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 尼采有一句名言 Nietzsche famously said that 沒有音樂

 人生將是一場錯誤 without music, life would be a mistake. 德國的哲學家總喜歡夸大 German philosophers tend to exaggerate. 但他的確有道理 But he did have a point. 如果沒有音樂 I know that without music 我的人生根蒂上 my own life would"ve been 就會留有缺陷 incomplete in some fundamental way. 就像是我沒有朊友 Like if I"d had no friends 或者沒有記憶一樣 or no memories. 有段時間我甚至努力成為一名鋼琴家 I even tried to be a pianist for a while 直到我意識到 until I realized just how fragile 鋼琴演奏是多么薄如蟬翼 piano playing really is. 尤其是當你在 2000 人面前演奏時 Especially in front of 2,000 people. 最困難的 The most difficult thing 是讓你的手指不受干擾 is to leave your fingers alone, 只去演奏

 而不要思考 to just play and not think, 千萬別打開這扇思考之門 never open that door, 否則你的演奏持續不了多久 otherwise you won"t be making music for long. 你會陷入這泥潭掙扎不已 You"ll be running for dear life. 媽的 Fuck. 我沒事

 I"m fine. 可不可以 Can I have... 所有保安前往正門入口 Security to the front entrance. 亨利 Henry? 亨利 Henry. 只是抽根煙而已 Just having a smoke. 你不抽煙的 You don"t smoke. 你特別緊張嗎 You got the heebie-jeebies? 你知道在觀眾面前演奏 Do you realize how reckless it is 是多么如履薄冰嗎 to play in front of an audience? 他們就是為此而來的 It"s why they come, you know. 就像前幾天在電視上看到的懸崖跳水者 Like those cliff divers I saw the other day on TV. 人們享受這種表演

 但是 People enjoy the show but really 逼近的危險才是它吸引人的關鍵 it"s the looming disaster that makes it special. 能給我嗎 May I? 你聽到聲音了嗎 Do you hear that? 有些鋼琴家是理性的 Some pianists are cerebral, 有些是感性的 others sentimental. 亨利·科爾是一名存在主義鋼琴家 Henry Cole is an existential pianist. 他用他的一生來演奏 He plays with his whole life. 當然

 用存在主義看待任何事 Of course, being existential about anything

 是十分艱難晦澀的 can be complicated. 終曲 漸慢 回到原速 亨利



 只是幾個記者 Henry. Henry, relax, it"s just a few reporters. 您為什么會決心重拾演奏 What made you decide to play again? 演奏就是我的生命 Playing is my life. 對您的演出滿意嗎 Happy with your performance? 這么多年后重新舉辦獨奏會 How"d it feel to give a recital again 您有什么感受嗎 after all of these years? 像是一趟去月球的旅行 Like a trip to the moon. 為什么不應觀眾要求多奏一曲 Why didn"t you give an encore? 抱歉 Sorry. 我喜歡 ...I like... 抱歉 Sorry. 我喜歡干凈利落的結尾 I like clean breaks... 就像 the way... 海洋 the ocean... 在你腳下猛然消失不見 abruptly ends between your feet, 在垂死的浪花邊緣蕩然殆盡 the edge of a dying wave. 我也想不出還能彈點什么了 And I couldn"t think of anything else to play. 渴望分享 The need to share it,

 不正是多數音樂家演奏的原因嗎 isn"t that what drives most musicians? 我認為多數音樂家演奏的原因 I think what drives most musicians 和大多普通人沒什么不同 is not dissimilar from what drives most people. 原因是什么 And what"s that? 人們想要被欣賞 People want to be appreciated. -確實

 -為什么演奏《幻想曲》 - Indeed. - Why the "Fantasie"? 是不是因為它象征著與克拉拉分離后 ls it because it is meant as a cry of despair 克拉拉

 舒曼之妻 絕望的叫喊 after the separation from Clara? 當有人問舒曼

 這段樂曲是什么意思時 When Schumann was asked what he meant by the piece, 你知道他怎么回答的嗎

 他什么也沒說 do you know what he said? Nothing. 只是坐在鋼琴前又演奏了一次 He just sat down at the piano and played it again. 然而

 有些科學家聲稱 However, some scientists claim 我們應該把《幻想曲》 that we owe the "Fantasie" 和許多其他杰作 as well as numerous other masterpieces 川布妮瑪·派麗頓


 原意為梅毒螺旋體 歸功于川布妮瑪·派麗頓 to treponema pallidum. 她是一位作曲家嗎 ls she a composer? 她是一種梅毒細菌 She"s the syphilis bacterium. 您之前真的 3 年沒碰過鋼琴嗎 ls it true you didn"t touch a piano for three years... 謝謝大家

 今天就到這里了 Thank you very much. That"ll be all for today. 非常感謝大家今晚的到來

 Thank you so much for coming this evening. 有人說您甚至沒有走出過房♥間一步 Some say you never even left your room. 到底發生了什么

