好 It"s so good to hear your voice. 爸 Dad. 你在哪兒 Where are you? 我在市區的某個地方 I"m downtown, somewhere. 你能稍等會兒嗎 Could you please hold? 您有什么話要轉告他嗎

 奧康納女士 Do you have a message, Ms. O"Connor? 轉告他把合同簽了 Tell him to sign the settlement. 喂 Hello? 喂 Hello? 喂

 爸 Hello, dad? 工作順利嗎 How"s work? 還行 Fine. 格雷先生怎么樣 How"s Mr. Grey? 他人很好 He"s fine. 皮特打電♥話♥來了 Well, Peter called. 有些人

 衣服剛穿上 Some people, right, have to wash something 就要洗 as soon as they"ve worn it, 大概

 半天就得洗一次吧 you know, for, like, half a day.

 沒錯 Yes. 有些人比較懶散 And then you got your more laid-back folk who just, 可能等到衣服臟了才會洗 you know, maybe they"ll wash their stuff when it"s dirty. 你是哪種人 Which kind are you? 我是想娶妻生子的那種 I"m the type of guy who wants to get married and have a kid. 我只有衣服臟了才會洗 I wash my clothes just when they"re dirty. 我也是

 這就是一段關系中最重要的 Me, too, and... and that is what counts in a relationship. 適應性 Compatibility. 關系中 In a relationship? -關系中

 -關系 -In a relationship. -Relationship. 我再幫你倒點吧 May I interest you in a little more? -就一點兒


 倒吧 -Just a little more? -Why not? Okay. 你跟高中時判若兩人啊

 皮特 You"re different than you were in high school, Peter. 我

 我變了 I... I changed. 發生什么事了 What happened? 我之前精神崩潰過 I had a nervous breakdown. 我也是 Me, too. 差不多吧 Sort of. 兩件東西


 還有這些 Two items. this and these. -皮特


 李 - Peter? - Yes, Lee? 我聽說如果你穿這種內♥褲♥

 I"ve read that if you wear that kind of underwear, 會把你那玩意兒 that it squeezes 擠壞的 your things. -蛋蛋

 -是的 -Balls. -Yes. 蛋蛋 Balls? 我的葡萄 My grapes. 你的葡萄 Your grapes? 我的 My.... 你的睪丸 Your testicles. 你的精♥液♥會枯竭

 你就沒法要孩子了 Your sperm gets squozen, and then you can"t have babies, 我想你說過你想要孩子 and I thought that you said that you wanted to have babies. 就是這樣

 我說出口了 There you go. I said it. 為了小寶貝 To babies! 為了尿布 To diapers. 為了尿布疹 To diaper rash. 為了母乳

 還有孩子的哭鬧 To breast-feeding. and to crying. 姓別 你自己看 Look at it! 看到了嗎 Do you see that? 什么 What? 這封信打錯了三個地方 This letter has three typing errors in it, 其中一處還是拼寫錯誤

 one of which is, I believe, a spelling error. 我

 我很抱歉 I"m... l"m sorry. 這已經不是第一次了 This isn"t the first time, either. 之前想著你初來乍到 There"ve been others that I let go 那些錯我就沒跟你計較 because it was in the first few weeks. 這樣下去可不行 This cannot go on. 你知道這會讓 Do you know what this makes me look like 收到信的人怎么看我嗎 to the people who receive these letters? 對不起

 我... I... I"m sorry. I"m... 重打一遍

 別再錯了 Type it again and get it right. 你在浪費我的時間 You"re wasting my time. 再見 Bye. 給那個女人打一張五百塊的賬單 Go type up a bill for that woman for $500. 你不把信核查一遍嗎 Aren"t you going to proofread the letter? 李 Lee. 人們走進這間辦公室 When people come into this office, 你的形象就代表了我的公♥司♥ you are a visual representation of my business. 你的穿著打扮實在太惡心了 And the way you dress is disgusting. 很抱歉 I"m sorry. 你一直在用腳敲地 You"re tapping your toe all the time 還玩頭發 and playing with your hair.

