京 克雷文北京 2008 年殘奧會閉幕致辭 Closing Speech for the XIII Paralympic Games 17 September 2008 Zun Jing de Hu Jintao zhu xi ji Fu Ren (Respected President Hu Jintao and Mrs. Hu) Athletes, Officials, Distinguished Guests Paralympic Sports fans from all over the world: Wan Shang hao Huan Ying Ni men (Good Evening, Welcome to all of you) 2,500 years ago Confucius said, "You Peng Zi Yuan Fang Lai, Bu Yi Yue Hu? " "There are friends who have come from afar, is that not after all delightful?" On behalf of all members of the Paralympic Family, may I take the liberty to paraphrase the Good man"s great words. "It is equally delightful to come from afar and make new friends here in China". We have to give a big thank you to BOCOG and its President, Liu QI, the athletes, the fantastic volunteers,
The officials and staff of the IPC, the IFs and NPCs the 5,500 media who have covered the Games and, in particular Manolo Romero and his team for the television images, the sponsors and last but certainly not least you, the inspirational spectators. What a great Paralympic Games this has been! An ethereal Opening Ceremony, Staggering athletic performances in perfect stadia, The best-ever Paralympic Villages, Amazing high definition television coverage, A never-ending and self-generating supply of passion and emotion, Superb organisation Wonderful volunteers Millions of new Paralympic sports afficionados both here in China and around the world These are the greatest Paralympic Games EVER. It is all about spirit.
The Paralympic spirit that is ever bright in our movement, found here in China, a kindred spirit.
It reached out to you, you embraced it and it is now cherished in your hearts.
Now these spirits are united, "One World" "One Dream" and "One People" has become a reality. All athletes, coaches and officials should take the unique sporting spirit from these Games to the four corners of this planet, Earth. There, encourage new athletes, make new friends and inspire them to light the flame in their hearts. Finally the time has come for me to declare the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games closed. I call upon Paralympic athletes from all over the world to meet in London in four years time when once again you will inspire and excite the world with your sporting excellence. Xie Xie Xiang Gang, (Thank you Hong Kong), Xie Xie Qingdao, (Thank you Qingdao), Xie Xie Beijing, (Thank you Beijing), Xie Xie Zhong Guo. (Thank you China)! 尊敬的胡錦濤主席及夫人, 運動員們,
官員們, 尊敬的來賓們, 全世界的殘奧會運動愛好者們: 晚上好,歡迎你們。
2500 年前,孔子曾說過“有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎”。今天,請允許我代表所有殘奧大家庭成員,冒昧地對圣人的這句名言做這樣的闡發,我們自遠方來,在中國結交朋友,同樣樂在其中,我們衷心感謝。
我們衷心感謝北京奧組委劉淇主席,運動員們,優秀的志愿者們,國際殘奧委委員,國際單項體育聯合會及各國家和地區殘奧委會的官員和工作人員,前來報道賽事的 5500 名媒體工作人員,特別是負責電視轉播的馬諾羅-羅梅羅先生和他的團隊,以及所有贊助商。
最后,我宣布北京 2008 年殘奧運動會閉幕,來自世界各地的殘奧健兒,我在此號召你們四年后相聚倫敦,屆時你們將再次展現高超的體育競技水平,振奮人心,感動世界。
謝謝青島, 謝謝北京, 謝謝中國。
推薦訪問: 致辭 閉幕 北京在偉大祖國73華誕之際,我參加了單位組織的“光影鑄魂”主題黨日活動,集中觀看了抗美援朝題材影片《長津湖》,再一次重溫這段悲壯歷史,再一次深刻感悟偉大抗美援朝精神。1950年10月,新中國剛剛成立一年,
《習近平談治國理政》第四卷《共建網上美好精神家園》一文中指出:網絡玩命是新形勢下社會文明的重要內容,是建設網絡強國的重要領域。截至2021年12月,我國網民規模達10 32億,較2020年12月增長4