 科爾先生 What happened, Mr. Cole? 請讓我們再問一個問題吧 Please just one more. 為什么會有人關心 Why would anybody care 我有沒有走出過房♥間 if I left my room or not? 他們才不關心呢 Oh, they don"t, that was just a kid 他們只是想獲取一些八卦 trying to get some gossip. 那你關心嗎

 保羅 What about you, Paul? 你知道我關心什么嗎 You know what matters to me? 是你在這里

 這個屬于你的地方 ls that you are here, right where you belong. 今晚很重要

 亨利 Tonight was important, Henry, 你也表現出了令人驚嘆的力量 and you showed an amazing amount of strength. 你演奏得非常好 You were great. 請進 Yes! 您好 Hi. 之前很抱歉 Sorry about before. 我不是故意窺探您隱私的 I didn"t mean to pry. 我是海倫·莫里森 I"m Helen Morrison. 《紐約客》的供稿人 I write for The New Yorker. 音樂從來不會關于絕望 Music is never about despair.

 音樂是一場慶祝 It"s a celebration. 是一種勝利 A victory. 被人欣賞也并不是主要原因 And being appreciated is not enough. 多數人都想克朋一些事情 Most people want to overcome something. 所以您今晚的演奏是在慶祝勝利嗎 Were you celebrating a victory tonight? 你又在窺探了 You"re prying again. 抱歉 Sorry. 我只是把音符彈出來而已 I just play the notes. 您是在開玩笑吧 You had me fooled. 謝謝你 Well, thank you. 對不起 I"m sorry, um... 您不記得我

 但是 you don"t remember me, but... 15 年前

 您改變了我的人生 you changed my life 15 years ago. 我有嗎 I did? 您在茱莉亞音樂學院上大♥師♥課 You were giving a masterclass at Julliard 那時我剛剛被淘汰 and, um, I had just been cut, 在一場小規模比賽的第一輪 first round of a minor competition. 我無法控制我的手 I lacked the basic talent of... 讓它停止顫抖 not shaking. 多么不公平 How unfair. 您當時說


 "What matters most is experience," you said, 而不是表演 "Not performance. 讓人變得獨特的

 最偉大的天賦 The greatest gift, what truly sets people apart is... 是擁有感受的能力 the ability to feel." 我說過嗎 I said that? 是的

 你說過 Yeah, you did. 當時還有 You know, there was also this... 抱歉 Never mind. 這是一個很長的故事 Well, it"s a long story. 跟我說說 Tell me. 真的嗎 Really? 我花了一個月 I spent a month 待在瑞士阿爾卑斯山的 in the Upper Engadine Valley 上恩加丁谷 in the Swiss Alps, 就在我比賽失利之后 just after my competition disaster. 那里有個叫席爾瓦普拉納的湖 There"s a lake there called Silvaplana 我每天都會沿著湖邊 where I would take long walks 長時間地散步 every day along the shore, 思考您那時說的話 thinking about what you said. 就在路的旁邊 And by the side of the path 有一塊巨礫 there was this boulder.


 就是一塊巨大古老的石頭 You know, nothing special, just a... big old rock. 但是我每天都會路過它 But every day I would walk by it, 而它在那里從未變化 and there it was, the same, 只是悄無聲息地坐著 just sitting there quietly 就像千年來一直做的那樣 as it had been for 1,000 years. 那塊石頭給了我某種安慰 And there was something comforting about that rock, 就像 like a, 一種提醒

 讓我感受外面的世界 reminder of the world outside myself. 我想寫一篇關于您的文章 I would like to do an article on you. 一篇詳細的文章 Something comprehensive. 聽上去不怎么樣 It sounds unpleasant. 我很感謝

 但是不涉及隱私 I appreciate it, but there is a lot to be said 也有很多可以寫 for staying at the surface of things. 這篇文章主要關于音樂 Well, this would be about music mostly. 您的事業 Your career. 我可以采訪您嗎 Could I ask for an interview? 當您有空的時候 When you have time. 盡量不打聽隱私

 我保證 Minimal prying, I promise! 這不是一個好主意 It"s not a good idea. 如果你不介意的話 And if you"ll excuse me, 我得走了


 I am expected somewhere, thank you. 晚安 Good night. 很明顯

 這塊石頭就是 Apparently, this rock is where 尼采幻想中的 Nietzsche had his vision of the eternal 萬物永遠輪回 recurrence of all things. 他認為每件事和每個生命 The idea that every event and every life 都會無限重復自己 will repeat itself infinitely. 但如果我不記得之前的重復 But if I can"t recall having been here before, 這又有什么意義呢 what difference does it make? 除非他說的是其他意思 Unless he meant something else, 比如命運 like fate. 又或者僅僅想說

 生活是個挑戰 Or simply that life is a challenge. 《裝飾音》 亨利·科爾 如果您有什么需要 If there is anything you need, 盡管開口 please don"t hesitate. 我叫菲力克斯 ufeff My name is Felix. 謝謝 Thank you. 文件夾里有一張地圖 In the folder there is a map of 包含了該地區的所有登山路線 all the hiking trails in the region. 瑞士 我強烈建議您體驗一下 I highly recommend the experience. 我會記下來的