 要么你就帶個發網 You"re either going to have to wear a hairnet 要么你就再別動頭發 or stop playing with your hair. 還有件事 And another thing, 你有沒有意識到

 你經常吸鼻子 do you realize that you are always sniffling? 我

 我有吸鼻子嗎 I... I"m sniffling? 還有

 你打字的時候 And what is with your tongue 舌頭是怎么回事 when you"re typing? 很抱歉

 我沒意識到我吸過鼻子 I"m sorry. I didn"t know I sniffled. 你真的會 Well, you do. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey, 非常感謝您中肯的建議 thank you so much for your helpful suggestions. 因為我在努力 Because I am trying to be 成為一名最優秀的秘書 the very best secretary that I can be. 為了您 For you. 那句話應該是 The sentence should read, "沒有權威人士的適當引導" "without proper guidance from a knowledgeable source, "我的委托人絕不會" "my client would never have made "獨自作出這些決定"

 完畢 "these material decisions on her own." period! 這句話我已經重復過兩次了 I have repeated the sentence twice. 你為什么不先聽好

 想清楚再回答呢 Why don"t you listen, think and then respond. 知道了嗎

 Okay? 你確定不來點酒嗎 Are you sure you wouldn"t like some wine? 我們自己釀的


 斯圖爾特 We make it homemade, don"t we, Stewart? 嘗嘗吧

 很好喝 Try it. lt"s good. 你要來點嗎

 李 Would you like some, Lee? 不了

 謝謝 No, thank you. 現在不用

 西爾維亞 Not right now, Sylvia. 皮特一直在說你的事 You know, Peter talks about you all the time. 他說他找到了靈魂伴侶 He says he"s found his soul mate. 你這么說過嗎 Did you say that? 是的 I did. 皮特的姐姐

 Lindsey Peter"s sister, Lindsey, 今年冬天要在拉斯維加斯結婚了 is getting married this coming winter in Vegas. 你知道皮特在杰西潘尼有份穩定工作嗎 Did you know Peter has a very stable job at JCPenney? 他們甚至給他了一部手♥機♥ They even gave him a cell phone. 不然來場雙重婚禮吧 Perhaps it"ll be a double wedding? 媽媽 Mom. 霍洛韋女士

 到藏書室里來 Ms. Holloway, come into the library. 現在就來 Immediately. "請注意文件中的誹謗言論" "Refer only to slanderous remarks made in print." "以上是 In summation of the events

 魯賓·伯克威茨誹謗案的事件總結 in regard to the Rubin Berkowitz libel. 謹啟

 等等" Yours sincerely, etc." 好了 Okay. 電♥話♥在響 The phone is ringing. 接啊 Answer it. 抱歉 I"m sorry... 喂 Hello? 這里是 This is the office of. . . 聽著 Listen. 你是個大姑娘了 You"re a big girl. 你那個細小的喉嚨里 You can get a much bigger voice 能發出更大的聲音 out of that tiny throat of yours. 細小 Tiny. 霍洛韋女士 Ms. Holloway. 我雇傭你的時候

 你告訴我 You told me when I hired you 你習慣接電♥話♥ that you were used to answering phones. 確實 I am. 你昨晚睡得好嗎 Did you get enough sleep last night? -我...

 -電♥話♥響了 - I... - The phone is ringing! 喂 Hello. 這里是 E·愛德華·格雷先生的辦公室

 This is the office of Mr. E. Edward Grey. 你看吧


 你看吧 You see? you see? you see? 這樣就精神多了 That"s showing a little spunk. 畢竟

 我這兒又不是太平間 After all, I"m not running a mortuary. 沒錯 No. 李 Lee. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey. 過來 Come here. 你最近約過會嗎 Did you have a date recently? 約過 Yes. 和誰約會 With whom did you have a date? -皮特

 -皮特 - Peter. - Peter? 做♥愛♥了嗎 Did you have sex? 沒有嗎 No? 我不知道 I don"t know. 你害羞嗎 Are you shy? 我很害羞 I"m shy. 你才不害羞 You"re not shy. 你是個律師 You"re a lawyer. 我害羞的 I"m shy. 我克服了羞怯 I overcome my shyness to. . .