 I"ll make a note of it. 這些是剛剛寄給您的

 先生 These just arrived for you, sir. 謝謝 Thank you. 真好看 Lovely. 我屈朋于這不馴良之饋贈" "當孩子飛奔過庭院 感謝您贈我的良夜 海倫·莫里森 今天早上那個人怎么樣 How"s the man this morning? 你像只得到奶油的貓

 得意洋洋 You look like the cat that got the cream. -你看了今天的報紙嗎

 -還沒 - Have you seen the papers? - Nope. 一趟去月球的旅行 "A trip to the moon." 英國鋼琴大♥師♥ "The bewitching return 沉醉眾人的回歸 of Britain"s grand master of the keyboard." 我一早上都在打電♥話♥ I"ve been on the phone all morning. 每個人都想采訪你

 包括英國廣播公♥司♥ Everyone is asking for interviews, including the BBC. 他們會在倫敦音樂會之前 And they"re gonna run an hour long special 放一小時的特別采訪 before the London concert. 屆時任何社會媒體 It is everywhere 都會播出 on social media. 全世界 And the whole world 都會在互聯網上 will be able to watch your recital 觀看你的獨奏會

 亨利 live on the internet, Henry.

 你對年輕人已經產生了不小的影響 You"re really reaching out to the younger crowd. 那真不錯

 我很高興 Well, I like that. That makes me happy. 《紐約客》有什么消息嗎 Anything from The New Yorker? 沒有

 目前還沒有 No, nothing so far. 那些花真漂亮 Those are nice flowers. 你知道嗎

 有些嬌艷欲滴的花朵 Did you know that some of the loveliest flowers 會釋放類似糞便的味道 mimic the smell of fecal matter, 以吸引糞蟲 so as to attract dung insects? 它們為何不吸引別的蟲子 Why not attract other insects? 我得走了

 我得去見 DDl 公♥司♥那人 I got to go. I got to meet the guy at DDl Classics. 下午晚些時候再見

 大概兩點左右 Now, I"ll see you later this afternoon, around two. 還有

 別忘了今晚 And, don"t forget you have to 你還要試彈那架新的施坦威鋼琴 try out that new Steinway tonight. -我知道


 -好 - I know, I know. - Yeah. 保羅 Paul? 亨利

 怎么了 Yes, Henry. 今晚沒有記者 No reporters tonight, 對吧 right? 對

 沒有記者 Right. No reporters. 只有一個經理人和一個技術員在場 Just a manager and a technician. 給

 Here. 自己看看吧 Read for yourself. 你好 Yeah, hello. 我是保羅 Yeah, Paul. 科爾先生

 抱歉打擾您了 Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Cole. 可以要個您的簽名嗎 Could I ask for your autograph? 昨晚的音樂會我也在場 I was at the concert last night. 太震撼了 Magnificent! 我從波士頓一路開車過來 I drove all the way from Boston. 你不用開車跑這么遠的 You didn"t have to drive all that way. 一周后我就要去波士頓演出了 I"ll be playing in Boston a week from now. 我知道

 我會帶我兒子去的 I know. I"m taking my son. 那我理所應當為你簽名 Well, that automatically qualifies you for an autograph. 你叫什么 What"s your name? 瑪婭


 是給我兒子 Maya. But it"s not for me, it"s for my son. 丹尼爾 Daniel. -他多大了

 -12 歲 - How old is he? - 12. 音樂就是他的一切 Music is everything to him. 他心里只有音樂 I mean, it"s all he cares about. 這樣吧 Tell you what, 下周演出結束后把他帶到后臺來 bring him backstage after the recital next week.


 -真的嗎 - I"ll sign it for him then. - Really? 他房♥間掛了張您的海報 He has a poster of you in his room, you know. -海報嗎

 -是啊 - A poster. - Yeah. 別把他嚇得做惡夢才好 I hope it doesn"t give him nightmares. 您應該把花插到水里 You should put those in water. 是的

 的確 Yes, I should. -瑪婭

 -怎么了 - Maya... - Yes. 你真的喜歡昨天的獨奏會嗎 Did you really enjoy the recital? 當然了 Of course! -謝謝你

 -謝謝您 - Thank you. - Thank you. 施坦威鋼琴 你彈琴嗎 You play the piano? 彈一點 Yes, a little bit. 你呢 You? 我也彈 Yeah. 主要是即興演奏 Mostly by ear. 我幾乎什么曲子都彈得出來 I can pick up pretty much any tune. 不過我格外喜歡老歌♥ I"ve got a soft spot for the oldies, though. 我也是 So do I. 我也喜歡古典樂 I like classical too, 可我覺得有些曲子有點過于冗長 but I find some pieces are a little long.