 為了把事情做好 in order to get things done. 我不覺得你害羞 I don"t think you"re shy. 李

 我想坦白地告訴你 Lee, I want to be frank with you. 我知道我是你的雇主 Now, I know I"m your employer, 我們之間有雇傭關系 and we have a prescribed relationship. 但你真的可以 But you really should feel free 對我暢所欲言 to discuss your problems with me. 針線包和這些創口貼是怎么回事 What"s going on with the sewing kit and the band-aids? 李 Lee? 我有點... I feel... -害羞

 -害羞 - shy. - Shy. 你想來杯熱巧克力嗎 Do you want some hot chocolate? 好的 Okay. 你為什么要自殘

 李 Why do you cut yourself, Lee? 我不知道 I don"t know. 是不是有時候內心的痛苦 Is it that sometimes the pain inside 必須顯露出來 has to come to the surface, 當你實際看到內心的痛苦時 and when you see evidence of the pain inside, 你才能真正地感受到自己還活著 you finally know you are really here? 當你看到傷口愈合時 Then, when you watch the wound heal, 會感到欣慰


 it"s comforting. Isn"t it? 我... I... 這是種發泄的方法 That"s a way to put it. 我要告訴你件事 I"m going to tell you something, 李

 你做好聽的準備了嗎 Lee. Are you ready to listen? 是的 Yes. 你在聽嗎 Are you listening? 你永遠 You will never, 不準再自殘 ever cut yourself again. 知道了嗎 Do you understand? 我說得夠清楚嗎 Have I made that perfectly clear? 你現在已經翻過那一頁了 You"re over that now. 那都是過去的事了 It"s in the past. 好的 Yes. 永遠不要 Never again. 好的 Okay. 你知道我現在想讓你干什么嗎 Now, you know what I want you to do? 我想讓你早點下班 I want you to leave work early. 你是個大姑娘

 是成熟的女人 You"re a big girl, a grown woman. 不需要你媽每天來接你回去 Your mother doesn"t need to pick you up every day. 我要你好好走路回家

 呼吸新鮮空氣 I want you to take a nice walk home, in the fresh air.

 因為你需要放松 Because you require relief. 因為你不會再那樣做了 Because you won"t be doing that anymore. 對嗎 Will you? 不會了

 先生 No, sir. 好 Good. 看這是誰提前下班了 Look who"s early. 媽 Mom, 從今以后我要走路回家 I"m going to walk home from now on. 我從霍金斯公園抄了近路 I took a shortcut through Hawkins Park, 感覺像我之前從沒獨自走過路似得 and it was as if I"d never taken a walk by myself before. 我仔細想了想 And when I thought about it, 意識到也許我真的從沒獨自走過路 I realized I probably never had taken a walk alone. 但因為他允許了我這么做 But because he had given me the permission to do this, 因為他堅持要我這么做 because he"d insisted I do it, 我一個人走著卻感覺像被他挽著一樣 I felt held by him as I walked along. 感覺他就在我身邊 I felt he was with me. 與此同時 At the same time, 我感覺格雷先生身上有什么在壯大著 I was feeling something growing in Mr. Grey, 從他內心更陰暗處爬出的曖昧的藤蔓 an intimate tendril creeping from one of his darker areas, 被他發現的關于我的某個秘密澆灌著 nursed on the feeling that he had discovered something about me. 第二天


 The next day, I didn"t 我的美容剪和碘酒 even bring my cuticle scissors and my iodine. 但我還是打錯字了 But I did make another typing mistake. 你是有什么毛病

 你要做的只有兩件事 What is wrong with you? That is all you have to do. 打字和接電♥話♥

 這都沒法做好嗎 Type and answer the phones. Is that beyond you? -我很抱歉

 -你當然很抱歉 - I"m sorry. - Well, it certainly seems to be. -對不起

 -別跟我道歉 - I"m sorry. - Don"t apologize to me! 你滿腦子都想的什么 What goes on inside that head of yours? 拿上那封信到我辦公室來 Come into my office and bring that letter. 把信放我桌上 Put the letter on my desk. 現在

 我要你朝桌子彎下腰去 Now, I want you to bend over the desk, 直視那封信 so you"re looking directly at it. 把臉貼近信 Get your face very close to the letter, 大聲地把信讀出來 and read the letter aloud. 我不明白 I don"t understand. 沒什么需要明白的 There"s nothing to understand. 手肘撐在桌上

 彎腰 Put your elbows on the desk, bend over, 把臉貼近信

 大聲讀出來 get your face close to the letter and read it aloud. "親愛的加維先生" "Dear Mr. Garvey," "我非常感激您找" "I"m grateful to you for referring..." 繼續 Continue.