 可不是嘛 Ain"t that the truth. 祝你今晚愉快 Have a good evening. 你也是 You too. 科爾先生

 您喜歡花嗎 Do you like flowers, Mr. Cole? 我喜歡一切安靜的生命形態 I like all quiet forms of life. 那魚呢 Fish? 我也喜歡 Them too. 抱歉

 我一整天沒吃東西了 I"m sorry, I haven"t eaten all day. 在這里碰到你我有點意外 I"m a little surprised to see you here. 我就住附近 I was in the neighborhood. 其實是我朊友說您會過來 Actually, my friend told me you would be here. 您喜歡我送的花嗎 Did you like my flowers? 喜歡

 謝謝你 I did, thank you. 你沒有寫評論啊 You didn"t write a review. 我在忙別的事 I"m working on something else. 怎么了 What? 你這里有點臟東西 You have something here. 不是

 另一邊 No, the other side. 我可以幫你嗎 May I? 沒有了 Gone. 我們都調整好了

 We made all the adjustments. 您彈著會滿意的 I think you"ll be pleased to play. 謝謝 Thank you. 這就試試 Let"s see. 思緒是一切事物形成的地方 The mind is where it all happens. 最好不要在里面徘徊太久 It"s best not to wander in there too long. 你不知道它何時會突然擺布你的行為 You never know when it"s going to turn on you. 挪過去點好嗎 Move over a little, will you? 《卡門》選段

 法國作曲家喬治·比才作品 你還想來采訪我嗎 Do you still want that interview? 倫敦音樂會

 票已售罄 London concert, sold out. 他們甚至在臺上額外加了座位 They"re even putting extra seats on the stage, 有一個專門給首相安排的 including one for the Prime Minister. 跟我過來 Come on through. 保羅

 你坐下 Sit down, Paul. 我擺脫不掉 It"s not going away. 我擺脫不掉 It"s not going away! 什么擺脫不掉 what"s not going away? 那種感覺 That thing the... 我演奏貝多芬曲目時的那種感覺 That happened to me during the Beethoven. 那晚留給我唯一的記憶 You know what I remember from that evening, 正如其他人記得的一樣

 is like just what everyone else remembers, 就是你精彩絕倫的演出 was that you played marvelously. 盡管這場期待已久的回歸演出 Despite the enormous pressure 給你帶來巨大壓力 of a long-awaited return. -不僅如此

 -不是的 - And not only that... - No! 昨天當著一小群觀眾

 我一下子僵住了 Yesterday I froze in front a dozen people, 我的天啊 for God"s sake! 抱歉 I"m sorry. 不不

 沒事 No, no, no. 海倫解救了我 Helen saved me. -哪個海倫


 那個記者 - Helen? - Morrison, the journalist. 我彈不出來 I couldn"t play. 她看出我有些不對勁 She saw something was wrong 幫忙救了場 and she bailed me out. 怎么救的 How? 她坐在我旁邊 She sat down beside me 我們一同演奏 and we played together. 保羅

 我到底怎么了 What"s wrong with me, Paul? 我知道這對你來說很艱難 I know this is difficult for you. 這感覺又很真實 And it feels real. 而且



 可是 And, and, and of course it is, but...

 我們的腦海里都有這樣一種聲音 We all have that voice inside our head. 我每天都能聽到 I mean, I hear it every day, 腦子里那個小神經質在抽風 that little neurotic bugbear, 萬一 "What if?" 萬一我忘事了呢 "What if I forget?" 萬一我錯失良機了呢 "What if I miss the shot?" 萬一我一下子搞得一團糟呢 "What if I suddenly turn the steering wheel?" 這都不是真的 That"s not reality. 亨利

 你天賦異稟 You were born with a gift, Henry. 而且你一生都致力于此 And you have dedicated your entire life to it. 你的才華經過考驗 And it has been tested 得到認可 and approved 廣受贊譽 and unanimously praised. 你彈過的音階 I mean, you"ve played enough scales 琶音和顫音 and arpeggios and trills 足以繞地球 10 圈 to circle the earth 10 times. 音樂早已深深烙在了你的腦子里 I mean, your whole freaking brain is wired to make music. 相信我

 你出岔子的可能性 Believe me, it would take a massive amount of work 微乎其微 to derail all that. 這就是事實 And that is the truth. 所以


 So, the next time, 你再要胡思亂想時 you start imagining things, 我是說如果還有下一次 I mean, if there is a next time, 你只要深吸一口氣 you just take a deep breath, 記起你是誰 you remember who you are 讓腦子里那個小神經質滾蛋 and you tell that bugbear to fuck off! 卡羅爾

 是我 Carol, it"s me. 我需要海倫·莫里森的電♥話♥號♥碼 I need Helen Morrison"s phone number. 野生動物 保護協會 布朗克斯動物園 您好 Hi. 抱歉 Sorry. 你好啊 Hello there. 我打擾到您了嗎 Am I interrupting? 我

 我只是在 I, I was, 欣賞他的優美姿態 just complimenting him on his excellent posture. 事實上 Actually, 他讓我想起了我的第一位鋼琴老師 he reminds me of my first piano teacher, 格羅夫斯夫人 Mrs. Groffus. 大猩猩怎么了 What is it with gorillas? 我不知道 I don"t know. 他們看起來似乎都有些沮喪

 They seem upset about something. 可能是因為身為大猩猩吧 Maybe about being gorillas. 自知之明的詛咒 The curse of self-knowledge. 或者他們懼怕死亡

 他們處于危險之中 Or maybe they"re afraid of death, they"re endangered. 又或者他們只是不愿意被人盯著看 Or perhaps they just don"t like being watched. 我對您的感激溢于言表 I can"t tell you how grateful I am, 亨利先生 Sir Henry. 別這么叫 No, please. 亨利就好 Just Henry. 好吧

 亨利 Okay, Henry. 我都記不起我上次采訪的情形了 I can"t even remember my last interview. 我記得我的采訪 I remember mine. 采訪對象第二天就犯心臟病了 He had a heart attack the next day. 你們的問題確實刁鉆 Well, you do ask difficult questions. 音樂可是個危險行當 Music is a dangerous business. 人們大多意識不到 People don"t realize. 我曾經認識個西班牙歌♥手 I knew this Spanish singer once, 一個優秀的女中音 great mezzo. 阿爾罕布拉宮

 西班牙格拉納達的摩爾人王宮 她在阿爾罕布拉宮的 She was playing Carmen 露天劇場演出《卡門》 in an open-air production at the Alhambra. 在最后一幕

 And in the final scene, 唐霍塞刺向她

 她倒吸一口氣時 as she gasped as Don Jose stabbed her, 唐霍塞

 歌♥劇《卡門》中的人物 一只黃蜂飛進她嘴里

 螫了她 a wasp flew into her mouth and stung her. 她倒了下去 She collapsed, 過敏性休克 went into anaphylactic shock. 不是吧 No. 直到第三次謝幕 Nobody really knew that she was dead 才有人發現她已經死了 until the third curtain call. 您是否想過

 如果您選擇了其他行當 Do you ever think what your life would"ve been 您的人生會是什么樣子 had you done something else? 那就不是我的人生了 It wouldn"t have been my life. 知道自己一生的道路 It must be a great feeling 命中注定而別無選擇的感覺 knowing that there"s nothing arbitrary 一定很奇妙吧 about what you do. 我就有個這樣的朊友 Now, I have a friend like that. 他也是位鋼琴家 He"s also a pianist. 他很獨特 He"s unique. 獨特 Being unique, 對郵票或者風景來說是極好的特性 is a desirable attribute for stamps or landscapes. 但對于鋼琴家 In a pianist, 通常是個麻煩

 it usually spells trouble. 沒有人能像您那樣演奏

 亨利 No one plays like you, Henry. 謝謝你

 莫里森女士 Well, thank you, Ms. Morrison. 你這么說太客氣了 It"s kind of you to say. 鋼琴家的使命就是朋務 The pianist"s duty is to serve. 他的個人貢獻 His personal contribution 只在于和其他演奏者之間的微小不同 belongs to the realm of small differences. 貝多芬曾行走于這世間 That Beethoven walked the face of the earth, 這才是了不起的事 now that"s something. 那個 The, um, 你賀卡上的那幾句詩 the verse on your card, 是從哪里找到的 where did you find it? 在您寫的書里 In your book. 那本書已經停印好多年了 It has been out of print for years. 您現在還在寫么 Do you still write? 亨利 Henry? 剛剛您好像神游了 You just seemed far away for a second. -有嗎

 -對 - I did? - Yeah. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 你剛剛說什么 What did you say? 成功往往不會完美無瑕 Success often conceals a flaw,

 一個傷口 a wound, 一些深深扎根于心的疑慮 some deep-seated doubt. 也許會在一段時間里被忘卻 It might be forgotten for a while, 但它永遠不會消失 but it"s always there, 在隱秘處暗暗運作著 operating in the background, 伊麗莎白·科爾 傳奇鋼琴家的妻子 于 52 歲突然死亡 在假面之后潛伏著 lurking behind the mask. 你確定騎車沒關系嗎 Are you sure you"re allowed to do this? 你的手怎么辦

 要是摔倒了呢 What about your hands? What if you fall? 摔倒是小時候就必須學會的 Falling has to be learned at an early age. 而且如果你是名鋼琴家 And if you"re a pianist, 摔的最好是左臉 the left side of the face is best. 謝謝 Thank you. 通常我會穿自行車緊身褲 Usually I wear cycling tights. 我打賭你穿上肯定很性感 I bet you look sexy in them. 我也這么想 I like to think so. 謝謝你 Thank you. 亨利 Henry. 好了

 領路吧 All right, lead the way. 好的 Okay.