 繼續讀 Ms. Holloway, read. "找我咨♥詢♥您的案子" "For referring me to your case." "關于動物圈養的課題" "The subject of animal captivity has" "我已經感興趣很久了" "been of interest to me for quite a while." "我的秘書已經準備好了研究材料" "And my secretary has prepared research material" "我想會對您有所啟發" "that I think you"ll find illuminating." "如能有幸" "If you would be so kind" "還望您將我們談到的六月五日那封信發與我" "as to send me the June 5th letter of which we spoke, "我和同事們會馬上復查一遍" "my associates and I will review it immediately." "請您在方便的時候打電♥話♥給我" "Please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience." "真誠的

 E·愛德華·格雷" "Yours sincerely, E. Edward Grey." 再讀一遍 Read it again. "親愛的加維先生" "Dear Mr. Garvey," "我非常感激您" "I am grateful to you" "找我咨♥詢♥您的案子" "for referring me to your case." "關于動物圈養的課題" "The subject of animal captivity has been of interest to me" "我已經感興趣很久了" "for quite a while." "我的秘書已經準備好了研究材料" "And my secretary has prepared research material" "我想會對您有所啟發" "that I think you"ll find illuminating." 站起來再去打一遍 Now straighten yourself up and go type it again. 霍洛韋女士


 Ms. Holloway. Good letter. 媽 Mom? 可以把櫥柜上的鎖拿掉了 The lock can come off the cabinet now. 親愛的 Honey. 給我辦公室門口走廊換個燈泡 Replace the light bulb in the hallway to my office. 0 瓦的 120 watts. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey. 很高心再次見到你

 加維先生 Good to see you again, Mr. Garvey. 你一定記得我的秘書

 霍洛韋女士 You remember my secretary, Ms. Holloway. 很抱歉我打錯了字 I"m sorry about the typo. 有上等腰肉牛排

 土豆泥 It"s porterhouse steak, mashed, 不

 是奶油土豆 no, creamed potatoes, 青豆

 冰茶還有冰淇淋 green peas, iced tea and ice cream. 只準吃一勺奶油土豆 Okay. Just a scoop of creamed potatoes, 一片黃油

 四顆青豆 and a slice of butter, four peas 然后冰淇淋你想吃多少吃多少

 美女 and as much ice cream as you"d like to eat, doll. 《時尚》雜♥志♥建議 Cosmo"s advice for getting 要想讓你的男人更親密地分享他的感受 your man to share his feelings more intimately 首先要試著來點輕松的幽默 is to first try some breezy humor. 不管你做什么

 不要太快地去談情說愛 Whatever you do, don"t jump too quickly into relationship talk. 我是你的秘書 I"m your secretary.

 我是你的秘書 I"m your secretary. 只準吃一勺奶油土豆 Just one scoop of creamed potatoes, 一片黃油 one slice of butter, 和四顆青豆 and four peas. 有多遠... How many inches away. . . 你去地下室之前 Had you turned off the 關了暖爐嗎 furnace before you went down to the basement? 好吧 Okay. 也許你沒擰緊 Maybe you didn"t squeeze it hard enough. 好吧

 爆♥炸♥的可能性總是有的 Well, there"s always concern about it bursting. 不


 不 No! God, no. 我一直沒時間去管它 I haven"t had time to get to that. 我已經在盡力做了 I"m doing as much as I possibly can. 你在房♥子下面匍匐時她在哪 Where was she when you crawled under the house? 那保險箱呢

 你走之前有用泥蓋住嗎 And the lock-box? Did you cover it with dirt before you left? 樓上的泥 Mud upstairs? 不