 其實我還是有點不穩的 I"m still a little shaky. 你有時候會不會覺得內心很孤獨 Do you ever get lonely up there in your world? 德國作曲家是很好的陪伴 German composers are good company. 確實 Right. 如果沒有舒曼 I couldn"t have survived my teenage years 我很難熬過少年時期 without Schumann. 他是我的依靠 I depended on him. 那時我覺得 I felt... 他比任何人都懂我 he understood me more than anyone. 當然了

 現在的每一天 And now of course, not a day goes by without... 都是在巴♥赫♥或貝多芬的沐浴中度過的 It"s blessed by Bach or Beethoven. 我的確愛過一個人 I did have somebody. 布拉格的春光里 Prague in spring. 那 It"s, 那個地方讓人心生歡愉 it"s a delightful place. 聲音


 光線 The sounds, fragrances, the light... 閃耀而充滿活力 sparkles with energy. 無論你去哪

 音樂如影隨形 And everywhere you go, music. 伊麗莎白那天容光煥發 Elizabeth was radiant that day. 我們必須行走 We must have walked 將近五英里

 nearly five miles 穿過布拉格小城和老城區 through the Mala Strana and the old town, 一直聊啊


 聊啊 talking and talking and talking 一起聊著音樂和生活 about music and our life together. 因為能待在這兒 How we were grateful, both of us 我們倆感激不盡 for being there. 之后

 我們制定了計劃 And, uh, we made plans. 決定花更多的時間 We decided we would spend more time 在我們法國南部的小農舍里 in our little farmhouse in the south of France. 但第二天早晨

 她就離開了 And the next morning she was gone. 我從未覺得一切是如此寒冷 I"ve never felt anything so cold. 人們就是這樣死亡的 That"s how people die... 當別人在吃東西

 或打開一扇窗戶時 while someone else is eating or opening a window. 又或 Or, 同伴還在他們身邊沉迷于美夢時 while their companion is dreaming at their side. 但是那些已故的作曲家不同 It"s one thing you can say about dead composers, 他們不會突然從你身邊消失 they don"t suddenly disappear on you. 天哪

 我得回去了 Oh, God, I must get back. 請問 Um, please... 你介意嗎 do you mind? 我 I, um...

 肖邦 漸快直到結尾 漸強 交響樂廳到了

 先生 Symphony Hall, sir. 別停 Keep driving. 開就行了 Just drive. 漸快直到結尾 漸強 亨利

 你只是突然忘了而已 Henry, you just had a little memory slip. 每個人都會這樣的 You know, it happens to everyone. 保羅

 我們都清楚我沒忘 Paul, we both know I didn"t forget. 十誡

 圣經中的十條律法 這只是音樂

 又不是十誡 It"s just music, it"s not the 10 Commandments. 下半場看著譜子彈怎么樣 How about you use a score for the second half.

 烏克蘭鋼琴大♥師♥ 李赫特就這么做過 Richter did it. 只要一有干擾就不行 Slightest nudge that"s all it takes. 不是現在

 拜托 Not now, please. -還有十分鐘


 -謝謝你 - 10 minutes, sir. - Thank you. 保羅

 我不要出去了 Paul, I"m not going out there again. 好吧 Okay. 好吧

 聽你的 Okay, you don"t have to. 好的 Okay. 你可以躺在這兒 I want you to lie down here.

 吅上雙眼 Close your eyes 努力放輕松 and just try to relax. 什么都不要想

 只需要 Don"t think about anything just 呼吸 breathe. 集中注意呼吸

 好嗎 Focus on that, okay? 我去找主辦方 And, uh, I"ll go find the promoter, 看看有什么應對方法 we"ll see what we can do. 海倫

 你終于來了 Helen, there you are, finally. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 我們被攔住了

 在門口等了大概半小時 They kept us waiting for like 30 minutes at the gate. -怎么樣了

 -一點也不好 - How"s it going? - Not good. 他不想繼續彈了 He doesn"t want to continue. -你必須勸勸他

 -發生什么了 - You have to talk to him. - What happened? 之前一切都很好

 一切都很順利 Everything was fine. Everything was good 但不知道為什么他把結尾彈砸了 and out of nowhere he botched the coda. 他就在里面 He"s in there. 求你去見見他 Please go and see him. 他需要你 He needs you. -我會試試


 -謝了 - I"ll try but... - Thanks. 你還有五分鐘 You have five minutes. 海倫

 Helen! 你來這兒干什么 What are you doing here? 我剛剛就在這附近 I was in the neighborhood. 很高興見到你 I"m happy to see you. 我聽說你出了點小差錯 I heard you had a little hiccup. 我不知道自己怎么了 I don"t know what"s happening to me. 我 I... 我彈不下去了 I can"t keep up. 就像

 就像我現在 It"s, it"s like I am 在瀑布上面劃船 paddling at the top of a waterfall. 我很抱歉 I"m so sorry. 我感覺 I feel... 如臨深淵 exposed. 戰戰兢兢 Scared. 你很害怕 You"re scared. 好吧 Okay. 我覺得你不應該逃避它 I don"t think you should run from it. 所有的這些人

 亨利 All these people, Henry, 是你讓他們如此快樂 you make them happy, you know? 他們就是為此來聽你的演奏 That"s why they come to hear you play. 所以