 我給弄糊涂了 No, I"m confused by that. 但是 But... 好吧

 這是那個超重的孩子 All right. This was the overweight child, 還是你巴爾的摩的那個外甥 or your nephew from Baltimore? 在樓梯扶欄上

 On the banister. 我得工作 I have to work. 好的


 我會給你點東西 Okay. Give me a week and I"ll have something for you. 很抱歉

 最近辦公室實在 I"m sorry, the office has been 太忙了 overwhelmed. 格雷先生

 我要回家了 Mr. Grey, l"m going to go home now. 如果你還需要打字的話

 我可以晚點再回來 If you need any more typing done, l could come back later. 謝謝


 晚安 Thank you, Ms. Holloway, good night. 就這樣吧 That"ll be all. 有一個例子 Here"s just one example. 前幾天他約我去大紅蝦去喝杯睡前酒 He asked me out to Red Lobster the other night for a nightcap. -沒錯

 -是啊 - Right. - Yeah. 昨天

 他還問我的長筒襪是不是包臀的 And yesterday, he asked if my hose were control-top, 還說如果是的話

 我其實不需要穿 and if they were, I certainly didn"t need it. -你老板

 -是啊 - Your boss? - Yeah. 你應該告他性騷擾 You should sue him for sexual harassment. -我喜歡這主意

 -喂 - I like that idea. - Hello. 我的律師正代表一名女性 My lawyer"s representing a woman 起訴他老板性騷擾 who"s suing her boss for sexual harassment. 他是個好律師嗎 Is he a good lawyer? 他是最好的 He"s the best.

 "他是最好的" "He"s the best." 他會在那兒多久 How long will he be there? 是誰 Who was that? 他住院了 He checked himself into the hospital. 李 Lee? 怎么了

 李 Yes? Lee? 我 I... 我只是想 I just wanted... 我需要你 I needed you. . . 我想要你 I wanted you to... 你想要我♥干♥嗎 You need me to what? 我只是想要你 I just wanted you not 不要忘了過一遍明天林奇案的文件 to forget to go over the Lynch papers for tomorrow. 不

 我沒忘 No. I haven"t. 那挺好 That"s good. 謝謝你

 李 Thank you, Lee. 在他將我拒之門外后 After he turned me away from his house, 他讓我坐回了我之前的桌子 he put me back at my old desk, 然后他不再那么做了 and he just stopped doing it. 他把他所有的紅筆都扔了 He threw out all his red pens. 我還是不斷打錯字

 I kept making typos. 但他對我就像普通的老秘書一樣 But he just treated me like a regular old secretary. 你過來了嗎 Are you coming? 過了一陣子 After a while, 我開始覺得是不是我就是那樣的 I began to wonder if that was all I was. 我們有沒有收到過任何加文先生的支票 Have we received any checks from Mr. Garvin? 沒有

 先生 No, sir. 把這些歸檔 File these. 這領帶挺漂亮 That"s a pretty tie. 但我猜你今天不會去打高爾夫 But I guess you won"t be golfing today. 什么 What? 你的領帶 Your tie. 上面有高爾夫球手 It has golfers on it. 沒錯 Right. 該死 Damn it. 別害怕 Don"t be scared. 我不是

 我 I"m not. I"m. . . 我不是那個意思 That"s not what I meant. 對不起


 看這 I"m sorry, I just. . . Look here. 對不起 I"m sorry. 好吧

 但是我得穿著衣服 Okay, but my clothes get to stay completely on.