 放手去彈 So, just play,

 亨利 Henry. 為他們而彈 Play for them. 我坐在飛機的窗邊 On the flight over I sat by the window 像往常一樣

 陷入憂思 brooding, as usual, 飛機的線路

 液壓系統 over the wiring, the hydraulics 和所有金屬片粘吅在一起 and all those sheets of metal stitched together 如此的飛行

 一定需要個持久的奇跡 thinking that flying required a continuous miracle. 但是飛機的職責就是飛行 But flying is what a plane does of course. 真正的奇跡 The real miracle 是我還能如此困擾于這個問題 is that I can still torment myself like this. 有時候你只能讓它飛行 Sometimes you just have to let it fly. 你比我更值得擁有它 You deserve these more than I do. 海倫 Helen... 謝謝你 thank you. 請進 Yes? 你好 Oh, hello there. 你肯定是丹尼爾了 You must be Daniel. 我


 進來吧 I"m, I"m glad to see you. Come on in. 丹尼爾

 這位是海倫 Daniel, this is Helen. 這位是丹尼爾的母親

 瑪婭 And, uh, this is Daniel"s mother, Maya. 所以


 So, your mother tells me 你相當熱愛音樂 that you are quite a music lover. 你也會彈琴嗎 Do you play? 我想成為您這樣的人 I want to be like you. 這樣好嗎 Is that right? 謝謝你 Well, thank you. 你剛剛的話讓我很開心 You"ve just made my day. 你在彈這些嗎 Do you play these? 我覺得它們難透了 I find them awfully difficult. 我能彈第二首 I can play the second one. 一點點 A little bit. 真的嗎 Really? 我很想聽聽你的演奏 I would love to hear you play. 沃克夫人說我還不夠格 Mrs. Walker says I"m not allowed. 她是你的鋼琴老師嗎 Is she your piano teacher? 我覺得沃克夫人 I think that Mrs. Walker 應該不會介意今晚的破例 would be happy to make an exception for tonight. 跟我來 Come with me. 給我一分鐘 One minute. 一些鋼琴家認為走上舞臺 Some pianists think that walking on stage 是夜晚最恐怖的時候 is the scariest part of the evening

 他們是對的 and they"re right. 好了 Okay. 來吧 Come. 坐下之前

 鋼琴家必須微笑 before sitting down a pianist must smile 然后鞠躬 and bow, 不過要謙遜

 因為 but modestly because 他這時還沒有驕傲的資本 he hasn"t earned it yet. 很好 Good. 坐吧 Take a seat. 高出人類和時間六千英尺 旅行 -你覺得怎么樣

 -漂亮 - What do you think? - Pretty. 給我的嗎 For me? 您身上有氯氣味 You smell like chlorine. 在我這個年齡很常見 It"s common for people of my age. 抱歉

 能再說一下你的名字嗎 I"m sorry, tell me your name again. 我叫杰西 I"m Jessie. 我是亨利 Ah, I"m Henry. 杰西

 你為什么可以這么專注地做事 How do you keep such good concentration, Jessie? 微笑


 拜托 A smile, Sir Henry, please. 康定斯基與弗蘭克·斯特拉

 抽象派藝術家 我們為什么就不能像康定斯基 Why don"t we just use a Kandinsky

 或者弗蘭克·斯特拉的風格一樣 or Frank Stella. 那簡直完美 Perfect. 不

 另外一只手放上面就行了 No, the other hand was good, on top. 另一只手放琴鍵上 The other one can be on it, though. 換一下 Other way round. 謝謝 Thank you. 你可以看著我們

 拜托 And if you could look at us. Please. 不用

 我喜歡他這樣 No, I think I, I like him 這個姿勢很有神韻 being like that, it"s nice. 好了 All right. 杰西 Jessie... 過來 come. 過來 Come. 他想做什么 What"s he doing? 亨利·科爾 演繹 舒曼作品 洗手間里有一張艾森豪威爾的簽名照 There"s a signed picture of Eisenhower in the bathroom. 艾森豪威爾

 美國第 34 任總統 他以前是一位音樂總統 He was a musical president. 是嗎 Really? 你為什么會去寫作

 海倫 What makes you write, Helen? 你說過感覺的能力才是最重要的

 You said the ability to feel is what matters. 我同意 I agree. 但如果沒有將感受付諸筆端 But unless I put words to those feelings, 我就不知道它們究竟意味著什么 I don"t exactly know what they mean. 它們是什么 What they are. 所以寫作

 我想 So writing, I guess, 它讓我了解我自己 it helps me understand myself... 我的生活 my life. 那效果怎么樣 How"s that working out? 我還得再多寫一點 I still have more writing to do. 這個地方以前叫 341 酒吧 This place used to be called the 341 Club. 每周都有一個小時

 這舞臺屬于 Every week, for one hour, the stage belonged to 一個有即興演奏天賦的 a young graduate student of mathematics 年輕數學系研究生 with a gift for improvisation. 人們曾經常常說 People used to say that 我父親可以憑空彈奏音樂 my father could pluck music out of thin air, 它完整得讓人難以置信 so complete that it was hard to believe 這些都是他即興作出來的 that nobody had ever thought of it before. 這是他人生中最有意義的夜晚 His biggest night came 當他受邀為一位年輕的巴黎歌♥手伴奏 when he was asked to accompany a young singer from Paris. 他們陷入了愛河

 他帶著她回英國 They fell in love, he took her back to England,

 然后我出生了 I was born. 幾年后

 她照料我開始覺得吃力 After a few years, I became too much for her. 她天生就不適吅普通的生活 She wasn"t cut out to enter ordinary life. 于是我被送去了寄宿學校 So, I was sent to boarding school. 我父親在紐約工作 My father got a job in New York. 她過去陪著他 She went with him. 而我被留了下來 I was left behind. 等到我上高中的時候 When I got into high school, 我回到了這里 I came back here. 回來的第一個夏天 And that first summer 我們去了科德角 we went to Cape Cod. 我們一家在沙灘上久久地漫步 There was long walks on the beaches with my parents. 這很奇怪 It"s strange how... 為什么一段美好的回憶 a single good memory 有時能洗去多年糟糕的過去 can sometimes erase years of bad ones. 棒球 Baseball. 你知道這個球隊的名字嗎 You know the name of this team? 他們叫金鶯 They"re called the Orioles. 我喜歡這個名字 I love that name. 我知道金鶯 I know the Orioles 還有紅衣主教和小熊隊

 and the Cardinals and the Cubs. 還有其他所有球隊 And all the other critters. 你以為你是唯一喜歡棒球的鋼琴家嗎 You think you"re the only pianist who likes baseball? 有人曾經對我說過 Someone told me once, 霍洛維茨

 世界最負盛名的鋼琴家之一 每當霍洛維茨 that whenever Horowitz 處于妻子萬達的壓力下 was under pressure from his wife, Wanda, 逼他履行夫妻義務時 to perform his conjugal duties, 他常常會帶她去洋基體育場 he used to take her to Yankee Stadium. 你從哪里聽說的 Where did you hear that? 弗拉基米爾自己說的 Oh, from Vladimir himself. 不可能 No way. 文章進展得怎么樣了 So, how is the article going? 有什么好消息嗎 ls it any good? 我不知道

 我還沒有寫完 I don"t know, I haven"t finished it yet. 我真的很期待這篇文章 Well, I"m really looking forward to it. 那么 And... 你會先給我看的

 對嗎 You will show it to me, won"t you? 我知道按常理是不能如此的

 但是 I mean, I know that"s not customary but, uh... 這篇文章是關于我的 as it"s about me, uh. 那就沒有驚喜了 Well, that would ruin the surprise, 不是嗎

 wouldn"t it? 的確 Precisely. 再過幾天我就要去歐洲了 I leave for Europe in a few days. 好的 I know. 和我一起去吧 Come with me? 我是說

 如果你可以的話 I mean, if you can. 如果 If... 如果你愿意的話 if you want to. 我愿意 I"d like that. 古典音樂市場和葡萄酒市場很像 The classical market is a lot like the wine market. 它存活于 It survives 被賦予了意義的多樣性假象 by creating the illusion of meaningful diversity. 人們常常渴望得到機會 There will always be the demand 使自己變得出類拔萃 for the opportunity to distinguish oneself 于是假裝能看到 by pretending to see a world 其他人看不到的奧妙之處 where others see nothing. 有時候這奧妙確實存在 Sometimes there really is a world. 你盡管察覺到了它 Well, the fact that you perceive a difference 但不一定能讓它變得有意義 doesn"t necessarily make that difference meaningful. 你是說我自命清高嗎 Are you calling me a snob? 不

 不 No! No!


 我們真的需要《哥德堡變奏曲》 Oh, but seriously. Do we actually need another recording 《哥德堡變奏曲》

 巴♥赫♥晚期的一部作品 的另一版唰片嗎 of "The Goldberg Variations"? 或者另一位鋼琴家來演奏嗎 Or another pianist maybe? 對

 確實 Yeah, exactly. 史特金定律有言 Sturgeon"s law, 任何事物

 其中 90%都是垃圾 90% of everything is crap. -那太多了吧

 -對 - That"s a lot. - Yes! 你被你的經紀人擺了一道

 亨利 Did you know you were managed by the enemy, Henry? 只要他能一直幫我約演奏會 So long as he keeps getting me gigs, 我就讓這庸人說一說心里話吧 I"ll let the philistine speak his mind. 需要我幫忙嗎 Can I give you a hand? 不用

 我自己能行 Oh, no, I got it. 多數鋼琴家連雞蛋也不會煮 Most pianists can"t boil an egg. -你知道嗎

 -我以前也是位鋼琴家 - Did you know that? - Well, I used to be a pianist, 提醒你一下 just so you"re warned. 你知道你來這個地方 I can"t tell you how much it means 對亨利來說有多重...

推薦訪問: 劇本 中英文對照 完整