 我想把燈關了 And I want the lights out. 李


 李 Lee, Lee, Lee. 我沒有弄疼你吧 I didn"t hurt you, did I? 沒有 No. 霍洛韋女士 Ms. Holloway. 是的

 格雷先生 Yes, Mr Grey? 到我辦公室來 Come into my office. 但是馬福先生還在等著 But Mr. Marvel is waiting. 霍洛韋女士 Ms. Holloway, 到我辦公室來 come into my office. 是

 先生 Yes, sir. 終于 Finally. 別管它 Ignore it. 現在

 把裙子撩起來 Now, pull up your skirt. 為什么 Why? 你不擔心我要操你

 不是嗎 You"re not worried that I"m going to fuck you, are you? 我對那沒興趣

 一點興趣都沒有 I"m not interested in that, not in the least. 現在

 把裙子撩起來 Now, pull up your skirt. 李



 李 Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee 李 Lee? 我說了


 I said, pull up your skirt. 皮特 Peter. 我今天不能去吃飯了

 好嗎 I"m not going to be able to come to the diner today, okay? 好吧 Okay. 沒關系


 沒事 That"s okay. Because. . . That"s all right. 把你的連褲♥襪♥和內♥褲♥褪下來 Pull down your panty hose and underwear. 我說了我不會操你 I told you I"m not going to fuck you. 把這些表填好 Get these forms filled out. 然后你就可以去吃午飯了 And then you can take your lunch break. 給我帶個三明治

 我在這吃 Bring me my sandwich, I"m eating in. 你還是一樣 And you"ll have the usual. 這次不要加蛋黃醬 No mayonnaise this time. 叫那個誰進來 And send in what"s his name. 好嗎 Okay? 格雷先生 Mr Grey. 雞♥巴♥

 把你的雞♥巴♥放進我嘴里 Cock. Place your prick in my mouth. 操♥我♥ Screw me. 他媽的

 操 Shit. Fuck. 蛋黃醬

 蘭花 Mayonnaise. Orchid. 格雷先生 Mr. Grey. 愛德華 Edward.

 大多數人認為生活的最好方式是逃避痛苦 Most people think that the best way to live is to run from pain. 但豐富多彩的生活卻需要 But a much more joyful life embraces the entire spectrum 接受人的所有情感 of human feeling. 如果我們能切身經歷痛苦和喜悅 If we can fully experience pain, as well as pleasure, 我們便能獲得更有深度有意義的生活 we can live a much deeper and more meaningful life. 如何主控/服從 霍洛韋女士 Ms. Holloway. 是

 先生 Yes, sir? -把你的打字成績單拿過來

 -好的 - Bring your typing scores. - Okay. 外面怎么了 What happened? 你懷孕了嗎 Are you pregnant? 沒有 No. -你有生孩子的打算嗎

 -我能... - Do you plan on getting pregnant? - Could I... 你有生孩子的打算嗎 Do you plan on getting pregnant? 沒有 No. 你住的是公♥寓♥嗎 Are you living in an apartment? 我住在大房♥子里 A house. 獨居嗎 Alone? 還有我的父母 With my parents. 你結婚了嗎 Are you married? 沒有 No.

 那是你的成績單嗎 Are those your scores? 是的 Yes. 你真的想做我的秘書嗎 Do you really want to be my secretary? 是的

 我想 Yes, I do. 這不僅僅是打錯字 This isn"t just about typos, 錄音帶



 李 tape, staples and pencils, is it, Lee? -是的


 -什么 - No, sir. - What? 是的

 先生 No, sir. 我喜歡你


 但我 I like you, Lee, but I 不會給你這份工作 don"t think I"m going to offer you the job. 為什么 Why? 因為你的舉止 It"s your behavior. 我的舉止怎么了 What about my behavior? 非常不好 It"s very bad. 我很抱歉

 你去收拾東西吧 I"m sorry. You can collect your things. -暫停

 -暫停 - Time-out! - Time-out? -你被開除了

 -你才被開除了 - You"re fired. - You"re fired! 你被開除了


 滾出去 You"re fired. Now, Lee, get out! 為什么你把拉姆塞案的文件上弄的到處是膠水 Why did you get glue smear all over the Ramsey papers? 因為我在修碎紙機

 你都看見了 Because I was fixing your shredder. You saw me. 你意識到你在桌下脫了鞋子嗎

 Are you aware you kick your shoes off under your desk? 我都能聞到臭味了 l can smell your feet. 你有換過連褲♥襪♥嗎 Do you ever change your panty hose? 每天都換 Every day. 每次你用橡皮 Every time you erase, 都弄得滿桌都是橡皮屑 there are little shavings all over your desk. 我明明讓你把那個隨身聽帶回家 I told you to take that walkman home. 我不希望你在工作時間 I don"t want the possibility of your listening to music 還有工夫去聽音樂 when you"re supposed to be working for me. 我在你桌上看到了

 你根本沒帶走 I saw it in your desk. I know it"s there. 我會拿走的 I"ll move it. 你得離開

 否則我不會停下的 You have to go, or I won"t stop. 那就別停 Don"t. 我不能再這么干了 I cannot do this anymore. 但我想要了解你 But I want to know you. 我為我們之間發生的事感到抱歉 I"m so sorry for what happened between us. 我意識到我 I"ve realized what a 在你身上犯了一個大錯 terrible mistake I made with you. 我只能希望你會理解 And I can only hope that you understand. 我保證會為你寫推薦信 Be assured you can count on me for excellent references. 出去 Get out.


 -出去 - What are you doing... - Get out! 我一到家就打開了信封 I opened the envelope the second I got home. 里面是一張 680 美元的支票 It was a check for $680. 比他欠我的要多 More than he actually owed me. 我想過撕掉支票

 但我沒有 It occurred to me to tear up the check, but I didn"t. 我覺得自己做的沒錯 I felt like I was doing the right thing. 莪也沒向任何人提起過 And I didn"t tell anybody about any of it. 我假裝像往常一樣去工作 I pretended to go to work as usual, 然后從街對面望向他的辦公室 and watched his office from across the street. 他雇了一個新姑娘

 還換了門鎖 He hired a new girl and changed the locks on the doors. 我對此無能為力 There was just nothing for me to do about it. 精神病院里的醫生曾說 My doctor at the institution once said, "千里之行始于足下" "Every journey begins with the first step." 所以我決定是時候去認識些其他男人了 So I decided it was time to meet someone new. 有個男人還沒等我們上車 There was one who tried to grab and pinch my nipples 就想捏我的乳♥頭♥ before we even made it to his car. 你好 Hi. 還有個男人一直讓我在他家的天臺上尿尿 Another guy kept ordering me to pee on his patio, 我拒絕的時候

 他說 and when I refused, he said... 我還以為你是個受虐狂 I thought you were a masochist. 還有個男的喜歡在爐子全開的時候

 Then there was the one who liked being tied to a gas stove 被綁在爐子上 while the burners were on full blast, 我還得朝他扔西紅柿 and I had to throw tomatoes at him. 謝謝你 Thank you. 有段時間我待在家里不再跟男人見面 For a while I just stopped trying and stayed at home, 幫爸爸適應新的戒酒療程 helping dad adjust to his new sobriety. 直到有一天 Until one day, 讓人萬萬沒想到

  out of the blue, 皮特在杰西潘妮家的地下室 Peter proposed marriage to me 向我求婚了 in the basement of JC Penney"s. 我想我是因為不知道該怎么回應才答應了他 I think I said yes because I didn"t know what else to do. 我想我當年可比你苗條 Well, I guess I was a little lighter than you in those days. 好了 Okay. 如果婚禮上你屏住呼吸

 就不會崩開了 Now, if you hold your breath through the wedding, you"ll make it. 別動

 我去叫斯圖爾特 Don"t move. I"m going to get Stewart. 你真美

 太美了 You"re beautiful. You"re just too beautiful. 李 Lee? 不要

 婚禮之前我不能見到新娘 No! I"m not supposed to see you before the wedding! 你要去哪 Where are you going? -我有話要跟你說

 -李 - I have something to say to you. - Lee. 我愛你 I love you.


 你不該來這 Lee, you should not be here. 我愛你 I love you. 對不起

 但我不相信你說的話 I"m sorry, but I don"t believe that to be true. 是真的

 千真萬確 Well, it is true. It is. 這件事在我收到 This matter was resolved 你退回的離職金時就已經結束了 when I received your canceled severance check. 我愛你 I love you. 我們不能天天 24 小時地做下去 We can"t do this 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 為什么不能 Why not? 把雙手放到桌上

 掌心向下 Put both your hands on the desk. Palms dow...

推薦訪問: 劇本 中英文對照 秘書

